#trr liam


When Pixelberry use your name for the Buttler’s wife…. and the MC has the same name also…


Here’s my entry for #ChoicesCreates48 : Gender Flip!


Wilhelmina = Liam (Wilhelm is German for William)

Bertha = Bertrand

Click to enlarge.

Clockwise:Wilhelmina(Liam),the Princess of Cordonia. Her mother was poisoned, and her sister ran away from her responsibility to the kingdom to “find herself”.

Maxie breakdancing (Maxwell), the youngest daughter of House Beaumont. She’s full of fun. She invited you to Cordonia on the spur of the moment to sponsor you as a candidate to win the hand of the Princess Fair.

Oliver(Olivia), the Princess’ childhood best friend. He’s been in love with her all his life, but she sees him as a little brother.

Han(Hana), another suitor for the Princess. He’s shy and quiet, but once you get to know him you realize he’s your brother from another mother. He takes his duty to his family very seriously. He has feelings for you and you might have them back.

Draca(Drake), the best friend of the Princess. She’s a commoner (like you), and she loves sarcasm and hard liquor. She’s insecure but you could never resist a damsel in distress… Or a train wreck. She says she’s been in love with you since the night the two of you met.

Bertha(Bertand), the Heiress of House Beaumont. She’s had to claw her way to the top. Regal and proud, she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. She loves Maxie, but resents her Millenial Entitlement too.

Wiggles(corgi), the street dog you adopted. Maxie likes to spoil her.

Leona(Leo) , the Princess Who Left. She gave up her right to be Queen to travel the world searching for love and adventure. You’ve only heard of her in passing, but you admire her already.

Riley - You were a waiter in NYC when you meet a Princess one night…

This didn’t age well.

i hate seeing screenshots of trr/trh where someone has renamed liam idk why it just makes me uncomfortable

Golden Boy

Moodboard for chapter DerbyofGolden Boy

Since I vaguely cover the lawn party in text, since it was already sitting at 10k words, I decided I’d show a bit of the party via collage ☺️

Ps. Very proud of the Savannah and Bertrand pic. Mashed 3 pictures together for that one.


Golden Boy


Pairing: Drake X F!OC

Warning: language

Rating: PG-13

Word count:10931

Series blurb: Lily never made a habit of getting close to any of her customers, especially the travelers who always left. So what is it about this suit clad Cordonian that makes her want to get to know him better? Drake has always been the dutiful son, followed in his father’s footsteps to become one of the most promising King’s Guards since Jackson and Bastien were rookies. When he goes to New York for a short vacation and meets a quirky bartender he starts to question his life decisions. What happens when a certain Crown Prince asks Lily to come be a guest of the Crown for this year’s social season?

Chapter Blurb: Lily goes to her first horse race after standing her ground to the brothers Beaumont.

A/N: surprise! Sorry it took so long. I’ll make a separate post about what’s been going on in the real world, but I’ve been going through a lot. Plus I’ve been working on 6 chapters for AA consecutively, and I’ve started a few side businesses. Thank you to everyone who is still willing to read this, and I can’t promise anything but I’ll try not to take so long for the next chapter. Which I already have a good chunk of written so hopefully things go according to plan.

A/N2: sorry if anything sounds weird or not exactly me. Despite multiple assurances I still feel like I’m off my game a bit.

A/N3: HUGE shoutout to @karahalloway for not only reading over bits, but for being there to support me as I deal with these bumps in the road. You’re an amazing friend and I love seeing your name pop up in messenger because I know I’m about to laugh.

Golden Boy


True to his word, Drake got her back to the palace with plenty of time to spare to get ready. No one – other than other Guards – noticed them leave the day before; so they weren’t confronted when they walked through the front door as if they had only gone on a stroll across the grounds.

They kept their distance through the main hall and went separate ways at the top of the grand staircase. Neither of them wanted to part, but Drake said it would be more suspicious if he walked her to her room in the palace. The king prided himself on heavy security so the nobles could move around freely without a shadow – other than the Royal Family of course.

So Lily made her way to her room alone, smiling at any Guard she happened to cross paths with – thankful that Jackson hadn’t ended up being one of them.

While she prepared for the Derby she thought back to the night before, the low throb between her legs intensifying the further her imagination ran.


“I fucking love you, Lily.”

She sucked in a sharp breath as she tried to process the sudden confession. Drake seemed to have read her hesitation because the intensity in his eyes softened before he kissed her forehead again.

“You don’t have to say it back.”


“You don’t even have to say it at all if that’s not how you feel. I just want you to know that’s how I feel. Okay?”

Instead of answering, she closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around his waist while nuzzling her head into his chest. She didn’t know what to say and assumed anything less than a returned ‘I love you’ would hurt him, so she opted for a physical response.

Her heart hammered in her chest, she was certain he could feel it against his abdomen but she didn’t pull away. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back in soothing circles.

It wasn’t that she didn’t love him. She did, she knew she did. That didn’t stop the fear. In the short time spent together, they broke many barriers within one another, but she was still hesitant to cross that final line. Her history of abandonment made it hard to completely open herself to others.

She wanted that with Drake – to give him all of her.

She just needed a little more time.

After washing each other they laid in bed in a tangle of naked limbs. Ready to succumb to sleep but not wanting to miss any time together, Drake continued to move his hand along her spine as her head rested against his chest. She closed her eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat, her chest tightening at the sound.

“Why do you love me?” She whispered.

His hand paused on the nape of her neck as he thought about his answer. He let out a deep sigh and resumed his affectionate touch.

“Honestly?” Though he spoke softly his chest still rumbled beneath her cheek. “You’re amazing, you’re real. You don’t have any hidden ambition, you’re a ‘what you see is what you get’ person. You don’t care about my past or my status. You want me for me, not for what I can do for you or the places I can take you.”

She tipped her head up to look into his eyes as he continued.

“Your laughter is music, your smile is the sunrise. I’ve never been a rainbows and butterflies type of guy and I never will be, but I appreciate the little things. Like the way you take care of others even when there’s nothing in it for you or when you think nobody is watching you. Then you get embarrassed if you see you’re being watched,” he cracked a smile. “You know you’re pretty but you aren’t vain about it. You’ll rock my oversized shirt and a ball cap just as well as a sundress. Nobody can go from heels to boots as quickly and happily as you, not even Savannah. I love the attention you give Lonestar, he’s the only pet I’ve ever had and it means a lot to me that you two get along as well as you do. He doesn’t like many people, but you won him over fast.”

“It’s hard not to love that giant puppy,” she chuckled.

“I know, you’re a hard one not to love too. I don’t want to be that guy, but I was looking for his approval.”

“I kind of figured that when you took me to meet him.”

“You caught me,” he chuckled and scratched his jaw. “My point is… I love everything about you. I told myself I wouldn’t tell you until I was completely sure about you. After tonight… the way you stood by me with Margot, and encouraged me to speak my truth…That meant a lot to me, Lily,” his arm tightened around her.

“So,” he tucked her hair behind her ear with a sigh. “I’m just laying here, madly in love with you, and I don’t mind waiting for you. As you said, this is worth it.”

She smiled softly before leaning up to kiss his scruffy chin then settling back on his chest.

“I feel bad for not saying it back.”

“Don’t. I told you there’s no pressure. You don’t have to say it just because I did.”

“I know, but I want to,” she admitted and dropped her gaze to his Adam’s apple. “It’s just too soon for me.”

“I get it. It’s fucking soon for me too. After the way you handled Margot, then watching you take my dick like a champ – I couldn’t contain it any longer.”

A grin spread across her flushed face. “I guess that would make anyone fall in love with me, huh?”

“Only an idiot wouldn’t.”

Lily kissed his chest before turning to cuddle closer into his side, resting her ear over his heart once again. Even though they were naked and the fan overhead was wide open, she didn’t feel cold. Not with Drake’s body heat soaking into her.

His body temperature usually stayed a few degrees higher than normal, which meant he was always warm. Hence how he could walk around in the biting cold without a jacket and not be bothered. Lily didn’t mind, it made him the perfect heater and gave her ample excuses to snuggle in close–


She had just finished adding the final touches of her makeup when there was a sharp knock on the door half a second before it opened. She walked out of the bathroom to see Maxwell walking in with a dress bag slung over his shoulder followed by a peculiar sight. Bertrand strutted through with his head held high – his face covered in a thick layer of hair. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed she was out of bed – never mind that it was ten in the morning.

“Ah, good to see your makeup is already done.” Bertrand piped while examining her face. “It’s a little understated but it should work with the dress we picked out.”

“Excuse me?”

“Show her Maxwell,” he snapped his fingers. “Hurry up.”

Maxwell hung the hanger on the bathroom door hook and unzipped the bag. He pulled the bag down to reveal an outfit that she could immediately tell would be too uncomfortable for the event they were headed to. The sheer dress started with a halter neck and fell to the floor in a long flowing skirt. The thin material would hug her and leave little to the imagination of what was underneath – which would certainly exclude underwear of any form outside of nipple tape. Sequins covered the fabric, but only just enough to hide her erogenous zones. She didn’t know how she was supposed to squeeze all of her curves into the thing, let alone breathe or move in it.

“I’m not wearing that to a horse race,” Lily laughed.

She didn’t add that she wouldn’t wear it anywhere, not wanting to insult the Beaumont men’s taste. She knew Bertrand was prideful and Maxwell prided himself on being a fashionsita.

Bertrand’s smile fell.

Before he was able to speak Maxwell stepped forward and asked, “what did you have in mind then?”

With wide eyes, Lily gestured at what she had on, a simple outfit of dark jeans and a loose olive blouse. Normally she would wear a t-shirt or a button up to such a place but figured a blouse would be better received. Bertrand stared at her for a second, trying to figure out if she was joking or not. When he realized she meant what she said, he scowled.

“You are not wearing that to the Derby. This is one of the most public, highly talked about events of the social season – second only to the Regatta. All eyes – especially that of the press – will be on the members of the exclusive guest list – what they do, who they are seen with, and especially what they wear.”

“Well, I’m not wearing something I can’t even move in. It’s a horse race. There’ll be dirt and bugs and heat and I’m not going to be miserable all day.”

“You will do as you are told,” Bertrand growled.

Lily recoiled with a scoff. “The hell I will.”

