

TS2 Mod - Repeatable Relationship Memories Plus New Fall Out of Love Memory

Made By Phantomknight

Well, in a vanilla game:
1. A sim can get the Made Enemies with Subject memory exactly once in their lifetime, no matter how many enemies they make. If they make up with an enemy, but start feuding again, they do not receive another memory of becoming enemies again. If they make more than one enemy, they do not receive another memory of becoming enemies with the second sim.
2. A sim can only get the Made Best Friends with Subject memory once per sim. No matter how often a sim fights and makes up with another, they only get a memory of the first time they became best friends. The same is true for Falling in Love. No matter how many times your sim gets their significant other to forgive them and fall in love again, they will only receive the one memory, of the first time they fell in love.
3. Because the Lost Subject As Best Friend memory is repeatable, a sim can potentially get several memories of losing another as a best friend, without getting any memories of them making up.
4. Like I mentioned above, there is no memory for falling out of love. It just doesn’t exist.

What These Mod Collections Do:
I’ve put together a series of mods that attempts to fix the above inconsistent nonsense. Memories will either be repeatable (my preference) OR unique per sim (for those who don’t like cluttered memory panels). But not both anymore. I’ve also made a memory for Falling out of Love.


TS2 Mod - Community Lot Arrival Delay Fix - No Pre-Populate

Made By BellaDovah

BellaDovah: Do you ever get stuck in loading screens to a community lot longer than you think you should? Do you ever hear the lot being active, with sounds like music and other sims talking whilst you’re still looking at the loading screen? One time, I even got that little popup over the top of my loading screen to show me two sims were having a fight and my poor sims still hadn’t arrived yet!

It was getting to the point where I’d frequently lose hours of my sims time and their needs would have suffered because it took them so long to actually arrive at the community lot and my loading screen to disappear.

This mod fixes that, your sim will arrive at the community lot as soon as they are ready so your loading time will be as fast as possible. It does this by preventing the game from holding your sims back whilst the game spawns other visiting sims. So, now (unfortunately) your sims will always be the first to arrive, and other visiting sims will start to appear shortly after. This isn’t the best for realism…it basically turns all your sims into Ke$ha, “now the party don’t start until I walk in…” but, it makes the most efficient use of your sims time and their needs won’t suffer so much when travelling to Community Lots.




This mod adds a new Teen/Elder Babysitter job, and Sims employed in this job will now show up to work when you hire a nanny. If no Sims are available, it will generate a few teen townies to fill the role. In addition, the Nanny Service was completely rewritten from the ground up, so these should do a better job and annoying behavior such as the baby bottle spam should not be a thing anymore.

Requires AL or M&G


MTS Thread

Custom Scheduler Mod [REQUIRED]: SFS/Dropbox

Playable & Improved Nannies (2 Options): 

Unlabeled Job Levels (Default):


Labeled Job Levels (e.g. Babysitter Lv. 1, Nanny Lv. 2)


Both downloads are required. The “Custom Scheduler” mod acts as the framework for this new service, and adds the ability to more easily create custom services for mod creators. Maybe expect a tutorial or resources on this at some point?

Keep reading



This mod fixes various problems with novel royalties:

  • When there’s no landline phone on a lot or no one has picked up a phone call from a publishing house, a dialog appears as if someone has answered the phone, and the royalty is paid out. Originally, in such cases, no dialog appears and money is lost.
  • The real author of a novel correctly gets memories and fulfills their wants regarding writing novels or earning money, and increases their personal wealth. In the base game, the one who has answered the phone gets considered an author. It has been fixed in expansion and stuff packs, however, receiving the Sold a Great Novel memory prevented money-related wants or memories and a personal wealth income from being handled.
  • In the delayed version, a publishing house will try to call at least 12 hours after a Sim has finished their novel. Hours do not count between 10:00 PM and 5:59 AM. E.g. when a Sim has finished their novel at 7:30 AM, then the phone calls (or a dialog appears) at 7:30 PM on the same day. But when they have finished at 7:30 PM, then it happens at 5:30 PM next day.

