#tom hiddleston fanfiction


To Have & To Hold (Loki x OFC) Chapter 69

Series Masterlist

Hey Lovelies! For those that didn’t see my earlier post, I decided NOT to end the story at Chapter 70. I decided to go more in-depth with Odin’s funeral and will end the story after 75 chapters instead. As of right now, I am still writing each chapter the day before it posts since I caught up to my writing. I am hoping to still keep posting daily, but might have to extend it some if I don’t get the chance to write a chapter each day. Thank you again for all the love and support I have received with this story. It means the world to me!


Chapter 69

As soon as Thor left to fly back home, they quickly packed up their things and checked out of the resort. Instead of taking their return flight back home, she allowed Loki to simply transport them back to the compound. Both of them were relieved that all three children were taking their afternoon nap when they arrived, leaving them peace and quiet to pack their items for the sudden trip to Asgard.

Neither of them had said a word to each other since arriving back and the silence was starting to wear on them both. After gathering a few items from the closet, Loki went to step into the bathroom to grab the items he preferred to have in his toiletries bag. What he didn’t expect to find was his wife silently crying as she leaned against the vanity with her own items scattered across the counter.


Quickly wiping away her tears, she moved to pick up the items and place them in the bag in front of her. She stopped and let out an unsteady breath as he placed his hand on top of hers, forcing her to drop the hairbrush she was holding.

“Talk to me, my love. Please.”

After taking a few deep breaths, she turned to him, but still couldn’t bring herself to look up at him.

“Thor has lost his father. Frigga has lost her husband and the love of her life. Even if you don’t see him as your own father anymore, he still was at one point. The realm I made a vow to honor and represent has lost their king, and yet I can’t help but selfishly think about myself right now…”

She finally looked up into his eyes and choked back a sob.

“Loki, I’m scared.”

He wrapped his arms around her and caught her as she broke down. They cried together until they heard the boys waking up over the baby monitor on the counter behind them.

“I should go get the boys dressed and ready.”

Just as she walked away, he reached up and took her hand. Jessica allowed him to pull her back to him and press a tender kiss to her lips before holding her for another moment.

“I’m scared too, Jessica. Just don’t shut me out. Please, love. The next few days will be difficult, but I promise you that we will find time to figure this out.”

Loki heard his wife let out a deep sigh as she tightly gripped his shirt and rested her head against his chest.

“It’s not just that…”

He looked down at her and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“What is it that truly troubles you, my love?”

She moved her arms from being tucked in against him to wrap around his waist and he got the feeling that she was holding him to secure him in place.

“I’m scared to go back to Asgard… all those memories there… all the pain I felt… I feel like I’m just now truly moving on from everything that took place there. I nearly lost everything there. You. The boys. My own life. I’m scared that the second I step foot in the Bifrost, I will feel trapped all over again.”

He closed his eyes as a fresh round of tears rolled down his cheeks. The place that was once a home to him was a purgatory for the woman he loved, and she had every right to feel what she did. In his concern for formalities and traditions, he had neglected to think about the fact that it was Jessica’s first time back. His wife was having to visit the place that held the most trauma for her. The skills he had learned from Dr. Wilson over the last six months came to mind and he jumped into action.

Lifting her face to look up into his, he leaned down and passionately kissed her, so she felt the love in his heart for her.

“Jessica, I need you to hear my words and feel how much I mean them. This time will be different. I swear it to you. I understand your fear and hesitation to return to Asgard after the pain you went through, and those emotions are perfectly valid. My promise to you is that I will be beside you every step of the way, my love. While there will be times where I must fulfill my duties, I will return to you and our children. I will keep us together in one set of chambers. I will give you opportunities to make new memories to replace the bad ones. I will sleep beside you each night and wake up to your face each morning. Through all of this, I will make sure to keep my lines of communication open with you and will leave myself available for guidance and correction as you see fit in order to make sure your needs are addressed. Is this acceptable to you, darling?”

He watched her visibly relax in front of his eyes as she nodded and closed her eyes to take a deep breath. After coaxing her through a few more deep breaths, he watched as she looked back up at him and made her promises.

“Loki, I need you to hear my words and feel how much I mean them. I trust you to take care of me and our children and I appreciate your acknowledgement of my reasons on why I am scared to go back to Asgard. I am willingly allowing myself to return with you because I love you and rely on your support to carry me through this. I am willing to make new memories with you and would enjoy the opportunity to be included when you introduce the boys to all the places that you and Madison loved together. I can’t promise that I won’t still struggle, but I appreciate that you will keep us together as much as possible. I feel that your suggestion is one that will be the right choice for us, and I thank you for it. I do acknowledge that you will have duties to fulfill while there, and I ask that you take the time to explain what I should expect. I understand that now might not be the best time, so I ask that you find the time for me as soon as you can to show me that it is a priority for you. I promise that even though I may have times where I am anxious and difficult to handle, I will keep my lines of communication open with you and leave myself available for guidance and correction as you see fit in order to make sure your needs are addressed. Is this acceptable to you?”