“I will not stand idly by and watch you make a mockery of House Beaumont! I have enough to deal with keeping Maxwell from smearing our name,” he shot Maxwell a glare, “I will not have some random girl come in and tarnish everything I, my father and generations of Beaumonts have worked so hard to achieve.”

“How is dressing comfortably tarnishing your name? I don’t feel comfortable showing that much of my body at such a public event, I doubt I could even sit in that without tearing it,” she pointed at the sparkly dress, “let alone drink or eat. That thing screams body dysmorphia issues - no thanks. I’m not here to impress anyone or win anything, I don’t know why you want me to dress like I am. I’m here-”

“I do not care why you are here or where you came from. You will dress for your station or you will not be a Beaumont, that is final.” Bertrand snapped, his face growing red. “The only reason I’m assisting you is because my future king asked me to do so. If you want to dress like some hippie vagabond on your own time – that is repulsive but fine, I will not stop you. But when you are in the public eye, and representing my House, you will dress as a lady.”

“Then let’s go change that,” she challenged. “Right now, let’s go talk to Liam and fix this problem for you. And you can explain to him how me not wanting to flaunt every inch of my body to the whole world is hurting your family name. Look Liam in the eye and explain to him why I have to expose that much of my body at your command,” she stepped closer to him, her eyes burning as she fought to contain her emotions. “I dare you. You don’t have Savannah walking around all saran-wrapped for everyone to see exactly what she’s packing! Why do I have to? I’m not here for anything that requires people to know what’s under my clothes.”

Bertrand’s brows nearly touched while she continued, his scowl deepening with every word.

“You will do as you are told. I am-”

“Repeating yourself more firmly isn’t going to make me listen to you,” Lily scoffed and crossed her arms defiantly. “I’m not a child and I refuse to be treated as such.”

“I would not have to treat you like an impudent child if you would not insist on behaving as one!” Bertrand’s face was starting to turn red, the vein in his neck bulging as he glared down at Lily. “I am the Duke of Ramsford of the great House Beaumont, I will not abide by your insolence!”

“I already said let’s go talk to Liam!” Lily snapped and turned to wave an arm towards the doorway. “After you, oh Great One.”

She would rather keep Liam out of their argument since she knew he already had two full plates, but if it would cause Bertrand to back off and reconsider his insane demands she would consider involving the prince. He did say he would help her if she needed it.

Bertrand’s only waver in his resolve was a slight quiver of his full brow. “‘Your Grace’ will suffice, no need to drag my superiority into play. Nor is there reason to bring His Highness into this. The Crown Prince has more important matters to attend to than to listen to the petty bickerings of a disgruntled Yankee commoner.”

“Disgruntled? Really?” She snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Is that not an accurate reflection of your current attitude? I will gladly replace it with something more fitting. Resentful, perhaps?”

“I was fine until you tried to come in here and treat me like an object.”

“Don’t be so melodramatic Lily. It is unbecoming.”

“No, what’s unbecoming is the way you’re trying to bring the Jeremiah Johnson look back in style.”

Bertrand narrowed his eyes when Maxwell was unable to contain a loud snort.

“Pardon me? I do not know this Johnson fellow you speak of, but I am sure he is an exemplary gentleman.”

“Neither of those words have ever been used to describe Jeremiah,” Lily scoffed with a smirk.

“Then I fail to see the correlation.”

“Your beard Bertrand. You look silly and you sound ridiculous telling me that I’m shaming the family name, while you’re walking around looking like you just walked off the set of a Grizzly Adams episode.”

Bertrand’s jaw hardened and his nostrils flared. “I will have you know that throughout history, beards have been venerated as visual symbols of a man’s power, wealth, influence and strength. They have been an influential staple in the history of the Beaumont family. The most noteworthy being-”

“Percival Beaumont, I know, I took history lessons,” Lily cut him off in a huff. “You do realize this is the twenty-first century right? Not the fifteenth.”

“There are quite a number of notable contemporary noblemen who sport beards-”

“And yet, none of them are in Cordonia. I’ve only seen beards on the Guards,” she shrugged.

“Of course,” he hissed. “That’s where all this is coming from, isn’t it? I leave you under Mr.Walker’s care and he-”

“Drake treats me like a human being, like I’m able to make my own decisions about things like what clothes I wear. Don’t try to spin this and make him the bad guy when that’s your role,” she stepped closer to poke him in the chest. “Just because I’m new doesn’t mean you get to bully me or flaunt me around like some car! I’m not some mindless doll or accessory for others to fawn over.”

Tight clothes didn’t bother her, she had a fair number of tight or revealing outfits, some were even bought by Liam – she could easily wear seductive dresses. But on her terms. She refused to be a show pony for a man who barely spoke to her. And when he did, he acted like it was driving a knife between his vertebrae.

Plus, after the things Drake said the other day she was sure he would lose his mind if she wore that outfit in front of half the country. Especially knowing she was going commando underneath. Not that she thought he wouldn’t want her to wear something tight if she wanted it, but she wasn’t going to risk him glaring at her all day over Bertrand of all people.

Because she knew that would be what pissed him off the most – not the dress, but that Bertrand demanded it and he was powerless to intervene.

Bertrand grew silent, giving her time to collect herself under his piercing gaze.

“If you will not wear the modish – and expensive – outfit that we spent all morning putting together for you - fine. But you will not step foot outside of those gates in anything less than haute couture or we are done. Am I making myself clear?”

Lily’s face was hot with anger, tears threatened to fall at any second but she couldn’t let Bertrand see her cry. He would take it as a victory, not knowing it was either cry or punch him in the nose. The longer he stood there staring down that holier-than-thou nose at her – the more appealing the second option was becoming.

“Get out,” she growled through her teeth.

“I beg your pardon?” He scoffed.

“Get out! I don’t want you in my room, Bertrand, so get out!” She jabbed a finger towards the door, “leave!”

He recoiled, his scowl dropping in uncertainty. He glanced over at Maxwell who scratched the back of his head and shrugged a shoulder. Without saying another word he turned on his heels and quickly stalked out of the room.

As soon as the door shut behind him, Lily deflated. She sat on the edge of the bed and dropped her head in her shaky hands with a sniffle. Maxwell hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder which made the dam break. She tried to hide her face as silent tears streamed down her cheeks.

“He’ll get over it. He’s always-”

“I don’t care, Max…” her voice cracked.

“Hey, I’m on your side,” he squeezed her shoulder. “I would have stood up for you, but he’s right. I kinda am the family fuck up so I didn’t think it would have helped your cause any.”

“It doesn’t matter,” she sniffled and pulled away from his hand to wipe at her eyes.


“Will you just go… Maxwell… Please…”

She didn’t look up when he gave her another squeeze or as she heard his footsteps falling away. Once the door shut behind him she laid back on the bed and wiped her face clear, her chin still trembling. She hated that she ended up crying when she was just mad.

And the way he talked to her… unacceptable.

After allowing herself a few more minutes to let the anger and embarrassment subside she went into the bathroom to fix her make-up. As she reapplied her eyeshadow she made up her mind to talk to Liam. If Bertrand thought he had the authority to dictate how much of her body the world got to see then she didn’t want anything to do with him. She would rather everyone know she was “just an American” than to be put on display like that for a bunch of horny strangers. She did not sign up to be a piece of eye candy for Bertrand or anyone else. It wasn’t part of the deal and she refused to submit.

She changed out of her first preference and into a white one-shoulder sundress that hugged her down to her hips then flared out as it dropped almost to her knees. In one last act of defiance, she slipped into a pair of flats instead of heels like she knew Bertrand would want.

Even if she liked the outfit they brought, she wouldn’t wear heels to an outdoor event knowing the heels would constantly be sinking in the soil. Once she approved of her look in the mirror she went to snatch her phone off the charger but her hand hovered over the phone.

Shaking her head, she picked it up and dialed Liam’s number before she was able to talk herself out of it. The phone rang twice before she hit the end call button, her hands shaking. She couldn’t drag Liam into a disagreement with Bertrand. She wasn’t a child, she refused to behave like one by running to the authority.

Bertrand would just have to get over himself.

“It’s so big!” She gasped looking out the limo window when it rolled to a stop.

“That’s what she said,” Maxwell snickered.

Lily rolled her eyes without looking away from the window, “are you going to do that every time?”

“Every time,” he agreed with a grin.

“You’re such a dork,” she elbowed him in the side playfully.

“You love it.”

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “do I?”

He cast her a crooked smile and winked, “I think so.”

Before she could counter his claim, an attendant opened the door and Bertrand stepped out to offer Savannah his hand. Lily watched the group of reporters swarm over to them, cameras flashing and microphones jutting towards their faces as question after question was lobbed at them. A groan escaped her as she prepared herself for the intrusion.

“Do you want to skip this part?” Maxwell asked, looking at her with concern etched across his face.

“Can we?”

“We aren’t supposed to, but they can’t exactly stop us. They can always interview you later, or at the Regatta.”

“Not in Lythikos?”

He shook his head, “no, they don’t usually follow us there. There are certain events we are expected to showcase for the media – especially with this being the season Liam is supposed to choose a suitor. The public is going to want to be informed about what’s going on, and to get to know their potential queen.”

“I should probably talk to them. The more they get to know about me now, the less they’ll bombarde me later…” She glanced over at him hopefully, “right?”

“Eh, maybe. Or they’ll just become obsessed with you,” he snickered then nudged her with his shoulder when she paled. “I’m kidding. They have an assortment of suitors to parade after. You’ll be old news by the time we get back from Lythikos.”

“I hope you’re right. Let’s do it,” she hardened her jaw with her decision. “I want to prove to Bertrand I have some fashion sense.”

“Okay, after you.”

After navigating their way through the line of reporters and across the sand track, they found themselves in the center field. The lush green grass was peppered in different colored canopy tents with the majority being red. Over by the finish line stood a deep royal purple canopy with shade sides on for privacy – that was where Liam was, Maxwell explained. The bright pink one was reserved for the suitors, and the red were for the rest of the nobles while the white stood for food and beverages. Only nobility and those working the event were allowed inside the center field, no commoners and no press. So, despite there being nearly five hundred bodies on the grass, there was still a semblance of privacy.

“There’s still a half hour before the races start. I’m going to go find Bertrand and Savannah, you should mingle.”

Lily looked up at Maxwell and chewed the inside of her lip before nodding slightly, “okay. Where’s Drake?”

“Probably with Liam,” he shrugged. “He has today off, he always has the opening day off.”

