#todoroki shoto imagine


you knew since the moment you clumsily crashed into him on the ice rink, made eye contact with one another and held your breathe — that shouto todoroki had captured your heart to the point of no return.

you won’t ever forget the patience he had when you tried to remove yourself from him yet kept on slipping back towards his body, further entangling the both of you together.

he waits until you’ve calmed enough to focus your attention on him again before speaking up, assuring you that it was alright and he wasn’t angry or any of that sort at all. even going as far as to ask you if you got hurt and apologizes for not catching you.

gazing at his heterochromia eyes, you fought away the nervousness in yourself in favor of savoring the time you had being so close to your oh so dear friend.

you’ve thought him handsome and pretty on the first day you’ve seen him sat on his desk in yuuei. you also pondered the idea if he was secretly a prince in some country and was forced to stay here with people like you the longer you eyed his default blank face. for someone who was entering the hero industry, todoroki sure gave of the feeling of being a model or an idol instead (of course that didn’t mean good-looking people like him aren’t fit to become heroes. he’s more than capable of being a fantastic hero).

you never had any problem interacting with the man in front of you. there’s the occasional awkwardness you get from his personality that can’t be avoided but you all worked it out. in the end, your friendship was something you cherished greatly.

that is until tonight when you finally admit to yourself that you may have been developing some not-so platonic feelings for the half and half for quite a while.

were you willing to lose what you have with him just so you could tell him what you felt?


his voice brings you back to the present.

not only that, his touch on your skin undeniably breaks the troubling thoughts that is swirling inside your head.

“did falling perhaps damaged your brain?”

you would have laughed your ass off because of his unexpected choice of words if it wasn’t for the seriousness of his tone and the worry in his eyes. scratch that, his words aren’t unexpected at all. in fact, it was very shouto-like.

you shake your head and contently sighed while touching his warm hand that was placed on your right cheek. he reacts to your actions with a suprise look crossing his face, as if he hadn’t think you would do that.

he made no move to detach himself from you and you revel in the soft moment you two are sharing as of now in the nearly empty ice rink you had invited him and the others — who unfortunately couldn’t come — to go to and enjoy quality time while you were on your break.

“how do you feel?”

he asks you after seconds have passed and you’re still in the same position as earlier, forgetting the cold hard floor and the few people who had skate passed by where you two were laying upon.

“i feel like i need a kiss from you to make the ache on my head go away.”

you cheekily replied. you might not have the courage to confess but that won’t stop you from messing around and letting him know bits of your pining here and there.

it’s not like he’ll notice anything with him being somewhat oblivious to your hints and cues. nothing prepared you for what transpired next though.

you really ought to choose the things you say to todoroki or else he’d take them earnestly and do exactly what you were hoping him to do.

it was nothing more than a simple graze of his lips on your forehead and yet it flustered you to no end.

he quickly escapes from your hold and stared at anything else other than you. todoroki’s ears are slightly flushed and you notice him take a deep inhale as if he was anxious for what you’d do after that whole situation.

“is the pain gone now?”

it took you a moment to register his new question. grabbing the scarf that hangs loosely on your neck, you burrowed half of your face to hide the embarasssement that’s creeping inside you. you didn’t realize that he did the same thing.

“y-yeah. thanks, shouto.”

as you try to recollect yourself, you wondered if the man with you meant anything about that kiss he gave.

before you could come up with something plausible in your mind that didn’t involve him liking you back (because you didn’t think he even saw you that way) you see him reaching for your hand. you willingly give it to him and watch as he tenderly intertwines your fingers together.

“you might get a cold if we stay like this.”

todoroki says nothing else so you nod in agreement. he lifts you up and you momentarily lose your balance from how long your legs were sat on the freezing ice. one of his hand grabs your waist to steady you as you feel him hold your other one tighter while your free hand takes place on his shoulder.

you send a shy laugh his way when you realize how close your bodies are with each other again. it doesn’t bother you that you feel like a damsel in front of him even when you know you’re very much capable of going toe to toe with todoroki in a fight.

