

Gemini anthem

Damned if I do
Damned if I don’t
You know I got a girl back home
You got a man what you want, what you want
What these bitches want from a n—
On some DMX shit
I know them other n— love tricking
On some BMX shit
But not me
Now I’m sure you done heard about me
A black star, Mos Def, Kweli
Good southern bad hoes try me, they try me
This is Martin Luther King in the club
Getting dubs, with a bad bitch
In his ear sayin’ she down for whatever
In the back of his mind is Coretta


•Pluto square Sun/Moon

•Pluto conjunct ASC

•Pluto square Chiron

•Pluto in the 12th, 8th house

•Chiron conjunct ASC,Sun,Moon

•Sun,Moon, chart ruler in the 12th house



•Lilith conjunct Sun,Moon, Asc

•strong 12th house

•strong 8th house


•Neptune square Sun,Moon

•Neptune- Saturn

•Neptune in 12th,8th house



Razors pain you,

rivers are damp,

acid stains you,

drugs cause cramps,

guns aren’t lawful,

nooses give,

gas smells awful,

you might as well live.

Your Venus in your partner’s 10th house:

The 10th house represents the career, public image, social status, and authoritarian figures.

You: Your partner looks up to you like a role model. You possess the qualities your partner wants to be known for. More specifically, your social graces, manners, tastes, and beauty are all things your partner wants for him/herself. You may bring a lot of luck to your partner’s career by introducing them to friends in high places. Your partner feels their social status is greatly improved when they are with you. Indeed, you may feel that your partner sees you as a “trophy wife/husband.” You have a strong interest in your partner’s career and reputation. Material success and social status is important to the both of you. If you are a woman, your mate (the house person) will admire you and treat you like a goddess!

Your partner: You greatly admire and respect your partner. You feel as though your reputation and social status are greatly improved when you are with your partner. You feel proud to say they are your partner. You may tend to parade them around in public, as though they were your trophy. Your partner is highly supportive of your career and ambitions. The two of you enjoy working together and being in public together. In fact, the two of you may find yourselves in the “public eye” from time to time. Shyer couples may feel uncomfortable with the fact that the two of you attract a lot of attention when you are together. In addition, your partner may remind you of one of your parents.

There is usually an overall feeling of pride in both partners for having one another in each other’s lives.


Britney Chart

Her little “sis” chart

The first thing that I’m noticing is:

1- Britney has a remarkable natal chart , definitely a lot of karma/lessons/enemies from a previous life.

2- in the synastry Britney Moon in Aquarius ♒️ is conjunct JL Saturn in Aquarius (alongside Saturn square Chiron and Pluto square Moon in Aquarius). In synastry this points to : a controlling dynamic, emotional distance and blockage. Britney’s Moon is under attack here : Saturn/Pluto. The Moon is also the ruler of her MC (career).

This is one of the worst combinations to have. In a composite careful when you see the combination Pluto-Chiron -Saturn in hard aspect : abuse aspects.

3- Britney’s first house: she has Saturn conjunct Pluto but Saturn is the ruler of the 4th house while the ruler of the 1st is Venus SQUARE Saturn/Pluto.

The first house is the persona, your will power, your identity and her first house is dominated by the 4th house rulers (House/Family). The Square means a clash of wills.

Transit Pluto (power) is in Capricorn conjunct her natal Venus ( Chart ruler) square natal Pluto/Saturn (4th house): Power is coming to her. Tr Pluto will enter Aquarius and conjunct her Moon (ruler of the MC) : lot of power and influence is coming to Britney.

Progressed Ascendant


This will bring some trouble; the native will be overanxious and inclined to worry. For it will bring him into a more gloomy, brooding, and melancholic side of his nature, and thus make him liable to give way to depression and despondency; this tendency must be combated by a firm will.

