#tr guesstimates


Guesstimates: Kakucho Observations (from TR 255)

(This is how I cope…)


Well, aside from the fact that he’s swole, we can get a little more insight into Kakucho from the latest chapter (i.e. his family, enrolment into the orphanage, fighting sense).

1. Kakucho’s Family 


The translations didn’t mention this, but in the original Japanese text, ‘家族旅行’ (family trip / excursion / vacation) was used in Kakucho’s narration of the car crash he got into, meaning that the accident happened during a family trip. From the panel above, it looks like the crash happened at night, which likely means that they were on their way home.

This just worsens his backstory on so many levels because:

  1. What was supposed to be a happy event ended in utter tragedy; AND
  2. Kakucho likely came from a nice, wholesome family seeing that they went on trips together.

In one night he was ripped from his happy life just like that at 8-9 years old… This kid has got to have the most tragic backstory in the series (besides Mikey, perhaps).

2. Enrolment into the Orphanage

According to this panel:


Kakucho spent some time wandering the streets before enrolling into his and Izana’s orphanage. He may have ran away from the hospital after his discharge to avoid being put in the custody of relatives, as he planned on disowning his family name and living alone. 

It’s likely that someone called the police / social workers on him and he was sent to the orphanage (since he probably wouldn’t have enrolled himself into one). The fact that he remained there tells us that…

  1. None of his relatives came to claim him; OR
  2. He didn’t share any information about himself with the orphanage, and they couldn’t access any information in the national registry to identify him.

3. Kakucho’s Fighting Sense

Kakucho is one of the top fighters for a reason. He’s not only using sheer brute power to win his fights, but is pretty level-headed in how he fights.


He’s used the KMG coat to not only protect his injured arm (that coat is thick it’s practically armour haha), but also flung it to distract Sanzu so he could get a punch in:


This guy knows what he’s doing; he’s not just blindly attacking. I’ve always felt that in an alternate future, he could’ve been a professional fighter instead of the Number 3 guy in Japan’s worst crime syndicate. 

(Random idea / hope: Perhaps he could be one of WakaBen’s gym fighters!)

4. Relationship with Mucho

The fact that he was the one who brought up Mucho’s death cements the fact that he and Mucho were pretty close in Tenjiku. I did a post about their relationship before so I won’t harp on it again here.

That’s all for now! Two things to bite our nails over: TR 256 to confirm his status, and Charabook 3 for more Kakucho details!
