#trey personal story


▼ Translations under the cut

Chapter 1

Heartslabyul Dorm - Birthday Party Venue

Trey: It’s finally my turn, huh…. For the birthday interview. I wonder who did the Magical Dice choose as the presenter. I would be grateful if the chosen person isn’t someone who is too over the top

???: Ummm… Excuse me.


Epel: Happy Birthday, Trey. I’m your presenter, Epel Felmier.

Trey: Ohh, thank goodness. So Epel got chosen as the presenter for my birthday. I will be in you care today.

Epel: You’re welcome. This is… your present. I  hope you accept it.

Trey: Thank you. Then, let’s open it right away. Oh, it’s a black cap with lots of patches and embroidery. That’s kinda fancy. Though I wonder why there’s a bright red apple patch on it… Don’t you think it’s a bit too flashy for me?

Epel: It’s not like that… at al! You have a good few feets tall so it would definitely look good on you! [TL notes: Epel used a word to describe heights usually meant for buildings. I think it might be part of the characteristic that he sometimes leak out his dialect.]

Trey: Few feets tall? I’m sure Epel usually talks politely in a gentle manner…
I might have misheard that.

Epel: I was looking for your present at the street near the foothill with a friend the other day. And then Deuce lead me to this shop that had really cool products!

Trey: Ohh, so Deuce also help picked the present.

Epel: Yes! Deuce told me that you really like hats. The hat with spiky studs and the hat with flaming motifs embroidery were shortlisted as your gifts but…The price were over the budget when I looked at it closer…

Trey: I-is that so…. It’s kind of surprising that you chose a hat with spiky studs and a hat with flaming motifs embroidery… Anyways, the fact that you’ve chosen this is because you think it suits me. It was hard trying to pick a present for a third year when you don’t know their interest, not to mention someone from another dorm, right? Thank you for taking your time to choose a present for me. I usually dress in casual wear, so this cap will give a nice touch in accent.

Epel: Fufu. I figured that it would fit well as an accent colour for Heartslabyul’s Union Jacket!

Trey: I see…. Then I shall wear this cap and enjoy the whole day.


Epel: Sweet! You look super cool in it! It gives off a bad boy vibes on you!!

Trey: Bad boy vibes…?? Haha… Thanks. *whispers* Is he praising me…?

Chapter 2

Epel: Well, we’ll move on to the interview next. The first question is…. If you were to bring along one person to a deserted island, who would it be? However, you cannot choose someone of the same dorm… it seems.

Trey: A deserted island huh… I did go camping with my family when I was back home… I have no confidence in my survival skills since I’m born and bred in the Kingdom of Rose. I would choose someone with a lot of survival experience and who can cooperate easily with me.

Epel: Someone who can cooperate easily… So do you mean… someone who is serious and doesn’t have a bad personality?

Trey: That’s not always the case. There are people that is difficult in reaching a mutual understanding even when they have a great personality, right? That’s why I would rather pick someone who is easy to talk to and is able to laugh and brush off their partner’s mistakes. So taking into consideration of all these points…. I would probably choose Rook.


Epel: Ehhh, Rook?!?!

Trey: Yeah, we’re part of the Science club together. We’re both vice dorm leaders too so we have a lot in common.

Epel: Then… You do know that Rook is somewhat of a weird guy right?
You could have chose someone else…

Trey: Haha, you’re so harsh. Well, it is true that he always act beyond my imagination. A while ago when we were making dishes with the produce we grew from the Science Club… Rook dumped a whole pile of leaves which were usually unsuitable for consumption into the pot. That really shocked me.

Epel: He cooked a ton of inedible leaves?! H-how was it…?

Trey: Oh, the leaves are actually harmless, it’s just that they taste sort of bitter. What surprised me is that it actually brought the dish to a new a depth in flavour.

Trey: According to Rook, apparently if you cook them together with meat, it will remove its odor and bring out a rich flavour of the dish. He usually shares these sort of knowledge with me on a daily basis. Don’t you think he’s the best person to bring for a survival trip?

