#tom hardy character


Eddie Brock x Reader

Words: 620

Summary: When you left to spend a weekend with your friends, Eddie did not expect himself to miss you so much, and Venom’s constant comments didn’t help either.

When you came up with the fact that you are going to leave to spend the weekend with your friends, both Eddie and Venom shivered.

Of course, Venom was the first one to voice his opinion on the matter.

You can’t leave us! We love you!

“You’ll be fine! You two can have a guys’ night, watch sports, drink beer, or watch even porn!” you said as you excitedly packed your bag. “I’ll miss you guys.” you said as you kissed them goodbye before you closed the door behind yourself. They watched from the window as your friends picked you up and off you went.

At first, Eddie enjoyed being alone…well as alone as someone can be with a symbiote in them.

He got beer, a good game on the TV, life looked to be good.

But Eddie didn’t expect to miss you so much. Maybe Venom also added to that feeling, no, not maybe, definitely.

When is she coming back? Is she safe? What is she needs our help? Eddie, let’s go after her. I don’t like this, let’s get her back.

Eddie was seriously getting annoyed with the symbiote, but he knew better than to think about that, instead he numbed his brain with alcohol and lots and lots of food.

But a day later, “Fuck I miss her.”

That’s what I said! Let’s go and see her! We need her.

Eddie didn’t argue with that but still didn’t go. He knew you needed a little peace. A little time for yourself, he could survive another day, right?



Twenty-four hours.

Twenty-four hours of suffering.

Twenty-four hours of only hearing Venom constantly groan and comment.

Another twenty-four hours without you.

Terrible. Awful. Torture. 

The worst weekend of his life!

He couldn’t even concentrate. Not even when they had to chase a burglar down the streets wasn’t Eddie thinking about you. All he could see was your face, your smile. Even if he was sure Venom made him see those pictures in his head.

They loved you. And you loved them.

Later that night, both of them were staring at the clock. It was almost seven and Eddie was going insane.

Where is she? She should be back with us! 

“I don’t know. She will be back soon.” but of course, Venom was not known for his patience.

Get her back Eddie! We can’t sleep without her, we can’t eat without her! Eating people is not the same without her!

“I know. She will be back soon.” Eddie said that so many times, he started to not believe himself anymore.

What if you left? What if something happened? What if you found someone and you will never come back?


“She didn’t. I’m just…overreacting. All will be okay. I’m sure it’s just the traffic. She’ll be back soon.”

And just as Eddie finished his sentence, the front door opened.

“Guys! I’m back!” they watched you enter. “Oh, there you are!” you smiled as you saw them on the couch.

Eddie stood up as you ran to give him a hug. 

“I missed you.”

Both of them embraced you, Eddie with his arms, Venom with his squishy tentacles. 

“We missed you too, did you have fun?”

We missed her too much, don’t let her leave again. 

“Oh, yes! So much fun! We got massages, our nails done, and we had amazing cocktails!” Eddie couldn’t help but smile as he listened to you be all excited. 

Now that he finally had you back.

Warmth. Happiness. Love.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​



The vibe here is very much the “I could make him worse” kind

Can’t believe I finally finished that story, but there it is in its entirety: Chain the Devil
