#trr olivia


Golden Boy

Moodboard for chapter DerbyofGolden Boy

Since I vaguely cover the lawn party in text, since it was already sitting at 10k words, I decided I’d show a bit of the party via collage ☺️

Ps. Very proud of the Savannah and Bertrand pic. Mashed 3 pictures together for that one.


Golden Boy

Olivia Nevrakis

What scent reminds her of her childhood?

Lythikos hot cocoa

What is one thing she always carries with her?

A knife, of course

What keeps her up at night?

Absolutely nothing

What does she first notice about someone?

Their mental strength

What is her idea of a really fun time?

Beating all the boys

What do people first notice about her?

Flowing red hair

Favorite drink?

Red champagne

Distinguishing facial features?

Perfectly arched eyebrow


Duchess of Lythikos


You bet your ass she is

What’s in her pockets?

Probably something to hurt you with

Favorite proverb?

If you can breathe you can stand, if you can stand you can fight

Golden Boy