“Really? Even though he had yesterday off?”

“Yeaaah, about that. He didn’t actually have yesterday off. When Jackson came looking for him I had to cover for you guys. I told him that Drake escorted you to town. Which, technically, is true. Anytime he’s off with you somewhere he’s working, he’s just multitasking like a mofo. So, if you’re asked…”

Lily felt a chill roll down her spine, “he called his dad last night to tell him we were staying in Lythikos.”

Maxwell frowned then lifted a shoulder, “not our problem. Drake can handle his father, don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t want him to resent me,” she whispered. “Wouldn’t it be bad to be on the bad side of the head of the Guard?”

After glancing around to see who all was around them, Maxwell grabbed her by the elbow and pulled oher off to the side rail of the track.

“You won’t be on his bad side, because his son cares for you. I’ve known Jackson practically my whole life, all he wants is the best for his kids. And besides, if Bertrand isn’t on his bad side you have nothing to worry about.”

“I hope so. I don’t want him hating me.”

“Don’t stress yourself over Jackson. Cross that bridge when you get to it. If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re great for him.” He smiled softly before his eyes drifted over her head. “Oh, I see Savannah, gotta run,” he squeezed her arm before turning to watch Savannah’s yellow dress flitter through the crowd.

“Okay. See you around.”

She barely got the words out before Maxwell strutted off after his brother and sister-in-law. After running her hands through her hair, she scanned her eyes along the crowd looking for one of the three faces familiar to her. She didn’t want to end up in the middle of a suitor cat fight, and after Drake’s warning about the noblemen hunting her for their sons she didn’t feel partial to the idea of being cornered by one of them either.

Suddenly, she saw what she was looking for. A flash of golden locks with short black hair not even a foot away. A smile lit up her face and she was moving towards them before she had time to think about it. Not wanting to draw attention to herself – since she wasn’t supposed to be on a first name basis with Liam, and Drake had the day off – she didn’t call out to them when they started to walk away. She slipped through the throngs of bodies, dodging arms and eyes as she tried to catch up to them. Just when she thought she was in the clear to be able to speed up and slip into step with them – two of the ladies she hadn’t spoke with before cut her off. She recognized the blonde as a Countess who was a suitor, the other suitor slipped her memory.

Not wanting to be rude, Lily followed a few steps behind them, waiting for the chance to slip around them.

“I will never understand that friendship,” the Countess on the right stated not so quietly.

“What do you not understand?”

“How can Prince Liam — who founded a charity for his tenth birthday — happily say his best friend is a Guard? And not even one of his own – Maxwell’s!”

Lily bit her tongue as she listened to them, unaware of the woman walking behind them.

“Because they grew up together. His dad has been the King’s personal Guard since their sons were just boys. The Prince has grown fond of him over the years.”

“But to call a Guard his best friend? Do you not think that is a little tactless?”

“Maybe if he were unsightly. But I can not see the downside of having such an attractive Guard at his side at all times. He certainly gives us something better to look at than these ridiculous animals.”

Lily rolled her eyes and scoffed under her breath. Of course the noblewomen would go from insulting Drake over his status, to mentioning his looks as his only positive attribute.

One of the women must have heard her scoff, because she suddenly found herself face to face with both women. Instead of being greeted with hostility the way she was with Olivia and her pose, she was greeted with curious smiles. The brunette on the left raised a manicured eyebrow, her eyes flicking to the woman beside her before coming back to rest on Lily.

“Pardon us for talking about your Guard in such a manner.”

Lily shook her head nonchalantly, “he’s not my Guard, he works for Maxwell. I’m just borrowing his service from time to time.”

“You are far too considerate,” the Countess laughed. “You are a Beaumont, therefore the Beaumont Guards are at your disposal just as much as that of your beloved cousins. I know you are not used to this way of life, but I do hope you grow into it. You are of nobility after all, act accordingly.”

“Oh… I’m still getting used to everything. It’s all so new to me still. Maxwell and Drake have been such a big help.”

The two exchanged a look and Lily suddenly felt uneasy. Had she said the wrong thing? Should she have left Drake out of it?

The brunette returned her deep brown eyes to Lily with a coy smile, “we can help you some time. And maybe you can introduce us to Drake on a more… personal level?”

Lily wasn’t able to hide her shock, “Drake? Why do you want to get to know him? I thought-”

“Come now, darling, do not act daft with us,” the Countess cut her off. “We might not taint our bloodline by procreating with them, but that does not mean we are blind to someone who is soft on the eyes.”

“I mean – yes – he’s attractive, but isn’t it frowned upon to bed the staff?”

“Of course. Did I say we meant to bed him?”

Lily swallowed hard as she watched the blonde eyebrow raise and the red lips pucker in amusement, “well, no.”

“You do know what is said about assumptions, don’t you darling?”

“They make an ass out of us all,” the brunette answered before Lily could. “Anyhow, I hear he is gay. Is that true?”

The Countess swiveled on her heels to look at her friend with wide eyes, “I’ve heard that as well. He and Lord Maxwell are awfully close, and you know the rumors about him.”

Lily didn’t like the way the conversation was turning. She didn’t want to talk about her friend’s sex life, nor listen to implications of her lover being with him. She might discuss those things with Maxwell, but he was the only one she felt comfortable talking about his sex life with – and that was like walking on a knife’s edge. All she wanted to do was shut down the insinuations by telling them she was the one in Drake’s arms at night – that he was between her legs and didn’t want to be anywhere else.

But his words pulled her to a stop, she couldn’t do that and take publicity from Liam’s social season. She couldn’t wait to return and let everyone know that Drake was hers.

“Well, either way,” the brunette smacked her lips, “he could get us closer to His Highness.”

“Yes, any time he’s not with a Beaumont he’s with the Prince.”

And there it was.

She felt stupid for even thinking for a moment that either of the women would be interested in Drake for himself. Of course they were only interested in using him to get closer to Liam.

“Pardon me Marchioness Ilithyia, Countess Erin.”

The deep familiar voice nearly caused Lily to jump.

She didn’t think he knew where on the vast field she was, let alone that he would come rescue her. But, yet again, there he was. Placing himself between her and the nobles he so desperately wanted to protect her from. All three of the women turned to look up at him. It was a strange sight, to see him in just a white v-neck and black jeans. She had grown used to his blazers or overshirts to hide his holster. She knew he still had a gun on him though, most likely tucked into the back of his pants the way it was the night before.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I must steal Lady Lily away from you for the time being.”

Where anyone who didn’t know him personally would have seen cold indifference, Lily saw annoyance. The slight hardness in his eyes, the way his words filtered through gritted teeth.

“Absolutely not,” Ilithyia scoffed while crossing her arms. “I do not condone this behavior Mr. Walker. I think I am going to have to have a discussion with Bertrand about this insubordination.”

Lily glanced at her with raised eyebrows, but Drake kept his head about him.

“You would be better off talking to Prince Liam, since he’s the one who sent me,” he stated matter-of-factly. “He hasn’t had a chance to talk to her one-on-one and thought it would be a good way to kill some time before the races start.”

He took a step back, his hands slipping into his pockets as he sighed. “I’ll just go tell him you are refusing to release her and you think he should fetch her himself.”

“No need in such dramatics Walker,” Erin chimed, stepping towards him while batting her eyes. “She can go, since the Prince is requesting her. Although, it is a little confusing why he wants to speak to her over one of his suitors.”

“You don’t think it’s wise for him to get to know all the members of his court?” Drake countered. “I can let him know you disapprove.”

“No, no,” Erin chuckled nervously. “That is hardly necessary.”

“Let us not keep them any longer, Erin.” Ilithyia said, looping her arm through the brunette’s then settled her eyes on Lily. “We shall see you later Lily.”

“Of course,” Lily smiled weakly. “See you around.”

Drake gave a stiff bow, “Marchioness, Countess.”

Before the other women were able to be the ones to walk away, Drake placed his hand on the small of Lily’s back and propelled her forward. Once they were out of ear shot, he dropped his hand and visibly relaxed. Lily glanced up at his clenching jaw then down at his hand hanging by his side. The urge to grab it and soothe him was wearing down on her. She crossed her arms behind her back to keep from touching him in the middle of a sea of court members. Drake didn’t look at her or say anything as he led her towards the purple tent where she assumed Liam was waiting.

She wasn’t sure how it would look to everyone for her to be in the enclosed tent with two men, but assumed if they both thought it was okay then she shouldn’t worry. Drake had already proven his top priority was keeping her safe, both from physical and slanderous harm.

When they reached the tent, Drake pulled the flap to the side for her and ushered her inside. The large tent was mostly empty, a folding table sat over to the side with pre-prepared plates of snacks. The opening of the tent faced the finish line of the track with a row of chairs a few feet back. Lily glanced around at everything and quickly noticed a major fixture was missing – Liam.

She turned to Drake, “where’s Lia-”

“You need to stay away from those two, Ilithyia is nothing but trouble. She’ll sweet talk you into scandalizing yourself.”

“I was handling myself just fine,” she huffed and crossed her arms.

“Sure, that’s why your face was screaming ‘save me’, right? I could read you from across the field Lily.” He ran his knuckles down her cheek with a sigh. “What did they want?”

She stepped back from his hand and narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t mind you saving me from the creepy noblemen, but the women I can handle. I’ve dealt with mean girls my whole life. I handled Olivia, I was handling Ilithyia.”

“Ilithyia and Olivia are two completely different animals,” he stated, his hands going back into his pockets. “Olivia is brash and straightforward with what she thinks of – and expects from – everyone, she’s a lion. You know exactly what you’re getting with her. Ilithyia is a snake, she’ll pretend to be your friend then turn around and stab you in the back as soon as you piss her off or she gets what she wants.”

“And Erin?”

He gave a slight shake of his head, “she doesn’t matter. She’s under the Marchioness’ thumb, her brother is engaged to Ilithya’s sister. She won’t save you or defend you. She’s a puppet.”

“Oh, well…” she looked out at the racetrack and hugged herself. “I was holding my own. I can’t have you constantly coming and pulling me away any time I talk to someone for more than two minutes.”

“I’m just trying to protect you. The longer you talk to these people the harder it is to keep to your lines.”

“Lines?” She scoffed and wheeled around to glare at him. “You sound like Bertrand-”

“Don’t you dare,” he growled.

