#bl drama



It doesn’t matter whomever you like at all. All I know is that I like you. These feelings are mine and mine only.



I love how, as opposed to BLs that have one straight female who desperately tries to separate the two guys, the sole recurring female character in Cherry Magic is not only asexual, but fervently ships the two guys.

…this trend in Thai BL.

Is two shows a trend? Can it please BE a trend?? 

pharawee:You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a qualitypharawee:You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a qualitypharawee:You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a qualitypharawee:You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a qualitypharawee:You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a quality


You know what, what I want for you the most is, I want you to have a degree, have a quality social life and good friends. I don’t want to disappoint our parents.
Porsche & Porchay, Kinnporsche Episode 1

Yes, I love the sexytimes also. But I really want more of this.

More caring. More brothers who love each other. More family. And found family. Give me some comfort with all the pain…

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I think Kim is trying to figure out who is threatening his brother and who the mole is. I definitely think he’s working on behalf of his family, but doesn’t want them to know for some reason. And he definitely suspects Porsche. Can’t wait for how this sub plot turns out! (I really want to see the three brothers bonding/supporting each other.) 

Also, I need Che (Chay? Chey? How are we spelling his name??) to have a really sweet love story with his music idol. And I need Kim to very quickly get super protective of Che. Please, story gods, give me this.

I think the mole is either Ken or Big (mainly because they are grumpy and I don’t know…it feels right?) My money is on Ken right now, but if Big is in love with Kinn, the way I think he might be, then who knows! Maybe he’s acting out in some sort of revenge/jealousy/hurt situation? 

Arm and Pol are delightful fluffy baby chickens. I love them. 

Pete is an even more delightful precious fluffy baby chicken. I’m very worried for him. 

In related news…I like Vegas as a character (although not as a person. He’s horrible!) But as a character? Oh, yes. More please. 

I do not care that the scene was dub-con. I really really don’t. This is fiction. I have different standards for fiction than real life. (If I didn’t then almost every character in classic literature needs to go immediately to jail. Hamlet is spree killer for Pete’s sake.) Please give me all the messed up trash fire nonsense of an epic disaster love story. I want it! ***grabby hands**

In related thoughts, I’m really loving on the behind-the-scenes stuff they are producing. It’s interesting and NOT fan service!! Like…”here are our actors who did a good job creating these characters. Let’s talk about the fun they are having and their friendships and how we shoot the drama.” And nothing about how they flirt with each other or any teasing the fans that the romances are real. I love it.  Perhaps it’s because KP is aimed at an older target audience? I’m not sure why, but Be On Cloud is doing a good job with it all. 

Me when Sohee gets mad about Taekyung existing:

Wen Kexing to Zhou Zi Shu whenever they have to pay for anything:

Get you a man that will break you out of a mental hospital

I want a spin-off show with the story of how P'Cir and Phugun met and started dating. That’s all I ask because they are so damn cute.

now lets discuss pran’s conversation with his mother. (everyone is talking about the balcony scene and pat’s dad so im not gonna re-invent the wheel with those)

tumblr has a limit for photos so i’ll have to use a lot of text-explanation

when pran first gets home he genuinely does not want to talk to his mom. he just doesnt. but his mom pushes and pushes and says smth like “you’ve become friends with the neighbour again, haven’t you?” and pran just:

the way he says this just shows how exhausted he is. for his entire life he has been exhausted. he’s showing some of that here. tired of his family, tired of trying to live up to other people’s expectations, tired of always blaming himself for things he rly doesnt need to blame himself for, tired of carrying the weight that his mother dropped onto his shoulders since he was a child.

“we’re not friends”

“pran dont walk away from me, we must talk things out”

and here is where the hidden rage starts to leak out of pran. talk things out? you want to talk? sure ill fucking talk.

mommy is not happy and starts to yell, only to be cut off by pran.

mommy starts to pull out every excuse she has within her but pran has heard this all too many times. “i know they are disgusting, theyre cheaters, they did this and that to us, i know all of that…”

pran is finally starting to verbalise what he’s been wanting to tell his mother his whole life. after doing all he could to keep everything inside, this is when his walls start to break.

“have you forgotten to save my reputatio—”

“mom” an interruption like none other

he’s been wanting to say that for a while now. pictures dont do nanon’s facial expressions justice, his acting is so precise and accurate. truly remarkable.

mommy is shocked, “i never raised to you talk to me like this”

and we all know what pran says in response. “it’s because you raised me this way, that im not like other kids. ”

pran was raised on a controlled environment with an inability to express himself and a severe lack of freedom. heavy responsibility and feelings of obligation further crumble his already broken sense of self. i could rant for hours about how pran’s tendencies to conceal and guard himself stem directly from how he was raised. but i wont, since im sure you all know already.

she slaps him.

physical touch can ground a person. pran realised what he said. he realises his mom isnt happy. we can here him sniffling when he walks away and his mom is calling out to him. he has returned to his shell, despite the crack within it.

lian & kuea: *dramatically break up* 

the 435 guests: 