He nodded his head and pulled her back against his chest to hold her for a moment longer.

“I love you, Jessica. With all of my heart. I’m sorry that I didn’t realize sooner what was truly bothering you.”

“I love you too, babe. I’m sorry that I started to shut down instead of telling you what I needed from you. I’m still scared, but I do feel better after stating our promises. Just be patient with me, alright? I’m already feeling my self-doubt trying to come back and am starting to feel overwhelmed with everything.”

“Thank you for telling me, sweetheart. Is there anything I can do to make things easier for you as we prepare the children?”

Jessica squeezed him one last time before leaning back and puckering her lips up at him. Giving her the quick kiss she was asking for, he tucked the hair behind her ear and gave her his full attention.

“I don’t know what all the next few days will include, so I’m not sure what to pack exactly. Is that something you can handle for us while I get the kids dressed and keep them occupied until it’s time to leave?”

He smiled down at her and made a point to enjoy the moment with her, knowing the next few days would be overwhelming for them all.

“Yes, love. I can oversee the packing. If there is anything you specifically would like included, please place it on our bed and I will handle the rest. I should only need an hour or so. It’s imperative that we arrive in Asgard before sunset this evening to keep with the funeral rituals. Once we arrive, I will set aside the time to discuss it all with you, Jessica. First, I need to check on Thor if that’s alright with you.”

She nodded and gave him a sweet smile as he kissed her forehead and headed in the direction of his brother’s room. The rest of the preparation went a lot smoother since they talked. Just as she was throwing a few of their children’s favorite snacks into a bag, Loki and Thor appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

“I figured it wouldn’t hurt to take some of their snacks that I knew we wouldn’t have in Asgard. The less meltdowns we have the better.”

He rested his hand on her lower back before kissing the top of her head.

“I believe that to be a wise choice, darling. Are you and the children ready?”

Jessica nodded and handed him the snack bag to tuck away into the bag over his shoulder.

“Yes. I spoke to Madison and tried to explain things as best as I could at her age. She knows about Valhalla from her Asgardian books, but I don’t think she understands the death side of it. Maddie understands that Grandpa Odin won’t be there this time and that a lot of people will be sad. I also told her to give Gamma and Uncle Thor extra hugs and kisses. I think she will be okay, and the boys should be fine as long as we keep them on their schedule.”

Taking her hand as they headed towards their children in the living room, he brought it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. A few moments later, they each had a child strapped to their chest for safety as they linked hands and called out to Heimdall. Madison loved the Bifrost. The twins not so much. Once their feet touched down in the golden dome, the boys quickly stopped crying and looked around in wonder at the sights around them.

“My Princes. My Princess. It is a joy to see you all, though I wish it were under better circumstances. May Valhalla Welcome Him.”

Jessica watched as Loki and Thor nodded and spoke in unison in quiet voices.

“May Valhalla Welcome Him.”

Just as they stepped out onto the bridge, she felt Loki tightly grip her hand as his breathing quickened. His reaction told her that this was the spot. Turning to face him, she locked eyes with him before connecting with him.

I am fine. Our children are fine. You are fine. Let the memory pass and focus on what’s in front of you, Lohk.

The quick squeeze of her hand told her that he heard her and acknowledged the mantra. The ride towards the palace was a quiet one as she watched the people of Asgard come from their homes and shops to show their respect as their carriages passed. Once they were stopped at the grand steps, Loki broke their silence.

“Brother, if it is alright with you, I would like to get Jessica and the children settled in our chambers before dinner.”

Thor tried to give him a smile, but it was forced. His voice was still deep, but lacked the volume that it usually contained.

“Of course, Brother. I will let Mother know we have arrived.”

Jessica didn’t realize where Loki had led them until they turned a corner and she saw the familiar grand double doors. This time there was a guard stationed on either side of them who offered them a polite bow before opening the doors for them.

“May Valhalla Welcome Him.”

Loki’s demeanor shifted into the one she had become familiar with during their last visit.

“May Valhalla Welcome Him.”

Before she had time to become too uncomfortable with his change, she looked up to find two familiar faces standing in the middle of the grand sitting room.

“Noel! Annika!”

Not worrying about formalities right now, Jessica rushed forward to hug the young girls. Their eyes widened as they looked to Loki and hesitated to return the affection. Although his wife didn’t notice the interaction, he gave them both a polite smile and a nod, showing he was allowing the indiscretion. When Jessica pulled away, she heard her husband clear his throat behind her and was reminded of the customs.


