#mcyt fluff


+ happy valentine’s day <3 all things done in this are done consensual!


promt: “look! there’s a discount for couples!” “we’re not a couple?” “they don’t have to know.”


♡ dream ♡:

  • tease tease tease
  • absolutely tries to make you flustered the whole time
  • he honestly doesn’t really care about the discount as much as he cares about making that blood rush to your cheeks
  • and he sure succeeds when he twirls a piece of hair out of your face with a smirk on his face, putting that same hand into the back pocket of your jeans
  • hits you up with some sweet talk while the cashier is beeping in your list of tech equipment, maintaining eye contact with you only
  • you can’t breathe the whole time
  • he makes sure to hint that he meant every single move he made after you’d left the store

♡ georgenotfound ♡:

  • he makes it so obvious that you’re not actually a couple, it’s crazy that the waiter even gives you the discount
  • “ew! why are you touching me?” “george!” he is an idiot
  • he manages to redeem himself by taking pictures of you with his phone like a real instagram husband while the waiter is looking, and you figured that’s why you got the discount
  • you make him pay for the food so you’re even after his horrible attempt at pretending to be your boyfriend
  • he makes up for it later again though when he actually becomes your boyfriend

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • discount? getting close to you? it’s like music to his ears
  • you don’t even get to finish your sentence before his hand is in yours, dragging you to the front desk of the hotel lobby
  • you’re staring at the manager with wide eyes as your “partner” says, “a one-bed room, please. the best, of course, for my wife.”
  • what. the. fuck
  • you’re freaking out inside while the manager finds you a room on the computer, adding the discount to the bill
  • when he’s paid, he wraps an arm around you as you leave the lobby to find your room. you’re a flustered mess
  • reaching your room, you remember something again and push at his chest lightly;
  • “why did you get us a one-bed room?!”
  • it was secretly his plan all along ;)

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • he thinks it’s the best idea you’ve ever had
  • I honestly don’t think bad will have any chill at all - if anything he’s blatantly trying to hit on you the entire time
  • swings his arm around you and pulls you into him, like it’s what he’s been doing every day for his entire life
  • you have never seen this side of him before, so it’s a little surprising, but you’re liking it
  • with both of your amazing acting skills combined (if you were even acting, cause at this point it’s looking pretty real) you manage to get the discount with ease
  • he treats you for some ice cream for “doing such a great job” even though he was literally the once carrying the team (no offence) to whole time

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • he thinks you’re crazy for even bringing up the idea, but he’s definitely not against it either
  • he sucks at acting like he’s in a relationship with you, though
  • you have to take initiative, intertwining your fingers and stepping closer to him when the cashier shoots you a suspicious glare, not entirely believing that you were a couple
  • techno immediately gets pulled out of his zoned out state. seeing how the cashier was about to speak up and probably not give you a 50% discount (50 percent!!), he grabbed you by the chin and crashed his lips on yours
  • it was hard not to look shocked at his act of impulse, but he was ready to risk it all for that 50%, putting all embarrassment and awkwardness aside
  • he might’ve kissed you later too, but this time it wasn’t for a discount

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • he is either completely up for it, or doesn’t want to do it at all. depends on his mood
  • but when he is, he does not hold back with the teasing. or the pet names.
  • “my little honey pie,” “you’re so cute, darling,” “hmm, I don’t know. what does my one and only ray of sunshine want for brunch”
  • you want to choke on your pancake and die
  • he’s so embarrassing. it’s like he doesn’t know what being in a relationship is like
  • but alas, you get the discount. you’re not sure if it’s because they actually believed you were a couple, or if they were just to scared to start a discussion on whether you were a couple or not due to what they saw of wilbur
  • this will be an inside joke between you forever and, yeah, wilbur will use it against you in any given situation just to make you feel embarrassed

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • shy corpse, shy corpse
  • it’s definitely a sight for sore eyes, how he morphs into a ball of shyness when you bring it up
  • usually he’s the one leaving you all shy and flustered, but the fact that you brought it up so casually was what left him speechless
  • you both have your own ways of showing love, and you use them to your advantage; he does all the sweet talk and pet names and you do all the touching
  • your method works perfectly, and you get the discount with no suspicions aimed towards you
  • confident corpse is back though, and for the rest of the day, he pretends that you’re still a couple by continuing with the pet names

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • karl has a hard time with not giving away that you’re not a couple
  • by constantly giggling every two seconds because “you keep touching me so much”
  • which is a fair statement seeing as you keep your fingers interlocked with his as you admire the different scented candles
  • not that he’s any better with the incoming kisses every now and then; forehead, nose, hand, you name it
  • while you’re looking all cutesy and couple-y, you both make sure to stack the fuck up on all the things you’ve ever desired to buy from bath and body works now that it’s so cheap for you
  • and when you come home, karl is ready for the haul and you’re ready to jump into a hot bath and smell amazing
  • a success, indeed

♡ quackity ♡:

  • he is screaming on the inside the entire time
  • oh, wait, did I say on the inside? I meant he is literally panicking loud and proud right there in front of the cashier the second you grab his hand
  • you make eye contact with the cashier and just shake your head at her, not to mind him, and she pretends that he isn’t acting fucking crazy right now out of kindness
  • you’re thankful, because it also means that your lie is more believable when you say “honey, calm down, we’ll be home soon,” and he freaks out even more at the pet name
  • you’re killing him right now
  • he kind of plays along after the shockwave is over, and you guys actually get the discount
  • he won’t stop talking about the moment you held his hand for the rest of the day - the rest of his life, actually

♡ tommy ♡:

  • thriving, tommy takes this opportunity to get as close to you as possible, swinging a heavy arm over your shoulders as he moves closer to you on the booth seat with a proud smile on his face
  • you’re about to push him off of you when the waiter comes to take your order, and you remember what you’re doing again
  • wilbur is losing his shit on the other side of the table as he watches tommy confidently place his order while you sit uncomfortably, not forgetting to mention the discount
  • when the waiter is gone, you push him off and cross your arms. he pouts.
  • “come on, y/n. can I at least hold your hand?”
  • “no!”
  • he ends up doing it anyway later on and now you’re both blushing while wilbur is third wheeling in the background

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • doesn’t think that much of it to start with
  • that is until you ruffle his hair up, hold his hand in yours, bat your eyes at him and kiss his cheek. his cheek! he was about to combust
  • he is actually very good at talking around it without showing how flustered he is
  • you don’t even notice until his palm starts sweating in your grasp
  • anyways, you guys successfully convince the person behind the desk to give you the discount, so now you have full access to the ice skating rink
  • you both kinda glaze over the “acting like a couple” incident, and have a good time
  • he ends up reaching for your hand so you could skate around hand in hand cause he misses the touch

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • flirt mode; on
  • if you haven’t heard about the volleyball story, boy are you in for a ride
  • leans over to whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you wait for the cashier to scan the barcode on your items
  • his hand is placed on your waist before he gets his card out and tells the cashier; “anything for my girl/boy/s/o,” and you die on the spot
  • the cashier shoots him a look as they put the pop figure in a bag. how romantic. you jab him in the side when they aren’t looking, to which he only smirks back and winks at you
  • you start wondering if he was playing along or if he was actually serious. nonetheless, you were a flustered mess when you exited the shop


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal@lemon-cow@someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu@trash-chiold@andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx@elizaaaaabeth@shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws@antisocialweeb@loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno@verulous@m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you@smuttasticc@cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor@fruitkith@viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123@nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach@valeriieesblog@ranboosday @xs0rin @thelibrarypengwing @asher-foxxe


++ let*s hope for a much better year, cause 2021 was officially the worst year of my life :) don’t forget to wear safety goggles!!!