“No, don’t you dare, Drake Walker. You don’t get to control every aspect of my life. You don’t want me talking to any nobleman outside of your ridiculously short list? Fine. But you can’t jerk me around anytime I’m with someone you don’t like. If I can’t talk to anyone outside of those you’re related to and Liam, I’m going to go insane.”

“You can do whatever you want with Hana Lee,” he shrugged. “She’s not a threat.”

Lily rolled her eyes with a low growl and turned her back to him, “you’re impossible.”

She started to walk over to the railing, but Drake quickly grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face him. A gasp barely slipped past her lips before his hand cradling her jaw and tipping her head up to look him in the eyes.

“I’m not impossible, I’m doing my job.”

“Are you? Or are you just being a dictatorial asshole?”

“They aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“I don’t want to be dating Mussolini.”

“I’m sorry,” his eyes softened, “it’s hard for me; I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Lily deflated and rested a hand on his chest, feeling his strong steady heartbeat beneath her fingers.

“We need to come up with a look or a signal I can give you to let you know if I need your help. Because, while what they were saying was shocking, I was standing on my own just fine.”

Drake’s eyes softened before he brushed his knuckles up her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Okay. We’ll talk about it later.”

She nodded and stepped closer to him, not needing or wanting to add more words. Her hand on his chest gripped his shirt while her free hand slid along the waistband of his pants. Not giving anything away in his expression, he studied her with a raised eyebrow.

“Are you copping a feel, Starke?”

“No,” she batted her eyes and slipped her fingers under his shirt to trace along the skin of his hip.

“I wouldn’t mind if you were. It would give me a reason to take this dress off you.”

He ran a finger down her neck, along her collarbone then over the swell of her breast. He didn’t stop when he reached the hem of the dress, instead he hooked the crook of his finger on the fabric and pulled down on it. They held each other’s eyes as he slowly exposed her, the cool air under the canopy instantly hardening her nipple when it popped free. She didn’t remain exposed for long, his hand quickly replaced the dress after thumbing her aroused peak.

“I can’t wait to bite this until you scream.”

She sucked in a sharp breath, “Drake…”

“Did you fi – Oops,” Liam said as he walked through the flap, coming to a stop when he noticed the pair. “Am I interrupting?”

Drake stepped away from Lily and shook his head as he turned to the prince, deliberately placing himself to block her from sight, “no.”

“If you’re certain,” Liam smiled and let the flap fall behind him.

Lily turned to the side and quickly adjusted her dress, her cheeks burning. With a shaky breath, she ran her hands through her hair before turning to smile at Liam. If he saw anything other than his friends standing close, his face gave nothing away. Lily was grateful.

“I’m happy to see Drake was able to extract you from the claws of the Marchioness,” he chuckled.

“He pulled the maneuver off flawlessly, even made her backtrack,” Lily said with a grin.

“He does have a way with catching the nobles’ fumbles.”

Liam walked over to the railing and looked out at the yet to be touched sand with a soft smile on his face.

“Are you ready, Drake?”

“You know I’m always ready to kick your pampered ass,” Drake said, walking to his side with his arms crossed.

Lily came to Drake’s other side and rested her arms on the top railing, “what are you two going on about?”

The question earned her two shiteating grins from the friends. Liam’s eyes cut to Drake, expecting him to explain. Drake ran a hand over his hair with a chuckle before meeting her inquisitive eyes.

“The reason I always have opening day off is because we have this long standing bet. We choose the horse we think will win each race and at the end of the day the loser has to do ten push-ups.”

“It’s the bet we’ve been doing since we were kids,” Liam continued.

Lily grinned as her eyes shifted between the two, “that’s adorable.”

“The hell it is,” Drake huffed. “It’s rugged… and manly.”

“Yes, very tough I’d say,” Liam nodded in agreement.

“Ten push-ups is rugged and tough?” She teased. “I expected better of you Walker.”

“Not just ten regular push-ups Lily. The winner will be sitting on the loser’s back.”

“But still,” she giggled, “only ten?”

“Hey,” he scoffed, “let me see you do ten push-ups with me on your back.”

She scrunched her nose, her eyes drifting over to Liam. “I could probably pull it off with him. He looks like he’s a good bit lighter than you.”

“How much of a difference do you think there is between us?”

“I dunno, maybe fifty pounds?”

Drake belted out a laugh and turned to smirk at Liam who tried his best to contain his own amusement.

“I… don’t think there’s quite that large of a difference,” Liam said hesitantly while running a hand through his hair.

“I didn’t mean to offend either of y-”

“I’m not offended,” he chuckled with a shake of his head. “But I believe the difference is closer to fifteen kilos.”

“Oh, okay. I wasn’t too far off then.”

“Not too far,” Liam smiled at her then raised an eyebrow at Drake. “Do we have a bet?”

“You’re on,” Drake chuckled. “But I think we should include Lily this time, since she’s here and thinks she can hang with the boys.”

“Oh?” Lily raised an eyebrow and poked him in the side, “what’s that supposed to mean?”

Drake cast her a smirk. “Well, you should pick a horse each round as well.”

“I don’t really know anything about derby racing though,” she murmured.

“Backing out on me already, Starke?”

“I’m not backing out, I just think you have an unfair advantage. You guys have been coming to these races all your lives, betting on them for how long?”

“Since we were – what – ten?”

Liam nodded, “that sounds about right.”

“Yeah,” she rolled her eyes, “that’s far from fair.”

“How can we rectify the difference?” Liam inquired.

Lily tapped her chin, her green eyes drifting between sparkling blues and challenging browns.

“How many races will there be today?”

“Sixteen,” Liam said quickly.

“Okay… so why don’t you both let me have two of your wins?” She shrugged nonchalantly. “That way I have at least four wins.”

The men exchanged looks, Drake shrugged when Liam raised an eyebrow. They stepped away from her to mumble under their breath in a tight huddle, occasionally casting a glance back at her way. Lily rolled her eyes but a playful smile worked its way onto her face after the third time Drake met her gaze. When they returned their attention to her Drake wore a lopsided grin.

“You may have your advantage,” he stated, “but just know – if you lose, you have to take the punishment.”

‘So ten push-ups with Liam on my back?”

“Ten push-ups with both of us on your back,” he corrected.

Lily’s jaw dropped. “That’s not fair. I can’t even pick you up, let alone both of you.”

“We’ll just lean on you when you lose,” he said with a wink.


“Did I stutter?”

“Don’t get cocky now.”

Drake grinned and stepped away from the railing, “I’m going to go get drinks. Is beer good for everyone?”

“Yes,” Lily and Liam said at the same time.

“Okay, three cold beers coming up. Maybe it won’t take too long.”

He turned his back to the others and headed for the flap of the tent. Liam turned his soft smile towards Lily then gestured at the chairs.

“Shall we wait comfortably?”

“Sure,” she followed him to the chairs and sat after him, making sure to leave one between them for when Drake returned.

“I nearly forgot, forgive me -”


“- I didn’t answer when you called earlier, I was having a discussion with my father before I left.”

Drake – who was half a step away from exiting the tent – turned around sharply to study Lily with narrowed eyes, “you called him?”

She turned in her seat so she could see him, “no – well, yes – but I hung up almost immediately.”


“I was going to talk to you about it later, I didn’t want to drag Liam into it.”

“But you called him, not me?”

Lily glanced past him to Liam who was now looking at Drake in uncertainty.

“Yeah, I was going to call him in to play mediator, but decided he had enough on his plate so I hung up. I didn’t call you because I knew there wasn’t a way for you to help my situation.”

“What situation?”

“Are you okay?” Liam added in concern.

“I’m fine. Bertrand was being an asshole, he wanted me to wear this see through dress today and when I said no he threw a hissy fit,” she explained coolly. “He said I’d better wear haute couture when I left the palace or I was pretty much kicked out of the Beaumont circle.”

Drake’s shoulders softened, but his scowl deepened, “he wanted you to walk around exposing yourself?”

“Yes! And I told him to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine,” she scoffed.

She quickly recounted the exchange with Bertrand for the two men, each listening with different intensities. For the most part Liam seemed concerned, but Drake was fuming. She wouldn’t have been surprised if smoke started to rise off him. But it wasn’t the anger in his eyes that made her chest draw tight.

It was the pain.

She knew how it would affect him to hear what Bertrand tried to do. It would hurt him to know that if she hadn’t stood her ground so well, there would be nothing he could do to stop his brother-in-law from showcasing every inch of her body.

He hated being powerless against the nobles, especially when it came to her.

She hated putting him in that angry helpless state-of-mind. She wished Liam hadn’t mentioned the call until he was out of the tent.

“I can’t do this right now,” Drake growled while dragging a hand down his face. His hand fell limp to his side and he met Lily’s eyes across the void. “We’ll talk about it later, I just want to focus on having fun and watching some fucking horses run.”

“Okay,” she nodded softly.

His eyes flickered between his best friend and the girl he loved before he turned on his heels and stalked out of the tent. As soon as he was gone Lily deflated and dropped her head into her hands to rub her temples.

“Is everything okay between you two?”

She nodded twice, paused then shrugged. “I feel like I’m going to screw this up. He has clear cut boundaries and I keep crossing them. I shouldn’t have called you — even though I hung up, I should have called him.”

“He will come around. He doesn’t like to be useless and, as you said, he wouldn’t be able to help in that situation.”

“I didn’t mean he was useless.”

“I know that, and so does he. He’s just upset right now, as any man would be in this situation. When he returns he will be back to his happy snarky self.”

“I hope so.”

“Trust me, I’ve known him the majority of my life. Once he gets a beer in him, he’ll cheer up.”

“Okay, I’m trusting you,” she laughed.


Two hours later the final race had finished. They placed their bets each race, and sometimes things got heated. It didn’t take long for Lily’s mood to lighten, between their banter and joining in the ruckus over each race she felt like one of the guys. Things seemed almost normal, if she didn’t think about how Liam was royalty and that his loyal followers were only a canvas sheet away.

Much to her dismay, Drake won the bet.

Even with them handing her four races, she was in third to Liam’s five and Drake’s seven. She kept her head held high though, despite Drake’s teasing. Of course she didn’t pick any actual winning horses, she’d never even watched the Kentucky Derby back home let alone felt confident enough to place bets. She mainly chose the jittery ones, the horses pawing at the gate eager to bolt at the ring of the bell. Little good that did her.

“Okay Starke, ready to pay up?”

