#treasure hunting

Found a few neat bottles on the bank of a ravine on a friend’s farm the other day. Not super old—195Found a few neat bottles on the bank of a ravine on a friend’s farm the other day. Not super old—195Found a few neat bottles on the bank of a ravine on a friend’s farm the other day. Not super old—195

Found a few neat bottles on the bank of a ravine on a friend’s farm the other day. Not super old—1950s-1960s cork tops mostly, but still a fun change from the tumbled fragments I usually find in the creek (which I love too of course!!) so I was excited, haha! 

There’s a couple of Pepsi-Colas, a hobble skirt Coca Cola, cute little Anheuser-Busch beer bottle, Dad’s Root Beer, and a pretty blue milk of magnesia bottle. Also found a cute candy dish which has some pretty iridescence to it and two nature-made terrarium bottles! I’ll post more pictures of those in a bit.

Hoping to go back and look for more soon!

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The only thing bears treasure is destruction.

I do it every year where I forget about the follow up comic. Made it in time, though.

I haven’t seen that new version of Hunter x Hunter–I already thought the ‘99 version was excellent. Plus, I loved the original cast, so I’ll be pissed to hear everyone with different voices.

Anyway, so far no new treasures this January. Hope I find something good this year. I need it.

Editor’s Pick & June Recap

The Northwest Forager

For this months pick I am pleased to share a couple videos from some of my favorite youtuber’s. Each one may have their own flare, but all of them teach with the concept of developing symbiosis with the natural world. If you like what you see below then you may consider checking out their own personal youtube channels.

First is a series by a man named Eric who’s channel is called GardenFork. He…

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