#toyotomi hideyoshi

“I’m not used to being treated by you. It’s pretty nice being doted on, huh.&rdquo

“I’m not used to being treated by you. It’s pretty nice being doted on, huh.”

Happy Birthday Hideyoshi!
Please Enjoy!

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Premise: A glimpse into warlords’ thoughts as they watch MC doing something. Ordinary daily life. A moment of peace, perhaps. 


  • The further away he is, the more he craves to just see her and talk, to touch her hands. His line of work being rather brutal in that regard, he makes sure to always watch her carefully, as to engrave her image in his mind. He believes it helps him prevail through weeks of separation they endure at times. 
  • He especially loves her eyes, curious sparkles playing over her irises whenever a topic picks her interest. However, there’s also another thing he enjoys - observing feelings shift over her face, the mystery of them continuing to fascinate him despite having been revealed.
  • “To think there was a time I considered you a mere toy, Fireball… I was gravely mistaken. You’re far beyond anything I could have ever dreamt of.”


  • He generally doesn’t allow himself the luxury of observing her from up close. At times she may be even unaware of his presence, his shadow being banished by the light the moment she’d pass by it.
  • Usually, he steals glances at her while passing her in the corridor. However, sometimes he stays in a place for a moment longer, her silhouette flickering in the gardens or further down the hallway. It reminds him to cherish each moment she chooses to spend with him, each second being unique and precious, simply unrepeatable. 
  • “Flee, little mouse, flee. You have chosen so poorly… Yet I cannot seem to stop myself from accepting it with joy.”


  • His lover being a truly busy person, he adores watching her rest, tension slowly seeping out of her body as she sits in the shade provided by the old chestnut tree growing in the garden.
  • Whenever wind blows past her, lifting up strands of her hair, he finds himself wishing he could sit besides her and braid it - although then, he would be unable to see the stray rays of light flickering over her cheeks, the scene being equally treasured by him. He wishes she could enjoy summer this way every day of the year.
  • “If it means being able to live even a single day more with you, I’m never, never giving up on this life of mine.”


  • He loves watching her study, heaps of books and stashes of paper littering her desk, the brush in her hand gliding swiftly over the pages, her brows knitting together as she tries to focus.
  • He usually searches for stray little droplets of inks marking her skin, the spots appearing in various density over her arms and face alike. She’s always too preoccupied with her task to notice, barely making note of his presence as well - and he cannot stop the gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips, her determination warming up his heart.
  • “You’ve taught me so many things and yet you never cease to learn yourself. You’re truly admirable.”


  • He oftentimes find himself watching her as she plays in the garden with Wasabi, the doe having warmed up to his lover completely. At times he wonders whether his little friend hasn’t found a better companion than him.
  • His attention is usually drawn towards her arms, her hands extending treats towards the pet and smothering it with gentle and patient affection. He loves seeing her take care of others - and he is well aware that those shoulders helped to carry wounded soldiers and then, bore a much greater burden of seeing them pass away when all efforts inevitably  failed.
  • “You always seem to hold an open heart to the world, even despite being hurt by it numerous times…It seems I still have plenty left to learn from you.”


  • It appears gazing at her while she works on her project has become a sort of routine for him, the action occuring without him even realising. He oftentimes wishes he could admire both her work and her at the same time, his mind failing him at the task. Each time, he chooses her over the handiwork, her handiwork seeming nearly eternal in comparison to the passing seconds.
  • He focuses mostly on her face, taking note of every twitch of her brows and every minor change to her eyes. He also takes notice of her hands, the needle always almost grazing the pads of her fingers, deftly guided through layers of fabric. He admires her craft, well aware of the fact that she makes it look plenty more effortless than it actually is.
  • “Kitten… How can you always have such a determined look on your face? Could you be any more adorable?”


  • He loves seeing her fence, each training bringing more faith into him that in fact the fate would not repeat itself - until the anxiety disappeared completely. At times, he feels his hand twitch to try himself in a sparring against her.
  • He takes note of her stance, of all the openings in it, thinking up ways of possibly exploiting them… Yet he never ceases to be amazed with  how she always seems to catch onto his thoughts and grow stronger, dexterously avoiding the strikes of her sparring partners and returning the blows.
  • “I thought I had to protect you, that I had to cage you to keep you safe… Yet the moment I let you free, you soared so high I could not believe my own eyes. You dare me to believe in a better tomorrow.”


