#trixree writes


The Kids are Not Alright - Chapter 3

It takes considerable effort to keep Tech and Wrecker occupied while Hunter goes in for surgery. Crosshair is a lost cause from the start.

Rating: T, Word Count: 18k+, Chapters: ¾
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happy Sunday - I’m thinking about trans clones again

Language, like many other foundational subjects, is taught to them in flash training modules. Flash training modules function analogously to downloads—lessons are crafted precisely for clone-neural configurations. 

A cadet sits at the station, the curving bulbous monitor blocking all of their peripheral vision, obscuring the rows upon rows of other cadets just like them off to either side. The flash training rooms are as large as the cafeteria, extending out infinitely from gleaming white end to gleaming white end. The thick headsets they wear are enough to block out the evidence of other life around them, muting the sound of hundreds of clones breathing and blinking and swallowing in the same space. 

Flash training is like reading the most sensible and parsable text in the galaxy. Each equation, theorem, tactic, and conjugation perfectly understood after one read—one glance. It’s designed that way.

If a clone encounters difficulties—if something doesn’t make sense, if a question is answered wrong, if it is hard—it is indicative of developmental abnormalities. Quickly, they have learned to close ranks around the abnormal performers, the under-performing.

The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. 

In studying language modules, clone cadets learn pronouns. Applying those words to themselves is not part of the educational material. The Longnecks and the trainers call them “him” and “he” and “them”. The worst ones call the clones “it”. 

Here, today, a clone cadet finishing their fourth-year language and grammar module experiences an abnormality. 

“She,” she forms with her lips, quiet as a whisper. “Her.” 



Starting today, May 31st, I’m once again accepting writing commissions! See image description below the cut.

What fandoms will I write for?
Currently I’ll accept commissions for anything Clone Wars, SW Prequels-era, the Kenobi show, Bad Batch, the Mandalorian, One Piece, and Our Flag Means Death. You can check out my previous commissioned work here: look inside of me (and see that I am not afraid) series;Learned Men;Folklore;Easy as Anything, Simple as That;These Things Happen;Anchor;It’s Called Falling;ALL SPEED COMMISSIONS

What’s the turn-around on my commission?
This depends on length! Shorter commissions have shorter turn-arounds and vice-versa. The longest I’ve ever taken to complete a commission was about 18 days from initial deposit.

Can I commission the next chapter of a WIP?
Depends on the WIP! For some stories, I’m happy to accept a commission to jump-start progress on an otherwise stalled story. But this is on a case-by-case basis. There are a handful of unfinished things on my AO3 that I’m simply not interested in completing at this time, so I might say no, but please don’t be afraid to ask!

Can I reblog this post?
Absolutely, and my thanks if you do!

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