#beetroot draws


draws him covered in blood draws him covered in blood draws him dr

Happy halloween!!

It’s mad scientist time!! She’s not even wearing the right PPE!

Sorry for posting him!! Ill get back to drawing normal things soon

I have not drawn him in so long,,,

Heyho! Check out my TTRPG!

Here are some little doodles that show up in the ruleset thingy!

(The character at the bottom belongs to @/galaxyisok on DA!)

I realize i have been neglecting to post here but that is mostly because i suddenly have a lot of followers that wish to see the scrimblo and bimbini stuff and what i post is not the scrimblo and bimbini BUT its ok ill draw them again some day!! Anyways, silly sprite edits and sucH!

A scrimblo and her bimbinis,,,

possums ???? why they look like that (shape)

Small update of my comic! School is KILLING me so I haven’t drawn much in general.