  • It wouldn’t be far from truth to say he always makes sure to see her, not allowing her to become part of the visual noise or a crowd. However, it wouldn’t be a lie either if one were to say that he still has glanced towards her plenty, at any time of the day and night.
  • Some nights, he just lets her tell him stories of the future - and even though he has visited the period, he can never grow tired of her voice. His head resting in her lap, he turns onto his back as to gaze at her. Through half-lidded eyes, he watches her lips move, tracing each word with his sight as to remember it better.
  • “If you were not an angel… Then how come you have saved me? Was this miracle not a sign of your mercy?”


  • There are plenty things he finds adorable in her, one of them being how eager she is to bicker with him. As such, he strives to never miss an opportunity for this match of sorts, the nickname he has granted her having grown pleasantly warm in the way he pronounces it.
  • He adores all sparks of mischief present in her form - her eyes catching onto a clue, how her lips curl up into a grin and how she clicks her tongue in anticipation of another remark; her hands resting over her hips, her head shaking from side to side in feigned disappointment or disbelief; and finally, how she opens her lips, just a second before she speaks again, causing him to fall for her all over again.
  • “If you’re a dummy, then I am your fool - since it can’t be smart of me to be in love so much. It just can’t.”


  • At first, he felt somewhat shy about stealing glances at her, each being padded with an unnerving thought of whether she wouldn’t consider it a strange thing to do… Or any stranger at least, as he presumed she may already think so of him.
  • As odd as it may be, he realised he loves watching her and learning of her perspective on things, her entire being constituting a sort of prism, a lens through which he could perceive the world anew. He loves her delight, her admiration, excitement, the joy of discovering, learning, gaining the understanding and connecting the facts - even if to him, some of her findings would be the most trivial of things.
  • “I did not understand for the longest time. I could not comprehend and my tests were futile… You broadened my perspective far beyond what I could have ever hoped to achieve on my own.”


  • He never hides his gazes. At times, he becomes rather flustered, her words bringing him out of his thoughts and causing him to realise the promise of future she engrained in his mind might have become a rather crucial part of his being.
  • Whenever they work together, he makes sure to stay focused, switching tasks being his moment of break - then, he allows himself a second to watch her, in whatever state she may be in, whatever emotion she may experience. He wants to remember all those precious moments: her standing on her tiptoes to reach the high cabinets, how she smiles happily whenever she smells something pleasant, the tiny wrinkles around her eyes…
  • “You saw through the demon’s mask I put on, even though even I forgot it was not truly my face.”

Keep reading


*just general fanfiction, nothing in particular. This is written for crack purposes, not to critique anybody or address any greater issues. 


  • “What did I do to Hideyoshi…?!”
  • Refuses to accept the fact that he really talks like so.
  • Does not recall Kichou being his wife. He saw the fanart. He continues on to question it.


  • Snickers at every mention of shibari. Will absolutely tease MC about it.
  • Blushed upon seeing “Hideyoshi Toyotomi/Mitsuhide Akechi” tag. Hid it instantly. Will torment Hideyoshi with it.
  • Has great fun collecting information to tease the other warlords. Makes sure to console MC afterwards and to remind her he wants only her.


  • Died several times while reading it. // “Lord Nobunaga did what to me…?!”
  • Initially considered angst with Nobunaga to be death threats.
  • Enjoyed some family fics with himself, although he may not admit it.


  • Was not allowed to read explicit & mature works. Read them regardless. Might have even taken notes. May have some questions and concerns.
  • Does not understand why somebody would write about him.
  • Found out that he enjoys fluff a lot.


  • Outwardly: laughed it off. Inwardly: read through it all. Those eyebags didn’t come from nowhere. Curiosity killed the cat.
  • He is distraught to learn that we all do know about his alcohol tolerance and how he behaves once drunk.
  • Secretly enjoyed hurt/comfort the most. Will not let anybody know that. 


