#tubbo x you


The great adventures of y/n tubbo jack and ranboo - relaxing with goats

this is part 15 to the great adventures series

an: i wrote this on my phone with auto caps off and my editor is too tired to edit so i apologise, i just wanted to get this out today :)

you were currently walking alongside jack the pair of you were on your way to visit Niki minx and Rhiannon to catch up and potentially stream, the pair of you hadn’t spent a lot of time with each other the past month as you had been focusing on streaming and coming up with back up plans just in case your career as a streamer came to an abrupt end.

“you’re paranoid l/n the people love you there’s no way they’d just leave you”

“well it’s always good to be prepared”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night what would you even do you don’t exactly have a lot of qualifications you said it yourself you don’t plan on going to university as you’re going to be a full-time content creator like your dear friends tubbo and ranboo”

“you sound jealous manifold and to answer your question I don’t know I’ll buy a couple of animals like goats and pigs maybe a cow for the fun of it and I’ll have a petting zoo, after all, some people pay to pet animals”

little did you know those words stuck with jack and that’s how a week later you got yourself into this situation, sat in the front seat next to jack playing a one-sided game of eye spy whilst josh tubbo and ranboo were doing god knows what in the back of the car. the only thing you had been told was to wear clothing you’re not too bothered about, keeping that in mind you wore Jack’s merch just to see his reaction.

“Are we there yet”

“y/n if you ask that one more time I will cry”

“is that so bo….are we there yet”

tubbo sat fake crying whilst ranboo sat trying to hide the fact he was laughing. half an hour later you were all at the farm, ranboo held you and tubbo back as the pair of you were excited to see the animals

“will you two behave we don’t even know what we’re doing here”

“ranboo is in his parent arc”

jack came over to the three of you handing you all a bag of food for the animals

“aw fuck yeah I’m gonna feed animals…hey tubbo you hungry”

you stood holding the food towards tubbo who went to eat the food before being pulled away by ranboo

“hey I wasn’t really going to eat it I promise”

“so what are we actually doing today”

“goat yoga”


you stood waiting with tubbo and ranboo whilst jack and josh continued with the introduction to the vlog well that was until tubbo decided to copy your previous stunt and started trying to feed josh goat food, this didn’t last long as jack realised he wasn’t sure where you were meant to go so the five of you began your journey

“they have religious birds here”

“The fuck did you just say ranboo”

“birds of prey”

“jack… let’s go home”

after walking for a few minutes jack and ranboo pointed out that they hadn’t seen an animal yet you stood hiding behind tubbo laughing whilst he pointed out that there was in fact animals as the pair of you saw an eagle not too long ago. you all ran to where the birds were ranboo instantly walked through the gate that clearly said no entry. you all went off to see the birds up close safe to say you and jack were amazed by this

“I’m very taken aback”

“Hi little one I would die for you- what the fuck is tubbo saying to that poor bird”

“only a small percentage of viewers-“

“he’s self-promoting to a bird…he’s repeating it… TUBBO ITS NOT A PARROT ITS NOT GOING TO COPY YOU”

a few minutes later you had seen enough and tubbo thought the same as he led you to the gate which like before said no entry and took you through it closing it on the others

“it says no entry you’ll have to go around”

“wow tubbo and y/n you both run the park now”

you both nodded and walked away the others caught up quickly, mainly because you found a rock on the floor which reminded you of ted and decided you needed to get it so you could send it to him.

“I wore the corpse drip just in case I got shat on by a goat”

“hey that’s why I’m wearing jacks merch”

“Thanks, you two really lowered both mine and corpse’ clothing line”

“no worries. OH MY GOD MEERKATS”

you ran over to the meerkats and started naming them with tubbo

“that one can be merlin”

“and that one that bit merlin can be called fucking dickhead”

ranboo noticed you weren’t paying attention walked up behind you resting his head on yours luckily for him you didn’t jump as he caught you off guard

“hello boo, if I jumped out of fear we would both have headaches right now”

“well I mean yeah but-“

“it’s crazy they’ve got all these tropical animals here though because they’ve got meerkats then they’ve got giraffes”

you stood laughing the fact ranboo didn’t catch on straight away made it even funnier, he lightly tapped you on the shoulder pretending to be disappointed but ended up laughing and making sure you were okay, you all made your way to see more birds and pretended to be disappointed when tubbo and jack made comments about dnf

“ranboo I’m staying with you tubbos making dnf jokes”

“of course, y/n id love to have you by my side” he turned to the others

“I hope you can sense my expression”

you all continued looking around and found some chinchillas and watched as they all ran around

“nahhh they’re so fast”

“I bet their heart beats so fucking fast”

after watching the animals for a while you all agreed you should probably find your way to the place you need to be. this was going well, till tubbo and jack found toy cars and decided they should sit in them

“short people activities.. you should join them y/n”

“isn’t this how you see normal cars…that’s what I thought”

you stood with tubbo watching jack give a tour of the mani-pad questioning why you willingly woke up early for this. it didn’t take long for their antics to end, yours on the other hand…

“oh my god we found the big boys play area”

you made your way to the mesh climbing area josh not far behind you

“josh you cannot be in there…y/n when did you get up there”

