#tommy shelby fan fic


Petty-Thomas Shelby x Reader

(GIF credit to@zodiacc)


Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi, I’ve been reading your works and really love your writing and would like to ask for one too Could you write Tommy Shelby x Reader who he’s known since childhood, basically his first love, an angel for him, they have a feeling for each other growing up but never said it out. Then there’s Grace and the story gets more complicated because she(reader) thought that Tommy is in love with Grace when actually he is in love with her, so he confessed his feeling.’

Characters:Thomas Shelby x Reader, mentions of other Shelby family

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Swearing, sexual themes, arguing, jealousy


“Here’s the papers you wanted, Tommy.”

Ah, there she was. Tommy waited to hear that voice every morning. He went to work desperate to just catch a glimpse of her before he had to get back to business. Looking up from his writings, he held back a smile as (Y/N) approached him, a stack of paper in her hands.

“Morning (Y/N), how come I didn’t get my usual welcome this morning?” he asked with a smirk.

(Y/N) had always made sure to have a hot cup of tea waiting on his desk, with her sat outside his office at her own secretary desk. They would greet each other before going over the agenda for the day and what needed to be done. However, (Y/N) couldn’t be found that morning.

“Oh, well, you would not believe the morning I’ve had.” her professionalism dropped as she perched on the edge of his desk, still angled towards him.

Tommy didn’t hesitate to look at her arse, and how accentuated it was with how she sat. His eyes quickly flicked back to her face as she started speaking again.

“So I came in early as I do, was going to help Pol set up like usual. Poor Sophie is also here, Pol said something about training her up to open so it’s not always us and she’s trustworthy. Anyway, I come in to find Sophie crying next to the safe because she forgot the code Polly gave her, and Pol was shouting orders left, right and centre. Basically, she couldn’t handle Polly’s wrath so I had to help, which took longer than expected.”

“You have had a busy morning.”

“Haven’t I just?”

“What would we do without you, eh?”

“Not much. Especially you.”

“Is that right?”

“You couldn’t even get these papers off my desk yourself. It’s only situated outside the door, Tommy.”

“Keep talking like that and you might just face the consequences.”

“Oh? You going to fire me?”


“Then what are you going to do to me?”

Tommy leaned back in his seat, lighting up a cigarette.“You’d have to wait and see.”

(Y/N) couldn’t deny that this was getting her hot and bothered. She and Tommy always bantered and flirted like this, though over the past few years, their words had become more and more bold. They knew each other since they were children, growing up on the same street and playing together. Their friendship stayed strong as they grew up, everyone always teased the pair that they would get married one day, making the teenagers blush. It was as if they both knew about their feelings for one another, but neither wanted to act upon it, in fear that their assumptions were wrong and they would ruin the long friendship they had.

Tommy and (Y/N) would make a very attractive pair. Of course Tommy had the sharp Shelby look, a mysterious man that enticed women, he was confident, smart; he knew what he wanted and how to take charge. And (Y/N) was no doubt one of the most beautiful women in Small Heath. She stood out from the other workers, she had an aura about her, something that said I know my worth and you can’t tell me otherwise. It wasn’t arrogant, it was strong, yet she was also one of the sweetest people you could meet in a shit hole like this. It was a wonder why a man hadn’t married her yet…actually it wasn’t, it was because Thomas Shelby always scared them away.

“Still going for drinks at the Garrison tonight?” (Y/N) said as she got off the desk.

“If I must.”

She laughed, making her way to the door.“Oh come on Tommy, you love going really.”

“Only when you’re there.”

(Y/N) smiled at him one last time before leaving the room, her confident facade disappearing instantly. Tommy really made her nervous, in a good way. Although it frustrated her too; some mornings she would try to hype herself up, finally tell Tommy how she felt about him, hoping he felt the same. It had been going on for so long between them, it was agonising.

The work day went by as it always did, filled with flirty remarks between the two, lingering touches when passing things to one another, longing looks. Finally, it was time to head to the pub. (Y/N) was on Tommy’s arm as they walked, a normal sight. As they entered the pub, (Y/N) noticed Tommy’s attention fall on someone else, a blonde barmaid. She hadn’t seen this one before.

“Tommy? You coming?” (Y/N) tried to sound light, tugging on his arm towards the private room.

“I’ll meet you there.”