“this is nice.”

you say softly, brushing away a few strands of his colored hair that’s blocking his eyes making sure to evenly split away the red from the white. you hear him chuckle and as you stare at his eyes that always manages to keep your attention, you see that unmistakable familiar emotion in them when he looks at you back.

it’s the same expression you have for him, that expression of longing and wanting to be something more than just what you have right now.

maybe you weren’t wrong about your feelings being reciprocated after all should you find yourself confessing tonight.

a/n - reupload because i couldn’t decide if i should post it or not */dives back to bed

catching feelings ft. todoroki shouto

notes — not beta read so might have errors!reader is somewhat oblivious haha also mineta ain’t part of the class in this one (sorry not sorry)

when you first met shouto, you thought he was a person you couldn’t even begin to associate yourself with — ‘way too out of your league’ type of thing.

he was the definition of pretty boy™, comes from a prestigious well-known family, is one of the smartest people in your class, and is someone aiming to become an amazing hero with his flashy strong quirk. although he’s a bit behind on social cues and have a closed off personality, it just adds up to his character and makes him more endearing, is what you think.

there was that one time in the earlier months, he declared to midoriya he wasn’t here to make any friends, you were (borderline) devastated. you wanted to be his friend. you just weren’t able to because you were kind of intimidated to approach him. he did look like he’d either burn or ice you alive with his penetrating stare whenever you so much as go near him. you decided then and there to stay away from his path because not only does he not want anything to do with any of you, it just was highly unlikely for you to even have a chance with him because you were… well, you. you’re confident in yourself but the boy was seriously on another level so staying away from him it is.

everything was easier said than done.

it was difficult not to interact with the half and half boy especially when your green haired classmate turned best buddy had smoothly included todoroki in his group circle consisting you, ochako and tenya.

your infatuation towards the quiet boy in your class becomes stronger the longer you get to know him. pass all that coldness and mysteriousness his aura brings lies a kind, gentle and caring individual who never fails to make you smile. the small changes in the way he carries himself as well as the continuous development he has going on with all of you doesn’t go unnoticed. that’s when you knew there really wasn’t any escaping from todoroki shouto’s odd charms anymore.

days turned weeks and then months in which you make so many unforgettable memories with him. each moment spent with you and todoroki together engraved in your mind. he’d come a long way from where he once was. you remembered not being able to sleep the night you heard him tell everyone you were someone special in his life, afraid it was just something that your silly little brain had made up. you didn’t know why he thought of you that way considering you haven’t contributed anything significantly big to his self improvement (heck, that was like midoriya’s thing).

all you knew was that you, just like what any other friend would do, were by his side whenever he needed someone. you attentively listened whenever he talks about whatever it is that’s on his mind. he lets you tell stories to him when he’s content with what he’d said to you after. you were constantly looking out for him and cheering for him for all the effort he puts in socializing with others. most of the time you were the person he seeks out advice from on how to better communicate with your class, gladly teaching him a few things here and there. opening up was very difficult for todoroki but you were one of those people who patiently waited until he was ready to accept your genuine friendship.

you were fascinated with the trivial things he does, laugh at his awkwardness before making him comfortable again, focused whenever he’s the one infront demonstrating something for your lessons, and not to mention you actively annoy bakugo back in return for all the fights he kept picking with todoroki who doesn’t even care enough to get agitated by the blond’s actions.

as if someone had slapped the back of your head while reminiscing, realization crept up on you.

so maybe almost all the stuff you kept doing for him weren’t done as just a friend but it’s not like that’s important to anyone, right? it’s one sided and you’re not hoping for your good-looking classmate to reciprocate it. you convince yourself it’s enough for you what you have now with him.

your infatuation developed to something more in the lines of liking him.

the hero course was exhausting as ever. fortunately everyone was free to celebrate christmas together in the dorms without getting into any more tiresome activities like the joint training competition from last time. deciding to hold a party and even exchange gifts with a friend got you all pumped up. although there was a planned exchanged presents from whomever it is you luckily or unluckily get on that day, you supposed it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to give todoroki a separate one of his own after — like coupons for this popular restaurant that makes delicious cold soba. who knows? maybe he’d invite you to join him when he chooses to visit it.

soon, the whole living room was packed. everyone was hanging about and started idle conversations with one another. you all wore santa outfits and customized santa hats to make the event more fun and interesting. chaos was beginning to unfold, in a good type of way. when it was time to pick presents you almost couldn’t breathe from too much cackling when you got aoyama’s polaroid picture of himself.