“I suppose so. Isn’t there a towel or something we can lay on the grass?” She asked as she kicked her shoes off to the side.

“Afraid to get a little dirt on your hands?”

“No,” she scoffed. “I don’t want grass stains on this white dress. Last thing I need is to be seen coming in here with the two of you in a white dress and leaving with green knees.”

Drake snorted with a roll of his eyes. “I’m not letting you off that easy woman.”

“I’m not trying to get out of the bet. It’s a legitimate conc- what are you doing?”

Her eyes had been drawn past Drake to Liam who was busy unbuttoning his shirt. Drake glanced over his shoulder at his best friend then scowled.

“What gives?”

“The lady requested something to protect her lovely dress and delicate skin.”

“I doubt anyone would call her delicate,” Drake snorted.

“That is of no concern to me, I’m simply supplying the cover,” Liam stated while pulling his shirt off and opening it.

They watched him lay the shirt on the ground, then when he stood back up he locked eyes with Lily.

“Rest your knees on my shirt and your dress will remain unsoiled.”

“Thank you Liam.” She grinned before cutting her eyes at Drake. “A real gentleman.”

Drake scoffed, “whatever. He has fifty of the exact same shirt. I’m not ruining one of the few t-shirts I have that I actually like. Chop chop now.” He gestured at the shirt. “Let’s have those push-ups Starke.”

Lily dropped down to the push-up position and glanced up at the pair. Without hesitation, Drake bent over her to press his hands on the small of her back.

“Come on Liam, don’t go easy on her,” he chuckled.

Liam glanced down at Lily for a confirmatory nod before he bent and pressed his hands to her shoulder blades. She tried to contain her discomfort, but was unable to stop a low huff as she began her push-ups. After she struggled to complete her sixth push-up, she felt Liam lessen his resistance on her back. Not wanting to out him to Drake, or repeat the exercise, she stayed quiet and grit her teeth through the remainder of the push-ups.

Once she was done Drake helped her back to her feet and watched her fix her hair with unreadable eyes, the corner of his lips lifted in a slight smirk.

“Got to say, I’m impressed, Starke,” he admitted.


“I knew you could hold your own with us.”

Lily crossed her arms with a grin and bumped her shoulder into his side. “I’m one of the guys now. We can chew the cud together, bro.”

Drake’s smirk dropped to a scowl, “don’t call me ‘bro’.”

“Why?” She laughed.

“Because I’m not your bro. We aren’t on that level.”

“Oh,” she raised an eyebrow at him, “excuse me. And what level are we on, exactly?”

“Not the ‘do stupid shit-”

“Hey, have you guys seen- Oh, there you are!” Maxwell cut him off as he barged into the tent. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Lily.”

“Sorry, I was here the whole time. I joined their bet.”

Maxwell grimaced and sucked his teeth, “who won?”

“Who do you think?” Lily rolled her eyes in the direction of Drake.

“Yeah, that checks out. But hey, everyone is getting ready to head over to the lawn party. You don’t want to be late.”

“Oh, I forgot about that. Will there be food? I didn’t grab anything the whole time we were in here,” she grimaced and laid a hand on her stomach to emphasize her hunger.

“Oh yeah, there’s always loads of food.”

“There’s snacks,” Drake snorted.

“Snacks in your opinion.” Maxwell countered, rolling his eyes.

“What do you think of the food, Liam?” Lily asked the prince as he pulled his suit jacket back on.

“Hmm? Oh, it’s quite delicious. Cucumber sandwiches, petit fours, a large charcuterie board with a variety of meats and cheeses to pick to your taste.”

Lily narrowed her eyes. “Is it a test?”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “test?”

“Yes. Will I be judged based on my meat and cheese selection?”

“Haha, no. Though there will possibly be some raised eyebrows if you pair prosciutto with raspberry goat cheese instead of parmesan.”

“Good tip to know.”

Maxwell grabbed Lily by the elbow and tugged her towards the opening of the tent. “I’ll give you a small run through of the dos and don’ts of the lunch on the way there. We don’t want to be the last one to show up. Bertrand-”

“Bertrand can suck my-”

“Toes,” Drake cut her off sharply. “She was going to say toes.”

“That’s disgusting. Why would he-” Maxwell trailed off as he remembered the argument he witnessed earlier. “Gotcha. Well, let’s go.”

“What about Liam and Drake?” She asked, tossing a thumb over her shoulder as he pulled her out into the bright afternoon sun.

“Drake has the day off so he does what he wants. Liam should arrive fashionably late. That way everyone has already arrived and will be looking at him.”

“Does he really have to do that everywhere he goes?”

Maxwell nodded with a sigh, “tis the curse of being the Crown Prince. The only one who will arrive later than him, is the Queen herself.”

“I think I’m starting to understand.”

“Good, you’re a quick study,” he chuckled. “So did you enjoy the races?”

“Yes, they were very fun!” She laced her arm through his with a happy sigh. “I could get used to days like today.”

“That’s great to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, I was worried for a bit there. I like having you here.”

Lily glanced up at Maxwell and met his twinkling eyes. She smiled softly before running a hand through her hair to pull it over one shoulder.

“I like being here too. I like you Max, you’re a great friend.”

“I do what I can,” he laughed shyly while rubbing the back of his neck. “And honestly, it’s worth it to see the way you-know-who lights up around you.”

Her cheeks started to burn so Lily looked away, but based on the soft chuckle she knew he had likely seen it. She bit her lip and let him lead her back across the field to the line of nobles pouring out of Honeyhill into their waiting cars.

The lawn party was everything short of uneventful. Thankfully, they weren’t the last car to arrive at the extravagant venue so there was ample food and drink for Lily to splurge herself on. The pair found Hana, who was impressed to see Maxwell in a white cotton button up opposed to his regular black polo. Together the three made their way to every table, filling their tiny tea plates full of finger sandwiches and hors d'oeuvres. They found a nice table under a string of willows, in nice shade but not so far away from the croquet games that Hana would be looked over.

Roughly ten minutes after the last noble arrived, Liam and Drake made their entrance. Liam made his rounds while Drake casually meandered over to the table of his familiars with a plate stacked high of food. Once the Queen arrived and the formal games started, she dropped a bomb on the whole social season – especially Liam’s courtship of the dozen suitors he had lined up. Before her first game, Regina announced that there would be a thirteenth suitor joining.

Maxwell had to explain to Lily that the blonde bombshell beside the Queen was none other than Madeleine Amaranth; Leo’s ex-fiancee and Regina’s own niece. While Drake complained about the food options - or lack thereof - Liam chose Hana to join him in a game of croquet against the Queen and Madeleine. Hana graciously took the winning shot which seemed to impress the Queen, though the woman at her side looked less than entertained.

After the ‘main’ game was finished, the nobles dispersed and multiple smaller games were played while others stood watch and gossiped. Olivia, beyond irritated at Madeleine’s arrival, stormed around the garden with her mallet on her shoulder. Not paying attention to those around her, she nearly knocked a few heads off; and by the end of the evening she had managed to upend a large lemonade dispenser. She quickly righted herself, her cheeks burned a deep red to match her hair. Spewing a string of insults at the unfortunate soul who happened to be nearest her, she left the garden.

The rest of the evening carried on as usual, light banter amongst the group of friends followed by a nice stroll through the gardens with Liam. Lily wasn’t sure if she was allowed to be alone with Liam since she wasn’t a suitor, but Drake seemed comfortable with it so she didn’t worry too much. She liked hanging out with Liam, especially when he could be himself and relax. He showed her his favorite archway which was covered in English ivy and white roses.

Once the evening had drawn to an end and the inebriated nobles were returned safely to the palace, Lily was exhausted. She and Drake dropped Maxwell off at his room before he demanded he escort her to her room as well. Given the way the day started, she felt like it had drawn to a much better conclusion. There was little more she needed to be happy, walking the halls in the late evening with Drake, any noble they passed being too drunk or tired to care about how close the Guard was to his charge.

They rounded the final turn before they would be at her door when someone called out.

“Lily, I would like to have a word with you.”

Turning around, they saw Bertrand approaching with his head held high. He stopped a few feet away with his hands hanging stiff at his sides. He eyed Drake in disdain for a split second before speaking again.

“Leave us Walker, I need to speak with my cousin in private.”

Lily felt Drake go ridgid beside her, but ultimately he stepped back. She reached out to grab his arm, her eyes narrowing on Bertrand.

“No, I refuse to be alone with you. Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of Drake.”

Bertrand’s nostrils flared and he rolled his eyes with a grimace before exhaling sharply. “You wish to humiliate me further I see. So be it.” He tugged at his vest as if to straighten it. “I was remiss in my behavior earlier this morning. I came to apologize for the malicious tone in which I spoke to you, as well as the outfit I asked you to wear. It was not my place to try to persuade you-”

“You mean bully me.”

Bertrand grit his teeth. “It was not my place to bully you into a dress that I – through years of experience – knew the press would love.”

“Bertrand,” Lily scoffed.

“I am sorry. Savannah gave me quite the tongue lashing when she heard about this debacle. My people skills seem to not be up to par for…” he furrowed his brows in determination not to insult her, “someone who is not as used to this life as I assumed they would be. I will continue to improve myself if you agree to continue to be seen as a Beaumont.”

Lily looked over at Drake with raised eyebrows before batting her eyes as she returned her gaze to Bertrand.


Bertrand straightened his shoulders, puffed his chest out and beamed the brightest smile Lily had seen on him to date. It was obvious that he had been worried about returning to Savannah without rectifying his mistake. Even if Savannah couldn’t care less about the Beumont lie she had to know how much Lily meant to her brother. She wouldn’t have been surprised if it came out that she had advised Drake to confess his feelings.

“I thank you wholeheartedly Lily, you will not reg

Sunday six

Since it’s still technically Sunday for a bit longer here, I’ll toss a Sunday six out. I know I’ve been pretty radio silent, but I’m dealing with a LOT on the home front. I’ve been working on things, it’s just been slow since there’s so much going on and needing my attention.

Autumn’s Awakening

Po Valley

The valley was misery.

It was thirst; with no way to filter the water, each creek crossing filled their mouths with sand.

It was hunger; rationing every morsel of food, splitting a can of beans between four people hardly left anyone feeling satiated.

It was overthinking to pass the time; with no other way to distract their minds from the hell surrounding them.

It’d only been a few weeks since they saw Jack, but in her heart it felt like years.