He didn’t even look at her as he spoke. Sadly she pulled away from him, following the rest of the Shelby’s. (Y/N) put on a smiling face, despite worrying about what Tommy was doing with that barmaid. She had no right to, they weren’t together. When the window to the bar opened, (Y/N) grabbed the drinks, wanting to peak through. As she slowly slid them towards herself, she saw them in deep conversation, Tommy casually leaning again the bar, the barmaid seemingly cool and collected as she spoke to Tommy; women were always flustered around him, which he didn’t care for, and this worried (Y/N), because what if he took an interest in her?

“Take your time love!” Arthur laughed.

Trying to distract herself by playing cards with the boys, (Y/N) found herself glancing up to the door every time a shadow passed it. She found herself losing every round, not being an amazing player anyway, though it was as if she had never played before. When Tommy did decide to join them, (Y/N) suddenly didn’t want to speak to him.

“What took you so long?” Arthur asked as his brother sat down next to (Y/N).

“Didn’t you see the new bird at the bar? Tommy wasn’t wasting any time.” John chuckled.

(Y/N) kept her eyes down on her cards. Tommy glanced at (Y/N)’s cards, leaning over to whisper in her ear.

“You’re doing terrible tonight.”

“Thanks.” It was blunt, it was rude.

“I can help you win.”

“I don’t need your help.”

Now Tommy could see the first reply wasn’t an accident, she had meant to snap at him.

“What’s up with you?”

“Oh, you’re actually paying attention now?”


(Y/N) didn’t answer, continuing the game. Tommy remained silent, perplexed at the woman’s behaviour. What had he missed? He wondered if his brothers had said anything, but she wouldn’t be playing with them still if they had.

Luckily, the family didn’t stay for very long that night. They still had work the next day, and although that didn’t usually stop them, it was going to be a busy day, a big race was on, meaning lots of betters would swarm the shop. Although (Y/N) was still pissed at Tommy, she expected him to walk her home like he always did. Gathering her things and saying goodbye to everyone, she turned to see if Tommy was also ready to leave, frowning at the sight. There he was, leaning against the bar, talking to that barmaid again. (Y/N) made herself known as she walked over, letting her heels click loudly on the floor.

“Tommy, you coming?” she asked, using his nickname.

“I need to stay. Business.” he lazily replied.

“But, you always walk me home.”

“Not tonight. One of my brothers will.”

(Y/N) glared at the woman across the bar. Maybe it wasn’t her fault that Tommy was staying, but it didn’t annoy her any less. Whipping around, she quickly made her exit, slamming the door behind her before catching up to the other Shelby’s. John and Arthur walked (Y/N) back to her home, not taking any notice of her temper. She was quiet for the most part, only speaking when spoken to. Were all men so oblivious?

Once again, Tommy didn’t see (Y/N) at her desk, assuming she was already busy with work. She would pop in soon enough. Settling down in his seat, he noticed there was already two stacks of papers in front of him, before he had even asked to see them. Perhaps (Y/N) had to help the floor today, and made sure he was set up first. But as he sifted through them, he noticed they weren’t in categorical order, the dates were all mixed up, some things had been signed and others weren’t. Confused at her lack of organisation, Tommy headed towards the door, poking his head out of it.

“Where’s (Y/N)?” he asked an employee rushing by.

“Oh, she’s out on the floor, Mr Shelby. She offered to help seeing as it’s the big race today.”

Tommy just nodded, dismissing the man. Stepping out of his office, Tommy scanned the room for her, it was hard to see through the hoards of people in such a small space. As soon as he spotted her on the other side of the room, he made his way through, not caring if he had to push a few people away.

“Why aren’t you at your desk?”

(Y/N) was bending low over a table, scribbling down names and numbers.“Good morning, Mr Shelby.”

“Are you trying to play a game here?”

“I’m simply working, sir.”

That would have sounded a lot more pleasing to him if she wasn’t being so snappy with him.

“I appreciate that you’re helping but those papers you put on my desk are not up to standard.”

She still hadn’t looked at him.“I didn’t have time this morning. There were floods of people as soon as we opened. I assumed you could organise them yourself, you’re a clever man.”

“If you weren’t like a member of the family (Y/N), you could be fired for speaking to me like that.”

“That’s alright, I’ll get a job at the Garrison, like that pretty, little barmaid. Then you might actually notice me.”


She sighed, standing up straight.“Would you like me to put those papers in order for you, Mr Shelby?”

“Why are you angry with me?”

“I’m not.”

“I don’t have time to argue about this. Return to your desk and get on with your usual work.”

