

I have kept my mouth shut for too long, so let’s get something straight here: the clover emoji isn’t even a fucking clover.

This below is a wood sorrel(oxalis). They have heart-shaped leaves that meet in the middleandfive-petaled blooms that come in many colors. Several species grow from tubers, and like raw spinach or chard, they contain sour-tasting oxalic acid which can cause health problems if eaten in significant quantities.


This below is a clover(trifolium). They have ovular leaves that meet in a cross-shape and have artichoke-shaped blooms that typically occur in white, pink or red. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, and their flowers are used for brewing tasty nutritious tisanes.


Which of these does “” look like? Because a clover it is not, and I will not be silent about this anymore!