Random one-shot

“Let’s draw matches,” Leo belted as he swiped a handful of matches off the table.

“This is stupid,” Drake grunted before taking another sip.

“You’re just worried you’ll draw the short match and strike out,” Rashad jabbed.

“No, I don’t want to play this game. It’s demeaning to all involved.”

“He does have a point,” Liam chimed in.

“You can’t always take his side,” Leo elbowed his brother in the ribs. “It’s almost like you two are together.”

“He’s my best friend,” Liam scoffed, shoving him away. “And I don’t always take his side, only when he makes sense.”

A shit-eating grin spread across Leo’s face and his eyebrow twitched, “that’s exactly what someone in a relationship would say.”

Liam’s jaw dropped while his rosy cheeks grew redder, “I-”

“You what, brother? Anything short of a love confession for our sweet darling Drake-”

Golden boy


“My apologies Lady Lily.”

That intrigued her, he had never called her that unless they were around other nobles. It was always Ms. Starke before now.

Chewing on her lip, she lifted her eyes to see he still kept his gaze averted from her.

“Does Liam need something?”

“No. I came on my own behalf. Would you take a walk with me? Please?”

“Sure? I just need to grab my jacket and shoes.”

“Of course.”


Episode four: Fairytales are for kids.

Series Silent Waters (Liam X FMC (Amy) )

Book: Rewrite of the Royal Romance book 1 POV Liam

Rating: 18+

Pairing: Liam X FMC (Amy)


In writing collaboration with @kachrisberry

A/N: Absolutely loving co-writing this with you @kachrisberry.
A/N: Most characters and a few lines belong to Pixelberry.
A/N: Chapters will be released irregular!
A/N: Thank you for your interest :D!
A/N: Please let us know if you want to be tagged for future chapters!

Series: Silent waters: Find out how deep Liam’s mind runs in this first person rewrite of book 1.


Episode four: All fairy tales come to an end… Some sooner than expected.
Warnings: Swearing, light smut.

Fairytales are for kids.

We stumble into the elevator with our lips locked passionately. I slide my hands under her thighs, and she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist. I press her against the wall, while she teasingly rubs against me.

“Which floor?” I murmur quickly as I feel my last sense of responsibility fade with every grind of her hips against mine. I leave her lips to place a trail of hot kisses on her neck. She chuckles, her nails scraping the back of my neck, and it’s clear that she enjoys every small moan she draws out of me with every smooth movement of her hips. “I’m pretty sure you already got the right floor…”

“Mmh?” I murmur distracted, enjoying her smell and taste.

She takes my chin in hand and tips my head up to demand full attention, “You, my sexy prince, are pressing my ass against the button board.”

I smirk as my hands slide over her body, squeezing her bottom in approval. “And what a fine ass it is! But just to be sure, M'lady…” I press myself harder against her, locking her completely between my body and the wall, before moving against her.

She gasps and our mouths meet in an open kiss. I keep shifting my hips until her small whimpers turn into moans. What a heavenly sound.

The doors of the elevator finally close, and she wastes no time. Her nails scrape the sensitive skin above my pants before lifting my shirt above my head, leaving me completely bare-chested.

“Fuck,” she murmurs. Her fingertips eagerly explore my bare chest, causing sensations throughout my whole body, causing things to get painfully hard into my pants. She completely clouds my mind, and all that matters is our little world.

My hands slide up under her shirt, finding my way into her bra, cupping her breast gently. She whimpers, and I can feel her hand slide down to tug on the button of my pants. It caves quickly, and her hand finds its way eagerly into my underwear. I buck my hips forward at first contact, my breath turning heavy as she keeps caressing me. “Nngh. Amy… First, I want to take care of you a few times.” I underline my words with a tease of her nipple between my two fingers.

She hides her face in my neck, her hand leaving my pants. “A few times ha… Then we better check the floor we are on, nnngh Liam!”

I glance up, “Two… We’re on… two.”

“One more,” she whispers while setting her fingers on the hem of her shirt, but I stop her from pulling it over her head. I wouldn’t care if someone would see me half-naked, but I can’t let herbe exposed like that in public, not knowing if there are cameras in the elevator, or if someone might snap a picture. “Wait,” I breathe, “I want to enjoy every second of that inside.” Her smile meets my lips, murmuring in between kisses, “Whatever pleases you, your majesty.”

I groan, her words setting fire to my core, “Fuck Amy…” I can feel her smile, and now her hand rubs over the thin fabric of my underwear, “Better check the floor, my prince.”

“Nnhg…” I open my eyes with a lot of effort, glancing up once more, “We’re here…” Thank God. I turn around with her still wrapped around me, heading for the exit while I pick up my shirt.

We stumble out of the elevator. “Thank God,” she mumbles against my lips, her hands drifting over my chest, “I can’t wait to feel all of you.” She presses herself against me to strengthen her words.

“Fuck,” and my lips find my way down her neck, “I can’t wait to savor every part of you. What,” I pant, “number?”

“Thirty-four,” she breaths, “here are the keys.”

I accept them, but I notice the door already being open when I want to press her against it. “Eh, Amy?” The fog in my head is all of a sudden cleared and I find myself in the highest state of alert. “Is your door supposed to be open?”

Her brows furrow, glancing over her shoulder and she shakes her head, “No, my roommate is out tonight.”

I immediately set her back onto her feet, motioning her to stay behind me. I glance between the small crack of the door, spotting some soft light shining. I slowly open the door open, tentatively taking a step inside. I can feel her hands on my back as she slowly follows me in. I rather wouldn’t have her following me, but if she stays behind alone in the hallway and someone comes back, it might be better to just keep her close where I can protect her.

I take another step, glancing briefly over my shoulder to check up on her, before looking around. The soft light spread by a lamp in the corner gives a little bit of sight, when suddenly a figure appears from the kitchen. I lunge at him without hesitation, and within the minute I have him locked onto the ground with his arm at a dangerous angle on his back. Amy quickly turns on all the lightning in the room.

“Well, I’m proud to see that all our defense training is paying off, sir.”

I look down, and crash back into reality, “Bastien?”

Amy lets out a relieved breath, “Thank God! You know this man?”

I nod, quickly getting back on my feet, offer Bastien my hand, and pull him up, “Yes, Amy, this is Bastien. He’s the head of the royal guard, ” I frown at him, “who’s supposed to be back in Cordonia.”

Bastien straightens his suit, “We both know, that you know better than that Liam. I gave you as much privacy and freedom as I could, but I have direct orders to take you back to Cordonia.”

“Why? Is there something wrong? Are the King and Queen in good health?” I can feel my heart instantly racing, thankful for Amy who seems to notice as she slides an arm around my waste. I instinctively wrap my arm around her, pulling her close against my still bare chest.

“Yes, they are. Nothing is wrong, there only has been a shift in tomorrow’s schedule due to some last-minute additions to the social season, one our Queen decided on a long time ago, but did not share with me.

Dinner with your parents becomes breakfast, breakfast with the ladies becomes brunch, and…” He takes a deep breath, pinching his nose, “You’ll be expected for a private dinner with a last-minute surprise addition to the social season.”

“Oh, no,” I mumble, hoping that my gut feeling is wrong for the first time in my life, “and I suppose that the Queen has ordered to keep it a secret until that particular dinner?”

“You are correct,” Bastien laughs, which is a rare sight, “I think she might be scared that you decide to stay here in New York if you know.” He seems to realize what he’s doing, composing himself with a cough, “I think that says enough.”

“It does,” and I feel my heart sink as I look to Amy who’s taking it all in, giving us every space we need. God, she’s amazing. I joke in an attempt to lighten the mood, “Do you have by any chance a room for a stray prince?”

She gently smiles at me, “We have a very strict, ‘no royalty allowed’ clausula in our lease, unfortunately.”

“Mmh,” I nod, “unfortunate indeed.” We share a smile, trying to savor every second of her in my arms, of her warm soft hands on my skin while I’m still able to. I turn back to Bastien, “But I got to ask, how did you find us? Because I’m sure that you haven’t been tailing us tonight.”

"No, I haven’t. But I had to keep my eye on your brother once sir, remember? Oh, before I forget!” He takes a pair of shoes from behind a chair, "I believe these are yours miss Amy?” She looks at them in uttermost surprise, “You found my shoes?”

“Just stumbled upon them. Your friend was so kind to give me your address.” He turns back to me, “Now, I’m truly sorry that I had to break your evening Liam, but these are the King’s orders.”

My heart drops, the look on Bastien’s face tells me that he already has stalled much more than he should. “I will be downstairs, the limo with Tariq is already waiting, and our plane leaves in thirty minutes. Drake and Maxwell had to excuse themselves since they have some unfinished business and will travel back tomorrow. I’ll leave you two to it.” He politely nods, “Miss Amy. It was nice to meet you.”

She gives Bastien a cheeky wink, “I wish I could say likewise, but since you’re taking this gorgeous man out of my hand way too soon…”

“I understand, and I’m sorry for that,” and with that Bastien disappears into the hallway.

I pull her close to my chest, my nose disappearing in her hair to memorize how amazing she smells and feels as reality hits hard. A little voice in the back of my head says that it might be for the best that I didn’t have the chance to get a real taste of this woman. She already gave me a sample of what freedom tastes like, of how it feels to be just Liam. Just Liam. The one free of obligations, free of constantly having to be calculating, and free of expectations. She has made me feel like no one ever has done before. I got lost in her, something that I never let happen before.

“Hey,” she whispers, and her hands on my neck draw me away from my thoughts, “You know it’s fine right?”

I gaze into her captivating eyes, taken aback at the sincerity I can see in them. I’m unable to find the right words to describe how it feels to have to let go of her, of how she makes me feel. So, I lean forward, pressing my lips softly against hers, and pull her in for a slow, passionate kiss, radiating everything I want to say in it.

I gently stroke her cheek as the other finds its place under her shirt at the small of her back. The taste of her, the feeling of her tongue slowly playing with mine, how she smells, all of her is so intoxicating. I don’t want to let her go. Her arms clenched around my waist tell me that she doesn’t want to let go either. I pull back with a heavy heart, my forehead leaning against hers, and when I see she still has her eyes closed as I carefully glance at her.

“Liam…” she whispers, and the way she whispers my name instantly sets my heart aflame, but also shatters it into a million pieces at the same time. I gently wipe a tear from the corner of her eye, and I can feel them burn behind mine as well. She slowly opens her eyes, and I find myself drifting off again.

