

Based on the names given to the days (basically from Latin), each day has a specific energy we are drowned to:

Monday [Lunae]: 

This day is the day of the Moon, the feelings and emotions here are more sensitive, It is indeed common to be moody this day, not only because it comes after a ‘happy’ day (Sunday), but because our energy is ‘burned’ by the sunlight, We end up feeling better by the dawn, where the moon starts to show up.

This may be a good day for Watersigns (specially Cancer) and Earthsigns, it also helps FireandAirsigns to settle down a little.

A good way to use this energy would be writing or relax a little at night,don’t use the energy to think about the next day.

Tuesday [Martis]: 

This day is ruled by Mars(AlsoPluto); We could find ourselves with a fiery energy, a little more ready to start a fight or to work really hard during the day, we could be not really good with our words this day, because Mars is more about actions than thinking.

Fire signs (specially Aries) and Scorpio could use this energy to work their way out into things, Water and some Earth(Taurus and Virgo) signs may be sensitive these days.

This is a great energy for work, for sex or efficiency, during this day avoid arguing or getting things too hot or yes.

Wednesday [Mercurii]: 

Mercury day!, These days are the best ones for communication, we found ourselves talking a lot or using our best vocabulary, using words like “Fond” or “Delightful”.

It’s like we opened the fancy-words drawer and we started using them properly, haha.

This energy works for every sign but specially for GeminiorVirgoplacements.

It’s a great energy to write poems, songs or use any kind of communication. 

Thursday [Lovis] [Spanish:Jueves]: 

This is my favorite one, this is Jupiter’s day (and Neptune), our knowledgegetsexpanded, we are drowned to new experiences, to know new people, to travel. This is areligious day too, it is common to feel faithful, not only ‘cus Friday is coming haha, but because we are becoming more aware of a bigger, wiser and wider picture.

This day is a good energy for every sign as well, no one loses this energy, some Capricorn placements or Gemini placements could feel a little overwhelmedorexceptic, but is nothing to worry about.

This is a great energy for learning something new, for witchcraft or for astrology, I personally like to calle it “expansion day”.

Friday [Veneris]: 

TYGIF!This is Venus day, is the day of art, party, friends, lovers; This day is a little more of attraction, it has a sense of style and it’s very common we use our best clothes and dance moves these days.

This energy is well used by every sign, but TaurusandLibra may feel it more intense.

A great way to use this day could be by going party, karaoke or doing something artistic at home. 

Saturday [Saturni]: 

Saturn day, this day is the day to be relaxed, in some religions and cultures this day is the day God would’ve take to rest. This is the day of the timeas Saturn is the ruler of the time, This is a long day as well, we usually enjoy just being at home, for those who have to work, the day goes somehow smooth.

This energy is very calmed, it can be well taken by CapricornorAquarius, even tho Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, Aquarius was traditionally ruled by Saturn.

Sunday [Solis]: 

This is Sun-day (and Uranus) it’s the day where our energies are at theirhighest, here is where signs collaborate together to make great plans (or not).

For example: On a trip to the beach:

-Sagittarius placements could propose the idea.
-Aries or Leo energy have supported the plan and start preparing everything up.
-Cancer, Taurus and Virgo-ish energy are carrying about the food and the comfort
-The rest is probably just chilling or being like Gemini, telling everyone so they could go.

today in the sky!

january 17 2020


❋ the influence of this transit is subtle but not weak. your sensitivity to your surroundings is greatly increased, as is your empathy with those around you. at this time you may listen to a friend’s problems, or you may discuss your own problems with a friend.

❋ you will be likely to pick up the mood of the people around you, as if you were an emotional “sponge.” therefore you should be careful about being with negative people who are not willing to discuss their emotional problems in a rational manner.

❋ on another level, this transit can stimulate your fantasies amazingly. you may feel like just sitting down and drifting off into your own private world. on the negative side, this influence makes drinking or drug taking dangerous, because you may have difficulty controlling the amount you take. sometimes with this transit you just feel sleepy.

❋ unfortunately, communications with others may be difficult now. your thoughts are not very clear, and your experiences are difficult to reduce to words. poetry and art, especially escapist art or literature, appeal to you greatly at this time.

❋ your relationships under this influence are dubious. you are very likely to misinterpret someone or be misinterpreted, which may lead to thinking about the situation very unrealistically. beware of self-delusion.

today in the sky!

january 17 2020


❋ this transit can have a variety of effects, but in general it indicates intense experiences that do not allow you to stay at the level of surface manifestations. you will really have to get involved in whatever you do today, and the results may be quite powerful. pluto relates to the forces underlying all experience and leading to fundamental evolutionary changes from within. the inevitable power of these changes produces the major occurrences in the world - growth, evolution, decay and death, as well as rebirth and regeneration. because this is not a major long-term transit, you are not likely to encounter any of these effects on a terribly profound level but rather as they occur in day-to-day life.

❋ at the practical level, you may be concerned today with repairing something that has broken down, such as an automobile or an appliance. or you may have to deal with a situation that has broken down to the point that it must change radically in order to continue, even along completely new lines.

❋ you may have to contend with a person who is trying to exert unreasonable power over you today, forcing you to defend your right to do things your way. the person may feel that they are doing this for your own good, but that is not usually the case. true plutonian energy does not manifest itself through someone’s ego drives. it is a transpersonal flow of creative or destructive energy.

❋ under rare circumstances you may come into contact with someone who embodies the plutonian energies within society, such as a person in power or someone who represents hidden elements of change and/or decay, such as a person living in poverty, a tramp, a criminal, or someone who is associated with a radical movement for social change. avoid contact with criminals and do not go into areas where you are likely to encounter street crime. under this transit it is just possible that you might have an unfortunate encounter.
