



You felt the throbbing ache in your head before you had even properly registered that you were awake. Every part of your body was slow, it felt as if you were constantly moving through tar, and after the simple act of opening your eyes made you question whether you’d need to do an emergency run to the bathroom, you abandoned all idea of sitting up.

Hazy memories of the night before flashed through your mind, some of them making you screw your eyes shut in hopes that that would make them disappear. If you hadn’t felt so worn down, you would have groaned, but the thought of making any noise at all made you feel more nauseous than you were willing to admit.

However, you were definitely not the only one in that state, because the stuttering gurgles emitting from your boyfriend’s chest as he lay beside you, proved that he was dealing with just as bad of a hangover as you were. You rolled your head slowly to the side, ignoring the way your brain seemed to roll around your head as you did. Hyuck did the same thing and one look into his tired, regret filled eyes made you burst out into a chuckle.

Hyuck immediately laughed at the state of you, making you know immediately that you looked like a trainwreck, but he wasn’t looking that fresh either so you weren’t fussed. It wasn’t a joyful laugh by any means, it was a quiet messy laugh, one where you can’t really believe what you’re looking at. Hyuck forced himself to sit up, and you followed, the two of you pausing when you caught your reflections in the floor length mirror opposite his bed.

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♡ 3:40am ♡ jeno lays between your legs, resting his head idly against your chest as the third mindless romance movie plays on the screen. the comforter is drawn over the two of you as you doze off for the millionth time, leaning back against the several pillows that cushion you.

after recently finding out about your boyfriend’s newfound obsession with romantic films, you had decided to indulge in them as well; although you’re sure that it’s mainly due to his own best friend’s, jaemin’s, influence, you’ve also realized that he hasn’t taken a break from falling in love with the fantasy of it all. it makes you groan as the next couple kisses on the screen, and jenofinally glances back at you with a concerned look on his face.

“are you gonna keep watching other people kiss or are you gonna kiss me?” you ask tiredly, fixing your gaze on his lips. he smiles mirthfully. “please? i’m in a drought.”

jeno murmurs a quick ‘okay’ before turning around, still between your legs but somehow hovering gently over you, and presses a short kiss to your waiting lips. you move to protest, but his body pins down on yours, keeping you in place as he brushes over your face once again, making you inhale sharply.

“asshole,” you mutter, turning your face away. “that was so fake.”

“alright, what about this one?” he asks in a slow breath against your ear, pulling back softly by the chin. molding his lips against yours, he reaches around to cage you between his arms, shifting as you respond immediately with your eyelids fluttering shut. “what about this?”

he grazes over the spot under your ear, kissing in small areas until he fastens on your throat and you can’t help but giggle in sensitivity. although you swallow it when he sucks against your skin, your mind wanders dangerously close to drowning in the feeling of jeno’s sugar lips against yours.

“good?” he questions after he finishes in his ministrations, and you nod with a sigh. “good. can we finish the movie now?”

happy jeno day!


— prince!jeno x reader

— fluff, royal au

— none

/ — okay havent wrote or posted in a hot minute, feels kinda rusty but hey happy birthday to the loml or whatever <3

[:]prince!jenohopes it’s you at the door when he’s dragged out of his thoughts by multiple knocks on the door.

unfortunately, for him, it’s the duke lee haechan with the same mischievous smile on his face.

“happy birthday, prince lee,” haechan practically invites himself into jeno’schambers.

jeno dismisses the birthday greet from haechan, feeling even more grumpy than before from his disappointment at haechan’s arrival, “what do you want?”

haechan pokes his tongue through his cheek and rolls his eyes and the boys attitude, “i knew you’d be like this. put something nice on and meet me downstairs. there’s a surprise waiting for you.”

a few moments later, jeno meets haechan downstairs and soon follows him to a carriage.

“where the hell are you taking me?” jenoasks.

“to a forest to kill you on your 21st birthday,” haechan smiles. “stop asking questions and just wait.”

jeno rolls his eyes and steps into the carriage, fingers tapping nervously at his thigh. he wonders if you’re on your way to his castle already, and a small part of him wants to return to his chambers and wait for you but he’s been waiting since the clock struck midnight and all jeno received from you was a letter. he believed he had every right to go to wherever the hell haechan was taking him and you could most certainly wait.

much to his surprise, haechan leads him to somewhere rather beautiful. there’s a soft blanket spread on the emerald green grass and atop it lays a birthday cake and some food for a picnic.

it seems much too romantic for haechan to have prepared. jaemin maybe, haechan would never.

“lee haechan, what exactly are you playing at?” jeno looks towards his friend to see him nodding his head over jeno’sshoulder.

jeno turns and sees you standing, a basket in your hand. you’re wearing your prettiest outfit and you stare at jeno with a humongous smile on your face.

“you didn’t think i’d miss your birthday, did you?”

jeno smiles so hard his cheeks start to ache.
