#transit neptune


Transits that will fuckup your life

1. Transit PLUTO in harsh aspects to Sun/Moon/Asc/IC. When transit Pluto is conjunct then the result depends on your past Karma.

2. Transit Saturn hard aspect to ASC,Sun,Moon : delays delays delays mixed with frustrations and a sense of hopelessness.

3. Transit Neptune hard aspect to Sun,Moon,ASC: susceptibility to deception , high sensitivity, wrong choices.

4. Transit Chiron hard aspect to Sun,ASC: being attacked for who you are, wounded self expression, judged and discriminated against.

5. Transit Lilith in your Asc,Sun,Moon: for some reason you’ll be viewed as the bad guy and have strong opposition from females.

Uranus in the mix will only fuel the expression of the other transits. Uranus in itself with no negative transits points to freedom, being yourself and generally a good time.