Use only one version at a time.

Known issues

If an author of a novel dies or moves out before getting their royalty, then no one will get it and no dialog will appear.


Do not use this mod with Sell Great Novel Personal Wealth Fix by Midge the Tree – my mod is basically an extended version of it.


jfade(The Compressorizer!)
Midge The Tree(Sell Great Novel Personal Wealth Fix)
Creators of SimPe




TS2 Mod - Faster Crafting

Made by gummilutt

This mod impacts all maxis crafting, so sewing, pottery, toy making, flower arrenging and robotery are all covered.

Comes in three versions:

  • 25% complete - Objects start ¼ done, which means your crafting will be 33% faster.
  • 50% complete - Objects start ½ done, which means your crafting will be 200% faster.
  • 75% complete - Objects start ¾ done, which means your crafting will be 400% faster.


TS2 Mod - Use Inaccessible Beds (Like a double bed next to a wall for example..)

Made By simlogical&TwoJeffs

When a sim’s bed is against the wall only one sim can sleep in a double bed. Here’s a mod that lets your Sims get into a double bed where one side is against a wall, or the head of it is wedged into a bay window etc etc.   

The animations might look a bit weird in some cases, but at least you can arrange your rooms the way you want.


Find those and download them:

  • ijUseInaccessibleBeds.zip
  • ijACR - Controller - Bed Socials.zip



With this mod, when a Sim has started writing a novel, the computer interaction Write NovelbecomesWrite Novel (…%), where …% is percentage progress of writing the novel. Translations are included.


Do not use this with mods that change autonomy of the Write Novelinteraction.

Despite a conflict, this mod can be used with but must load after:

This mod may or may not conflict with mods that:


jfade(The Compressorizer!)
Creators of SimPe





Aliens can change skintone

I made a mod to let aliens disguise themselves by changing their skintone. This action is selectable on active aliens. They can change their skintone into Maxis light, Maxis tan, Maxis medium, Maxis dark, mannequin, zombie and alien. They can also reset their skintone back to their genetic setting. If alien Sim is also a zombie, they will change back into zombie skintone instead of their genetic skintone. You can add more skintones if you want to.

You need Sophie-David’s alien token for this mod to work. Download SDmetallicmirror_basegame_mesh.zip file. I’ve used some code from treeag’s Sim Transformer.

Download at SFS|alt|alt version for users of zombie overlay

Update 29th of November 2019: added version for the users of zombie overlay mod. It doesn’t remove the overlay, so zombies will keep it, no matter which skintone they are using at the moment. It just omits zombie skintone, because you don’t use it when you use the overlay, so zombies reset to their genetic skintone too.

Update 23rd of May 2020: fixed problem where this action would still appear on aliens turned into non-aliens

Update 13th of November 2021: added support for @tammyhybrid21‘salien trait

IMPORTANT NOTE: you may come across an issue that makes skintone reset. You can fix this issue by downloading christianlov’s Custom Skintone Selector, extracting Function - Main - Set Skin BHAV and saving it in separate file. After that you can delete christianlov’s skintone selector. You won’t experience this problem if you have christianlov’s Custom Skintone Selector or @midgethetree‘szombie overlay.

Insane Sims can summon social bunny

Your Sims with insane trait can summon social bunny if their social need is below 50 (half). This action is selectable on active insane Sims. I’ve used code from MidgeTheTree’s Imaginary Friend Doll Can Summon Social Bunny.


Download at SFS|alt


On the 20th of November I updated poison modand TSM spy crafting station.

I added two new poisons: poisoned wine in modern glass and poisoned instant meal, and updated poison Sim mod. If Sim has more than one kind of poison in their inventory, they will use the medieval poison first. If they don’t have any medieval poison, they will use the modern one. They will use the instant meal one only when they’ve got no other kind of poison in their inventory.

I also updated the footprint of crafting station, now it takes 3 tiles instead of 2. To get the new footprint, you have to rebuy the station.