  • Is grumpy about it. Checks it out after being teased by both Masamune and Mitsuhide. 
  • Saw himself being a pair with Mitsunari. Stopped reading then.
  • Found reader inserts rather nice to read. Mostly interested in gen fics.


  • Angst lover. His second preference is hurt/comfort.
  • Does not comprehend why he’s called bunshin, husbun or bun-bun.
  • Started testing his bunny-bending powers and taking his role as the sole bunny bender seriously. 


  • Went on to moon gaze.
  • Tried to memorise as many pick-up lines as possible. Considered writing them down.
  • Became a fan of domestic fluff.


  • Sasuke forced him to read it.
  • Did not want to read it. Did not enjoy it. It felt weird.
  • Sasuke opened Shingen tag for him. Yuki ran.


  • He already knew of its existence and read every single possible fanficiton regarding the warlords.
  • Has his own Ao3 account.
  • Remembered to erase his history before Kenshin stumbled into it by accident.


  • Peacefully enjoys silence in his forest and refuses to let anybody near himself until the entire thing is over.
  • Was shown some fluffy fanart. It made him blush.
  • Will wave his staff at you if you expose him to Kennyo tag. He prefers blissful ignorance in that regard. 

Keep reading

These are so on point Lorei it’s amazing

Under unfortunately ironic circumstances, you get taken hostage by the the very person that made the truce between the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi alliance happen. However, angering these warlords and using the person that brought all of them together in a heartbeat was probably the worst strategy anyone could come up with. 


Requestedby@djanowski15 : “I have no idea how bisy you are, I’m guessing it’s pretty busy since I’m a college student in quarantine too, but I was wondering, if you have time, if you could do a fic for the sengoku warlords having a meeting about a new oc enemy after their truce signing only to learn that this new enemy somehow ended up kidnapping mc and threatening to kill her and all of the warlords decide to finally stomp this guy down into his rightful place with a fluffy reunion with everyone afterwards?”

A/N: Sorry this took so long, I kind of went overboard with this because I loved the idea so much, it comes in two parts, I’ll post them in succession and I’m sorry if the ending isn’t as developed as you wanted, it would have gone on for too long otherwise T-T.

Dusting her hands off on her cloth, she walked back from Masamune’s manor towards the castle. It stood tall for tonight’s ‘celebratory truce dinner’ – although it was clear it wasn’t a celebration for any of them, but it was compulsory. Despite the thorough organisation that went through with this, it was an in-between warlords event so only two or three vassals per side were going to be present, for protection purposes. 

Switching hands, her fingers curled around the bag of vegetables that the One-Eyed Dragon needed. Finally arriving at the entrance, she wobbled down the corridor, having to stop every now and again as her palms burned. This wasn’t the best fabric to carry heavy things with, but then again, what is?

“Whoever ordered my beautiful angel to carry such a heavy load and injure her precious hands is on his way to hell.” (Y/N) recognised the honey-dipped voice with a stern tone. Turning around, she faced the tall man. Elegantly, he took it out of her grasp and carried it, making it look effortless.

“Thank you Shingen,” she smiled, massaging herself as she walked alongside him.

“Although you shouldn’t curse Masamune to hell, I volunteered to go to his manor to get these supplies.” She defended.

“Would you mind showing me his manor?” he grinned widely as they both turned into another hallway. Giving him a you-are-all-my-friends-and-I-wouldn’t-help-either-side-try-to-go-against-each-other look. It would also be a little indecent to collect information on a newly formed ally. 

“Oh, it’s you.” the familiar grumpy voice made the man’s smile fall immediately. 

The spikey blond hair came into view as he exited the kitchen. 

“Look my darling, we’re all getting along.” Shingen chuckled sarcastically, sliding an arm around her shoulders as he dropped the bag on the floor.

“We might be on a truce but not all of us take kindly to other men being so touchy with Nobunaga’s lucky charm.” a stray kitsune passed by the hallway.

“And by ‘not all of us’ you mean you.” Yukimura, who was following being, chimed in.

“Too many people in the kitchen, everyone except the lass leaves!” The Tiger ordered. 


“He did that to have her all by himself.” Ieyasu grumbled at Mitsunari’s innocence.

