#tpn isabella


Isabella lullaby” - My piece for the zine Mother Dearest, organized by @andythelemon

officersnickers:Bases on this random gem from the world wide web: Happy Mother’s Day!


Bases on this random gem from the world wide web:

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Their Genius PlanWent to watch The Promised Neverland blindly earlier this year, and it was…

Their Genius Plan

Went to watch The Promised Neverland blindly earlier this year, and it was… a delightful surprise

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Krone parallels in Ayshe’s narrative

It’s a shame that I didn’t have time to post earlier, but the newest chapter (139) confirms it completely:

Ayshe’s narrative parallels Krone’s from the escape arc

I have been thinking that with all the parallels from the escape arc, we have been missing Krone’s tag game and her becoming an unexpected ally to the kids.

But looking at Ayshe now, we can see a very similar narrative:

Both of them are introduced as very dangerous, and are seemingly assigned to just keep watch over the kids and the kids:

Both also have exceptional abilities: Krone is extremly strong and fast, whereas Ayshe has exceptional senses and shooting skills. In both cases they show their skills in a tag game, in a forest, looking for Mujika and Sonju isn’t that different from tag.

There are a couple more panels that are drawn as parallels:

Also, Don and Gilda are easily outdone by both of them:

It doesn’t take much from either Krone or Ayshe to discover Don and Gilda’s intention, and in both cases, they unexpectedly offer to join forces, rather than tattle to their superiors (Isabella in Krone’s case, and Norman in Ayshe’s).

We learn about both that they have their own motives that neither the kids or us as readers expected as to why they don’t want to follow their superiors agenda.

However we also learn that neither Isabella nor Norman trusted them. In both cases they are assigned as guards as merely distractions, and the real “traitor” and information suppliers are Ray (escape arc) and Hayato (new arc), who again no one saw coming.

Edit: Given these parallels, I don’t expect that Ayshe will be successful in her revenge against Norman. After all, Krone was easily outsmarted by Isabella, but until we see Ayshe with a butterfly, I am hoping that she won’t have to die as Krone did after her failure.

Omigod you’re right! Norman you cinnamon sneaky bastard for making this sort of plan

And I can’t believe we have two people with opposite personality who shares the same role in their respective arc

But it’s true though, we didn’t expect them to be a double agent in the beginning.

It’s really interesting to see the gradual shift of objective from GF children’s POV based on this parallel.

In the beginning, they’re trying to survive by escaping adults and demons. Now, they want to survive too, but they’re trying to save demons as well.

The overall plot has changed a bit and some characters has changed/added, but the parallel stays the same. To make a simple comparison, it’s like


  • A = demons and/or adults
  • B = children
  • B1 = children who wants to kill demons
  • B2 = children who wants to protect demons

And this parallel happens between the one I circled red.

Is that it? Sorry, i’m just trying to make sense of what happened.

Wait. Did I.. just saying there’d be a civil war?

Ahahaha naahh no waayy nope

Very nice reply, thank you!

Yes of course Norman is sneaky, he learned it from Isabella (), and I think it makes absolute sense for him not to trust Ayshe. I think he is clever enough to have noticed that she wasn’t kept as food, based on the circumstances.

Yet he still chooses to use her, because he believes he can handle her. It was a similar scenario with Isabella and Krone. Isabella knew all along that Krone would try to undermine her, yet it wasn’t obvious to us as the readers until Isabella suddenly dealt with Krone.

I hope Norman won’t be as severe as that, but I guess it will depend on the situation. After all, Ayshe may choose to try to kill him or endanger his plans seriously, and he may not have a lot of options to handle her peacefully. She is a dangerous individual.

In terms of the conflict, well, to me the thing isn’t about lining up exactly who is on what side, but the fact that in each case Shirai-san chooses to portray the conflicts as complex problems, and even if people want to get to the same overall goal, they may disagree about how.

