#trash fire panda


If you comment, please no book spoilers!!!!

I think Kim is trying to figure out who is threatening his brother and who the mole is. I definitely think he’s working on behalf of his family, but doesn’t want them to know for some reason. And he definitely suspects Porsche. Can’t wait for how this sub plot turns out! (I really want to see the three brothers bonding/supporting each other.) 

Also, I need Che (Chay? Chey? How are we spelling his name??) to have a really sweet love story with his music idol. And I need Kim to very quickly get super protective of Che. Please, story gods, give me this.

I think the mole is either Ken or Big (mainly because they are grumpy and I don’t know…it feels right?) My money is on Ken right now, but if Big is in love with Kinn, the way I think he might be, then who knows! Maybe he’s acting out in some sort of revenge/jealousy/hurt situation? 

Arm and Pol are delightful fluffy baby chickens. I love them. 

Pete is an even more delightful precious fluffy baby chicken. I’m very worried for him. 

In related news…I like Vegas as a character (although not as a person. He’s horrible!) But as a character? Oh, yes. More please. 

I do not care that the scene was dub-con. I really really don’t. This is fiction. I have different standards for fiction than real life. (If I didn’t then almost every character in classic literature needs to go immediately to jail. Hamlet is spree killer for Pete’s sake.) Please give me all the messed up trash fire nonsense of an epic disaster love story. I want it! ***grabby hands**

In related thoughts, I’m really loving on the behind-the-scenes stuff they are producing. It’s interesting and NOT fan service!! Like…”here are our actors who did a good job creating these characters. Let’s talk about the fun they are having and their friendships and how we shoot the drama.” And nothing about how they flirt with each other or any teasing the fans that the romances are real. I love it.  Perhaps it’s because KP is aimed at an older target audience? I’m not sure why, but Be On Cloud is doing a good job with it all. 