♡ dream ♡:

  • driving out to a viewpoint in the middle of the night to watch the fireworks together
  • counting down the seconds when the time hits 11.59 pm at the top of your lungs
  • getting drunk together and eating mcdonalds at 4 am, laughing as you annoy the employees
  • setting off fireworks together and screaming at the loud noises
  • kissing once the time hits 12 am

♡ georgenotfound ♡:

  • wearing the most ridiculous hats and taking photos of each other wearing them
  • playing video games all night
  • popping the champagne bottle open and drinking it straight from the bottle
  • sitting on the floor, telling each other stories from your past
  • watching the fireworks from the window with his arm around you

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • going to a new year’s party and getting dressed up for the occasion
  • dancing on the floor together, enjoying the last day of the year
  • kissing somewhere in a corner and missing the countdown to midnight, only caring about each other and nothing else
  • coming home to watch your favourite movie on the couch whilst eating snacks
  • falling asleep together while watching the movie

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • renting a cabin just for the two of you
  • playing board games while the new year’s channel runs on the tv in the background
  • ordering chinese food and eating way more than you can handle
  • setting off fireworks
  • posting videos on twitter of each other in secrecy

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • wearing matching technoblade pyjamas all day and all night
  • logging onto random minecraft servers and playing games you haven’t played for years
  • cooking dinner together and then filling your tummies with ice cream
  • cuddling up on the couch with floof and watching whatever’s on tv
  • talking all night and celebrating him hitting 10 mil as well as the new year with a kiss

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • going out into the city and wandering the streets all night
  • buying matching ugly sunglasses from a random corner store and taking funny photos together
  • getting scared of the fireworks because they’re so close to you and then laughing at each other getting scared
  • laying in the grass at a park nearby and watching as the sky lights up with your fingers intertwined

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • going to a bar someplace nearby
  • and shouting a big ‘fuck you’ to 2021 once you enter 2022
  • getting shitfaced drunk and planning on forgetting the past year
  • getting tattoos you picked out for each other
  • having to rip his phone out of his hands before he accidentally does a face reveal while drunk

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • driving around town in a shopping cart you took from a mall
  • wearing 2022 headbands
  • going to eat at an expensive restaurant and then get stared down by the rich people as you run out and ditch the place with a wine bottle in hand
  • spending the rest of the night with friends and family, playing fun games for a memorable night

♡ quackity ♡:

  • playing horror games where you have to drink every time you get jump-scared
  • watching videos of yourself from this year
  • kissing with fake moustaches on to match the weirdness of this year
  • shaving his head and making him bald while he’s asleep
  • nah jk, you’ll just photoshop him to look bald

♡ punz ♡:

  • crashing at a party where you don’t know anyone and no one knows you
  • competing against each other in beer pong
  • and because you lose he makes you jump into the pool
  • he jumps in too and you share a drunken kiss under the water
  • laughs at your angry frenzy but then gets you warmed up afterwards to make it better()
  • you leave at 6am and sleep the whole day once you get home

♡ tommy ♡:

  • streams minecraft with you until midnight
  • and then you spend time celebrating with his family, taking a photo together with hats on and posting it on twitter
  • begs you for a kiss when the clock strikes zero and pouts when you only kiss his cheek
  • rambles on about how he’s gonna stay up all night
  • and then ends up falling asleep with his head on your lap an hour later

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • you guys stay up all night streaming a bunch of different games, keeping  each other awake when the other is tired
  • taking a small break from streaming to watch the fireworks go off in the neighbourhood
  • as soon as the stream ends you both flop onto the bed, signing off almost immediately
  • you manage to mumble a “happy new year” to each other before blacking out

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • you have your own at home karaoke with hits from this year and songs that you both love
  • your plan was to go out and enjoy the fireworks with friends, but instead you ended up staying home to hang out with each other
  • you watched the countdown on tv and he hugged you tightly once you entered the new year, kissing your nose
  • you played minecraft together on your own server, just the two of you
  • he makes sure to cover your ears to protect you from the loud noises from the fireworks as you watched the colours in the sky change


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you​ @smuttasticc @cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor​ @fruitkith @viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123​ @nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach @valeriieesblog​ @ranboosday @st4rstr 

+ so glad to be semi-back! hope you guys enjoy this little christmas special<3

++ mostly crack


















♡ quackity ♡:

  • do I even have to explain myself? of course alex is at the top

♡ tommy ♡:

  • this one has probably just completely forgotten the fact that it’s even christmas and has already opened all of the presents (including yours)

♡ george ♡:

  • does it on purpose. and then laughs at you

♡ karl jacobs ♡:

  • does it by accident. he’s just been too excited about giving you your presents that he accidentally lets it slip

♡ tubbo ♡:

  • also does it by accident, but makes up for it by buying you new presents so at least they’re a surprise

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • it’s likely to happen, but not from him directly spoiling it to you. you’d find out by a note on his desk or something like that

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • acts like he just spoiled the whole thing for you to see your reaction, but really none of the things he said are the ones waiting for you under the tree

♡ jack manifold ♡:

  • surprisingly good at keeping his mouth shut, and even though there’s a chance he might tell you, he deserves this spot on the list for solely that reason

♡ corpse husband ♡:

  • he spent a lot of time picking out your presents, there’s no way he’s telling you what they are already

♡ wilbur soot ♡:

  • mr. soot would be more likely to burn down the tree if anything, so don’t worry about the presents

♡ punz ♡:

  • would be very good at not telling you because he loves teasing you about not being able to open them yet too much for that

♡ awesamdude ♡:

  • would bodyguard the presents if he had to. you’d be the one to end up begging to know what he bought for you, whereas he would do everything to keep you away from the presents

♡ dream ♡:

  • very responsible about it, you’ll have no suspicions about what he’s bought you - he’s just that sneaky

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • could never dream about telling you. I honestly think it would break his heart telling you by accident more than yours.

♡ ranboo ♡:

  • yes, I too am wondering why ranboo is last. he just has this vibe about him that tells me he would have everything organised and ready for christmas day, and he just loves seeing the surprise on your face when you open the presents. am i saying that his love language is gift giving? yes, that is absolutely what I am saying


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13@vtte@hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki@raspberrylemonadewitch@sufloerfs@the-anonymous-ones@a-shrimp-for-you​ @smuttasticc @cherriesradio@hehet-ateez@a-panseuxalmess@queennightsetz@quackitys-amor​ @fruitkith @viridian-rose@heyxxitsxxtay@almost-a-ladybug@killzandchillz@aceofbroken-hearts@toodeepintofandoms@this-congressdoesnotspeakforme@why-do-i-love-life@seraphqueen123​ @nerdytomorrowxtogetherateezpeach 


christmas with them

❄ dream ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ george ❄

 ↳christmas with them


❄ sapnap ❄

 ↳christmas with them


❄ badboyhalo ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ technoblade ❄

 ↳ christmas with them

 ↳ tis’ the damn season


❄ wilbur soot ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ quackity ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ fundy ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ karl jacobs ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ eret ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ punz ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ awesamdude ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ corpse ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ skeppy ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ tommy ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ tubbo ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