The escape arc had its fair share of conflict too, even if everyone wanted to escape:

  • Emma insisted on rescuing everyone, Norman chose to support her.
  • Ray wanted to leave everyone but Emma and Norman behind to maximise their chances of survival.
  • Gilda pointed out that even if they could take a lot more than Ray wanted, it was unrealistic and dangerous to take the toddlers.
  • Don flipped out about being lied to and punched Norman and Ray.

In the new arc as well, we get different viewpoints that don’t agree. All of the kids (including Norman) want the same: no more humans being eaten by demons. But they have different ideas on how to achieve it:

  • Emma thinks they can spare all the demons as long as they reforge the promise. Ray supports him.
  • Norman wants to kill all the demons to maximise their chances of survival.
  • Gilda for now wants to save Mujika and Sonju at least, but she doesn’t seem so far to have a problem with other, “evil” demons being killed. I wonder if she will speak up about this later, like she did in the escape arc.
  • Don hasn’t flipped out yet and punched anyone. I think this one is in the brewing, and will come later.

Hayato may be the opposite of Ray, but what they share critically and make them both the perfect spy is: TRUST.

Ray was trusted in the escape arc because he was an old and close friend, if he wasn’t, he would have seemed shady. Hayato is trusted because he seems naive and harmless, but that is exactly what Norman is using. So that’s why they share the same roles.

Krone parallels in Ayshe’s narrative

It’s a shame that I didn’t have time to post earlier, but the newest chapter (139) confirms it completely:

Ayshe’s narrative parallels Krone’s from the escape arc

I have been thinking that with all the parallels from the escape arc, we have been missing Krone’s tag game and her becoming an unexpected ally to the kids.

But looking at Ayshe now, we can see a very similar narrative:

Both of them are introduced as very dangerous, and are seemingly assigned to just keep watch over the kids and the kids:

Both also have exceptional abilities: Krone is extremly strong and fast, whereas Ayshe has exceptional senses and shooting skills. In both cases they show their skills in a tag game, in a forest, looking for Mujika and Sonju isn’t that different from tag.

There are a couple more panels that are drawn as parallels:

Also, Don and Gilda are easily outdone by both of them:

It doesn’t take much from either Krone or Ayshe to discover Don and Gilda’s intention, and in both cases, they unexpectedly offer to join forces, rather than tattle to their superiors (Isabella in Krone’s case, and Norman in Ayshe’s).

We learn about both that they have their own motives that neither the kids or us as readers expected as to why they don’t want to follow their superiors agenda.

However we also learn that neither Isabella nor Norman trusted them. In both cases they are assigned as guards as merely distractions, and the real “traitor” and information suppliers are Ray (escape arc) and Hayato (new arc), who again no one saw coming.

Edit: Given these parallels, I don’t expect that Ayshe will be successful in her revenge against Norman. After all, Krone was easily outsmarted by Isabella, but until we see Ayshe with a butterfly, I am hoping that she won’t have to die as Krone did after her failure.


TPN concept where Norman’s a royal tutor, Emma’s the commander Yuugo’s daughter, Ray is the prince and the Queen Isabella is waging war against the demons. On the side, she runs the tributary system where people from the Gracefield kingdom get presented to demons on a platter to limit the casualties inside the castle. Ray knows the truth but Norman and Emma don’t suspect anything until Yuugo is “killed” on the battlefield and sends Emma a coded letter in his will. All the smaller kingdoms (the farms) are ruled by the Ratri Clan, which Regent Peter Ratri heads after the assassination of his brother, King James.

Bonus: Norman speaks like that mf in Princess Bride “as you wish.” Nat’s a bard-in-training, Don’s a stable-boy, Ayshe’s a beast-keeper, and Gilda’s an armorer (she wants to be a seamstress but she and Emma are close because of how often Yuugo needs new armor)

I had this concept for a TPN royal AU a while back and I decided to write a little something for it:

“I should hand in my resignation right this instant,” Sister Krone would say, but the trio had seen enough of their tutor to take her threats seriously.