Because (Y/N) is the most reasonable when it comes to cooking out of the rest. Pff, my ass.

He rolled his eyes. Maybe it could be true but everyone knew that wasn’t the reason behind it. Well, everyone except Mitsunari of course.

Nobunaga glanced at the door when Hideyoshi wasn’t looking.

“I’ll just go see if (Y/N) and Masamune are nearly finished.” started to stand up, Hideyoshi interrupted.

“I took the candy away, it’s not in the kitchen.” Pouting, he sat back down. 

“Candy?” Shingen straightened his posture from his bored one.

“Dinner.” (Y/N) announced as the door was slid open for her, followed by Masamune and two maids, who were also carrying plates of food. 

Plopping down beside Nobunaga – as required, he leaned over to her giving her a knowing look. Rolling her eyes and sighing, she slipped the tiny satchel from inside her sleeve and sneakily handed it to him.

“I’ll take you wherever you wish as payment for this, I’m eternally grateful to you for saving my life.” He thanked me. Shingen kept his attention on the bag.

“Don’t be so dramatic, now hide it before I get scolded by Hideyoshi!” 


Looking around in the kitchen, she waved the lantern around, searching for the spice that the maids forgot to take for dessert. (Y/N) was the only one in the room, it was dark and not necessary to add more light since she was passing by. On her way here, she crossed paths with the occasional guard on for obvious reasons, they were the only ones in the castle tonight. 

“Oh!” she jumped.

Speak of the devil.

“What are you doing here?” the woman breathed out as the man bowed.

“I apologise, my lady, I heard some suspicious noises and thought it was best to investigate.” 

“Oh, I was just getting some seasoning.” the (H/C) haired chuckled in embarrassment, he was too sweet and she didn’t want to waste his time further “and I think I found it.” turning away to reach the small jar that was on one of the shelves. 

Right after, footsteps grew louder and she felt him right behind her.

“Hey, what are you-MMH!!” she wriggled as something was placed against her mouth and nose and then pulled against his chest. Her muffled sounds grew more and more silent, muscles limping as she drifted off into unconsciousness.


“The desserts are getting colder by the minute. What is taking her so long?” Masamune frowned.

“This talk is becoming dull.” Yukimura huffed.

“The whole point of this truce is to discuss how we’re going to deal with him.” Ieyasu mumbled.

“You weren’t the one travelling all those days on horseback porcupine head.” the vassal retorted. 

“P-porcupine?!” the blond’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Hideyoshi made eye contact with Nobunaga, for once, ignoring the pointless banter. Something was definitely up. The leader of the Oda forces understood immediately, nodding to his vassal. The latter stood up, walking towards the door.

“I need to make sure she’s alright.” 

“I’ll come with.” Sasuke volunteered.


“She’s gone??” Ieyasu’s eyes widened.

“The search party hasn’t come back with anything yet.” Mitsuhide expressed with a scowl.

“My lords!” One of the guards rushed in, bowing deeply.

“What is it?” Mitsuhide turned around. 

“It’s a letter.” he handed it to him before scurrying outside like he was supposed to. 

Nobody moved but the kitsune could tell all their eyes were on him as he unfolded the letter to read. However, his heart dropped as his eyes fixated something else that was included: hair of a familiar colour, tied in a ribbon. His fingertips pulled it out and he inspected it.

Kenshin felt his hand grip his sword tightly, it was unbearably frustrating finding out that (Y/N) was kidnapped and on top of that not knowing who did it, he needed to know and he knew he wasn’t the only one thinking the same. 

No one spoke but the tension grew thick in an instant.

Unfolding the piece of paper, he began to read it for himself before doing it out loud for all to hear when Nobunaga accepted it.

When he finished reading the letter, his eyes darted across the rooms, seeing the anger among everything despite maintaining their composure. 

“Emergency meeting.” The look he gave implied that their new allies were not going to attend.

“We want in!” Yukimura frowned.

“No.” Ieyasu’s tone was stern.

“We’ve signed a truce, and there is no point in keeping us out of this because of our own motives when we cherish (Y/N) as much as you do. We need to put our differences aside, as she would say.” Shingen chipped in.

“Fine.” Nobunaga’s eyes narrowed. 