“I ran”

you were about to make your way down whilst the others were playing around with the fake cow however josh and tubbo, bored of playing with the cow, began to climb up meeting you halfway. that was when you all heard a crack

“well shit”

the three of you walked down the ramp laughing the entire time tubbo and josh were playing with the sand when you realised that if you made it to the top there was a slide you were about to climb up again however ranboo noticed and pulled you in for a hug

“absolutely not you’ll get injured”

you dramatically sighed catching josh’s attention, you pointed at the slide and laughed as josh and jack began to climb up until it cracked making jack give up for his own safety, josh however continued, you couldn’t help but laugh as the slide shook whilst he went down.

as much as you wanted to stay in the play area it was time to make your way to do the activity you actually came for. as you were walking you and jack teased ranboo for being tall before being distracted by a shetland pony

“that’s a goat”

“wow I’ve never seen a goat look so much like a shetland pony before”

unsurprisingly you all got distracted by the animals and another play area, you sat on the grass whilst tubbo and josh were on the trampoline and ranboo and jack were sat on a wooden train. you spent this time talking to some of your friends from college

f/n <3: y/n have you even started the summer work?

y/n: no I’ll just do as much as I can later, I brought it with me to tubbos house

Tom <3: call me later I’ll help you

y/n: we don’t do the same subject but okay

f/n <3: I’ll join too

the others had left to race on you tractors and began making their way to the goats before realising you were still on the grass

“I thought it was quiet”

ranboo walked over and picked you up carrying you over to the others

“oh hello boo”

“hello short one”

ranboo noticed another play area and took you along with him, you laughed as he placed you down on the grass and began to race on the obstacle course around 14 seconds later he finished and you all made your way to goat yoga for real this time, you and tubbo said hi to all the animals as you walked by before being interrupted by a goat. you all went over to the rather loud goat, it was around now you were regretting your life choices.

“yo that goat ate another goat”

“I think you might be right”

you were stood petting the goat as jack read out the sign

“Are any of us pregnant”

“I hope not”

“I am”

you continued to talk to the goat deciding to ignore jack and tubbos antics this didn’t last long as tubbo dragged you away claiming he had something amazing to show you.




you heard ranboo laugh and walk away to tell jack what happened, you and tubbo stood laughing at what just happened, a few minutes later you both made your way back to the others to feed the animals, you laughed as the goat took the food out tubbos and then your hand, it was moments like this neither you or tubbo would forget, ranboo watched the pair of you with a smile, oh how it would hurt when he had to leave. a little while later a worker came over to get everyone ready,

“do you love your clothes”


“They both made it very clear they don’t care about those hoodies”

you were on the mat between ranboo and jack and watched as the goats were placed into the enclosure with you all, the moment tubbo laid down a goat immediately began climbing on him making you laugh, karma soon caught up as the moment you laid down the same goat began to climb on you.

“Gunther loves climbing”

you watched as the goat named Gunther walked all over jack before jumping onto you, you all signed a contract

“tubbo signed the date as today”

“oh he really did, he signed it as today with a smiley face”

you all laid down watching the goats run and jump around, occasionally running over the four of you

“This is way more dangerous than I was led to believe”

“death by goat sounds pretty cool”

you played with the goats as the others watched one of the goats attempt to eat Jack’s hat whilst on his back before in ranboos words trick shotting off his back. you all began to do the yoga, this was going well for a few minutes you laughed as tubbo and ranboo had goats on their back and you didn’t, this didn’t last long as the goat jumped from ranboos back onto yours resulting in you falling from the plank position, a few moments later Gunther made another appearance jumping all over the four of you, this inspired the other goats as they too began climbing and jumping off the four of you

“I am going to feel that tomorrow”

you looked over to your left noticing one of the goats decided to just stay on ranboos back so rather than helping you and tubbo began to play with the goat

“don’t let him up”

“oh he’s balding…stress, goat taxes are getting too much”

a few minutes later you heard ranboo talking about push-ups, not thinking he was being serious you turned around to see he was in fact serious and was doing push-ups with a goat on his back, jack then went on to do the same until the goat jumped off.

“go on y/n your turn, you did say earlier on the way you were stronger than me”

determined to prove to ranboo that you were stronger you too did push-ups with a goat on your back, however, you only managed to do two until you fell, tubbo cheered you on the entire time. everything was going well, that was when you heard them talking about bringing in a goat named Gary

“do we want Gary”

“I’m worried Gary might be one of the pregnant ones”

you and tubbo just nodded, they wouldn’t tell you anything about the goat apart from the fact his names Gary which made you intrigued to see Gary. you later found out that you all had to warm up from Gary and that he was banned from goat yoga.

“well he sounds fun”

“goat yoga with convicts sounds fun to you y/n”


you and ranboo stood petting a donkey whilst the others watched them find Gary and put the smaller goats away, you heard jack sound confused as to why they were bringing out another goat


“they had to put away the baby goats because jeff might bully them”

the four of you made a pyramid for the goats to walk under this worked for a while until one of the goats had better plans and walked over you and then stood on tubbo. jeff began jumping all over the four of you. if you didn’t have a bruise on you by tomorrow you would be amazed, you were quickly pulled out your own thoughts by tubbo having multiple goats on his back, you stood leaning on ranboo watching as jack got on tubbos back once the goats had jumped off.