At 8-years-old, their tutor’s ward, the Commander’s daughter and Her Majesty’s son were thick as thieves, having grown up together within Gracefield castle.

As the war against the Demons raged on beyond their walls, the three children were content to spend their days studying together, their evenings sparring, and their nights dining at the Queen’s table.

“So then that’s Mars isn’t it, Sister Krone?” asked Norman, pointing at a single speck barely visible from their astronomy tower.

“Very good, Norman,” said the tutor appraisingly.

“And when Mars isn’t at the right spot, the kingdom loses battles, doesn’t it?” asked Emma, thinking of her father who would be off somewhere bloodying his sword again.

Sister Krone nodded gravely.

“Is that why you broke your bow sparring me, Emma?” jested Ray.

“I’ll break your arm next,” frowned Emma, never having been one to pay regard to her companion’s royal lineage.

“Norman will sooner throw a spear, than you can manage,” smirked the prince.

“Norman shall throw a spear, then,” declared Emma, “Won’t you, Norman?”

“As you wish,” agreed Norman, smiling.

Ray laughed derisively, “And who’s going to train him? You, whose frame doesn’t even reach half of the spear?”

Emma responded by aiming at a blow at his head, her astronomy book in hand, while Norman yelped, Ray snickered (and ducked), and Sister Krone sighed, smiling.

“Terrorizing your friends again, are we, Emma?” chuckled a voice behind them, and the children turned to face Sir Yuugo, still donning his armor (though, mercifully blood-less).

“Dad!” yelled the Commander’s daughter, launching herself at the formidable-looking man.

Crouching to receive her, Yuugo lifted Emma by the waist, holding her up with her arms hooked around his neck.

“You’re back early,” exclaimed Krone, mirroring Norman and Ray’s surprise (and relief).

“Did the demons surrender Golden Waters, Sir Yuugo?” asked Norman intently.

“You’ve been reading your strategy,” laughed Yuugo, setting Emma down, “But you’re close. That demon stronghold…may be salvageable.”

Ray felt his heart leap in his chest, as Norman, Emma and Krone cheered.

“All thanks to our excellent cavalry, of course,” said a grandly-dressed woman stepping behind Yuugo.

“Queen Isabella!” gasped Emma, and together, everyone in the room bowed, their right hands wrapped in a fist at their hearts.

Ray, who had made no such motion, felt his lip curl, as it always did at the sight of the Queen.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, and then, remembering his company, added hastily, “Mother.”

“To invite you all to celebrate, of course,” said Isabella, her smile serene, though Ray was certain she had noted his impudence, “the children can retire early this one night, can’t they, Sister Krone?”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” said Krone, bowing again.

As Norman and Emma chattered excitedly, bounding towards the dining hall, Ray let himself fall back, if only to hear Sir Yuugo and Sister Krone’s conversation.

“What was the toll this time?” asked his tutor heavily.

“150,” responded Emma’s father grimly.

“I see. And were you able to recover the -,” but what they had wanted to recover Ray was unable to catch, because Isabella had placed a cold hand on his tunic.

“Walk with me, Prince Ray,” said his mother softly.

“Of course, Mother,” said Ray somberly, following her into the hallway leading to her chambers.

“The General’s news didn’t seem to please you much,” remarked Isabella, once Yuugo and Krone were out of earshot, “Does it wound you to see your military successful?”

“It wounds me,” began Ray, dropping all pretense, “to know a hundred-and-fifty men and women died without knowing than two-hundred more will be sent as tribute in their wake without any fight.”

The Queen’s smile had slid off her face.

During the first face-off between Krone and Isabella, the theme that plays is a piano version of Ray’s Theme, which plays pretty soon after during Ray and Norman’s standoff

I like that the anime subtly hints at how similar mother and son are just with the musical motifs. No matter how much Ray despised Isabella, ultimately, he is her son, and everything he learnt was at her knee. It’s no wonder that manipulation comes effortlessly to him - it’s what Isabella had been doing to him for years after all.