Epel: Now that you put it in this way… Maybe it’s just as you said…?

Trey: Right? He’s also the type of person who would never think about tricking nor exploiting others. Just as I said earlier, I’m not equipped with the right survival skills, I can only do normal people things, you know? I’ll leave Rook to make a breakthrough in escaping while I will be responsible for being the support in order to survive the deserted island. Besides edible plants, there is a good chance that Rook will bring back nutritious meat for us.


Epel: Meat is indeed important. After hearing about your account with Rook, somehow Rook seems a bit more dependable now… I think?

Trey: I’m glad to help improve Rook’s image. It’s true that he stands out alot due to his outlandish behaviours. When the time calls for it, he’s actually someone you can rely on.

Epel: Fufu. I see!

Chapter 3  

Epel: Alright, I will go onto the next question. If you were to join a dorm aside from Heartslabyul, which dorm would you choose?

Trey: A dorm aside from Heartslabyul huh…That’s something that never crossed my mind.

Epel: Eh, for real?! Isn’t your dorm full of weird- I mean, strict rules?

Trey: Well, the mirror chose to put me in my dorm. Besides, no matter which dorm I join, there are hardships in the form of another.

Epel: Hmmm, you’re right…

Trey: But if I were to choose. Let’s see…. First of all, I would not join Savanaclaw.

Epel: Eh, even though it’s cool and wild?! Since you’ve got a great build (he thicc), you’ll look great in their dorm uniforms, I’m envious.

Trey: You’re actually interested in joining Savanaclaw? That’s nice, I cannot picture myself in it though. Doesn’t Savanaclaw values true/raw ability? I’m really bad at these sorts of competition. Well, that’s why my answer would be Octavinelle dorm.

Epel: Vil said that Octavinelle dorm members are cunning and untrustworthy. According to Ace and Deuce, you’re a kind person that looks after others…I think that you probably don’t fit well into Octavinelle dorm?

Trey: Those two… What have they been saying behind someone’s back. I’m happy that you think of me this way, but I’m not that nice of a guy, you know. The reason why I chose Octavinelle is no more than convenience.


Epel: What do you mean by that…?

Trey: Octavinelle values individualism. I’m under the impression that as long as their members take responsibility of their own work, all’s good. If I can show my confectionary making skills in Mostro Lounge, I can secure a position in Octavinelle in no time.

Epel: Now you mentioned it, you’re in charge of making tea party sweets in Heartslabyul right?

Trey: Yes. By the way, Octavinelle is different than Heartslabyul in a sense that there is a menu to follow with no other complicated rules. Another attractive point is that I can make sweets using seasonal fruits without considering the detailed rules set by the law. According to the Queen’s laws, there are many things that can affect the menu, such as the day of the week, the weather, the hedgehogs and the behaviour of a cat…

Epel: The day of the week and the weather can affect the menu?! It sounds like being a Heartslabyul dorm member is really tough…

Trey: That’s not always the case. It’s easier to have certain things set in place than to be told that one is free to decide on anything. For example… If someone asked what would they like to eat. And got a response that anything is fine. Don’t you think that the person will be troubled by it?

Epel: I think I kind of understand that…

Trey: Even if the rules are nonsense, as long as the peace in Heartslabyul is bound by the rules. Therefore my personality fits into Heartslabyul better. With that, the interview comes to an end right? The next thing will be…

Epel: Yes! It’s time to present the long awaited “Gift of good fortune”!

Trey: You’re really pumped, huh… Please hold back a little, Epel.


Epel: I will put my heart and soul with all my might and fulfill my greatest role as a presenter! Trey, are you sure you don’t want to take of your glasses?


Trey: Hey, hey….Don’t tell me you plan to throw with a force enough to do something to my frames, do you? I could tell from the conversation with Epel… that he is truly a Night Raven College student. I can’t avoid this. I’ll just have to get over with it. Fine, come right at me.

Epel: Well then, there I go. Happy Birthday, Trey!