❄ ranboo ❄

 ↳ christmas with them


↳ mtl likely to reveal what presents are under the christmas tree


+ my honest opinion on what I think meeting their family would be like



  • dream is so excited for you to meet his parents
  • like, you have no idea
  • his family means a lot to him
  • and as you hear about in his streams, he visits them very often and does stuff with them
  • so of course he can’t wait till you meet them!
  • cause then you’d be doing all of these things with them, too
  • it means a lot to him that his family likes you
  • though he knows that won’t be a problem, because there’s no way they wouldn’t like you

who ends up liking you the most?: drista



  • george is probably more nervous than you tbh
  • it’s not that he doesn’t think they’ll like you
  • no no, it’s because events like these scare the crap out of him
  • he just doesn’t like the sheer awkwardness that might come with it
  • he’ll be there to hold your hand though, cause he knows you’re nervous, too
  • and tries his best to make sure that the day goes smoothly
  • and it must’ve helped somewhere because it goes really well
  • his parents love you

who ends up liking you the most?: both his mom and his dad



  • it is such a chaotic day
  • you end up being the clumsiest person alive that day;
  • dropping a plate on the floor, spilling food on yourself as well as knocking a glass of water over
  • though, you’re really good helping his family out with dishes and such
  • and they really liked that despite the amount of times you felt like you’d messed up the day
  • luckily, sapnap helps out in the situations where you feel embarrassed by laughing, putting the room at ease
  • let’s just say the second time you meet them goes a lot better

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom



  • he cannot wait to show you off to his family
  • he loves you so incredibly much, and just wants his family to see exactly why
  • and trust me, they do
  • it almost couldn’t have gone better tbh
  • the chemistry between you and bad just stands out to all of them - it was impossible for them not to love you
  • you all really bond and have fun together over a game of heads up
  • it already feels like you’re part of the family

who ends up liking you the most?: all of them



  • isn’t really excited or really nervous
  • just kind of smack in the middle - he’s not bothered with you meeting his parents
  • he doesn’t think you’ll have a bad first impression if you’re just being yourself
  • and you don’t - they end up really liking you!
  • they even invite you to his mom’s birthday the weekend after
  • and when you’ve left, techno overhears them talk about “how sweet you were” and “how they think you’re a great match for him”
  • techno can’t help but to smile at that

who ends up liking you the most?: his dad and his little sister


wilbur soot:

  • wilbur has honestly not been looking forward to this day, although he knew it would come
  • just because he knows how his parents can be
  • now wilbur loves his family and all
  • he just thinks they can be… a bit boundary-pushing sometimes
  • and that’s the part he’s not looking forward to
  • they’re very nice to you, though, and you end up having an amazing time
  • wilbur though… not so much
  • when his parents got a photo album out, he knew it was over for him
  • the amount of pictures his parents showed you of 5-year old him being half-naked was impeccable
  • but it made him happy to see you bond so well with them

who ends up liking you the most?: both his mom and his dad



  • schlatt doesn’t usually like these “first time” things
  • especially not when it’s with his parents, cause he knows how they can be
  • but it actually goes better than he expected
  • and by that I mean that there weren’t that many embarrassing stories about his childhood that they told you about
  • but, oh yeah, there were definitely a good handful thrown in there
  • though shclatt does get all soft from the way you and his parents manage to talk so much about him
  • and with so much awe, too
  • it makes him feel very proud to have you as his at the end of the day

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom


corpse husband:

  • corpse isn’t fond of his parents at all
  • barely even keeps in touch with them
  • so when they wanted to meet you, he insisted that you shouldn’t
  • yet you managed to convince him that maybe it was a good chance for a new start for them
  • yeah… it didn’t go so well
  • the day was spent with awkward silences, corpse just sitting in complete silence
  • and his parents not knowing what to say either since they didn’t know you
  • it ended up with them getting into an argument and you leaving early with corpse because of it
  • it definitely couldn’t have gone worse

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom


karl jacobs:

  • you and karl would prepare the food for when they were coming over
  • and you’d get to talking about how nervous you were for them to meet you because the last thing you wanted was for them to have a bad first impression of you
  • he’d calm you down, kissing your forehead and tell you they’d absolutely love you
  • and they did, very much in fact
  • they were also very impressed with the food you two had cooked
  • overall they’re just happy that karl had found someone he was happy with

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom



  • I can just imagine that skeppy’s parents would only first know of your existence because he made a video about a girlfriend/boyfriend reveal
  • which they were pretty shocked about at first, but it’s so typical skeppy, so it was to be expected
  • immediately they wanted to meet you, and you and skeppy were both super nervous
  • he knew his family was very welcoming and all, but he’d never done this before
  • and when the day came he was more nervous than you - at least you were able to mentally prepare for this day, he wasn’t
  • sure, there were a few awkward incidents - like when you had to talk about your relationship with him, but overall it was a great day

who ends up liking you the most?:skepina



  • fundy would be pretty neutral about this day - when his parents said they’d come over for a visit he just shrugged and told you
  • you, unprepared for the turn of events on this day, however, were not calm about it
  • fundy could feel how tense you were when greeting his parents, he almost felt bad about it
  • he tried pep-talking you in the kitchen when you were making the dinner, and it sorta helped, but alas nothing could calm your nerves
  • even his parents could feel how tense you were, so much that his mom even mentioned it; “honey, there’s no need to be shy! I promise, we don’t bite.”
  • you swore his parents were the nicest people you’ve ever met

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom



  • alex is beyond excited to show you off to his family
  • like, he’ll drag you around the house to personally introduce you to every individual member of his family
  • the beaming smile on his face whenever he talks about you is enough to tell his parents that you’re perfect for their son
  • because all they want is his happiness
  • they ask a lot of questions about you rather than talking about themselves, and you quite like that
  • it goes to show their effort to get to know you

who ends up liking you the most?: both his mom and his dad



  • like fundy, he’s very neutral about it
  • he already knows his parents are gonna love you, so there’s no reason to feel nervous about it
  • and he tells you this too so you won’t feel nervous about it either
  • you go to an aquarium, talking about the sea creatures and eventually turning the conversation into other topics
  • where did you grow up? what do you do for a living? etc.
  • it’s a really nice and casual first time to meet his parents, and it makes it less intimidating to think about going to a dinner with them the next time you’ll see them
  • and of course he was there to talk positively about you the whole time

who ends up liking you the most?: his dad



  • he would excitedly drag you inside the house, so pumped for you to meet his parents
  • and even though he could very clearly see the panicked look on your face, he continued
  • because he knew that no matter how many awkward encounters you’d imagined would happen, they’d still accept you into the family
  • because just like foolish, his family is open and silly
  • laughs are shared constantly over the fast food dinner you’d ordered, his dad telling you all of the amazing and embarrassing stories about his son like you’d been part of the family the second you entered the room

who ends up liking you the most?: his dad


jack manifold:

  • you were going bowling with his family
  • and you had actually met his mom already in the grocery store one day by accident
  • you chatted for a while with her, and it went really well!
  • so when you were going bowling with them, you actually weren’t so nervous
  • it went pretty well overall - yet you didn’t get to talk that much with them because you were busying yourselves with bowling
  • jack reassured you at the end of the day that it couldn’t have gone better, knowing when his parents like or dislike people

