#tsutsumi natsumi



Sorry for the recent inactivity y'all, but to make up for it here’s a Tsutsumi redesign!!!! (Click for better quality)

Along with a few minor personality changes!!! (nothing major I swear)

Tsumi is less energetic now, being far more chill an da bit more cold and istant. Still has massive big sister vibes though, I’d never change that. But now she’s ust not a cheery, a very obvious introvert now lol

Before Tsutsumi was just average at her academic work, not really putting to much effort in but that has now she does actually care and try’s very hard. Which gets results she’s definitely one of the top students in her class.

I’ve also added anger issues as a treat. Definetly not as bad as a certain pink sheep in the class but they’re there. She can get worked up pretty easily, but she knows that people are alreayd scared of her so she tries her hardest to not let it show, even if that makes her feel like she’s gonna explode. Although sometimes she just can’t stop herself from snapping