“You should go,” she whispers with a noticeable crackle in her voice, “we both knew it was just for one night, right?”

“I know, I know,” I whisper, brushing my nose gently against hers, “But I like our little reality here and now so much better than the reality outside of this door."”

"Mmh, believe me,” she drifts her finger down over my chest, leaving goosebumps wherever it goes. "I would love a good taste of this reality. But unfortunately,” she gently sets a finger under my chin, guiding my eyes to meet hers, “fairytales are only for kids, Liam.”

I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, only confirming her painful words. I take a second to breathe, but the whole situation triggers something inside of me. I’m suddenly overwhelmed with anger, powerlessness, and grief of the life I wished for, for so long, but never could have.

All the emotions I felt after my brother abducted the throne come back to me, all of what I thought was far behind me and I find myself reluctantly taking a step back, shifting back into what I’ve learned. I turn as cold as ice, as I manage to suppress everything. Everything, meaning, also everything good. I turn away from her, take my shirt off the ground, put it on, and close my pants again, “You’re right, Amy. You’re absolutely right.”

I turn back at her to find her looking in worry at me, and I can feel her eyes see through my facade with ease. “Liam,” she asks while eyeing me carefully. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I politely nod, trying to ignore the look in her eyes that tells me that she knows it’s utter bullshit, “and I’m truly sorry about tonight. I should never let it come this far.”

“As I said, it’s fine, we both knew where we were getting ourselves into,” she steps towards me as I step backward, “What are you doing, Liam?”

I push the words over my lips, “The right thing. Thank you, Amy. I wish you the very best, you deserve it.” I swallow back tears, Amy nods in understanding with the most beautiful smile on her face, even though I’m a complete asshole right now.

“I hope you manage to find everything that your heart desires, Liam…”

That’s you.

It’s hard to keep a stern attitude, the thought running freely through my head and there is no way of suppressing it. “Thank you,” but where I try to be clear and unaffected, the words leave my mouth as a sad whisper.

Silence falls and I know that the time has come to say goodbye. I walk over to the door, lingering there as Amy joins me. She gets on her tiptoes, kissing me on the cheek, “Good night, Liam.”

“Good night,” my beautiful Angel. I swallow as those words should never leave my mouth, “Amy.“ She gives me a gentle smile that makes my heart skip a beat and slowly closes the door until it’s shut completely.

My heart drops as I walk to the elevator.

What are you doing?

My feet stop.

Is this how you want to say goodbye?

I take a deep breath.

It’s how I should say goodbye.

A tear escapes, running down my cheek. I wipe it away, staring at my wet finger. It’s the very first tear I let escape since my brother adducted the throne, since my heart stopped beating, feelings turned numbed, and hope shattered.

I can’t… I need… Just one more second.

I stride back to her door, and right at the moment I want to knock on the door, it flies open. "Oh, thank God,” she breaths, and I pull her close, my lips crashing on hers for a deep passionate kiss. I slowly pull back after a few breathless minutes, whispering against her lips, “Thank you for everything, Amy. This has been by far the best night I’ve had in my life.”

“You deserve to put yourself first sometimes, Liam. You deserve someone watching your back… Take care of yourself, when you forget. I hope you find happiness, true love like you deserve instead of marriage by duty.”

And once again she manages to fulfill my heart with hope. With the need of sweeping her off her feet and carrying her back to Cordonia myself but breaking it at the same time knowing that fairy tales indeed are for kids. I kiss her once more, leaving us both panting when I gently pull back. I slowly step back, our entwined fingers clenching, desperately holding onto each other for as long as still possible, knowing that this will be a true goodbye.

“Goodbye Liam,” She whispers with a hopeful, beautiful smile, and it sets me at ease, even during this devastating situation.

“Goodbye Amy,” I whisper back. Her fingers slip out of mine, slowly walking backward until her door closes once more.

I stop, stare at it for not sure how long, trying to savor every second I have left of being the Liam she allowed me to be. The one with hopes, dreams, the one who ever dared to think there was a chance to find through love. My phone starts buzzing once again, and I slam back to reality.

I turn, and I feel the numbness return with every step. I set foot into the elevator, press the button, and take a deep breath. I straighten my back, snap out of it, and the moment the door closes in front of me, I’m back to being prince Liam, on my way to the cold harsh reality of duty, expectations, and self-sacrifice.

Thank you so much for ending up here!


Chapter five: Coming in a few weeks.

Taglist, please let me know if you want to be added or removed.




Hopeless Hearts - Someone’s Bound To Get Burned (Chapter 20)

Characters belong to Pixelberry.

Summary: Two people from two different worlds, both with a grudge against relationships, cross paths and discover an opportunity to get something they both want.

Title Inspiration: Try - Tyler Ward

Warning: This series will contain NSFW material and crude language and conversations. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+

A/N: Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading. Please excuse any errors.

Catch Up Here

Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know):@zaffrenotes@cocomaxley@emichelle@gardeningourmet@gibbles82@sweetest-marbear@indiacater@classylady1234@texaskitten30@the-soot-sprite@ladyangel70@esmckenzie@dcbbw@burnsoslow@bbrandy2002@txemrn@charlotteg234@kat-tia801@neotericthemis@foreverethereal123@choiceskatie@sirbeepsalot@debramcg1106@gnatbrain@ofpixelsandscribbles@openheart12@sincerelyella@superharriet@queenrileyrose@alyssalauren@aestheticartsx@forthebrokenheartedthings@kingliam2019@indiana-jr@bascmve01@rainbowsinthestorm@emkay512@marshmallowsaremyfavorite@gkittylove99@forallthatitsworth@queenjilian@walker7519@hopelessromanticmonie@iaminlovewithtrr@amandablink@mainstreetreader@mom2000aggie@princessleac1@21-wishes


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It’s here! It’s hereeeee!!!!

Yknow why I’m excited?! Because the next chapter is gonna be out soon (right?!)

Liam’s room was the first to be stripped entirely; she wanted nothing in there left behind. That room was also the only one Aria paid to have done, so she didn’t have to do it herself

I love that she decided to keep the villa but she still loves him so much and wants nothing to do with his room

when he uttered those untrue words to her the night of the coronation, he swore he could see the moment they hastened back into place.

I knew he saw it she can’t hide her feelings as well as he can.

I love that he is staying in the room Aria designed and THERE IS A PICTURE OF HER IN THE PAMPHLET

She is freaking famous ‍♀️ yaaaaaaas boo!

And even looking at her picture, he’s missing her. He hasn’t seen her in TWO WEEKS!

He thought of how they said that Aria took the boat out, that she had taken it out herself. An imperceptible smile tugged at the corner of his lips; he was glad to hear that and felt so proud of her for facing that fear.

He’s proud of her AND THEN! He remembered her story about her parents and … he REMEMBERED!

Why did this get me?

I’m already emotional about this chapter and now I’m crying like a baby I blame you Anitah!

The look on her face paired with the bite in her tone told him this was already not going well, and he hadn’t even started yet.

This entire scene of her sitting up slowly and they both were staring at each other. His of anticipation and hers of shock made me giggle and then her tone did NOT make him feel better LOL omg I can’t wait for this interaction.

At that moment, Liam knew this was going to be anything but easy.

You’re playing musical boats and NOW you realize it won’t be easy?? Oh Liam you’re in for a treat.

“Is there anyone you’ve actually turned down in the last year while you’ve philandered your way through Cordonia?”

Oh my soul this trash hyena really went there?

YOU! He’s turned YOU down because your vagina smells like old tilapia that’s been sitting in the sun for WEEKS! Gtfoh you stretched out gutter wench.

Aria slowed down, and Liam looked up; she was dangling his missing keys between her fingers

I’m snorting like a crazy person

“I’m laughing because …” Constantine trailed off with a small chuckle. “Because they tend to keep a spare set of keys right there in the compartment at the helm.”


This dude was snorkeling for two hours looking for lost keys when there were spares in the boat LOL Aria knew

“So you are on a date,” Liam pressed.
Aria looked at him and could see the flicker of jealousy in his eyes.

Jealous Liam does things to me I love ittttt. She’s probably not even on a date LOL

“Oh, I’d like to fill something, but it sure ain’t his ego,” Damōn smirked as he shot Liam a wink.
And I still think that you deserve better … but you make me want to be better so I can be the man that you deserve.” He closed his eyes and let out a breath. “Aria, I love you. And I don’t … I don’t want to lose you.

There it is.

He laid it all out on the table and I’m so proud that’s really all you can do, and hope that she opens the door and tells you the truth. That she loves you back (because she does).

As he hit the first step, he paused when the terrace light flickered on, and when he heard the lock on the door click, he turned …



Hopeless Hearts - Reminisce It (Chapter 19)

Characters belong to Pixelberry.

Summary: Two people from two different worlds, both with a grudge against relationships, cross paths and discover an opportunity to get something they both want.

Title Inspiration: What A Time - Landon Austin ft. Bailey Rushlow

Chapter song: Always - Gavin James

Warning: This series will contain NSFW material and crude language and conversations. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+

A/N: I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this chapter; I had to scrap it and start over once because I needed to combine what was supposed to be two separate chapters. Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading most of this. Please excuse any errors.

Catch Up Here

Perma Tags (I’m using my updated tag list; if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know):@zaffrenotes@cocomaxley@emichelle@gardeningourmet@sweetest-marbear@indiacater@classylady1234@texaskitten30@the-soot-sprite@ladyangel70@esmckenzie@dcbbw@burnsoslow@bbrandy2002@txemrn@charlotteg234@kat-tia801@neotericthemis@foreverethereal123@choiceskatie@sirbeepsalot@debramcg1106@gnatbrain@ofpixelsandscribbles@openheart12@sincerelyella@superharriet@queenrileyrose@alyssalauren@aestheticartsx@forthebrokenheartedthings@kingliam2019@indiana-jr@bascmve01@rainbowsinthestorm@emkay512@marshmallowsaremyfavorite@gkittylove99@forallthatitsworth@queenjilian@walker7519@hopelessromanticmonie@iaminlovewithtrr@amandablink@mainstreetreader@mom2000aggie@princessleac1@21-wishes@taniasethi


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I’m subjecting myself to more pain with the realization (and confirmation)that these two dummies will be fixed! Yessssssss!