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom



  • the way you met his family wasn’t planned at all
  • you were just going to his house after school after he’d suggested you could play games together
  • and when you entered, his parents were home
  • it was pretty chill, you just said a quick hi and they asked how school was and who you were, and then tommy quickly uttered out that you were going up to his room and so you went
  • but later his mom called to know if you were staying for dinner, and tommy insisted that you did, so you did
  • you had a lovely conversation with his parents, and afterwards you even played some board games together before you left

who ends up liking you the most?: his mom



  • you meet his family kinda the same way with tommy
  • you were going to tubbo’s house to bake some cupcakes, and you already knew that his family was gonna be there, too
  • so when you got there you greeted them all and talked for a little bit
  • until tubbo practically dragged you into the kitchen with him to get started on the cupcakes
  • lani joined in after a little while, just in time to decorate the cupcakes
  • and you two bonded very well together over that time
  • his family overall think you seem sweet, but they probably have to get to know you more

who ends up liking you the most?:lani



  • he is very awkward at first
  • just kind of sitting there, waiting for his parents to start up a conversation or something
  • and when they finally do, he can’t help but to let out a sigh of relief
  • you all just chill on the couch, since it’s pretty late at night
  • and then when you’ve chatted with them for a bit, you all decide to watch a movie together
  • where you and ranboo volunteer to make some popcorn
  • ranboo tells you how well he thinks it’s going when the two of your are alone
  • and later on when you’re heading to bed you even stay up for a while, talking about how the day was actually really nice and how you’d like to spend more time on getting to know them

who ends up liking you the most?: his dad



tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13​ @vtte @hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki

+ the freezer is your best friend


“tomorrow? but we need it fixed today!”

you let out a heavy sigh at the sound of where the conversation was going, using your old fan you bought in spain a couple of years back to blow air onto your face. hot air. it didn’t really help. leaning against the kitchen counter, back pressed against the edge, you tune out of the desperate conversation wilbur was having with the engineer, losing hope in the ac getting fixed before you and him turn to ashes from the heat.

how come the uk was such a hot country all of a sudden? the day the air condition fucks up just had to be the hottest day of the year. hell, of the past ten years!

your tank top was killing you despite fanning yourself for the past thirty minutes, and it was impossible to even do anything productive in a heat like this. so all you could do was wait in complete misery until the engineer would arrive - which wouldn’t be soon. you have no idea how the hell you were gonna survive the night.

“alright. thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

will hung up, frustratedly placing his phone on the counter beside you as he wiped his forehead from sweat. you turned to him, pushing his hair away from his forehead and turning your wrist to fan him instead. he moaned, closing his eyes in bliss.

“I’m guessing there’s no ac today then?” you ask, fishing out a hair tie from your pocket, and stopping the fanning for a few seconds to tie his fluffy hair into   a small ponytail at the top of his head. he shook his head and spoke once you started fanning him again, placing his hands on your waist.

“just our luck,” he responded, moving his shirt back and forward to fan his sweaty self under his shirt. you could feel more warmth start to form where his hands were placed on your waist, clammy hands reaching down to pull them off. this caused his eyes to open, watching as you pushed his hands away. “alright, that’s it. I’m fucking sick of this heat.”

he stood up, pulling his shirt off in one quick motion. next thing, his shorts were gone too. you nodded. “yeah, fuck this.”

you too stripped yourself from your clothes, both of you just standing there in your undergarments. and it felt so goddamn nice.

“I can’t even touch my own partner for christs sake…” he muttered under his own breath, turning on his heels and heading for the freezer. he opened it, fitting as much of himself in there as he could. he turned his head to you, waving you over to him. “c’mere.”

he made room for you to step in front of him, moving you as close to the inside of the freezer as possible. the cool air fanning your skin was almost too good of a feeling. you closed your eyes, pressing your cheek against a box of frozen bagels. will chose the peas.

“can I kiss you or will your lips burst into flames?” you laughed at his question, and he smiled at your laughter. you nodded, grabbing his less clammy hand and placing your other one on his chest. you leaned in, and he found you the rest of the way, pressing his lips flush to yours in a much-desired kiss.

interrupted by the beeping of the freezer being open for too long, you pulled away, and he rested his forehead against yours for a moment, just smiling, before closing the fridge.

almost instantly the heat of his apartment hit the both of you like a wave, no, like a fucking tsunami, turning you into sweaty messes again. will shook his head, grabbing his phone and keys and pulling you with him.

“screw this, we’re heading to my office. there’s no way we can survive this.”

he opened up the door, almost speeding out of the apartment until you pulled him back abruptly. he turned to you.

“what? what’s wrong?”

“will, we’re not wearing any clothes.”




tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog@tapesfrom1980@littlws​ @antisocialweeb @loonylovegood13​ @vtte @hjbbyyy@cheesysin@milky-toast@softdumplingposts@nanmno​ @verulous @m00nsthet1c@sophtheaven@marrymetheonott@agentmargo@theseuskey@tinyegg@lakifaki

+ this does NOT contain smut, just inappropriate jokes :p



you’d seen a trend going around on tiktok with couples filming themselves with one always being horny, and the other always sleepy, and you thought it’d be fun to do with your boyfriend. of course without him knowing.

you whip out your phone and start recording yourself on tiktok, forming your hand into a gun-shape and pointing in front of you. and with a lot of pleading you made your boyfriend do the same. you edit the video with text claiming who’s the “sleepy” and “horny” one, and finally go to show your boyfriend to see his reaction of the end result…


♡ dream ♡:

  • he watches intently and with furrowed brows, not knowing what to expect this time
  • when it ends he rolls his eyes with a smirk on his face
  • “the scratches on my back say otherwise”
  • wheezes when you go to smack his arm

♡ george ♡:

  • honestly, george already knows it’s gonna be something stupid just from the way you excitedly handed your phone to him
  • he starts ranting about how dumb and inaccurate it is
  • “I don’t even sleep that much!”

♡ sapnap ♡:

  • starts laughing so much that his eyes crinkle at the edges
  • “I know damn well that you’re not talking about me!”
  • starts teasing you by saying that you’realways the horny one and pokes at your sides

♡ badboyhalo ♡:

  • he is so shocked that you’d make a video like this
  • audibly gasps and starts profusely yelling at you while you’re dying from laughter

♡ technoblade ♡:

  • “HEH?!”
  • sits there in shame and shakes his head at you in silence
  • “what has this app done to you.”

♡ wilbur soot ♡: 

  • is excited about what you’d been editing and kisses your cheek sweetly
  • but when the video’s over he’s staring you dead in the eye, shocked
  • “I did not expect this from you, y/n.”

♡ karl jacobs :

  • shoots you a wild look and starts laughing 
  • “what? what, y/n, what? what was that?”
  • threatens you with tickles

♡ skeppy :

  • the video immediately cracks him up because of how cute you looked
  • rewatches it over and over again as he continues laughing
  • “I can’t believe you made me do this.”

♡ fundy ♡:

  • at this point he’s so used to all the tiktok trends you do together, that he expects just about anything
  • sighs once the video’s over and looks at you with a serious look on his face, while you’re deviously laughing
  • “I’ve lost faith in humanity.”

♡ quackity ♡:

  • “what’s this then?”
  • grabs your phone out of your hands and laughs at the video he just watched
  • asks you to send it to him and sees it as a cinematic masterpiece

♡ punz ♡:

  • has definitely already seen this trend going around on his own fyp, but not this specific one
  • is startled and watches it one more time to make sure he read it right
  • “that’s bullshit! you’re the horny one.”
  • “andyou’re the sleepy one???”