The girls let out a quiet giggle that they quickly tried to cover as they watched her rush back over to the prince’s side. Loki took her hand into his and offered her a graze of his thumb to let her know that it was alright.

Jessica watched as both girls gave a formal curtsy and bowed their heads to the family.

“May Valhalla Welcome Him.”

Loki’s voice echoed through the lavish room.

“May Valhalla Welcome Him. I am pleased to see the two of you at our service during this trip… as is the Princess, I assure you.”

He looked down at his wife with a smirk, making her blush at her slip up.

“During our stay, Princess Jessica will reside in my chambers with me, as will the children. I would like the study turned into a bedroom for the young princes and princess, and the two of you may feel free to sleep in your own chambers if you wish or move into the maid’s quarters if you would like. Of course, we will need care for the children while we attend the preparation events and the ceremony, but the Princess and I will see to their needs while we are here. I would still appreciate you remaining close by should my wife need your assistance anytime I am away, however.”

She watched as Loki handed the twins off to the young girls and headed towards what she knew was the door to his bedroom with their bags.

“I will see that we are unpacked, my love. I will give you a few minutes to relay any further instructions you have for Noel and Annika while I am occupied and hidden away in another room, where I assume you are acting like Asgard’s Princess. Please come find me when you are ready and we will finish our discuss from earlier as you requested, Jessica.”

The wink he gave her told her he knew that she in fact was not going to be acting like a royal while he was out of the room. As soon as the door closed behind him, the girls rushed over to her and gave her another hug as they gasped at the children.

“Oh how we have missed you, Jessica! Surely, these are not the same children! My how they have grown! Are these really the little princes? They are adorable!”

The young girls cooed over them, making the boys laugh and quickly warm up to them.


She looked down to see Maddie hiding behind her legs as she looked up at the girls with slight confusion. Jessica knelt down to be at her daughter’s level.

“Yes, Maddie Bug?”

“Who the girls with my brudders?”

Picking up on her hesitation, they knelt down to smile at her.

“Sweetie, that is Noel and Annika. Do you remember them? They helped Mommy take care of you when we were here with Daddy.”

She watched as Madison seemed to search her memory. Noel began to softly hum a tune that Jessica remembered her singing to the little girl often to help her sleep. That’s when she watched her daughter’s eyes light up with recognition.

“No-no and Annie!”

Madison flew out from around her mother’s legs to be hugged by the maids and it warmed Jessica’s heart. When his sister ended up squeezing him in the hug, Caden reached out to push her away with a growl before letting out a shriek of warning. Noel and Annika both laughed and shook their heads.

“This one is Caden then, Princess?”

Jessica rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“You are correct. Some things never change… I’m so glad they put you two with us again!”

She gave each of the girls another hug and left them to play with the children before stepping into the bedroom to talk with Loki.


He appeared in the open balcony door and smiled at her. She was more than happy to accept his outstretched hand as he pulled her into his arms and walked them back out onto the balcony for a quiet moment together. Loki heard her let out a small sigh and they took in the sunset together.

“I’ve always loved this view. The one from my room was pretty, but didn’t compare to this one.”

“It’s certain one of the benefits of being a prince. You get the better views for romantic moments like this one. I’ve always enjoyed watching the sunsets out here. I just wish it didn’t signal the start to a week such as this one.”

Taking the moment to ask her questions, she turned in his arms to rest her hands on his chest as he held her tight.

“So, what all should I expect, Lohk. What all does a king’s funeral include?”

The way his expression shifted to one of pain caused her heart to ache for him.

“Well, my love, the first thing is a private dinner for the family this evening in the Queen’s chambers. It is customary for the family to be reunited by sundown on the first night following the death of the king to show a unified front to the kingdom. Tomorrow will be a private day for our family to grieve behind closed doors. The servants who assist us directly shall be the only Asgardians to look upon us. It is to symbolize a day of unifying our family in his absence and adjusting to the loss of leadership.

At sundown tomorrow night, the Allfather’s body will be prepared for his final viewing in the throne room. Once we are notified that he is ready, the royal family will be allowed inside to begin their watch. It is said that the spirit begins its journey to Valhalla on the second night after death. During this time, the members of the royal family personally sit with the physical being to provide protection to their loved one. If the body is disturbed during this time, the soul can become trapped on this plane and will become lost between the worlds. At least one of us shall remain with him at all times until the rising of the sun signals his acceptance into Valhalla where our ancestors will take over his transition to the afterlife.

