#tommy causes the apocalypse


The umbrella academy

-Philza: eldest of the siblings, adopted and born first. His power is the ability to speak to animals however he is only able to properly use this when talking to crows. His lack of control over his powers lead to the ‘father’ of the household genetically modifying his DNA to give him wings. This also hollowed his bones, hence making him very of balance when he is not in flight. He left age 18 following number 4’s death and many of his siblings resent him for this. He know lives happily with his wife and works as a carpenter.

-Techno: joint second eldest along with his twin Wilbur. Techno’s power allows him to control the flow of his blood, this can be used to enhance his strength and stamina or in extreme situations can mould weapons from cuts in the skin. This ability is rarely used however as it can cause severe blood loss and long term damage. Following 4s death, Techno closed in on himself becoming more angry and cold towards the rest of his siblings. He also left at age 18 and now works as an illegal mercenary. When reuniting with his family, techno started to notice strange voices with seemingly no source.

-Niki: number 3, despite being younger than Wilbur, her power ranks her above him. Niki has pyrokinesis, or a deviation of it, the skin on her fingers is rough and firm allowing her to conjure flames via friction. Her skin is flammable, however she does not burn. She wears thick rubber gloves to protect her hands and stop the fire spreading. Following fours death Niki remained the rock of the family until she also moved out at age 18. She now works in a bakery and has a relatively stable life.

-Wilbur: Wilbur or number 4 is Techno’s twin and Is also dead. Following an accident on a mission Wilbur died from a stab to the chest and gut, promptly severing his family’s somewhat functional connections. His power was kind control, or persuasive speaking. If he makes skin to skin contact with someone he is able to directly control anyone by giving them instructions, it is unknown whether it is possible to break out of this state until Wilbur wants you too. Nowadays Wilbur’s ghost floats around, annoying number 7 and shouting at his twin in hopes one day he will hear him.

-Ranboo: Ranboo is the strangest of the siblings. He’s taller than a small tree and his back bends steeply, his sickly pale skin bleeds in with inky black and his once tawny hair is slowly fading white. Ranboo cannot leave the manor, he won’t fit in. The others do not want to return, Ranboo is very lonely. Number 6 visits sometimes but besides that Ranboo is on his own. He can teleport, usually he has control though he will teleport when startled or surprised. He’s allergic to water and is physically very weak. Ranboo goes into spells which have been dubbed enderwalking where he will sporadically teleport and attack all those in sight. These used to be manageable when number 4 was alive however now there are separate means to control enderwalk. Ranboo has been missing since their fathers death.

-Tubbo-Number 6 Tubbo is the second youngest. He’s reliable, steady and dependable though has a nasty temper when provoked. He has super strength and super durability which whilst benefiting him physically leave him open to surprise attacks as he cannot feel harm. One such example is his burn scar leaving him blind in one eye which was a result of a training accident. Tubbo harbours resentment towards his older siblings for leaving, him taking up the leadership role once number 3 left the academy. Tubbo now works as a junior mechanic.

-Tommy: despite showing signs of power at an early age Tommy seems not to have any. This lead to him often being excluded from his siblings and never forming real connections with any of them, that was until Number 4 died. Tommy found out he could see Wilbur and they quickly formed a bond. Despite Wilburs requests for Tommy to tell their siblings about his powers Tommy still refuses, he wants to move on from the family and after all it’s nice to have some attention to himself. Once leaving at 17 Tommy became a piano tutor and found another older brother figure in the form of one of his students, Dream.