They sat formally as they would at any meeting before.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @alex–awesome–22@disa @caswinchester2000  @vespeshadowmoon @datemasamunemaiwaifu @mitsuhidethesnek @swordsmanofsweets @jadaninerowena @izra-k @cailannuesugi @towa-no-yume  @tinylittlehell@ikemencrossedmyth@ozziegrl71@fo-love​ @thesirenwashere@nad-zeta

Under unfortunately ironic circumstances, you get taken hostage by the the very person that made the truce between the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi alliance happen. However, angering these warlords and using the person that brought all of them together in a heartbeat was probably the worst strategy anyone could come up with.


Requestedby@pugprotector​: “I have no idea how bisy you are, I’m guessing it’s pretty busy since I’m a college student in quarantine too, but I was wondering, if you have time, if you could do a fic for the sengoku warlords having a meeting about a new oc enemy after their truce signing only to learn that this new enemy somehow ended up kidnapping mc and threatening to kill her and all of the warlords decide to finally stomp this guy down into his rightful place with a fluffy reunion with everyone afterwards?”

Warning:violence, injuries, bickering

A/N: Y'all I’m so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long T-T I’m back now kinda and I’ve already started writing a whole Ikesen book and I’ll start posting it once I’ve written like 20 chapters. I’m so sorry again.

“Report.” Mitsuhide spoke. The man bowed deeply in front of his lord before starting.

“We’ve managed to track her down to the dense forests beside Honnoji, we can’t see past that.” 

“Good plan on their part.” Ieyasu grumbled, looking away. 

“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to send your men-” 

“I don’t take orders from you!” 

“Well, choose! Either you listen in on our plan and follow it or you leave and have no part of it!” Hideyoshi scolded, clearly distressed. This was not the time to act like the bigger man. 

Begrudgingly, the tiger rolled his eyes and the Devil King continued. 

“Mitsuhide and Shingen, I want you to scout out the terrain, see how many men we’re up against, Kennyo?” he raised an eyebrow daringly at him, the latter nodded, practically sneering at him at this point.

“I’ll assist, I know the landscape.” 

“Once we’ve gotten all the information we need, we’ll each take a small group each, size depending on how many we’re up against.” 

“And then steal (Y/N) back!” Masamune smirked.


There was a painful throb in her head as she struggled to open her eyes. Did she get hit in the head? GOD that hurt. Shuffling against the hard surface against her side, the friction of tight rope around her wrists gave her enough energy to wince. It finally made her eyes open.

“It’s about time you woke up!” the man said. The room was luxurious, a huge contrast from the dirty way these men kidnapped her. 

If you didn’t bash my head in, we could have played a game of chess.

Her injury really made her think the most absurd things at the most absurd of times. That mentality quickly sewed its mouth shut once she heard a bunch of heavy footsteps coming towards the room. The big doors opened. 

The screeching of the metal hinges, the scraping of the large wood against the floor was deafening. A stabbing feeling piercing through her entire body. 

“Nobunaga’s and Kenshin’s troops have started to assemble and organise.” the man bowed.

“So they’ll take us by force.” the man murmured under his breath in thought, “has our escape been evacuated?” 

“Yes, by the time they’ll set foot into the castle walls, we’ll have exploded the tunnel and they wouldn’t be able to tell how we found a way out without looking close enough.” 

She kept herself in the state that she woke up in, retaining the information for when Nobunaga was going to rescue her. 

“Do we have enough horses?” 

“Yes, as requested, she will be riding with you, we got a stronger horse for you my lord.” 

Crap, she was coming with? 

“I don’t think any of you will be needing horses.” A cheerful, vaguely familiar voice resonated in the room. 

(Y/N) didn’t have energy to look up, her head stood fairly tall against the wall but her gaze was to her knees, the ends of kimono, torn, dirty. The woman didn’t realise she was kneeling on the floor, for sure she couldn’t feel her legs – but the uncomfortable numbness that came with the lack of blood circulation wasn’t there either. 

From Ieyasu’s lessons, the (H/C) haired assumed she had been going in and out of consciousness, this time, coming out enough to be aware of what was happening around her, but not what was happening to her. It fueled her anxiety enough to keep her awake but nothing more. 