♡ awesamdude ♡:

  • thinks it’s cute that you’d make a video with him
  • - until he sees the video
  • he lowkey likes it cause he thinks it’s funny, but he also wants to tease you by acting disappointed

♡ foolish ♡:

  • is giggling even before you press play
  • and then when he watches it to the end he’s giggling even more
  • “what even is this?”


tag list✰

@zayenz@terribletoothbat@0t0n1n@0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707@reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream@televisionpresent38@bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative@my-shitpost-of-writing@my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass@death-by-rats@simpfordraco@bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish@pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom@ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night@hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch@wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork@hellfirepheonixx@marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone@ky50621@randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy@jeyacore@thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida@i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n@wreny24@vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy@weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey@leia-starly@smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284@m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts@jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb@k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50@cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom@sbi-is-my-onlysanity@yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx@jinxy175@starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur@dilfpunz@officialsimppage@sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl@noncannonships@simplestradicalform@buzzer-s@ariespirate@moonlight-394@sloxth-poe@loonyprincelupin@pearlsposts@strxbrymilkkuu​ @trash-chiold @andreamalik6@froggyy06@ryxjxnnx​ @elizaaaaabeth @shadowwalkersoldblog

send in wilby soot n tommy innitlad requests

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you call them by their real name instead of a nickname.

warning(s): use of dream and quackity’s real names. the use of sapnap’s name once.use of the nickname bubs on karl’s since people don’t like that one for some reason ?

DREAM: has the shock of his life when you call him clay. like karl, he thinks you’re mad at him for something he did. he tries to figure out what he did as he walks to the kitchen to you. “yeah?” he asks when he’s unable to come up with anything he did wrong, watching you clean the dishes. it couldn’t be the dishes, right? today is thursday, your day to clean the dishes. “clay, can you get patches some more food while i finish here?” he winces, having hoped you just decided to call him clay for once but nope. “okay,” he mutters, doing as you told him to but can’t help himself and asks, “did i do something wrong, baby?” he watches your expression carefully as he sets patches’ bowl on the floor. your brows furrow, looking over your shoulder at him. “i don’t know, did you?” you’re immediately suspicious of him after that but he shakes his head, “no, no i mean like— you’re calling me clay instead of babe or even dream. you only call me clay when you’re mad at me or being serious.” “oh,” you shrug, turning back to the sink. when you don’t say anything, he grows more concerned. “baby,” he whines slightly, “i’m sorry for whatever i did.” your lips twitch up, listening as he continues to whine and make promises that he’ll make it up to you. when he says, “i promise i’ll do all the house chores for a week!” you brighten up and turn to him, “really? great, thanks, babe. you can start now, i’ll go tell sapnap that you’ll do everything.” he watches in shock as you walk away to the living room, slowly registering that you tricked him. “Y/N!”

GEORGE: you have to stifle your giggles before starting with, “george, pass me my laptop charger.” he goes to grab it but halts halfway, brows furrowing. he concludes it was just a one time thing so he grabs your charger and hands it to you, expecting a kiss on the cheek or lips along with a sweet, “thanks, love!” as you always do. but he gets nothing except for “thanks, george.” and you dismiss him without another thought. he stares at you in silence and you look up at him, “what?” “don’t call me that.” “call you what? your name?” your eyebrows raise. “you don’t call me george, you— you call me love or, or gogy,” he explains hastily, cheeks turning pink at his words. you have to force your lips into a straight line, “oh? i thought you didn’t like me calling you those names since you whine all the time about it.” he huffs, cheeks turning even more pink, “y/n! don’t pretend you didn’t know.” “didn’t know what, exactly?” you can’t hide your smile this time. “that— that i like you calling me love!” you simply stare at him in silence, a satisfied smile on your lips as he soon realized, “you just wanted me to admit that, didn’t you?” “yup,” you chirp, leaning in for a kiss which he quickly dodges, “no! no kisses since you like to trick your boyfriend.”

SAPNAP: he’s busy playing valorant when you decide to do it, eyes focused on his computer screen. “hey, sapnap, what do you want for dinner?” you lean on the door frame, knowing he’s only in call with punz as he plays and neither are streaming. he doesn’t answer, making you furrow your brows. you’re sure that he can hear you, his volume is never loud enough just in case something happens, but you step forward and tap him on the shoulder anyways, “sapnap. what do you want for dinner?” he still doesn’t answer, making you huff only to hear punz ask through his headphones, “dude, y/n’s asking you a question.” sapnap still doesn’t answer. you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh really? that’s how it’s going to be? nick!” he keeps silent. “jesus, fine! what do you want for dinner, baby?” you emphasize the pet-name and he finally turns around, sending you a sweet smile, completely different than his blank look from earlier. “how about some sushi?” “dude,” you hear punz laugh as you roll your eyes and start to leave the room, “you’re unbelievable.” “don’t call me sapnap again! love you.”

KARL: freezes the moment you say “karl”, trying to think of something he did to upset you. can’t think of anything so he decides to play it safe and tentatively asks, “yeah?” he’s confused when all you do is ask him to do something simple and not at all torturous. stays quiet, deciding to just forget about it but it doesn’t leave his mind for the rest of the day, not to mention he also notices the other times you continue to call him by his real name. he ends up not being able to take it close to dinner time, “okay, what did i do wrong? ‘cause you’ve been calling me karl all day and a hundred percent of the time, you call me bubs. so—” he’s confused at how you start giggling, cutting him off. “i was just waiting to see how long it’d take you to confront me,” you explain through your laughter. he stares at you before giggling in amusement and a huge amount of relief, “thank god. can you call me bubs now? because hearing you say karl directly to me makes me want to be asleep forever.”

QUACKITY: “alex, do you think i should buy this?” you tug him closer to you so he can look at your phone but all he does is stare at you. “alex? … alexis?” he simply blinks at you with a blank face. you stare back at him in confusion, “dude. quackity. do you even hear me?” he then decides to open his mouth, “who is alex?” you give him a bitchy stare, “um, you?” he shakes his head, turning back to his computer and staring at it with his jaw clenched slightly. your lips twitch at the sight, knowing he’s not really mad but just being dramatic and salty. “quackity.” “nope, don’t know who that is. why are you talking about another guy?” you scoff, “oh, sorry, honey. happy now, cutie? oh, or how about handsome? or—” “jeez, okay i get it!” his cheeks flush lightly, avoiding your stare with how quick you seemed to turn the situation on him instead of the other way. “ … i like honey.”

tiktok series.library.

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: wiping off their kisses.

warning(s): none

note: let me know if there are any other trends you want me to write and make sure to send an example in case i don’t know what it is !! sorry it got shorter to karl and quackity’s

DREAM: you’re on his lap while he’s editing a video, scrolling through tiktok with earbuds in. he gives you a kiss on the cheek five minutes later. smiling at him, you ‘subtly’ wipe it off with the back of your hand. he freezes, staring at you and you raise your eyebrows at him, “what?” “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he asks and you frown, shaking your head. “okay…” he mutters, kissing you again but this time on your lips. again, you wipe it off with the back of your hand. dream stares at you incredulously, “you just did it again.” “no, i didn’t,” you deny, shaking your head. he scoffs in offense, “yes you did! what, you don’t like my kisses?” you giggle, “i’m not wiping off your kisses, dream!” he shakes his head at you, pulling you in by the back of your neck to give you a rather wet kiss on the lips, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. when he pulls away, he raises a defiant eyebrow, “try to wipe that away.” you stare at him before quickly raising your arm to wipe it away. “babe!”

