

TITLE OF THE STORY: Dogs Know Best (A furry tale)  




GENRE: Fluff, Romance

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass.


WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).  

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.  

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…  

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

Here is a list of the quotes and references we used to build our story. Congratulations to anyone who finds them.


CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: Chapter 5/5+ Epilogue



GENRE: Fluff, Romance

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass.


WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).  

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.  

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…  

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

The soggy quartet make their way out of the park, as Tom escorts them towards his house. Ever the gentleman, he picks up her carpet bags and points in the direction to go.                        

Just as the front door is open, Bobby saunters inside, wanting to show off his abode to Bonnie. His tail held high and his gate long and firm, filled with confidence he turns his head to make sure Bonnie is watching him. However, the illusion is broken as his human companion speaks.  


TITLE OF THE STORY: Dogs Know Best (A furry tale)  




GENRE: Fluff, Romance 

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass. 

RATING: PG-13   

WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).  

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101 

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.   

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…  

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

In the lobby of Mrs. Winifred’s house in Kensington, Tara stands in awe at the events that just transpired and isn’t sure what to do next or how to react. She wants to stay and plead her case, arguing for her innocence. But she knows that she would just be talking to a brick wall. She works out that Ella would not reverse her directive. Therefore, she has no choice in the matter, she has to go. Tara pulls Bonnie into her arms and slowly climbs the stairs to head to her room. Her room, well not any longer. She would need to collect her personal items and leave. LEAVE. Oh my God! Where would she go?    

Placing Bonnie on the foot of the bed, Tara stares into space, in shock. Grabbing her trusted and roomy carpet bag, she opens it and starts to pack her meagre belongings into it, like an automaton, going through the motions, she has no time to break down. She doesn’t want to anger Mrs. Winifred any more by dilly-dallying around.  


TITLE OF THE STORY: Dogs Know Best (A furry tale)  




GENRE: Fluff, Romance

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass.


WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).  

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.  

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…  

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

Sitting on the famous bench of Regent’s Park, Tom and Tara are deep in conversation when they perceive crying.

“Oh, that is not a nice sound to take in.” Tom stands up to have a better look at the terrain.

Knowing that wailing, Tara is on her feet in an instant and turning instinctively towards the noise.     

“Tom please, watch the dogs, I’ve got this.”    

—–Keep reading—–

TITLE OF THE STORY: Dogs Know Best (A furry tale)  


AUTHOR: @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston 


GENRE: Fluff, Romance 

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass. 

RATING: PG-13   

WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).  

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101 

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.   

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…  

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

The following morning Tom is up with the sun, dressed and ready to take Bobby on his walk. He has endured a restless night, because he couldn’t stop thinking about the beautiful woman he had met in the park the day before. Yes, he did find Tara attractive. Her charismatic and brilliant smile had brightened up his day. The way she wrinkled her nose when she was embarrassed was truly adorable. He liked the way her wavy brown hair danced in the wind, and the elegant gesture she used to tame flyaway strands from her spirited cerulean eyes. He considers that if he was still a child, he would have loved to have a nanny like her.     

He shakes himself from his daydream, he needs to get moving. He craves to meet the alluring girl again, and he has a plan. Knowing that Tara and the children would be visiting the park today, he intends to ensure that he would run into them. He quickly calls for Bobby.  


TITLE OF THE STORY: Dogs Know Best (A furry tale)  




GENRE: Fluff, Romance

FIC SUMMARY: Tom is walking Bobby around in Regent’s Park when he meets a perfect young woman sitting on a bench with her cocker spaniel who’s watching two kids playing ball on the grass.


WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR NOTES: none/available on A03 and on our respective master posts: here or here (under construction).

Thanks to our beta-reader @avenger-nerd-momand@thewife101

NOTES/ADVERTISEMENTS: This is the first joint venture between @deathbyukmenand@tomkurbikston . We choose a light and sweet story that we are hoping people will like.  

We have been inspired by 3 famous movies (outside the usual Tom’s filmography). Guess who could recognise them? There are a lot of clues into the whole 3 parts. Who would be able to identify the most of them? We are looking forward to seeing if you could spot them or Tom’s quotes, and to read your comments…

We also have included some quotes from these movies. They are currently not credited, but we will release a list of quotes and inspirational details as end credits a week after the last chapter, for legal reasons. 

Lorry brakes screech, footsteps on the porch and bottles rattling; that is how he opens his eyes, to the sound of the daily milk delivery. Awakened from his slumber, exiting his comfortable bed, he goes to investigate the noises. Jogging down the stairs to the main floor of the house, he thinks about how his faithful companion has been as depressed as the gloomy weather they’ve had lately. He leans towards the front window, placing his nose on the glass. He looks out onto the porch and there sitting on the stoop is the bottle of milk that was just dropped off. Quickly, he becomes distracted by the bright sun peeking out from behind the clouds.  

“Wait, what is that? Up in the sky? That big ball of light. Can it really be the sun? Finally, after being cooped up all week, the sun makes an appearance. Who would believe that it had been raining for so long? I want to get out of the house and stretch my legs. Maybe I could get my faithful companion out too. A nice walk will do him good. Now how do I get his attention? Oh, I know … what if I bring him a shoe, maybe just maybe he would get the hint?” Wonders Bobby to himself.  