“How did you-” the man’s eyes widened at the person at the other end of the sharp blade that was held against his neck.

“It’s called a plan.” the first voice, which happened to be Shingen’s smirked as Nobunaga dug his blade a little deeper into his flesh. 

“You should have a benner one.” Masamune retorted, coming in from the other, smaller entrance, followed by Ieyasu and Yukimura. The blond rushed directly in front of (Y/N), kneeling as he checked her condition.

“She’s in a very bad state!” he informed, trying to keep his usual unbothered tone but the undeniable alarm in his voice made all the attention go to him. 

“I’ll accompany him.” Hideyoshi’s frown was deep. Sheathing his sword and walking towards Tokugawa. 

The others were clearly taking care of the situation: Nobunaga holding the lord at the edge of death, the other warlords keeping the rest of the men here on their knees. The allied forces now battling the men that were guarding the castles down below, it was only a matter of time before everyone would go back to Azuchi victoriously, (Y/N) needed urgent medical help, a lord and a vassal gone wouldn’t make any difference. 

The woman in question recognised the man through her blurry vision. Apparently, that’s all she needed to see before she closed her eyes and sunk into unconsciousness once more, she was relieved, the anxiety washed away from her completely.

Ieyasu winced after slicing the rope that was damaging her skin, he hesitantly ran his fingertips along the redness of her wrists.

“Go, now.” Nobunaga commanded. Hideyoshi scooped her in his arms, keeping her secure as Ieyasu readjusted her in his arms so her injuries wouldn’t worsen on the trip back before they both scurried away, not missing the frowns everyone gave them at the sight of the woman.


Contrary to last time she woke up, she didn’t feel a pain as unbearable as last time – and her eyes fluttered open and focused a lot easier as well. 

“Lady (Y/N), you’re awake! Thank goodness!” the welcoming, yellow lantern in the corner outlined Mitsunari’s disheveled hair. His bright smile made an unknown weight on her shoulders disappear. 

“Leave her room to breathe,” a grumpy voice sighed after the sound of a sliding door. Ieyasu entered, a small bowl of warm water and a clean towel, along with a small pot of cream and bandages, “everyone is worried.” he sat down beside her bed, opening the pot and turning fully to him.

“I’m sorry.” she offered him a sorrowful look. 

“Don’t be Lady (Y/N)! It wasn’t your fault!” The blond rolled his eyes, the vassal’s cheerful voice was the last thing he needed to listen to after two long nights of worrying. But Mitsunari was right. 

Carefully, he lifted her arm closer to him, placing it in his lap before delicately peeling off the bandage, leaving the wound exposed to the air. 

The woman thought that the pain had subsided almost completely – having felt only slight discomfort when Ieyasu removed the fabric – until he gently massaged the cream on either side of the engraved prints of the rope left in her. 

“Sorry,” he mumbled, watching as she winced silently, but then shook her head at his apology. It took less time than she thought before he was dipping and wringing a towel with water and dabbing the cloth against her skull, “close your eyes, let your head rest.” 

“Why Mitsunari’s room?” she whispered, eyes slowly closing, following his instructions. “He gets the least amount of sleep among all of us so he would keep an eye on you.” 

Her eyes opened and she gave him a would-he-though look.

“….” her eyes fluttered closed once again and he resumed nursing her head injury back to health, “Mitsuhide kept sneaking off like he usually does so it was safer this way.” the man confessed. 

“Hm,” she hummed in response, “thank you guys for saving me.” it came out as a whisper, a moderate attempt to cover up that the woman was still shaken up by it. The man silently praised her for not displaying her emotions on her face for once, and it would have been convincing if he didn’t know her – or Mitsunari, in this instant, having swallowed back into his book.

That wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by any of the warlords, however. It lurched at his heart. 

“You can thank them later.” he brushed stray strands of hair away. 

“It’s nearly healed?” her eyes lit up in surprise.