They stared at each other, not wanting to be the first to fold. (Y/N) pouted, making a show of herself walking away from Tommy. He followed her a few steps behind, watching as she dropped into her seat, immediately getting on with work, and not looking at him once again.

“My usual tea would be nice.” he spat before disappearing back into his office.

The day went on like that. (Y/N) brought him a cup of tea but it wasn’t how he liked it, the second time she made it, she purposefully used like warm water so it was cold by the time she brought it to him. She gave him pens that were low on ink or just broken, stale biscuits to nibble on; it was all very petty but she didn’t care. It was the only way she could get back at him.

After a very long and busy day, the workers were excited to head home and put their feet up. (Y/N) always walked home with Tommy, or at least said bye to him if he could leave. But not tonight. She was making a run for it. Apparently she wasn’t running fast enough.

“(Y/N), a word.” Tommy ordered before she could even walk past his door.

Huffing, she slumped into his office, loudly closing the door. He held eye contact with her as she approached the desk, not offering her a seat.

“Yes, Mr Shelby?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you today?”

“The fact that I have to tell you annoys me even more.”

“So I’ve done something?”


“And what did I do to upset you so much?”

“You…you didn’t walk me home last night.” she felt childish saying it out loud, even though that wasn’t the actual reason she was upset.

He scoffed.“That’s why you’ve been a bad secretary today, eh? And what the fuck is all this formality about?”

“It’s professional, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, fucking professional to bring me the wrong paperwork.”

“It’s not like you need me to figure out how to put papers in date order.”

“It’s your job, (Y/N). You make my job easier, that’s what you do. This isn’t just because I didn’t walk you home last night, what’s happened?”

She had no defence, she didn’t know what else to say. She couldn’t tell him the real reason, it would seem so foolish.

“It’s nothing.” she mumbled.

Tommy noticed the change in her demeanor.“(Y/N), has something happened that I don’t know about?”

Technically yes.

“I’m fine. Can I go home please?”

“No. You can’t go home.” he stood up, coming to stand in front of her.“I’m not letting you leave until you tell me what’s wrong.”

(Y/N) was silent.

“You said something about noticing you, earlier today. Why?”

“I think you’re looking too deep into-”


(Y/N) had to bite the bullet. She couldn’t come up with another bullshit story fast enough. Even it she did, it wouldn’t be believable.

“I was jealous.”

“Jealous about what?”

“You and the barmaid. As soon as we walked into the Garrison I was invisible. You wouldn’t even look at me. The way you looked at her, I wanted you to have that much attention for me. I want…I want something more Tommy.”

“I have never looked at another woman the way I look at you, let alone that barmaid.”

“Don’t lie. It was like you were infatuated with her.”

“I was interested because she’s not the regular type of person to work in that kind of place. She’s suspicious, I don’t trust her. I was trying to get information about her. And I couldn’t let thatvmoment go to waste, I stayed behind because she was more open with no one around.”

“So, you weren’t trying to sleep with her?”


“But you-”

“(Y/N). I’m not interested in her, at all. Let’s be blunt, we both know we’ve been wasting time.”


“Did you hear what I said? I can’t look at any other women and not compare them to you. You are above everyone and everything else in my life. I’ve never said any of this to you because of what I do. You were already in danger because of how close you were to the family. But I’ve realised I can’t keep using that as an excuse. I need you (Y/N), I want you.”

“You really mean it? You’re not just saying all these things? Because you have to mean it, Tommy. I…I’ve loved you for so long and waited, and waited, and waited for something to miraculously happen. I don’t want to ruin it.”

“You won’t.” he stepped closer to her.“I love you (Y/N), I fucking love you. I have to have you as mine.”

Both of their breaths were getting shallower, they were so close to one another. They had waited for this moment their entire lives. Although it was a sweet moment, the angst that had been building up all day turned into heavy lust. Tommy pulled her towards him by the collar of her coat, roughly smashing their lips together. She instantly gripped onto his waist coat, steadying herself from the sudden action. He turned her around in his grasp so she was against the desk, leaning her back on it. He leant over her as she laid down, kissing her neck.

“Tommy.” she half moaned as he sucked on her neck, her fingers gripping on the back of his head and neck.“We’re…we’re doing this here?”

“Yes.” he breathed out, hovering over her as he hand gripped her thigh. It slowly moved up under her skirt as he continued speaking.“I’ve imagined this scenario too many times. I’m going to fuck you on this desk like I’ve always dreamed of doing, and you’re going to take it.”