TPN concept where Norman’s a royal tutor, Emma’s the commander Yuugo’s daughter, Ray is the prince and the Queen Isabella is waging war against the demons. On the side, she runs the tributary system where people from the Gracefield kingdom get presented to demons on a platter to limit the casualties inside the castle. Ray knows the truth but Norman and Emma don’t suspect anything until Yuugo is “killed” on the battlefield and sends Emma a coded letter in his will. All the smaller kingdoms (the farms) are ruled by the Ratri Clan, which Regent Peter Ratri heads after the assassination of his brother, King James.

Bonus: Norman speaks like that mf in Princess Bride “as you wish.” Nat’s a bard-in-training, Don’s a stable-boy, Ayshe’s a beast-keeper, and Gilda’s an armorer (she wants to be a seamstress but she and Emma are close because of how often Yuugo needs new armor)

Isabella (about toys): I giveth, and I taketh.

Ray: You gave birth to me.



The Amnesic Ghost: Part 2 (But the roles are flipped)

If it weren’t for his years of being on the run, Ray wouldn’t have realized he was being watched.

Normally, he wouldn’t be at the woods this late. But Nigel was firm that a forest-side town might be their answer, so here he was, on the eve of her 14th birthday. Instinctively, his hands reached for a rock on the ground. There was not much damage a pebble could do, but it would catch his pursuer off guard. Hearing the tell-tale signs of someone shifting their weight, Ray whirled around and threw the stone - right at a 7-year-old girl’s forehead.

The rock passed neatly through her. Standing in front of him, looking more jubilant than fazed, was the very girl they had been looking for - only, she was 7 years younger than she was supposed to be. Also, she wasn’t corporeal.

“Ray!” she exclaimed gleefully, as if young men who looked like older versions of her brother frequently appeared in her backyard. She launched herself at him, and borne of the instinct of having 40-something siblings, he crouched down, arms outstretched just enough to receive her small frame. But the duo clearly hadn’t learned a thing from the slingshot because Emma merely stepped through him, stumbling slightly.

“Why are you glowing? Why can’t I hug you? Why are you so old? You’re even taller than Mama! Are you here for my birthday? Where’s your uniform? Do you want to play tag with us? Everyone’s it except for me but I guess you already found me - do you want to play again?” she said this all in one breath, arms flapping animatedly. For his part, Ray merely gaped, his eyes creating that same prickling sensation he had felt when he first realized she was missing.

I found you, I found you, I found…you!

But his overwhelming relief was momentary. A skeptical voice, which sounded strangely like Isabella, began to whisper in his mind. “Is she really here? Or do you just want her to be?”

His smile slid off his face. His mother always did have a knack for crushing his dreams. How pathetic, he thought wryly, crying in front of a hallucination of your 7-year-old sister. Slowly, he turned away, willing her to disappear. He tried to walk away but found, quickly, that he couldn’t. He was bound here, to a vision of the world he had cursed, bound to her memory.

He felt the ghost of a small hand reach for his own. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice much quieter, her eyes round. Damn it. Pushing his bangs to the front of his face, he bent slightly. If he was stuck in this world, to her, then it wouldn’t hurt to talk - an artificial consolation for his years of searching.

“I’m fine,” he said gruffly. “How are you?”

She beamed, “I’m seven! Just as old as you! But not right now - why are you so old?” she asked again, quite unwilling to give up. Typical.

“I don’t know, how did you get so young?”

“I’mseven,”she repeated. “Did you get adopted? Is that why you’re a geezer?” Ouch.

“I didn’t get adopted. But I’m with our family.”

“Is everyone happy? Is Mamahappy?”

“Everyone’s happy. We’re all missing…someone though.”

“Are they from our family?”


“Do you miss them?”

“Every day.”

“Are they okay?”

“I really hope so.”