“No, you’ll still need a few days, but they’re all worried sick and insisted on popping in later. So make sure you’re awake and prepared.” his thumb rubbed her forehead soothingly.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging:@lumifuer@ijustwantmyshipstobehappy@plethora-of-things@xlatinaaxx@lostnliterature@batette@schweeeppess@gearsinice@mizmahlia@alex–awesome–22@disa@caswinchester2000 @vespeshadowmoon@datemasamunemaiwaifu@mitsuhidethesnek@swordsmanofsweets @jadaninerowena @izra-k @cailannuesugi @towa-no-yume  @tinylittlehell@ikemencrossedmyth@ozziegrl71@fo-love@thesirenwashere@nad-zeta


So, because i really have nulife-kidding- i decided to googling japanese actor/singer/va that will potray our lords visual based from their face at this particular photos. If you doesn’t agree with my choice, it’s okay but please don’t bashed it. Thank you. .

So here we go

Kazuya Kamenashi as Nobunaga Oda

Yuu Shirota as Mitsuhide Akechi

Satoshi Tsumabuki as Yukimura Sanada

Just look at his smile. How could you said that isn’t so YUKIMURA-ish?

Narimiya Hiroki as Saizo Kirigakure

Yamashita Tomohisa as Masamune Date

Takeshi Kaneshiro as Kojuro Katakura

Ninomiya Kazunari as Hideyoshi Toyotomi

Yamada Takayuki as Maeda Toshiie

Yamada Ryosuke as Ieyasu Tokugawa

Kanata Hongo as Mitsunari Ishida

Miura Haruma as Kenshin Uesugi

Nagashi Tomoya as Takeda Shingen

It’s just my own opinion. But if you have another opinions, feel free to share it with me.

But i will not agree with anything that said TAKESHI KANESHIRO IS NOT DADDY-KOJURO because HE’S 100% HIM!


Motonari Route

You know, as much as Hideyoshi’s route wasn’t my cup of tea nor is he my favorite character I absolutely LOVED this moment from him. This is how a normal, sane person reacts to someone who refers to your friend as property and is visibly proud that he put her in chains . I wish he could of gotten a good punch in like he did with Mitsuhide.

On a side note, I had a flashback on when I first read his route in JPN version and just pretty much begging MC to wake the f*** up from this “relationship” and just fall in love with someone else. Like literally ANYONE else, run away to Keiji, Hideyoshi, or even Kicho for christ’s sake.

Truth and Lies: Mitsuhide’s POV

Yet more evidence of Mitsuhide’s devotion

MC was talking to Ranmaru and Hideyoshi when Keiji showed up. 


“Hey! there’s a new rice cake dessert at my favorite teahouse”




“That’s that reason why you were making a fuss?”


“It’s not like that Hideyoshi. This is something important for me who loves mochi.”


“Stop saying silly things with a straight face.”


“Hehe. But I do think that Keiji’s mission was to invite us to to try that new rice cake.”


“I agree. Did Keiji-sama come over to invite us to try that new dessert?”


“That’s right. Its good that you guys got the point.”


“Oh. I’m sorry but after this I have to talk to Nobunaga-sama. Please go by yourself.”


“I really want to go, but I have other matters to take care of.”


“In that case, why don’t we all go when we all have time?”


“Yeah! Mai-sama is such a thoughtful person.”


“I will also make time to go.”


“I also can’t go today, so is that plan ok, Keiji?”


“….Sure! Its better to eat with a group of people.”

After making the promise, Hideyoshi and Ranmaru return to work. 

That’s when Keiji suddenly sighs. 


“Really, you’re so dense. Read between the lines. We didn’t have to go with “everyone.”




“It’s fine. Let’s do what you want.” 

He shrugged his shoulders and walked away.


(He became so angry. I wonder if he really wanted to eat out today…)


I don’t why but I love it when Keiji got really annoyed at MC for being so dense. Usually, the love interest would never say anything when the MC “ruins” their romantic gestures, but he gets mad at her face XD. MC in this route is a little bit on the airhead side when it comes to love, but it didn’t really bother me tbh since we got a lot of love scenes between them anyway. 

Ayyyy, Happy birthday HidemamaHideyoshi!!

Masamune : “Yo, Hideyoshi! I’m not late for the war council, right?”

Hideyoshi :

Nobu and his konpeitou friends~! ԅ( Ơ∀ Ơԅ✿)

Also, happy birthday, Nobunaga!!
