#trade deadline


Weekly Wrap-Up: Goalies, Goalies, and oh, more Goalies

Well, he’s still wearing a blue shirt. What a boring week, am I right? I don’t know how I’ll find things to talk about. Guess I’ll just have to fake it. 10. Trade Deadline is Over!! Well, Trade Deadline has come and gone and I have to say, it was a dud. No one of any note moved, everything looks about the same, and it means that — Oh, who am I kidding? This trade deadline was pretty active, and…

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every trade deadline has the energy of someone submitting their assignment at 11:59:59 pm 

We traded one of the best goalies in the league for a conditional pick? Gross.

Does it concern anyone else that it seems like we’re always, alwaysrebuilding?

The way this trade deadline’s going, Crosby’s about to become a Coyote because why not at this point, nothing else makes sense