“Is that why you’re here? Were you looking for them?”

You always were perceptive. If I had been more like you, would I have known you were lying to us then?


“Well…” began Emma, “I think they’ll be okay!”

“You think so?”, he asked, feeling the corners of his mouth begin to twitch.

“I know so. Everyone in our family’s smart, right? They’re probably…playing a game of tag! And we’re all great at tag - you’ll find them, for sure.”

Against himself, a laugh bubbled from his throat. Maybe it was her childish, almost obstinate confidence. Or maybe, he was just hysterical. Somehow, I always feel like there’s hope when Emma says it, Norman had once said to him. Wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, he grinned broadly, “Yeah, you’re right, we’ll find them, for sure,” echoing her words.

“You know, you’re a lot more cheerful than myRay.”

“I don’t doubt it,” he said, smiling. “Am I giving you a hard time there?”

“You never give me a hard time,” she said sincerely.

Idon’t believe that.

Frowning, he crouched, until her eyes were slightly higher than her own. “Yeah, well, if I do, give him - me - a kick from me, won’t you?”

Laughing, she nodded, allowing his hand to gently brush (or ghost, really) over her head, as he had done in their youth.

Suddenly, her already-spirit-looking figure became almost blindingly illuminated, and he knew he would leave her world soon.

Perhaps she realized it too, because she immediately reached for him, “Do you think you can visit me again next year? I’ll bring Norman, and you and Mama and - you look sad,” she remarked, her face falling.

Fighting to swallow the lump in his throat, he placed his hand on her translucent shoulder, “Can you forgive me” he whispered, “for being away so long?” I’m sorry. We were supposed to go there together. I miss you.

How silly, she thought, we play with each other every day, don’t we? She nodded.

“Promise me,” he said gravely, “you won’t try to do everything on your own.”

“Inever do that. You’re always by yourself, though,” she said, a tone of accusation creeping into her voice, as if to call him a hypocrite.

Liar. I miss you.

“I do, don’t I?” he said fondly, “it’s a good thing I have you then.” Thank you for showing me this world. I miss you. Come home.

“I’m sorry I keep forcing you to play tag,” she said, “I don’t like you ignoring us.”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” I never have. I miss you.

She was growing less and less corporeal by the second.

“Hey - Ray! Did I ride a giraffe there yet?”

“Not yet, but you will.”


“Really.”I promise.

She was completely transparent now.

“Bye, Ray! Say hi to me, for me!”

“I will, happy birthday, by the way.” I hope you have a wonderful 14th, Emma. I’m sorry I’m not there to celebrate.

“I’ll meet you there, someday!”

“I’ll see you soon,” he said, ignoring the sinking disappointment of returning to an Emma-less world. I miss you. I’ll find you.

“Take care!” I’ll try, thank you for seeing me. It’s been so long. Take care.

And with that, she was gone, returning him to his world.



“Ray!” exclaimed Emma, tearing her eyes away from the spot the older Ray had been.

“You’re it.” That’s right, we were playing tag.

“I avoided everyone for really long, though,” she said, mildly annoyed he had caught her. And I was nice to you too, even though you were old.

“Sure.”What do you mean, sure?

“I did! Even Norman didn’t catch me!” she protested, following him back to their home.

He gave a short, mocking laugh.

Ray!” she yelled indignantly. “That was a new record - and I didn’t even try to hide! What took you so-”

Surprise!” all around her, her family sprouted from among the bushes leading into the forest.

“Happy Birthday, dummy,” said Ray, helping Norman heave their present into her arms.

“It was all Ray’s idea!” said Nat, “he knew you’d be distracted for a while if we played tag.”

See, Ray? You always knew everyone in our family so well - you’re going to find that person, I know it.


I’m going to find you, swore Ray, walking back through the woods, back to his family.

The Amnesiac Ghost

As far as he could remember, Ray could see ghosts. Susan, Michelle, and now Marcus - they were always here, in the woods his family loved, dressed in their neatly-pressed navy uniforms with matching hats. How long had it been since he saw them alive?