So, they insisted I take it, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Mariana offered her niece a rueful smile; she knew why she wasn’t happy.

Mariana is like

she had managed to keep her emotions stuffed inside.

Hmm … well, Aria … sweetie - that’s not really healthy. It’s gonna come out eventually.

Before she could change her mind, she slipped the key into the slot and turned it, and the vessel roared to life.

And this whole scenario wouldn’t have happened without Liam helping her with her fears this will always be a reminder to her too. The fact that he took time to help her on boats oh my God my heart!

Aria was there in his thoughts with or without them. He was miserable, but he knew he had no one else to blame but himself for the way he was feeling. And he continued to tell himself that what he had done was a favor to Aria.

Omg STILL with the dOiNg HeR A FaVoR bit you need a firm kick in the asshole.

The way she looked at him, the way she touched him, kissed him … he should have seen it then.
He had missed it; he had missed it all.

The way we all saw it ‍♀️ just saying Liam. You were so focused on your own feelings you refused to see hers.

“I’m trying to look out for you, Liam,” Butt Plug said before she dropped her voice lower. “I don’t see your fiancée here doing that.”

Excuse yourself from his life okay? And keep HIS QUEEN OUT OF YOUR MOUTH YOU TRASH PANDA!

But I’m here, Liam,” she said, stepping closer to him. “I’m the one here for you now.”

Gag me with a fork please.

“Nice to see you too, little brother.”

Damnit WAS THIS PLANNED?? What the fuck do you want Leo?

For years she had treated the weight of her survivor’s guilt and her parents’ ghosts on her shoulders like a companion. And that was the weight she could feel herself finally letting go of.

And of all people, she had Liam to thank for it.

I’m so glad she had that closure, it was something she definitely needed. This character development is fucking phenomenal, and the way Liam had a hand in it just makes me

She missed him.
She missed the way he made her feel something again after so long.
But what she needed to face was that everything she missed was nothing more than a mere fantasy.
But it wasn’t real – at least not for him, it wasn’t.

I’m sure feeling this way just crushes her soul she thinks she loves just a fake person and Liam doesn’t feel for her. OMG THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!

It was because he cared about her and her happiness that he let her go.

Oh blah blah with the excuses Liam. Just stop!

“No, listen to me, Liam. I’m not going to stand here and coddle you for buying into the words of someone whose motives should have been blatantly obvious to you,” he admonished.



“You’re a fool for letting her get into your head and an even bigger one for letting Aria go. And it would be a tragedy for you to go through your life alone because of a misguided perception you have about yourself and love.”

I want to give this man a high five …

No I want to hug him (is that appropriate? Probably not but I’m gonna do it anyway).

he could feel himself slowly beginning to spiral as the weight of his mistake became heavier and heavier. His tarnished outlook on love and deluded line of thinking had cost him the best thing that ever happened to him.

Holy shitballs it took you TWO WHOLE WEEKS LIAM!

Alright well, better late than never I suppose but who knows if she’s gonna let you back in ‍♀️


Hopeless Hearts- Losing Game (Chapter 18)

Characters belong to Pixelberry.

Summary: Two people from two different worlds, both with a grudge against relationships, cross paths and discover an opportunity to get something they both want.

Title Inspiration: Arcade - Duncan Laurence

Warning: This series will contain NSFW material and crude language and conversations. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+

A/N: Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading. Please excuse any errors.

Catch Up Here

Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know):@zaffrenotes@cocomaxley@gardeningourmet@gibbles82@sweetest-marbear@indiacater@liamxs-world@classylady1234@texaskitten30@the-soot-sprite@ladyangel70@esmckenzie@emichelle@dcbbw@burnsoslow@bbrandy2002@sirbeepsalot@debramcg1106@gnatbrain@ofpixelsandscribbles@openheart12@sincerelyella@superharriet@aestheticartsx@forthebrokenheartedthings@kingliam2019@indiana-jr@bascmve01@rainbowsinthestorm@darley1101@charlotteg234@alyssalauren@txemrn@neotericthemis@queenrileyrose@emkay512@kat-tia801@marshmallowsaremyfavorite@gkittylove99@choiceskatie@forallthatitsworth@queenjilian@walker7519@hopelessromanticmonie@iaminlovewithtrr@amandablink@mainstreetreader@mom2000aggie@foreverethereal123


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Oh hi! It’s been 5395730 million bagillion years since I’ve reblogged anything but I NEEDED HH IN MY LIFE so here I am to harass you (besides me bothering you on WhatsApp)

More bubble guts.

Just so you’re aware …

Sharing is caring Anitah

But for a fleeting moment, after Aria confessed her feelings, there was a swell of happiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time, a swell of something new that brought possibility and excitement.

You were happy because she felt the same as you. She loved you back! Isn’t that enough? You’re letting the Cum Bucket get into your head

“That was your mistake. It was merely an arrangement, Aria … and we knew it would end. We had some fun … but it’s over now.”
Liam skidded to an abrupt stop in the sand, breathing heavily as he laced his fingers together at the back of his head. He could feel his heart fracturing with each thundering beat against his chest as that look in Aria’s eyes when he spoke that lie tormented him.

Yup. It destroyed her. Yknow, because she’s in LOVE WITH YOU.

“She called and informed me she needed a car to take her to the airport.”
Liam closed his eyes, feeling his heart sink.

Definitely feel like you should have expected this mister. But also, it’s probably not easy to hear.


but you keep thinking you’re somehow doing her a faaaavor and I can’t

He contemplated going to find her in the guest wing to try and speak to her, but was there really any point?


Stop this madness Liam.

Absolute madness.

I want to spank you.

And not the good kind.

the ache in her chest swelled as Liam’s words echoed in her head. “We had some fun … but it’s over now.”

He does have a way with words and it makes my chest hurt too. THOSE WORDS STABBED HER IN THE MUSCLE-Y TISSUE IN HER CHEST LIAM.

A knock on the guest room door pulled Aria’s attention; she turned to look at it and berated the small part of her that hoped it was Liam.

This made my really sad but also proud of her because she opened up part of herself and still wants it to be Liam in the other side of that door

“You already said everything you needed to say last night. I don’t need to hear anymore.”
Liam sighed. “But I just need …” He trailed off, feeling his stomach twist in knots as he watched her lift her hand and slide the engagement ring off her finger.
“There’s nothing left to say. Like you said … we had some fun, but it’s over now.” Aria reached over and set the ring on his desk; when she took a step back, her eyes remained locked on it for a moment before she turned towards the door. “Goodbye, Liam …”

Omg reading this snippet and then REreading it still makes me cry it pains them both, watching her take that ring off that means so much to him and her physically taking it off her finger and giving it back nits like the final nail in the coffin.

It’s what’s for the best.
Something moving caught Drake’s eye, and he glanced up at the window above them; Liam was peering around the sheer curtain.


I knew Connie saw their feelings … EVERYONE did. For Liam to think that his dad - who is the MASTER of reading people - didn’t notice Liam. LI-AM!

“She said that she didn’t want any favors from you.”
That flicker inside Liam’s chest dimmed out as he closed his eyes and slowly nodded.

I’m really glad she did this. I’m mad at Liam right now. No matter how handsome and sweet you are.


“The engagement … it was fake,” Aria said casually, ignoring the ache she truly felt.

Saying it still feels like a rock in her chest

“What you did, while you meant well … it was at too great a cost, koúkla.” Aria bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling, unable to stop herself from glancing in her aunt’s direction. “Your heart …”

Mariana is so damn wise. She read between the lines and she knows her niece well.

Ugh. Okay more bubble guts to get through. I’m ready for them to be fixed! They’re … gonna be fixed yes?


Irreplaceable Chapter 11: Nothing Comes Close

Series Premise: Two years after his abdication and wedding to Katie, Leo meets Riley the night of Liam’s coronation.

Chapter Summary: Riley struggles to move forward and settles into her new job. Leo and Luca talk. Milo has news.

Luca, Milo, Mark, Claire, Lindsey, and Simon belong to me, as does this story. Other characters belong to Pixelberry.

Catch Up Here!

Content Warnings: Language, angst, discussion of infidelity

Music Inspo: Oceans-Seafret

Word Count: 5638

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Awesome. I love how tumblr totally did not alert me to this story

“Liam changed a lot for you. You realized you wanted more after you met him.”

This wise wise man. I like him a lot. Wouldn’t it be easier if Luca wanted a committed relationship and Riley liked him like that??

“I want to murder him, and I also want to sit on his face,” I sigh and gulp the drink down.

I mean … that’s a MOOD.

I miss everyone more than I thought I would. I miss Liam, his kindness, and his secretly wicked sense of humor. Drake being gruff when he doesn’t want you to know he’s experiencing an emotion. I miss Maxwell and his perma positive attitude. I miss Hana and how she told me tons of shit I didn’t know.

All of them are just the best I’d miss them too! What about team sweater vest aka Bertrand??

Leo marrying Katie continues to make no sense to me. Not just because I maybe have feelings for him.

It makes no sense to any of us, it was pretty stupid. So it’s not just you Riles.

“She can file up until day fifty-nine,” Milo says. “Be prepared for this to take longer than expected, Leo.”

Of course. Because she’s a bitch



How’s Your Beaver?

Book:The Royal Romance AU

Pairings:Liam x MC (Ella)

Characters belong to Pixelberry, MC Ella Brooks belongs to me; I do not authorize anyone to copy paste and or use my moodboards or stories on tumblr or any other website.

Summary: The gang finds out Ella’s secret.

A/N:If you haven’t read The Loft, all you need to know is that this AU is based on the show New Girl and it is sooooo far from canon. What is canon? LOL and I took a scene out of the show How I Met Your Mother because … that’s also a hilarious show. I hope you enjoy!

A/N2: Participating in @wackydrabbles​ this week (holy shit I feel like I haven’t written anything in years) so the prompt will be in bold.

Thank you @alyssalauren @burnsoslow@ofpixelsandscribbles​ for reading through this and watching that stupid video this is based on LOL love you!

Warnings:adult language; sexual innuendos; the gang craziness; alluding to actor/singer LL Cool J; mentioning of actor Alan Thicke because he was Canadian (may he rest in peace).


Keep reading

Loved this. It took me awhile to finish reading I was laughing so hard.

@lovingchoices14 LOL these guys are something else and I can’t not laugh writing them thank you for sharing and reading and I’m glad you liked it!
