#treble boost



So I was checking on the Rockman/Mega Man X DiVE related news earlier today just in case any of my other favorite characters got announced and LOOK WHAT I SAW RIGHT THERE


I was hoping we’d get Super Bass ever since Bass was announced for one very important reason- before this, there was NO official art of the second/current design for Super Bass. But now there IS and I am geeking out SO much over it!!!

The first screenshot is the best picture of the artwork I could get at the moment, but y'all know I’m going to be posting the full artwork once it gets released!

So I was checking on the Rockman/Mega Man X DiVE related news earlier today just in case any of my other favorite characters got announced and LOOK WHAT I SAW RIGHT THERE


I was hoping we’d get Super Bass ever since Bass was announced for one very important reason- before this, there was NO official art of the second/current design for Super Bass. But now there IS and I am geeking out SO much over it!!!

The first screenshot is the best picture of the artwork I could get at the moment, but y'all know I’m going to be posting the full artwork once it gets released!