“oh no tubbo a goat, I think it’s Gary”

you all continued being jumped and walked over by goats whilst trying to do the yoga a little while after the goats and jack had teamed up against tubbo, jacks hat soon became the centre of attention again this time Gary decided he wanted the hat and wouldn’t give up, jack ended up handing it over to Gary

“Stop bullying me please…actually I would like that back eventually if you don’t mind” he did eventually get it back, well you think so. you and ranboo were a little preoccupied as two of the goats were using the pair of you as a bridge and would constantly keep walking over the pair of you. you all ended the session by cuddling with the goats and you had never been happier.

the ride home was quiet, mainly because you and tubbo fell asleep in the back of the car. the rest of the night was spent on call with Tommy and f/n working on the summer work your college had set whist tubbo and ranboo streamed.


@denkisclown@orkwardx0@emma0nline@fuzzycloudsz@wtfwriter@milkydisaster@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy@uselesssapphickitten@l0ver0fj0y@etheriaaly@xx-smiley-xx@hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak@xenroselle@augustine-is-joy@c1loudee

Goodbye boo.

This is an extra to the great adventures series

Months flew by, it was safe to say you had really enjoyed your time with your friends and you even made new friends. the group scrapbook was full of memories and it was time to start a new one, which was great you were now able to include everyone you had made friends with however there was a slight problem, it was ranboos last night in the Uk. however, this was a problem for you all to deal with after his stream. hours felt like minutes before you knew it all that was left was random Jenga bricks, cards from the game you had finished playing and the full scrapbook on the table, you sat next to ranboo not entirely sure where the others went but at that moment you didn’t care, you didn’t want ranboo to leave, you placed your head on his shoulder the pair of you flicking through the scrapbook laughing at the pictures he would occasionally make jokes about being excited to leave the UK and go back home but you could hear it in his voice he wasn’t ready to leave, this was further confirmed by him pulling you closer to him after reaching the end of the scrapbook

“ranboo…take the scrapbook”

“y/n what no it was started by you Tommy and tubbo I can’t just take that away from you”

“take the fucking scrapbook boo”

tubbo stood in the doorway with billzo laughing

“just take it bossman and be thankful they didn’t replace everything in your suitcase with rocks”

admittedly it caught you off guard tubbo unknowingly said you plan to hide rocks but nonetheless you laughed knowing perfectly well that you had to tell ranboo tomorrow morning about the rocks you had put in the suitcase. the others left not long after you had all cleaned up the mess you had made earlier. the rest of the night was spent talking to tubbo talking about a future trip whilst ranboo packed for the airport. it was clear neither of you was ready to leave him, tears began to fall as it finally hit you, tomorrow you were saying goodbye to one of your closest friends, tubbo pulled you in for a hug you both sat in that position for a while, it didn’t take long for ranboo to show up as he heard you crying in the other room. because of the way you and tubbo were sat you didn’t notice him, they hated seeing you upset your crying caused a chain reaction as moments later when you looked up at ranboo clearly trying to hold back tears the pair of them also started to cry. the remainder of the night was then spent talking over the past few months and looking at all the photos you had taken.

“send me that one y/n”

“out of all photos you want that one- okay then… you do you boo”

eventually, you all fell asleep only to be woken by the alarm a few hours later.

“Turn that shit off”

“I thought I turned off his alarms”



ranboo laughed before tackling you onto the couch, tubbo was half asleep trying to process what was going on all he knew was that he was going to miss mornings like this.

“look do we really need to take him to the airport let’s go somewhere else”

“I agree”

everyone else disagreed with this which is why you and tubbo were sat in the back of the car next to ranboo. you were able to keep a happy face for the entire trip as you wanted ranboos last moments in the uk for a while to be positive even if it hurt. the entire trip was quiet no one wanted to say anything as they didn’t want to break down into tears, eventually, you broke the silence. mainly because you had to warn him about the rocks in his suitcase.

“So uh if you get stopped by a worker it’s entirely my fault”



annoyingly it didn’t take long to get to your destination, you all made your way into the airport. you hated this place right now and you were going to hate it even more in half an hour. time passed quickly which annoyed and tubbo

“isn’t time only meant to go quickly if you’re having fun…I’m not having fun and times going way too fast”

you pulled ranboo into a hug as you heard his flight be called out telling them to make their way, tubbo did the same once you let go

“Have a safe flight text us when you land”

“boo this isn’t goodbye this is simply see you later”

“I’ll see you both later then, stay safe”

tubbo pulled you into a side hug the pair of you waved goodbye and watched him leave. the car ride back to tubbos home was awful no one said anything however the moment the pair of you stood in the room you and ranboo shared you noticed something that caught you completely off guard, ranboo left a note and a hoodie for you, you instantly put the hoodie on, sat next to tubbo and started a new scrapbook waiting for ranboos text, the group was broken for now but you were excited for the future.


