
TRUE STORY[ image description: screenshot from Facebook.Bank Customer Service Agent: Ok Ms. Rook, le


[ image description: screenshot from Facebook.

Bank Customer Service Agent: Ok Ms. Rook, let me just pull that up for you…

Me: Ok, thanks. Hey, can you do me a favor and avoid using gendered language like Miss or Ma'am?

BCSA: Um, ok… What do I call you?

Me: You can just call me Hunter. That’s my name.

BCSA: Can I call you by your last name?

Me: Sure, that would be fine.

BCSA: Ok, thank you, Miss- uh, I mean, Rook.

(conversation continues on boring banking stuff for 10 minutes. BCSA messes up a bunch but always corrects it and by the end I feel like a high school football player who goes by last names. It’s actually kinda sweet. I stay on the line to give BCSA 5 on the survey. For effort.)

Comment by original poster: in all my years of being annoyed at this, it never occurred to me to actually, you know, ask to be addressed differently. ]

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