GEORGE: he presses a loud kiss to your cheek, being dramatic. you shake your head at him before quickly wiping it away and he blinks in shock as you go back to your phone. he stares at you before kissing you again on your cheek, just in case you didn’t mean to. he then watches as you wipe the kiss away again. his mouth drops open, unsure of whether to feel hurt/offended or just shrug it off. “did i do something wrong?” he asks and you frown as you look up, “no, why?” “i— you…” he racks his brain to think of anything he could’ve done as you go back to your phone again. definitely texts dream and sapnap for help before sapnap realizes what you’re doing and tells george. turns to you in offense that you thought you could get away with this, even though you kinda did at first. he takes your phone away, ignoring your protests and showers you in wet and loud kisses all over your face. “can’t wipe them all away,” he mutters, pressing a kiss under your ear, “no more tiktok for you.”

SAPNAP: he’s immediately suspicious when you wipe his kiss away the first time, going to give you another kiss and watches as you wipe it away again. pokes you in the side, giving you a WTF look and you look at him in the same way, pretending to be confused. he scoffs, “wiping my kisses away? real mature.” “no idea what you’re talking about,” you feign innocence, shrugging at him. “mhm,” he mutters, going back to playing valorant but you can tell he’s still thinking about it, trying to think as to what he could’ve done to deserve this. “is this because i didn’t pick the dirty clothes up from the floor?” he turns to you 20 minutes later and you raise your eyebrow at him. “no, but thanks for reminding me of that.” he huffs, “okay, then… is this because i ate your leftovers?” your mouth drops open, “that was you? you told me it was dream!” he realizes he just snitched on himself and winces, “um…” “sapnap!”

KARL: already knows the trend but it doesn’t register in his brain until the third time you did it in the span of ten minutes. doesn’t give you a reaction and does the same thing to you later on in the day. he tries his best to not laugh when he sees your mouth drop open in shock at him, continuing to scroll through his phone. “babe!” you whine, “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he grins, finally glancing up at you, “no, why?” “liar! you totally just did.” “oh, so you can do it, but i can’t?” you huff before wrapping your arms around his neck, “fine, fine. give me a kiss now, but don’t wipe it away this time.” he giggles again, pressing kisses all over your face, “as long as you don’t do it, either.”

QUACKITY: he stares at you like you’ve grown two heads after he watched you wipe the kiss away. he’s immediately offended but also kinda hurt. tries to act nonchalant but you could tell he was like WTF. becomes clingy and definitely scatters kisses around your face that you also wipe away. around the 15th time, he realizes you’re playing with him when he sees the small smirk on your face. unable to believe that he fell for it, he gives you the silent treatment and makes you beg him for kisses. you lost, he won. will definitely pull a prank back on you because giving the silent treatment just isn’t enough.

tiktok series.library.

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you play the ‘hey shawty, your man still around?’ tiktok trend on the boys.

warning(s): none

note: here is the start of my tiktok trend series! let me know if you have any other trends you want me to write and make sure to send an example in case i have no clue what you’re talking about !!!

DREAM: dream’s playing minecraft and you’re lying on his bed, bored as hell, so of course you decided to prank him. his head kinda perked up when he heard the facetime sound ringing, but didn’t turn to look or pause the game. however, when he heard an unfamiliar male voice say, “hey shawty, your man still around?” he immediately turned in his chair, staring at you with a blank face. “who the hell is that?” he asks and when you don’t answer, looking at him with wide eyes and hiding your phone, he stands up and tugs your phone from your grip easily. dream deflates when he sees the tiktok recording and rolls his eyes, giving you a look and ignoring the fact that his heart was pounding loudly in his chest, “haha, very funny, babe” looks like this emoji before getting off to spend time with you

GEORGE: you immediately regret pulling this the moment his face falls at the sound of another man’s voice. but then his face contorts into a face like this “stop that.” acts like it’s a joke(even though it actually is) and that he isn’t bothered but you know george and he’s itching to grab your phone to see wtf is up but he doesn’t have to when you smile sheepishly and turn your phone to show him the screen. “oh,” he says very quietly, relief filling his chest, “damn you and your tiktoks,” he giggles, “tag me in it when you post.” you were honestly surprised he hadn’t seen the trend before you tried it.

SAPNAP: does not let you even bullshit your way out of this. “who the fuck was that?” sapnap stares at you when you act as if you’re panicked. “just a friend,” and he scoffs at that, rolling his eyes with his jaw clenching. he shakes his head at you, “oh, really? why is your friend calling you ‘shawty’—” he mocks the way the guy says it and you have to stop yourself from laughing, “— and asking if your boyfriend is still around?” you giggle and his eyes widen in disbelief before you tell him the truth, showing him the trend. he automatically relaxes, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “oh. good, i should be the only one calling you shawty anyway.” “never call me that. i actually prefer hey mamas—” “HEY!”

KARL: you thought it was bad with george’s face? oh wait til you see karl’s. his face is so, so sad at the thought of you letting another man call you names like that and ask if he’s not there. he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with that sad look and you’re immediately folding. beams when you show him it’s a prank and laughs his ass off at himself for even believing it, “i can’t believe you got me!” shakes his head at himself for thinking you’d ever cheat on him. definitely saves this for a story to tell your friends or chat later.

QUACKITY: he’s on call with the guys when you decide to do this, thinking it’d be funny for all of you to get his reaction even though his facecam is off. tenses when he hears the guy, taking his headphones off to stare between you and your phone. definitely doesn’t think you’re cheating but got some random friend of yours to do this. it’s almost comical the way he flies out of his chair, probably knocking some things over to grab your phone. you try to keep your phone away from him, but he’s quick thinker and tickles you to get your guard down. breathes out a dramatic sigh of relief when he sees the screen, “whew. thought i was gonna have to beat someone’s ass for a second there.” doesn’t find it funny when you snicker at the thought of him kicking someone’s ass. will hold this over your head forever.

tiktok series.library.


requesthello! can I request a dream x female reader where they are publicly dating and reader gets hate for that? thank you<33


before requesting, read this.


“Great,” you sighed to yourself as you closed your DMs on Twitter.Somehow, they had found your Twitter despite you literally never interacting with Dream on any of his accounts and that you didn’t face reveal, either. All they knew was your name, so how the hell did they find you?

“What’s wrong?” Dream asked from his chair, currently editing a video for his channel.

“Nothing,“ you said, standing up from the bed. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. Want anything?”

“No thanks,” he hummed, not looking over at you. Sighing, you took your phone with you and went to the kitchen. Unable to help yourself, you opened your mentions and scrolled through it. Most of it were just people saying they found your Twitter and retweeting your picture of Patches. But somehow, your eyes always found the hate tweets directed to you.

Most of the hate tweets were very dramatic, talking about how you ‘ruined’ DreamNotFound or how you didn’t deserve Dream. Shaking your head, you wonder how they even came to those conclusions in the first place. You literally only said a few words on stream and even then, you watched what you said ‘cause you knew anything you said would be taken wrongly by certain people.

“These people are crazy,” you muttered to yourself, eyes widening as you caught sight of death threats. Luckily for you, you were thick skinned and knew to not take anything seriously from your boyfriend’s stans.

“What’s that?” Dream asked, very close to you and you jumped, your phone slipping from your grasp and hitting the counter. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” you breathed, shaking your head as you turned your head to glance at him. “What’s the matter?”