He had just turned 9 - his collar smeared with the cake his siblings (mainly his youngest brothers) had aimed at him - when he saw the first ghost he had never met before in his life. Tuning out his sister yelling at him to make a wish (“If you don’t shut up, I’m wishing for you to go away, Emma” “Ray!”), he screwed his eyes shut, asking for the same thing he had wished for every year since he had turned 6 (“I wish for my family to grow up”). And when he opened his eyes, he saw her, wild red hair darting between her shoulders, facing away from him, solid-looking and yet a silhouette, one he was sure only he could see - another ghost.

For the rest of the night, Ray kept his eyes trained towards the forest, looking for the achingly familiar young woman. Rejecting Gilda’s offers for more cake, narrowly avoiding the platter Thoma and Lanni had tried to throw at him, and pulling himself away from a Norman and Emma concealing a poorly-wrapped present behind their backs, he stepped out into the crisp winter air, sweater hastily wrapped around him. He treaded carefully towards the woods and when he blinked, he saw her again, a shimmering shadow rooted amongst the trees.

He had never talked to a ghost before. Mostly, he let them be, figments of his cursed imagination. This one, however, seemed to haunt him, for some reason he could not explain. As he drew closer and closer, he realized three things: 1) Her clothes weren’t from here 2) The string of numbers was missing from her neck 3) He knew her, somehow. Now right behind her, he cleared his throat, quite unsure of what to do. Startled, she faced him.

“Emma?” He choked, his voice barely a whisper. And yet somehow, this wasn’t his Emma. No starch-white uniform, numbers or infuriatingly bright smile. Instead, she wore a parka, a golden chain hanging from her neck, and strangely dull green eyes, and best (or worst) of all, she was older - more than any of the children he had grown up with, but younger than his mother. “I’m sorry, where are we?” she asked, as if she hadn’t realized her otherworldly presence. “The house, Emma,” replied Ray, half-torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry. She had grown up - had the others grown up too? Were they away from this wretched place?

The girl (Emma?), however, stared at him blankly. “The house” he repeated, “What’s gotten into you?” he demanded.

“I’m sorry,” she said again, her apology somehow irritating him more, “I don’t think I’ve ever been here.”

“What are you - of course you’ve - why are you here?” he spluttered.

She frowned, “Why are youhere?”

“I asked first.” Her frown deepened.

“I don’t know. I went out to hunt and now I’ve lost track of Alex’s cabin.”

Alex? Hunt? Cabin? What was she - “Your ear’s gone!” he realized suddenly, as she moved aside the single side-braid from her face.

She chucked, “Was it ever there?” but when Ray continued to look perplexed she shook her head quickly.

“I’m sorry -“

“Stop apologizing, you sound stupid.”

“I’m sorry - sorry - areyou lost too? Did you say you were looking for someone? Emma?”

She sounded the name out as if she’d never heard it. “No,” he said, his voice hoarse, “I live here. You’reEmma.”

Shaking her head, she looked at him, as if not really seeing him, “I don’t know any Emmas. And I don’t think I know you either.”

Seizing her upper arm, the highest part of her he could reach, he gave a frustrated shout, “It’s me, Ray! Are you that old that you can’t remember me anymore?”

He couldn’t shake the feeling that they had met, that once, she too had grown up here, ignorant and loud and wanting nothing more but to celebrate his 9th birthday.

“I…don’t remember much of anything, really,” she replied, her voice breaking, and hearing the quiet panic in her tone, Ray felt bad.

“How old are you?” He asked, more hushed now, wanting to make up for his outburst.

“15, I think. You?”

“9, I turned 9 today,” he said, adding quickly, “My name’s Ray, by the way.”

If this really wasn’t Emma, then getting to know his only link beyond this house couldn’t hurt. She smiled softly, “Happy birthday Ray.”