Just after dawn, the entire royal family gathers together around the empty throne to show that we remained with him and aided him in his journey with our protection and love. It is a symbolic moment where we remain stoic and silent as the members of Odin’s council and members of the noble families enter the throne room to acknowledge our presence. The silence is meant to show the weight of our grief. It is the only part of the ceremonies that our children will need to be present for. Hopefully they will still be sleeping since it will still be quite early for them. Once the council and nobles bow to us to show their respect to our loss and dedication to his journey to the afterlife, we are dismissed to return to our chambers to rest for the day as the people of Asgard now get the chance to pay their respect to their king. The day is typically spent in bed sleeping or resting in our private chambers to recover from the lack of sleep the previous night.

The next day is the actual funeral ceremony. We will be on the edge of the shore as his ship is sent out while the rest of the kingdom watches from the hills behind us. On the evening after the king is laid to rest, there is a feast in his honor in the great hall where the royal family feeds all of Asgard to celebrate his life and legacy, as well as to show that we possess the ability to continue to rule. The next day is full of meetings and the reading of any final degrees set forth by the previous king and preparation for the coronation ceremony. That evening, the future king takes his place in the chambers of the king to rest, where he remains the following day to prepare for the coronation ceremony, which is set to take place as the sunset with a grand feast that evening to welcome the new king.

It is all a rather lengthy process compared to some of the funeral customs on Midgard, but each part is based on customs and rituals handed down by our ancestors.”

Jessica nodded the entire time as she tried to absorb all of the information he was giving her. Seeing the slightly overwhelmed expression, Loki reached up and caressed his wife’s cheek.

“I will explain it all again as we go through each stage of the ceremonies, my love. You are not to worry. I will make sure you know what is expected of you prior to each day. The main times I will be away from you will be during the night of his journey to Valhalla and the day after the funeral while I fulfill my duties to the throne. Even during those times, I will keep my mind open to your calls should you need me. Luckily, the next two days will allow us time together as a family and should be fairly relaxing.”

Loki watched as his wife nodded her acknowledgement to him, but her eyes told him that she still carried worries, and he was certain he knew what was troubling her.

“Yes, Jessica, there is still a chance that I could be asked to ascend the throne, but I don’t feel it is something you should worry about. It is always a blood relative of the king that succeeds him. There are enough people that know of my true heritage that prevents that from easily taking place. It was something Odin had thought about, but I don’t believe it was enough of a thought for him to truly act upon it. I have reason to think that Thor is preparing to remain in Asgard at the end of the week.”

She watched as Loki glanced over at her shoulder and noticed the placement of the setting sun behind her.

“We need to go now, don’t we?”

Her husband gave her a curt nod and took her hand to go retrieve their children from their nannies and make their way to the chambers of the Queen.

To Have & To Hold ( Loki x OFC) Chapter 68 MATURE CONTENT, 18+ ONLY

Series Masterlist

Chapter 68

Loki stood under the shower head and let the warm water wash away the stress of the day as his mind replayed the last few months. Ever since his birthday when she had asked him to move back into the suite with her and the children, it seemed as if time had flown by. An entire series of precious moments came to mind when he thought about how incredible his life had been since then.

The twins had said their first words not long after that. Caleb’s of course had been Mama, which his wife was overjoyed about since Madison had said his name first. Caden’s had been “mine” which he still used daily when anyone tried to touch anything he considered his. Before he knew it, they were taking their first steps in the living room between him and Jessica, as Madison coached them and cheered them on. Caleb had been the first, with Caden following suit the day after, not wanting to be out done.

The memory of their first birthday flashed through his mind and it brought a tear to his eye still remembering how grateful he felt to be present for it after missing their daughter’s previous birthday. They had been absolutely covered head to toe in cake and had to be bathed in the kitchen sink together.

As a family together, they shared in the wonder and excitement of the first snowfall and their sons’ first experience with it. Every single day that week, they would make the trek outside to build a new snowman and replace the snow angels that had been filled in by the previous night’s round of fresh flakes. The boys were obsessed with the snow and cried each time they were brought inside to warm up again.

On each of those days, and all the ones in between, he had made sure his wife knew how much she was loved. He didn’t think he had ever seen her happier in the years she had been a part of his life. As if she knew he was thinking about her, Loki heard the glass door to their shower open behind him and soon felt her arms wrap around his waist from behind as she pressed a kiss to his back.

Loki turned around to face her and took in the sight of his very naked wife standing before him. Jessica appeared to be appreciating his form as well as her eyes roamed his figure, pausing on some of her favorite features. Leaning down to capture her lips for a sultry kiss, he turned her so she was the one under the water now before pulling back to grab her shampoo bottle from the corner of the shower.

“Did she finally go down, my love?”

At the mention of their little girl, Jessica groaned.

“Yes, but only after I threatened her with no birthday cake tomorrow. That seemed to do the trick and get her to close her eyes and go to sleep. Did you guys get her present put together?”

