
ICYMI Episodes of ULTRA FIGHT are now available on Tsuburaya’s YouTube Ultra Channel! 

ICYMIEpisodes of ULTRA FIGHT are now available on Tsuburaya’s YouTube Ultra Channel! 

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The Ultraseven Laserdisc covers are just fantastic. 

The Ultraseven Laserdisc covers are just fantastic. 

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For the 50th anniversary of ULTRASEVEN, I wanted to do something a smidge special. The plan was to surprise everyone with one-shot fan audiobook episode. Complete with a small cast, BGM, basically the works. Sadly, life got in the way (as it always does) and the story didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped. While it is incomplete, I did manage to complete the prologue to the episode. I figure now is as good a time to release it, and if there’s enough demand, maybe I can go back and finish it. For now, enjoy:

Incident Log - Ultra Garrison Far East Branch

September XX, 1967

Written By Agent Anne Yuri

At exactly 1:35 AM JST, the Ultra Garrison dispatch received a call from a man who said he’d just sighted an alien. As he was giving his exact location, there was a loud noise, a scream, and the phone cut off. Myself, and Agents Furuhashi and Moroboshi were dispatched to the scene, arriving via Pointer. The dispatch’s emergency location trace placed the call a half-mile east from Secret Road Exit 10.

The spot was at a bus stop on the outskirts of town. As we arrived, we spotted the man who had called dispatch, curled up inside the phone booth. A few feet away from, there was a body sprawled on the ground and lifeless. Upon closer inspection, the body was confirmed to be that of an alien, its species unknown. Though there was no sign of fire or attack, the body smelled as if it had been burned internally.

After calming the man down, he relayed to us what had happened:

The man, [IDENTITY REDACTED], had missed his bus home from work and was waiting for the last of the night. Another man, wearing ragged clothes and seemingly drunk was slumped on the opposite end of the terminal bench. He thought nothing of it and began to read a book when suddenly, the drunkard woke up screaming. The drunkard flailed around as if in a seizure, reaching for his head and screaming in a language the man had never heard before. The man was about to offer aid before the drunkard swatted him away and erupted in a flash of energy. When the energy dissipated, the drunkard was gone. In his place, wearing tattered rags, was the alien we discovered. The alien stepped away, screaming again in the unknown language. This was [REDACTED] ran to a phone to call. During his call to us, the alien had stopped activity, “stone dead in his tracks” as the witness put it, before collapsing to the ground.

A recovery team came to retrieve the alien corpse and we took [REDACTED] home after he refused medical aid. But the witness mentioned one last thing before we arrived to his house. He said that he’d attempted to get a closer look at the body of the alien. After a few minutes hesitation, he approached the body and looked into its eyes. He described what he say as “if his very soul had been burned out of his body”.

This case matches two incidents logged by the Far East Branch across several weeks. One, from several days ago in which the body of a dead alien was found by a young woman in a hotel room The other, from the week before thee incidents, the body found by a group of teenagers by Club Roman. Both discoveries were met with similar descriptions of aliens being found in a similar death state. After discussing with Commander Kiriyama and Agent Amagi, it’s become apparent that we may be dealing with some kind of serial killer. The Ultra Garrison is now on full alert and cooperating with local police. But the question remains: is this a result of in-fighting amongst aliens…or are we on the verge of something far more terrifying?

ウルトラセブン: 嫌悪の塊 | ULTRASEVEN: A MASS OF HATE

Covers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN SeriesCovers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN Series

Covers from the 1998-1999 HEISEI ULTRASEVEN Series

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At last! Jamie Noguchi’s brainchild of a #tokusatsu-themed art challenge is under way and yours truly was tapped to make the trailer for it! 30 days of superheroes, kaiju, and giant robots….ANYTHING to invoke the tokusatsu spirit! Go to tokutember.com for more info!

#tokutember    #tokusatsu    #power rangers    #super sentai    #kamen rider    #ultraman    #godzilla    #pacific rim    #tsuburaya    

Gotta love the simplicity of title cards.

chernobog13:Rare photographs of the famous “Spagetty” building in Tokyo completely intact.As Ultramachernobog13:Rare photographs of the famous “Spagetty” building in Tokyo completely intact.As Ultrama


Rare photographs of the famous “Spagetty” building in Tokyo completely intact.

As Ultraman fans know, this building gets smashed almost immediately after it appears onscreen.

photos by me

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kaijusaurus: Nagira, bull-horned kaiju antagonist of Ultra Q The Movie (1990).


Nagira, bull-horned kaiju antagonist of Ultra Q The Movie(1990).

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There’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around onlineThere’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around online

There’s a newly (fan)subtitled copy of ULTRA Q THE MOVIE: LEGEND OF THE STARS floating around online now. Having recently watched it myself, I can say that this film is a treat for scifi/fantasy and tokusatsu fans. No, it’s not a big monster romp, but its an engrossing and uncanny mystery tale with maximum Twilight Zone vibes and Akio Jissoji’s intensely distinct visual flair. If you like Gamera 3′s mysticism or Shin Godzilla’s striking filmography, you owe it to yourself to seek out Ultra Q The Movie.

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Name: Platform: VerokronArtist: Marmit, TsuburayaManufacturer: Medicom ToyMaterial: Sofubi

Platform: Verokron
Artist: Marmit, Tsuburaya
Manufacturer: Medicom Toy
Material: Sofubi

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Name: Phase 3Platform: BlizzardArtist: TsuburayaManufacturer: Medicom ToyMaterial: Sofubi

Name: Phase 3
Platform: Blizzard
Artist: Tsuburaya
Manufacturer: Medicom Toy
Material: Sofubi

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KirarafromUltraman Leo episode 32

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… Everybody just hold on a minute here.

THISis Kirara/Kilara…
