#travel mo


06.06 // One more day spent in Mangwon. 25min naps to combat “had only 4h of sleep last night” syndrome. The lovestory between me and Sundubujjigae is a tragic one, it always upsets my stomach but it’s just too good!

10.06 // Incheon Chinatown the second! the weather wasn’t suuuper nice but we spent like 3 hours in this cafe just chatting about exchange student drama, how weird it is that every foreigner here seems to desparately want to date, and how incredibly frustrating people’s weird and unhealthy behavior around romance is. One of the best days to be honest.

09.06 // if you can’t adopt a kitty, store bought is fine aka. i got a tattoo today! it was raining so hard earlier today but now the weather is great! spot people walking straight into my pic in the last one lmao