Now it was his turn to groan as he massaged the shampoo into her scalp, helping her relax in his arms.

“Eventually yes, Thor was no help of course and kept moving the light off of where we actually needed it to be able to see. Stark and Banner spent the entire evening discussing how it would be easier to have a robot do the work for us, until they eventually left for the lab to build said robot. It wasn’t until we had Romanoff hold the spotlight for us, that Rogers and I finally got it all put together and ready for tomorrow.”

Jessica leaned her head back to help him wash the product from her hair, before he switched bottles and added the conditioner.

“I still can’t believe I allowed you and Nat to talk me into buying our daughter a trampoline. I’m already having a hard enough time with the fact that our baby is turning three tomorrow, now I’m worried we will be back in the infirmary with a broken arm this time, instead of just stitches.”

Loki moved on to his favorite part of showering with his wife each night, using his hands to spread her body wash across every inch of her bare skin.

“Darling, we’ve discussed this. The equipment has a protective net all the way around the edges to prevent the children from tumbling from the side. With the zippered panel, there is only one way in and out of the trampoline, my love. Now stop worrying and allow your husband to have his fun while the children are sleeping.”

He didn’t give her the chance to come up with a sarcastic comeback before pressing her back against the tile of the shower and lifting her legs up to his waist to take her mind off of everything except the pleasure he planned to give her.

“Here, Momma, you look like you need this.”

Jessica looked up to find Natasha standing next to her with a cocktail in her hand.

“Romanoff, you are my favorite Avenger. Just don’t tell my brother-in-law… or my adopted father… or your fiancée for that matter.”

She watched as her best friend smiled at her and glanced down at the ring she was now sporting on her left hand.

“I still can’t believe you and Cap are getting married, Nat. I’m so happy for you two.”

Nat turned her focus to the man that was flipping the burgers on the grill on the edge of the patio. In a few short months, she would be able to call him her husband.

“We decided we’re going to adopt… Not right away of course. We both still want to put in a few more years with the team first, but once we retire, Steve and I plan on adopting a few rugrats of our own. I just hope they are as adorable as yours.”

Now turning to glance over at her own man, she found Loki in the new trampoline with their tiny army. Madison had lost her mind at the sight of the new piece of playground equipment and hadn’t left the enclosure all afternoon. The love of her life was sitting cross legged in the middle with a hand on each of the boys to help them stand on the unsteady surface. Whenever their sister would jump beside them and knock them over, they would let out a deep belly laugh and dive into their daddy’s lap.

Seeing her watching them, Loki sent her a wink and a smile. When she returned the gesture, she couldn’t help but mouth the words “I love you” to him.

Mommy, come jump with us!

The fact that Madison was now correctly pronouncing most of her words, both made her proud and sad. Loki had been working with her nearly daily over the last few months and the more she worked on her schooling, the quicker she seemed to be growing and maturing. She was becoming a young girl in front of her eyes.

Alright, baby.

“The birthday girl is paging me. Looks like it’s time for more jumping.”

After cutting the cake and opening her presents, Madison was right back at it, this time with Natasha and Steve by her side.

“They’ve decided to adopt.”

Loki looked over at them with a smile on his face as he ate another slice of cake.

“Natasha is going to be a fantastic mother. She’s certainly learned from an amazing one over the last three years…”

Jessica leaned back in the chair and stared at him before puckering her lips at him for a kiss. Just as he pressed his lips to hers, he let out a sigh and rested his forehead against hers.


Right on cue, Caleb came running up to them and let out a small whine as he laid his head against Loki’s leg.


“I know, sweet boy. I heard you. Come here.”

Once he was picked up and laying against his daddy’s chest to rock in the patio chair, he reached up to twirl his Daddy’s hair around his finger, exactly like his mother. It wasn’t long before Caden had made his way over as well and was curled up asleep in his mother’s lap.

“Let’s go away together.”

Jessica looked over at him with a skeptical look before glancing between the three children.

“It’s certainly a nice thought.”

Reaching to take her hand into his, he turned in his chair to face her with their son fast asleep in his lap.

“I’m serious, darling. We can arrange for part of the team to stay behind and watch the children for us. Our anniversary is coming up soon and I still want to take you to the resort I had planned for last summer. Let me take you away for a few days to some place with cold drinks and little to no clothing. I’ll buy you all the new bathing suits you’d like, even if I don’t give you many chances to wear them…”

“You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”

“Since the day I returned from Asgard. I had planned to go away for our fifth, but then we found out about the twins and… it just never happened… I’d still like to take you, Jessica. Just say yes and I’ll handle the rest, sweetheart.”

A few short weeks later, the two of them were on a flight to a tropical island without a child in sight. The first two days were spent between the sheets as they made up for all the nights they had to be quiet or getting in a quick moment of pleasure while they could.

