#tori smith



who is the fundie your closest to being an actual ‘fan’ of? like if they denounced fundamentalism tomorrow you’d be into it? mine is the seewalds (the ben and jessa ones not the others)

I’ve always liked Joy and Austin tbh.. I’m most rooting for Josiah and Lauren to get out though. They just seem like they’d be that dorky/a little over the top theatre couple if they got out of the clutches of fundamentalism and I want that for them haha. Joy and Austin, I like how they’re always bonding over loving the outdoors but since that seems to actually be their thing, even if they’d get out they’d still be Arkansas country people and surrounded by all that Trumpism and gun and ‘merica culture that comes with it, so I just can’t see them ever actually getting out or leaving that behind. And for the Bates probably Alyssa or Carlin. Idk why, I’ve had a soft spot for Carlin ever since everyone keeps pointing out how “loud” and “obnoxious” she is and I think I was just like… yess go girl be loud haha. And I like her dynamic with Evan, they genuinely seem like best friends who really enjoy each other’s company. And maybe Tori? She’s so pretty and Bobby is such a good singer.