the whole party lasted for a few hours before everyone was ordered to go to bed due to curfew. changing your clothes and fixing your appearance, you were just about to go and knock on todoroki’s door to give him your christmas gift when you opened yours and was met with familiar heterochromia eyes staring right at you.

surprise and confusion was seen on your expression when you saw todoroki, who’s still in the santa get up, randomly right at your door. he seems to understand the question behind your slightly raised eyebrows because he began holding his hand out in your direction which you now notice is cradling a tiny bouquet of what you’re sure are purple lilacs.

to say you were flustered was an understatement. you were utterly speechless and stuttering when you thanked him while you shakingly took them from his grasp, memorizing how it felt to touch him and the obvious difference in size between your hands. collecting yourself together and calming down, you successfully gave him the coupons without being an absolute embarasssement. it was worth it to see todoroki’s eyes widening when he learns what it was, a smile plastered on his lips.

you find out not a few seconds later that you weren’t the only person he’d given presents to — he thought about giving midoriya, ochako, and tenya too to show how much he appreciated them. you tried to mask the bit of dissapointment you felt about not being as special as you thought you were to him (you’re hanging on to the giddy thought that ‘the’ todoroki shouto just gave you freaking flowers! that’s so romantic!! besides it’s touching that he even thought about everyone so it also made you guilty you were sulking for something small) but for some unexpected yet welcomed reason, todoroki had picked up on your change in demeanor.

“my sister told me flowers contain different meanings.”

you perked up at that. curiously looking down at the bouquet and then back at his heterochromia eyes, you replied,

“oh! i know that one… umm mind telling me the meaning behind these lilacs then?”

he surprises you yet again when his eyes glint in what you think were amusement as he gave you a reserved laugh. you weren’t sure if you were dreaming but you were also pretty sure that todoroki’s cheeks were sort of reddening. he clears his throat and acted like he was contemplating whether or not he’d tell you until he chooses to gaze at your face and finally respond, you couldn’t fight the shy smile on your lips.

“goodnight, (y/n).”

he leaves you all alone standing there as he quickly resides back to his quarters. you couldn’t even say anything back before he very much disappeared, dazed from the way he softly said your name. you resisted the urge to slap yourself from being too absorbed in this emotions that you feel for the half and half, closing your door and sighing. you guess it wouldn’t hurt to search it up yourself. why couldn’t he just tell you instead? was it that embarasssing? or was it just not worth his time to explain anything to you? it’s just flowers, right? he did say his sister was the one who recommended them if he was gifting a girl. not his idea. just a gift to show appreciation, that’s what he told you.

shaking your head, you placed the lilacs somewhere safe on your desk, you made sure you were comfortably laying in your bed before going to the internet to look for the answers. you want a clear understanding tonight of just what it seriously meant when todoroki gave this to you so you could have a peace of mind. if anything about being a good friend comes up you’d cry yourself to sleep at how one-sided your feelings are for him and then laugh next because you were so ridiculous for remotely hoping for something more in the deepest part of you.

what greeted you on your phone however was something entirely different than you expected. it almost made you drop the device down hard at your face as a startled gasp came out from you.

minutes passed by, you kept your attention at the ceiling, not exactly sure what to do. your heart was beating so fast you’re worried that it would burst anytime. you tried punching yourself to wake up but you were very awake at the moment.

clutching the phone to your chest, you squealed and rolled over on your bed as you then screamed at your pillow due to the happiness that you felt. you were grinning so much and were giggling nonstop. you abruptly stopped when you heard a ping, notifying you that someone had just left you a message.

seeing who it was, your stomach fluttered as you read the three words that were sent by none other than todoroki.

‘cold soba tomorrow?’

you typed back a simple ‘okay’ not bothering to see if he had already seen it or not. you find yourself staring at the ceiling again, humming a melody you heard from the other day.

you were excited for tomorrow.

:i feel like the ending was rushed oml i’ll fix it when i get some inspiration again */cries

The Way You Are- Todoroki x Reader

MasterlistMHA Masterlist

This is for one of my best friends. Her fiance just broke up with her out of absolute nowhere. So I’m writing this small comfort piece with her favorite boy, our lovely Mr. Icy Hot. ❤️❤️

942 words

Warnings: self-deprecation

+ Your fiance of many years breaks up with you out of nowhere. It hits you hard because you thought you two were fine and so did everyone else for that matter. While hiding away, the youngest Todoroki finds you and helps you feel better even if it’s only for a moment.