“That’s it, kitten. Scream my name. Let everyone know who makes you feel this good.”

Loki looked up at her as she bounced on top of him and he met her thrust for thrust. When she let out a whine and didn’t seem to be able to keep up with his pace any longer, he rolled them over to pin her underneath him as he tossed her legs up onto his shoulders and pounded his hips into her.


The way she tightened around his length that was buried as deep as possible, told him she was close. Spreading her legs so he could grind his hips into her clit with each thrust, he smiled as his wife grew even louder underneath him. The change was enough to push her over the edge and she came with a loud cry, taking him with her into the sweet bliss. Loki reached up and gripped the headboard as he hit his peak with a deep growl.

Rolling off her as he came back down, they both gasped for air as they smiled at each other.

“Gods, I’ve missed being able to do that, babe. You were smart to get us a bungalow far enough out where we couldn’t be heard. Surely we would have received noise complaints by now.”

Loki reached out and grabbed her before pulling her against his chest, where she immediately curled up with her head on his shoulder.

“I could live off your noises, Jessica. If you aren’t screaming my name, I haven’t done my job.”

They laid there together for a long while and simply basked in the afterglow.

“Why don’t you run us a bath, my love. I’ll call in our dinner order.”

“Mmm that sounds amazing. Will you order another one of those custard desserts you had last night? It was so good.”

He kissed the top of her head before slipping from the bed to head into the kitchen of their suite where the phone and room service menu was located.

“Yes, dear. I will be sure to order you your own this time, so I can enjoy mine.”

A few short minutes later, he was slipping in behind her in the large soaking tub. Loki couldn’t help but notice her deep in thought, barely noticing his entrance into the room.

“Something on your mind, darling?”

Jessica perked up and gave him a tired smile.

“Just thinking about something Dr. Wilson said at my last session, that’s all.”

He wet the cloth on the side of the tub and began to run it along her back.

“Do you care to talk about it?”

She was quiet for a moment, and he didn’t push the subject any further. Just when he was about to move on to discuss their plans for tomorrow, he heard her say the words that had also been bothering him as well.

“Will you have to return to Asgard?”

Feeling the shift in the air between them, he pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her, as if it could keep her with him forever.

“Honestly, I’m not sure… Odin had spoken of me being the next king, but that was contingent upon me training under him to rule and I’m sure my sudden departure didn’t sit well with the Allfather, nor the fact that I’ve been gone for nearly seven months now. I suppose it’s for the best, though. I would gladly give it up knowing that it gave me the chance to win back your heart, my love.”

He closed his eyes and melted into the feel of his wife in his arms as she absentmindedly ran her fingers along his arm that was wrapped around her shoulders.

“But that’s something you still want though, right? The throne? To rule Asgard?”

Loki swallowed hard and knew he needed to walk a fine line between being honest with her and not hurt her feelings on such a sensitive topic.

“Truthfully… I was brought up to believe that it was a possibility for me, until my true heritage was revealed, and that dream was ripped from my grasp. I did wish to rule Asgard, but as a means to support you and our children and give you the life of a queen. My Queen… When you walked away from me, I soon realized that it wasn’t just about being a king any longer.”

He watched as she turned around in the bath to sit in his lap and wrap her arms around his neck to look into his eyes.

“So, you do want to be King of Asgard.”

Tucking her hair out of her face, he found himself resting his forehead against hers, desiring to be close to her, but unable to look her in the eye at the moment.

“Not at the expense of losing you, Jessica. I made the wrong choice before, and I won’t make the same mistake again… but those decisions don’t concern us right now, my sweet. Right now, you must decide how we spend our day in paradise tomorrow. While I’m content to ravish you in bed our entire trip, I know you have your own list of things you would like to enjoy.”

Feeling his desire to change the subject, she kept the mood upbeat. Pulling back to look up at the ceiling, she made her decision and gave him a huge smile.

“Beach day?”

Loki returned her smile as he reached up to caress her cheek.

“Beach day is it, my love. You ready to get out? Dinner should be arriving soon, and I wish to enjoy the moonlight on our balcony with you again this evening.”

The following afternoon, the two of them exchanged kisses on the boardwalk back to their bungalow after spending most of the day on the warm sand, while occasionally playing in the crystal blue waters. Their playful banter came to a screeching halt as Loki noticed movement in front of their suite, quickly reaching out to pull his wife behind him to protect her.

As the figured stepped out from the shadows, he relaxed for a moment until he saw the somber expression on his brother’s face, and he immediately knew the purpose of his sudden appearance.


His voice was low and thick with emotion.

“This morning. Heimdall sent word and I came straight here.”

