#trans youth of faith


Today (3/31/21) is Trans Day of Visibility. With that, we at Beloved want to celebrate trans lives, especially trans youth and trans people of faith. We want you to know: no matter your gender, how much you’ve transitioned, how much you want to transition, your sexuality, your romantic orientation, how much you pass, your pronouns: you are loved and valued, you are seen and wanted, you are BeLoved.

Go in Peace and Be BeLoved

Today (02/14/21) is Beloved Arise’s anniversary. In celebration, we want to thank you all for the support you’ve given us. Whether that’s been through volunteering, sharing our social media, donating, or just helping us grow. Thank you for showing support for queer youth of faith. And to queer youth of faith, thank you for showing up as your authentic selves. You are BeLOVED
Here is to many more years to come!