“So…you really haven’t been here before?”

“No, I’ve never really been anywhere past Alex’s cabin.”

“Who’s Alex?”

“My…foster dad. He took me in 2 years ago.”

His jaw dropped. “You’ve been adopted?!” Is that why she had grown? Did she not get shipped? Had she escaped? Had Norman escaped too? What about-

“Yes? No? Not really, no. He found me near his house and I’ve been living with him ever since.”

Found her? “Where did you live before?,” he asked, still strangely sure of her identity.

“I don’t remember. I can’t remember anything before Alex took me in.”

And suddenly, pieces of a wayward puzzle begin to fit into his mind. Somehow, Emma, if this girl was even her, had gotten away from the house, alive, as a ghost, or something else entirely. Somewhere along the way, she lost her memories - and now, she was here, whether by coincidence, fate or destiny at Ray’s house.

What was she? He wondered. A memory? Were they in the same time? How were they talking otherwise? Was she really a ghost? Had she died? Was Ray a ghost? What if-

“What about you? You said you live here?” she asked.

He nodded, “I grew up here. We all did”

“This is an orphanage?” She asked, catching on quickly.

He hesitated, and then settled on the truth - lying to a ghost felt pointless. “No.”

“I see,” she said, choosing not to probe further, much to his relief.

“And who is this Emma you mentioned?”

“My sister. She looks just like you, but she’s 8. She doesn’t know this isn’t an orphanage. None of them do.”

“Why do you?”

“I remember everything.”

“That must be wonderful.”

“It’s not”, he said earnestly. “Sometimes I want to forget.”

“Even your sister?”

“No. But I don’t want to remember everything about this place either.”

She said wistfully, “I’d give anything to remember my family, if I had one.”

“How did you lose your memories?”

“I don’t know.”

“What year is it?”

“2048. Is it not the same here?”

He shook his head, “We don’t know what year it is here, we never have. My best guess was 2030, but Mama probably gave us outdated books on purpose.”


“Never mind,” he said quickly. And suddenly, an epiphany struck him.

“Show me your left arm!”


“Show me your left arm,” he insisted.

Confused, but obliging, she pulled back her parka sleeve, and sure enough, at the edge of her forearm was the birthmark - same as the one marked on Mama’s file for Emma.

The ghost must have realized what he was trying to do too because she asked, “is it my mark?”

He nodded, feeling elated and confused and miserable all at once. “Emma has the same one.”

They seemed to have reached the same conclusion.

“I see. So I used to live here?”

“I think so.”

“And you were - are - my brother?”

“Yes, I’m a little older than you, normally.”

A smile curved at her lips. “I wish I could still remember you, Ray.”

“I’m sorry you lost your memories. I hope it’s not because of this place.”

“Don’t apologize, you sound stupid.”

“Sorr - right,” he conceded, grinning.

“I hope I’ll see you somewhere in my world, Ray,” said Emma who was not Emma.

He felt the lump in his throat grow higher - he would never see what she could. The boy who could remember everything would burn in this house, while the girl who could remember nothing, borne of his ashes, would escape. That’s the way he had always meant for it to be. But Norman…

“I don’t think you’ll see me. But there’s someone else in our family who’s out there too. If he remembers this place, then I knowhe’s looking for you. You’re not alone.”

“Thank you,” she said, giving him her first bright smile, making her seem, for just an instant, like Emma.

And suddenly, her smile grew brighter, and every inch of her was blinding, and he knew their time was almost up.

There was more he wanted to ask - what happened to her number? What was her new name? Did she still like giraffes? Had she ever come across a white-haired, blue-eyed boy whose smile was as soft as the stars? But he settled for the easiest one, the one which would keep him far away from the world he wouldn’t see.

“Are you happy?” He asked.

“Very. I have Alex and now…I have you,” and as she spoke, he noticed something glistening in her eye.