Now hearing the voice of Thor, Jessica stepped out from behind her husband and looked between the two men trying to understand what had happened. Since Loki’s face showed no sign of panic, she somehow knew that their children were safe and not the reason for his brother’s visit.

Looking down into her eyes with so many emotions, he must have understood her confusion and said that words that Thor had not.

“The Allfather has gone on to Vahalla… Asgard has lost their king.” 

A/N:So this started months ago as a silly little idea of Tom being taken down by a duvet cover.  I started writing it back then and just finished it yesterday because I wasn’t writing.  All I remember is the conversation was with @yespolkadotkitty​ (the spaniel in the header is NOT Bobby)

Pairing:Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader (more of a gen fic)

Summary:Mud and a brand new duvet cover don’t mix.

Warnings:  none



The peaceful day of morning had turned into a drizzly gray afternoon. Not unheard of in London, but disappointing just the same. Tom was looking forward to warmer weather and sunny days. Particularly to spend them with you. He headed into the bedroom to pick up the book he was currently reading when he spied paw prints. Muddy paw prints. On the brand new duvet, you purchased just that past weekend in Bicester at the White Company at a steal.

“BOBBY!” Tom’s voice boomed through the house. 

He overheard the telltale jangle of Bobby’s collar as the spaniel made his way to the master bedroom. Bobby skidded to a stop when he spied Tom’s face pinched. His butt flopped against the hardwood floor just at the entryway.

“Mud on the new duvet, Bobby? The one she is so proud of?” Tom spoke to the dog as though he would respond. Slowly, Tom’s shoulders relaxed and his breath slowed as Bobby’s brown eyes peer up at him. “Bobby, you know she will have both of our hides if she sees this. Come help.” Bobby promptly trotted off down the hall. “TRAITOR!” Tom called after him before turning his attention to the bed. 

Tom made short order of stripping the bed of its sheets and shoving them into the washer. After ten minutes, he finally wrestled Bobby into the tub to wash his paws. “Honestly, Bobby.” he muttered to himself. “Do you need to go back to obedience school?” The dog responded with a bark. “Then prove me wrong, buddy.” Another bark. 

Tom dried him off and headed off to put everything into the dryer before finally settling down with his book. The dryer went off, and he carried an armful of sheets to the master bedroom. He made quick work of putting on the fitted and flat sheet and then stared at the duvet and cover. Tom watched you put it on the other day, but hadn’t paid too must attention. 

“How hard can it be?” Tom chuckled as he grabbed the comforter and duvet with confidence.

Fifteen minutes later, you came home, carrying groceries. 

“Darling?” You called out when Tom didn’t meet you in the kitchen. No answer, but you swore you heard grunting and a curse word or two from the bedroom. Bobby’s head poked around a corner.

“What has he gotten himself into?” you asked. 

Bobby barked in response.

You chuckled and headed down the hall with Bobby’s nails clicking behind you on the floor. Not sure what to expect when you opened the door, but your husband wrestling with the bedding was not one of them. 

“I didn’t realize it was laundry day, Tom?” you commented, leaning against the doorframe. 

His head poked out from inside the duvet cover. “Darling!” His ginger curls sticking out every direction and glasses slightly cockeyed. “I didn’t hear you come in. Just straightening up.” He fixed his glasses and flashed a wide smile. 

You crossed your arms. “I made the bed before I left this morning, Tom. Shouldn’t you be better at lying? God of Lies, my ass.”

“Hey! I only play one on screen.” Tom continued to fumble with the sheets. “Someone might have gotten mud on the cover.” He shot a glare at Bobby, who was curled around your ankles. On that note, Bobby turned tail and headed back to the kitchen. “THAT’S RIGHT, RUN!”

You giggled and stepped into the mess, wrapping your arms around his waist. “And you thought you could hide the evidence before I got home?” 

“Precisely. But that…” He jabbed a finger at the sheets. “… has defeated me. A worthy opponent.”

You raised a brow. “More worthy than that super strappy set of lingerie I wore for our anniversary.”

“Far more worthy. I could use scissors on that.” He wiggled his brows. 

“I spent good money on that!” You smacked his chest. “Come on, let me help you.” You grabbed the cover and shoved the comforter into his hands. In a matter of minutes you had the cover on. 

Tom stood there, mouth agape. “Witchcraft.”

You smirked. “Practice.” You snapped your fingers. “How about we switch chores, you make the bed and I take Bobby for a walk?” You shoved pillowcases into his hands and trotted down the hallway, whistling for Bobby.


“You’ll be an expert in no time.” You yelled back. He overheard the jangle of Bobby’s collar, followed soon by the front door slamming.

“Traitors, all of you.” he grumbled as he finished making the bed. 

A/N:Another request! This was from @needmorereading  some dad!Tom content? Fluffy or smutty it’s really up to you, maybe some pregnancy fluff? I went pure fluff.  oh and special shoutout to @lokifae42​ for helping with some details in this story.