“Realized I was hungry,” he said, not looking at you as he picked up from your phone.

“Hey, wait–” You tried to take it from him, but all he did was raise his arm all the way up. “Not fair.”

“What the hell is this?” His eyebrows furrowed, lowering his arm as he scrolled through your mentions. “Are they being rude to you?”

Deciding it’d be best not to lie since he quite literally had your phone in his hand and seeing it in his own eyes, you sighed, leaning on the counter, “Yeah. But it’s fine, just annoying.”

“It’s not fine,” he argued, shaking his head, “They’re literally seeing death threats to you, Y/N.”

“I’m not going to kill myself over random fans telling me to,” you rolled your eyes, taking your phone away from him and adjusting your settings to people you followed only. “I just don’t know how they found me.”

“George and Sapnap followed you, I think,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I thought they’d be more mature than this …”

“It’s whatever, I told you,” you wrapped your arm around his neck. “I mean..” you trail off, sighing when you thought about something. “It does upset me that not everyone’s gonna like me, but what can I do about it?”

“I’m going to tweet about it … Actually, no, I’ll stream about it so they can hear how upset I am,” Dream said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be back in like .. ten minutes.”

“Okay,” you said, knowing that was him telling you not to go up there. “I’m going to get started on making dinner.”

“I’ll come down and help,” he murmured, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling away from you. “Wait, let me see your phone.”

You silently handed him your phone, watching him walk off and back into his streaming room. You waited another few minutes before quietly walking towards the closed door, leaning your head on the cool door to hear him.

“Not gonna be a long stream, but I wanted to talk about something,” you heard his voice, unusually stern. “Y/N and I literally came out about our relationship yesterday and somehow you guys have already found their social media. Which, y’know, alright. Inevitable. But I’ve seen the DMs, the mentions, sending my significant other death threats is not fucking okay.” He hit the desk, making you jump from surprise. “Whether you support our relationship or not, I don’t care. Just leave them alone. Nothing you guys say or do will get me to break up with them or them to break up with me. Anyone who sends them hate is nota fan of mine. That being said, leave them the hell alone and stop sending them death threats. … If I see it, I’ll actually contact the police. And don’t think I’m lying, either, ‘cause I will.”

Backing up from the door, you smiled and went back to the kitchen to finally get started on dinner. Moments later, you heard the door open and his footsteps come closer to the door.

“Hi,” you greet without turning around, turning on the stove.

“Hey,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “What can I get started on?”

The great adventures of y/n tubbo jack and ranboo - relaxing with goats

this is part 15 to the great adventures series

an: i wrote this on my phone with auto caps off and my editor is too tired to edit so i apologise, i just wanted to get this out today :)

you were currently walking alongside jack the pair of you were on your way to visit Niki minx and Rhiannon to catch up and potentially stream, the pair of you hadn’t spent a lot of time with each other the past month as you had been focusing on streaming and coming up with back up plans just in case your career as a streamer came to an abrupt end.

“you’re paranoid l/n the people love you there’s no way they’d just leave you”

“well it’s always good to be prepared”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night what would you even do you don’t exactly have a lot of qualifications you said it yourself you don’t plan on going to university as you’re going to be a full-time content creator like your dear friends tubbo and ranboo”

“you sound jealous manifold and to answer your question I don’t know I’ll buy a couple of animals like goats and pigs maybe a cow for the fun of it and I’ll have a petting zoo, after all, some people pay to pet animals”

little did you know those words stuck with jack and that’s how a week later you got yourself into this situation, sat in the front seat next to jack playing a one-sided game of eye spy whilst josh tubbo and ranboo were doing god knows what in the back of the car. the only thing you had been told was to wear clothing you’re not too bothered about, keeping that in mind you wore Jack’s merch just to see his reaction.

“Are we there yet”

“y/n if you ask that one more time I will cry”

“is that so bo….are we there yet”

tubbo sat fake crying whilst ranboo sat trying to hide the fact he was laughing. half an hour later you were all at the farm, ranboo held you and tubbo back as the pair of you were excited to see the animals

“will you two behave we don’t even know what we’re doing here”

“ranboo is in his parent arc”

jack came over to the three of you handing you all a bag of food for the animals

“aw fuck yeah I’m gonna feed animals…hey tubbo you hungry”

you stood holding the food towards tubbo who went to eat the food before being pulled away by ranboo

“hey I wasn’t really going to eat it I promise”

“so what are we actually doing today”

“goat yoga”


you stood waiting with tubbo and ranboo whilst jack and josh continued with the introduction to the vlog well that was until tubbo decided to copy your previous stunt and started trying to feed josh goat food, this didn’t last long as jack realised he wasn’t sure where you were meant to go so the five of you began your journey

“they have religious birds here”

“The fuck did you just say ranboo”

“birds of prey”

“jack… let’s go home”

after walking for a few minutes jack and ranboo pointed out that they hadn’t seen an animal yet you stood hiding behind tubbo laughing whilst he pointed out that there was in fact animals as the pair of you saw an eagle not too long ago. you all ran to where the birds were ranboo instantly walked through the gate that clearly said no entry. you all went off to see the birds up close safe to say you and jack were amazed by this

“I’m very taken aback”

“Hi little one I would die for you- what the fuck is tubbo saying to that poor bird”

“only a small percentage of viewers-“

“he’s self-promoting to a bird…he’s repeating it… TUBBO ITS NOT A PARROT ITS NOT GOING TO COPY YOU”

a few minutes later you had seen enough and tubbo thought the same as he led you to the gate which like before said no entry and took you through it closing it on the others

“it says no entry you’ll have to go around”

“wow tubbo and y/n you both run the park now”

you both nodded and walked away the others caught up quickly, mainly because you found a rock on the floor which reminded you of ted and decided you needed to get it so you could send it to him.

“I wore the corpse drip just in case I got shat on by a goat”

“hey that’s why I’m wearing jacks merch”

“Thanks, you two really lowered both mine and corpse’ clothing line”

“no worries. OH MY GOD MEERKATS”

you ran over to the meerkats and started naming them with tubbo

“that one can be merlin”

“and that one that bit merlin can be called fucking dickhead”

ranboo noticed you weren’t paying attention walked up behind you resting his head on yours luckily for him you didn’t jump as he caught you off guard

“hello boo, if I jumped out of fear we would both have headaches right now”

“well I mean yeah but-“

“it’s crazy they’ve got all these tropical animals here though because they’ve got meerkats then they’ve got giraffes”

you stood laughing the fact ranboo didn’t catch on straight away made it even funnier, he lightly tapped you on the shoulder pretending to be disappointed but ended up laughing and making sure you were okay, you all made your way to see more birds and pretended to be disappointed when tubbo and jack made comments about dnf

“ranboo I’m staying with you tubbos making dnf jokes”

“of course, y/n id love to have you by my side” he turned to the others

“I hope you can sense my expression”

you all continued looking around and found some chinchillas and watched as they all ran around

“nahhh they’re so fast”

“I bet their heart beats so fucking fast”

after watching the animals for a while you all agreed you should probably find your way to the place you need to be. this was going well, till tubbo and jack found toy cars and decided they should sit in them

“short people activities.. you should join them y/n”

“isn’t this how you see normal cars…that’s what I thought”

you stood with tubbo watching jack give a tour of the mani-pad questioning why you willingly woke up early for this. it didn’t take long for their antics to end, yours on the other hand…

