#transiting sun


today in the sky!

january 17 2020


❋ this transit can have a variety of effects, but in general it indicates intense experiences that do not allow you to stay at the level of surface manifestations. you will really have to get involved in whatever you do today, and the results may be quite powerful. pluto relates to the forces underlying all experience and leading to fundamental evolutionary changes from within. the inevitable power of these changes produces the major occurrences in the world - growth, evolution, decay and death, as well as rebirth and regeneration. because this is not a major long-term transit, you are not likely to encounter any of these effects on a terribly profound level but rather as they occur in day-to-day life.

❋ at the practical level, you may be concerned today with repairing something that has broken down, such as an automobile or an appliance. or you may have to deal with a situation that has broken down to the point that it must change radically in order to continue, even along completely new lines.

❋ you may have to contend with a person who is trying to exert unreasonable power over you today, forcing you to defend your right to do things your way. the person may feel that they are doing this for your own good, but that is not usually the case. true plutonian energy does not manifest itself through someone’s ego drives. it is a transpersonal flow of creative or destructive energy.

❋ under rare circumstances you may come into contact with someone who embodies the plutonian energies within society, such as a person in power or someone who represents hidden elements of change and/or decay, such as a person living in poverty, a tramp, a criminal, or someone who is associated with a radical movement for social change. avoid contact with criminals and do not go into areas where you are likely to encounter street crime. under this transit it is just possible that you might have an unfortunate encounter.
