#tolkien society








The Tolkien society is mad that someone used an image they have a copyright on because they bought the physical copy and God fuck the Tolkien society so hard.

Holy shit they made a Tolkien nft

non-fungible tolkien

Anyways. Here’s the full image. It cost me £0

Now we have the set. That’ll be £0 each.

“non-fungible tolkien”

I am dead

khorazir:khorazir:“Arrival at Bag End”I was asked by the Tolkien Society to create



“Arrival at Bag End”

I was asked by the Tolkien Society to create a painting for this year’s Christmas Card. This is what I came up with.

Mine arrived yesterday morning. :-)

Post link

I just wanted to share with you an illustration of The Hobbit i made some time ago for the Amon Hen magazine, the Bulletin of the Tolkien Society: 

Tom, Bert and William (and Bilbo)


You can’t imagine how excited i was when they told me it was gonna be used for the cover!


This is the first time one of my Tolkien themed works get published (and on a cover moreover!), also they’ve been very nice to me and and for any artist and fan out there i suggest that you could give a go and send them your works (i myself hope to make more of these illustrations for the next time).

I hope i didn’t bother anyone with the long post but i feel that there isn’t any other site more fit than this one to post this, since it  hosts the best fandom i’ve ever been in!

Still not over the Tolkien NFT