I sniffled and burrowed further into my rest of blankets. I had my head covered and didn’t feel like moving. I was staying at the apartments that were there for the heroes at the agency I worked at. It was there for late nights and after long missions. The fates seemed to be against me in drones today because there was a knock on the door. I groaned and refused to move. The knocking continued and I was about to yell at them to go away when a familiar, smooth voice came through.

“Y/N? I know you’re home.” Shoto’s voice was a bit muffled through the wood. “Please let me in.”

“Coming.” I unburied myself and slowly got up. I was relieved that it was Shoto. He is my best friend and the one person I actually would want to be around right now. I unlocked the door and hid behind it as he came in.

“Y/N?” I closed the door with my forehead pressed against it. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him with new tears forming in my eyes. “Come here.” As soon as he opened his arms, I launched into his chest. I sobbed while clutching his shirt.

“Shoto…” He held me close and rubbed my back. He whispered soothing words while running his other hand over my head. My knees were starting to give out.

“Let’s get you back to the couch.” He quickly kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket. 

I went to walk to the couch but Shoto scooped me up and held me to his chest. I just went limp in his arms as he carried me. He sat down on the couch and pulled my blankets over us. He just let me cry into his chest until I calmed down.

“Why… Why did they do it?” I gasped. I pulled back to look at Shoto. He had a somber expression on his usually stoic face. “Did I do something? Could there have been something I could have done to, to, to…I don’t know, to make them stay? I could have been better…”

“Hey, hey, hey. No, none of that.” Shoto wiped tears. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Then, why did they…why did they break our engagement? Why did they break up with me?” I sputtered, covering my face. I felt Shoto shift and a couple of tissues were held in front of my face.

“I don’t know. They won’t talk to any of us.” He sighed and looked off to the side. “I mean I could do some undercover, super secret Private I work to find out.” I chuckled through the tears. I set my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine.

“No.” I said softly. “No point. They’re not in my life any more anyway.” He nodded and I cuddled into him more, tucking my head under his chin. He pulled the blanket up higher on my shoulders.

“You know… You’re perfect the way you are. All of us will tell you that, even Bakugou. For whatever reason he decided he wanted to end things, please know that you are still worth all the love in the world. That you are not alone, even if we’re not with you at the moment. One day you’ll find someone who will be smart enough to never let you go. And, um… crap, still not the best with words.”

“Shoto!” I laughed. He smiled. “That’s alright, what you said was perfect. Thank you. It’s going to be a bit before I’m alright but I know I have you and everyone else too.” I hugged him. We snuggled on the couch for a bit before he got up to go to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“I am going to make some Tempura for us.”

“You are?” I teased. He gave me a glare before turning away.

“Yes, me. Bakugou has been helping me. So shush.” I laughed before laying back down on the couch. After a while of hearing him in the kitchen, he came out with a cup of tea. “Here.” I locked eyes with him.

“Thank you.” He smiled and nodded. He leant down and kissed my forehead. It wasn’t long before he brought out the food. We ate with some small talk and with some argument, Shoto did the dishes. It was late by the time he finished.

“You need some sleep.” He said while poking my cheek softly. “I can see it.”

“You’re not wrong.” I said. I got comfortable against his side.

“You’re just gonna sleep here.” I hummed an affirmative. “The lights are still on and I can’t move due to the leech on my side.” I whacked his arm. He chuckled. I blindly reached for the remote for the lights & more. Once I found it, I clicked the lights off.

“Goodnight, Shoto.” I said while already dozing.

“Goodnight, Y/N. Just know that I’m always here for you.”

3rd POV

Shoto watched as Y/N fell asleep against him. He admired his friend. If he was being honest with himself, he’s been in love with them for a long time. He never pursued them because they never showed romantic interest in him. It broke his heart when they got into a relationship with their now ex but he was happy they were happy.

“Sleep well, love.” He brushed a couple stray hairs back. He traced their face tenderly. Y/N wrinkled their nose before smiling and snuggling in more. He got comfortable and closed his eyes, falling asleep while holding them tight.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@iris-shihabi@l0vely-lee