He will now have many experiences that will be far from pleasant, and will come in contact with persons whose influence will not be beneficial. To those who are progressive it will bring a keen love of animals, or dumb life, causing also an awakening of the deeper sympathies, with a desire to help all who suffer; and in any case the native will now begin to be more hospitably inclined, with a far wider sympathy for others than formerly.

It is not in any sense a fortunate period (unless at birth Jupiter was very well aspected and the Sun between the fourth and seventh houses), and if the directions are not good it will bring sorrow and some confinement, which will be imposed upon the native by circumstances. If the directions are good its effect will not be so evil, but a hampering or restrictive influence of some kind there is sure to be.


The ascendant of the horoscope having progressed to the first decanate of Aries, all matters relating to the head, and also all “first house” affairs, will now be prominent in the native’s life. He will want to lead and be at the head of things, and will in all probability meet with some recognition in the sphere in which he moves.

He will be more aspiring and ambitious, will desire progress, and will wish to reform existing conditions. He will be actively inclined towards intellectual pursuits, and will be very anxious to learn and gain all the knowledge and information he can.

This decanate of Aries rising indicates that he is becoming more progressive, also that he is ready to take a keener and deeper interest in life. He will now have abundant opportunities for progress, but he has arrived at that stage wherein the progress will be rather of an intellectual and mental than a purely physical nature. This influence of the planet Mars will come prominently into his life, giving him much mental energy with considerable enthusiasm.


♓️ ♈️

Transits that will fuckup your life

1. Transit PLUTO in harsh aspects to Sun/Moon/Asc/IC. When transit Pluto is conjunct then the result depends on your past Karma.

2. Transit Saturn hard aspect to ASC,Sun,Moon : delays delays delays mixed with frustrations and a sense of hopelessness.

3. Transit Neptune hard aspect to Sun,Moon,ASC: susceptibility to deception , high sensitivity, wrong choices.

4. Transit Chiron hard aspect to Sun,ASC: being attacked for who you are, wounded self expression, judged and discriminated against.

5. Transit Lilith in your Asc,Sun,Moon: for some reason you’ll be viewed as the bad guy and have strong opposition from females.

Uranus in the mix will only fuel the expression of the other transits. Uranus in itself with no negative transits points to freedom, being yourself and generally a good time.

BREAKING BAD ~astrology


His Moon is either Gemini or Cancer (I’d go with Gemini.

Saturn square Sun: inhibited ego.

Mercury conjunct Uranus+Pluto and trine Saturn: powerful mind! Brilliant, structured, penetrating intellect.

Mercury conjunct Venus and Pluto: manipulative, diplomatic, “sweet” talker.

Venus conjunct Pluto: intense personal relationships, very intense/power struggles and controlling with those he loves.

The Moon is definitely in Gemini: good talker, multitasking and double identity for sure.


Sun square Neptune: identity crisis, self sabotage, escapism.

Venus conjunct Pluto: intense in love and relationships in general. Themes of power and control in relationships. (Especially with Venus being the ruler of Libra/Sun sign, the Plutonian theme is amplified).

Mars conjunct Neptune: escapism, lack of direction, creative, romantic.

Moon+Mercury Square Neptune: the tendency to self sabotage, seeing others with rose tinted glasses, deeply romantic and kind, prone to addictions

His Sun and Venus in Libra, Neptunian aspects and connection to Pluto: a very romantic soul.


Great chemistry

Walt Sun in Virgo conjunct Jesse’s Moon : Walt was the mentor

Moon square Moon: their different emotional nature, yet same modality. Walt is much more analytical of his inner world while Jesse accept the flow of feeling (Moon square Neptune)

Walt’s Saturn conjunct Jesse’s Neptune/Mars and square his Moon/Mercury: again this is a mentor aspect, Saturn bring realism and structure.

In the composite they have Sun/Venus/Pluto: a very transforming partnership, also a very intense one filled with power struggles.

They have Moon trine Saturn/Jupiter: it brings stability, it keeps people together for better or for worse (glue aspect), also a mentor aspect to have in a composite chart.