On the 23rd of November I updated airbending practise from 2nd part of bending mod. From now on likeliness of performing joga, meditation and playing with leaves anims depends on personality - serious Sims are more likely to do joga and meditation, while playful Sims are more likely to play with leaves.


This is something I wanted to do a long time ago, but couldn’t figure it out completely until now, I hope you find this fun/usefull.

What does this new interaction?

This interaction is called ingame: “Telepathy…/Disguise…”. It allows aliens (from child to elder) identified with the tokenfromSophie-David’s “MirrorsofDiscernment“ (This is REQUIRED) to disguise as a typical human sim (similar to how aliens in TS4 do), changing their skin, haircut, and applying a fake sclera to their eyes.

If you let an alien with the disguise active and go to play another family, the alien will appear in the disguise if you see they around.

You can customize the disguise by sim:

*Choose to keep the original skin, select between the 4 base skin colors or make it random!

*Choose to keep the original haircut, pick bald (not available for children), select between 5 base game haircuts (if you have defaults they should work), or make it random!

NOTE: The hair color will be the same as the original, but if it’s a custom hair color you can change appearance in the mirror, select a regular color, then apply the custom haircut again and the disguise will take the color you selected before.

NOTE 2: The haircut will not change in the preview/pose of the sim, nor on the loading screen.

These are the available haircuts, 5 for Female and 5 for Male (images taken from https://sims2defaults.dreamwidth.org):


*Choose to apply the fake sclera or don’t (the pupil of the eye is transparent, so you can see their real eye color).

Here we can see an example:


And another, using CC/Defaults:


Are they even the same girl? Yes, they are.

Possible Conflicts:

It will conflict with any mod that uses or changes:

*Properties 3 to 6 of the Alien token.

*Hair Overrides - Type: STR# - Group: 0x7F01EC29 - Instance: 0x00003039 (12345)

*Hair Override - Apply Bad Hair - Type: BHAV - Group: 0x7FD46CD0 - Instance: 0x00000534 (1332)

*Sub - Set Bad Hair Override - Type: BHAV - Group: 0x7F8FA50E - Instance: 0x00002016 (8214)

But I don’t know of any mod that does that… so if you find one please tell me.

For users of SimPe:

You can change the family ID of the haircuts in the “Hair Overrides” STR that are under — Disguise Female Hair — and — Disguise Male Hair —, to replace the options 1-5 of both genders, you can even use custom binned haircuts instead.

Just keep in mind that all ages from child to elder use the same family ID, so if the haircut doesn’t include that age, maybe it won’t change, maybe it will show up wrong.

For creators:

If you want to make a mod that check if the alien have the disguise active/deactive, you only have to check property 5 of the alien token. If it’s = 1, then it’s active. If it’s = 0 then it’s not.

You have to pick 1 of 4 versions. 2 of them includes TS4 animations converted by @jellymeduza​, and 2 of them are compatible with @midgethetree​’s Zombie overlay.

* Pick just ONE of the Velco_AlienDisguise.
*Add the “Meduza_4t2_alien_telepathy_animations” if you pick a TS4Anim version (You don’t have to do it if you already have it).
* Velco_scleraAlienOverlay is required by any version.


*Sophie-David for the alien token.
*@jellymeduza for the “aliens-can-change-skintone” interaction and the converted TS4 animations.
*@whattheskell​/Skellington for the fake sclera texture, I took it from their eyes makeup hereorhere.

And to you for reading and (possibly) downloading this.

TOU:You can do almost whatever you want with this mod, but please read the credited creators TOU’s if you want to use their work, and if you upload something related, a new version, or an upgrade, give us some credit for it.


TS2 Mod - Memory Manipulator

Made By Aaroneous

The Memory Manipulator will allow You to edit the memories of the currently selected sim.


TS2 Mod - Same Day Adoption Service

Made By Squinge

This mod allows you to receive your adopted child the same day you call to adopt via the social worker.


TS2 Mod - Get Where You’re Going – Walk Around & Through Blocks

Made By SilentLucidity