Brushing furiously at his own eyes, he spoke, “Good - that’s - that’s great.” I’m sorry I made you leave this place. I’m sorry you aren’t with our family. Thank you for everything.

“And you, Ray?” she asked, her voice breaking too.

He was never going to grow up, see Norman and Emma grow up, never have more than 12 birthdays. But…

“I am. You made my life here better - I’m glad you’re alive,” he said, smiling thickly.

Perhaps she understood some part of what he said because she asked, her silhouette now so transparent he could see through her, “What would you like for your birthday? Consider it an overdue present from your sister.”

He didn’t have to think this time. The answer rose almost automatically to his mind.

“See the Sagrada Familia for me!”

She smiled, which he took to be an affirmation. “Thank you for being with me in this world!” she spoke as infuriatingly cheerful as Emma, much to Ray’s mingled relief and sorrow.

And with that, she disappeared, no hint of her presence left behind.

Slowly, he trudged back towards the House.


At the top of the hill, he saw his two best friends, his family, run towards him, no longer bothering to hide their present.

“Where were you?” Asked Norman breathlessly.

“In the woods, dummy.”

Looking less winded, Emma launched a blow at his shoulder.

“If you don’t stop being mean, I’m not giving you your gift. “

She didn’t understand. Neither of them understood what he had seen, what was going to happen to her and maybe Norman too. Would they ever remember any of this or Ray again?


“What, I-“ and it occurred to him that they had ripped off the wrapping paper. In Norman’s hands sat a wooden model of the Sagrada Familia.

“Isn’t it awesome? Mama let us break apart an old clock for the parts - Norman almost broke his finger but it’s okay because I could hold the hammer better-”

“-we added lights on the inside, and there’s a switch at the back, so you can look at it at night too. And I programmed the bells inside to ring right when the real thing does - we saw it in your book.”

“we don’t know if we got all the details right though, that book looked pretty old but-“

They were both cut off, because suddenly, Ray had launched himself at both of them, an arm wrapped around each one.

“Shut up,” he said, not even bothering to wipe at his eyes, “I love it. Thank you.”

He tried to put a lot of unsaid things into his embrace. Thank you for being here, for remembering. Thank you for escaping, thank you for meeting me at the forest, Emma. Thank you both for being around this long. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m sorry.

Laughing, Norman patted him on the back. “No problem, dummy.”

“If you don’t stop crying, we’re going to cry too!” exclaimed Emma, laughing as well.

“I’m not crying,” he sniffled as they pulled away.

Smirking as they walked back to the house, Norman muttered under his breath, “sure you weren’t - hey!”

Ray had launched a kick at him.

Whacking him again, Emma asked brightly, “So…did you have a good birthday?”

He thought of the ghost, of the grown-up Emma who couldn’t remember her family. He thought of how she had never met Norman, how he, Ray, would never see them both. He thought of La Sagrada Familia, the one they had made, and the one his sister had promised him.

“The best.”

Later that night, neither Norman or Emma would understand why Ray insisted they ought to improve their memory (they had the best scores in the House, after all.) They wouldn’t understand why he asked them to show him their numbers, why he demanded they write down their wishes onto small scraps of paper (an activity Emma would rope the rest of their family into). They wouldn’t understand, at least not Ray’s reasons, for pulling them both into one last hug, or why he apologized after (“you sound dumb when you apologize, Ray”).

But they did it anyway. For the same reason Ray played tag with them, drew bright red string through their two paper cups, picked sunflowers and carnations respectively on their birthdays, cut his finger carving their Christmas present, and stuffed a can of lighter fuel underneath his floorboards.

Ray and the Ghost would both go to bed that night, each one promising to remember the other. And when they woke up that morning, both would blissfully have forgotten, by the works of the one neither would know.

Severed strings cannot be sown together, after all.

The Promised NeverlandBinged the anime in 1 night and read the manga in 4 days. I am unstoppable 

The Promised Neverland

Binged the anime in 1 night and read the manga in 4 days. I am unstoppable 

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