Pairing:Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader (But really it is more about Tom and his child.)

Summary:  Tom wakes early one morning to make breakfast and gets a little helper.

Warnings:  Excessive fluff, mentions of pregnancy.



Tom slipped out of bed early that morning, making sure his alarm was off so you could sleep. You needed the sleep having worked hard this whole week. His feet padded against the hardwood floor as he made his way to their newly renovated kitchen.

“What to make? What to make?” Tom muttered to himself as he stood in front of the open fridge.

“Fwench toast!” A tiny, squeaky voice called out from the hallway. 

Tom smiled as a little girl with brown curls toddled into the kitchen. Her curls smooshed against the side of her head and tucked under her arm was her beloved arctic fox plushie, Tom picked up last time shooting on location.

“There’s my Maddie bug!” Tom leaned down to scoop her up into his arms. He kissed both of her cheeks. “Want to help make breakfast with Daddy?”

Maddie nodded her head. “Fwench toast!” she repeated, her little arm shooting up into the air as she made a triumphant fist. 

Tom chuckled as he placed her on the floor. “French Toast it is. Go grab your stool, darling.” He watched as Maddie toddled towards her stool and then turned to grab milk and eggs from the fridge. 

“Weady!!” Tom whipped around to find Maddie next to the stove, wearing her apron. 

“Indeed, you are, little chef.” He kissed the top of her head. “Can you grab the bread for me?” He pointed to a loaf on the counter as he turned the hob on and placed a frying pan on it. 

With an outstretched arm, Maddie reached for the bread, just missing it. She crawled onto the counter and snagged the bread. 

“You are as bad as your mother, darling.” Tom chuckled. “Climbing on the counters. Do you I put things in places you can’t reach?” He cracked several eggs into a bowl along with milk.

Maddie nodded her head. “No, no, Daddy. Bad daddy.” Her face fell into a pout that was the spitting image of her mother.

“You should tell your mum later. She’ll have to punish me.” He grabbed the spices. “Cinnamon.” He handed her the jar. 

Maddie opened the jar and stuck her nose into it, leading to her sneezing, sending a cloud of cinnamon onto Tom’s shirt. 

“Madison Hiddleston!” Tom’s face pinched into mock anger. “You did that on purpose!” 

Maddie giggled at first before turning serious, hands on her hips. “Did not!”

“Did too!” 

“DID NOT!” She stomped her foot. “Apologize!” 

Tom scoffed before wrapping his arms around his daughter. “I’m sorry, Maddie bug. Now let’s make breakfast.”

She smiled and giggled as Tom’s beard tickled her neck. “No beard, Daddy!”

“You are one of the few people who would say that.” He soaked the bread in the mixture after Madison added the cinnamon and before long there was a plate piled high with slices of French toast. Tom cooked up some eggs and bacon while Maddie ate the first slices, sitting on the counter. Tom hopped up beside her, his own plate in hand. 

“I thought we agreed no sitting on the counter.” You grumbled as you stepped into the kitchen, half smiling. You rubbed your hands over your swollen belly, nearing 7 months later that month. 

Tom’s smile fell as he slid off the counter, holding his plate. “It was Madison’s idea.” He pointed at her, winking at you.

“WAS NOT! HE’S LYING, MUMMY!” Maddie pouted, not seeing the wink.

You marched up to Tom and jabbed a finger in his face, belly bumping him. “You lying about this poor sweet innocent girl luring you into breaking the rules, Hiddleston?” 

Maddie smiled a wide, toothy grin, two of her teeth missing. 

Tom pretended to consider his options but hanging his head, checking to make sure Madison was watching. “I was, darling. It was my idea. I was a naughty pea.” 

Maddie’s giggle was the perfect reward. You playfully swatted at Tom’s ass, only to have him scoot out of the way. You placed your hands on your hips. 

“You’ll pay for that!” You went to do it again. Tom scooped up Maddie, chuckling. 

“You wouldn’t hit a man holding your only child, would you? Not your precious daughter?”

Maddie giggled uncontrollably in Tom’s embrace. You stepped towards him. “Don’t be so sure, Hiddleston. She is your partner in crime.”

Tom placed Maddie on the floor. “Run, darling, she’ll never catch us. TO THE PLAY ROOM!!” And he took off down the hallway with Maddie toddled behind him, but not before grabbing her plushie.

“Wait for me, Daddy!” 

You shook your head as you heard screams of delight and giggles from down the hall. 

“Don’t be like them. They set such a poor example.” You said to your belly, rubbing it while fixing yourself a plate of French toast. There was a small kick to your ribs in response.

“Traitors, all of you.” you mused, eating some bacon.