“oh my god we found the big boys play area”

you made your way to the mesh climbing area josh not far behind you

“josh you cannot be in there…y/n when did you get up there”

“I ran”

you were about to make your way down whilst the others were playing around with the fake cow however josh and tubbo, bored of playing with the cow, began to climb up meeting you halfway. that was when you all heard a crack

“well shit”

the three of you walked down the ramp laughing the entire time tubbo and josh were playing with the sand when you realised that if you made it to the top there was a slide you were about to climb up again however ranboo noticed and pulled you in for a hug

“absolutely not you’ll get injured”

you dramatically sighed catching josh’s attention, you pointed at the slide and laughed as josh and jack began to climb up until it cracked making jack give up for his own safety, josh however continued, you couldn’t help but laugh as the slide shook whilst he went down.

as much as you wanted to stay in the play area it was time to make your way to do the activity you actually came for. as you were walking you and jack teased ranboo for being tall before being distracted by a shetland pony

“that’s a goat”

“wow I’ve never seen a goat look so much like a shetland pony before”

unsurprisingly you all got distracted by the animals and another play area, you sat on the grass whilst tubbo and josh were on the trampoline and ranboo and jack were sat on a wooden train. you spent this time talking to some of your friends from college

f/n <3: y/n have you even started the summer work?

y/n: no I’ll just do as much as I can later, I brought it with me to tubbos house

Tom <3: call me later I’ll help you

y/n: we don’t do the same subject but okay

f/n <3: I’ll join too

the others had left to race on you tractors and began making their way to the goats before realising you were still on the grass

“I thought it was quiet”

ranboo walked over and picked you up carrying you over to the others

“oh hello boo”

“hello short one”

ranboo noticed another play area and took you along with him, you laughed as he placed you down on the grass and began to race on the obstacle course around 14 seconds later he finished and you all made your way to goat yoga for real this time, you and tubbo said hi to all the animals as you walked by before being interrupted by a goat. you all went over to the rather loud goat, it was around now you were regretting your life choices.

“yo that goat ate another goat”

“I think you might be right”

you were stood petting the goat as jack read out the sign

“Are any of us pregnant”

“I hope not”

“I am”

you continued to talk to the goat deciding to ignore jack and tubbos antics this didn’t last long as tubbo dragged you away claiming he had something amazing to show you.




you heard ranboo laugh and walk away to tell jack what happened, you and tubbo stood laughing at what just happened, a few minutes later you both made your way back to the others to feed the animals, you laughed as the goat took the food out tubbos and then your hand, it was moments like this neither you or tubbo would forget, ranboo watched the pair of you with a smile, oh how it would hurt when he had to leave. a little while later a worker came over to get everyone ready,

“do you love your clothes”


“They both made it very clear they don’t care about those hoodies”

you were on the mat between ranboo and jack and watched as the goats were placed into the enclosure with you all, the moment tubbo laid down a goat immediately began climbing on him making you laugh, karma soon caught up as the moment you laid down the same goat began to climb on you.

“Gunther loves climbing”

you watched as the goat named Gunther walked all over jack before jumping onto you, you all signed a contract

“tubbo signed the date as today”

“oh he really did, he signed it as today with a smiley face”

you all laid down watching the goats run and jump around, occasionally running over the four of you

“This is way more dangerous than I was led to believe”

“death by goat sounds pretty cool”

you played with the goats as the others watched one of the goats attempt to eat Jack’s hat whilst on his back before in ranboos words trick shotting off his back. you all began to do the yoga, this was going well for a few minutes you laughed as tubbo and ranboo had goats on their back and you didn’t, this didn’t last long as the goat jumped from ranboos back onto yours resulting in you falling from the plank position, a few moments later Gunther made another appearance jumping all over the four of you, this inspired the other goats as they too began climbing and jumping off the four of you

“I am going to feel that tomorrow”

you looked over to your left noticing one of the goats decided to just stay on ranboos back so rather than helping you and tubbo began to play with the goat

“don’t let him up”

“oh he’s balding…stress, goat taxes are getting too much”

a few minutes later you heard ranboo talking about push-ups, not thinking he was being serious you turned around to see he was in fact serious and was doing push-ups with a goat on his back, jack then went on to do the same until the goat jumped off.

“go on y/n your turn, you did say earlier on the way you were stronger than me”

determined to prove to ranboo that you were stronger you too did push-ups with a goat on your back, however, you only managed to do two until you fell, tubbo cheered you on the entire time. everything was going well, that was when you heard them talking about bringing in a goat named Gary

“do we want Gary”

“I’m worried Gary might be one of the pregnant ones”

you and tubbo just nodded, they wouldn’t tell you anything about the goat apart from the fact his names Gary which made you intrigued to see Gary. you later found out that you all had to warm up from Gary and that he was banned from goat yoga.

“well he sounds fun”

“goat yoga with convicts sounds fun to you y/n”


you and ranboo stood petting a donkey whilst the others watched them find Gary and put the smaller goats away, you heard jack sound confused as to why they were bringing out another goat


“they had to put away the baby goats because jeff might bully them”

the four of you made a pyramid for the goats to walk under this worked for a while until one of the goats had better plans and walked over you and then stood on tubbo. jeff began jumping all over the four of you. if you didn’t have a bruise on you by tomorrow you would be amazed, you were quickly pulled out your own thoughts by tubbo having multiple goats on his back, you stood leaning on ranboo watching as jack got on tubbos back once the goats had jumped off.

“oh no tubbo a goat, I think it’s Gary”

you all continued being jumped and walked over by goats whilst trying to do the yoga a little while after the goats and jack had teamed up against tubbo, jacks hat soon became the centre of attention again this time Gary decided he wanted the hat and wouldn’t give up, jack ended up handing it over to Gary

“Stop bullying me please…actually I would like that back eventually if you don’t mind” he did eventually get it back, well you think so. you and ranboo were a little preoccupied as two of the goats were using the pair of you as a bridge and would constantly keep walking over the pair of you. you all ended the session by cuddling with the goats and you had never been happier.

the ride home was quiet, mainly because you and tubbo fell asleep in the back of the car. the rest of the night was spent on call with Tommy and f/n working on the summer work your college had set whist tubbo and ranboo streamed.


@denkisclown@orkwardx0@emma0nline@fuzzycloudsz@wtfwriter@milkydisaster@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy@uselesssapphickitten@l0ver0fj0y@etheriaaly@xx-smiley-xx@hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak@xenroselle@augustine-is-joy@c1loudee

Goodbye boo.

This is an extra to the great adventures series

Months flew by, it was safe to say you had really enjoyed your time with your friends and you even made new friends. the group scrapbook was full of memories and it was time to start a new one, which was great you were now able to include everyone you had made friends with however there was a slight problem, it was ranboos last night in the Uk. however, this was a problem for you all to deal with after his stream. hours felt like minutes before you knew it all that was left was random Jenga bricks, cards from the game you had finished playing and the full scrapbook on the table, you sat next to ranboo not entirely sure where the others went but at that moment you didn’t care, you didn’t want ranboo to leave, you placed your head on his shoulder the pair of you flicking through the scrapbook laughing at the pictures he would occasionally make jokes about being excited to leave the UK and go back home but you could hear it in his voice he wasn’t ready to leave, this was further confirmed by him pulling you closer to him after reaching the end of the scrapbook

“ranboo…take the scrapbook”

“y/n what no it was started by you Tommy and tubbo I can’t just take that away from you”

“take the fucking scrapbook boo”

tubbo stood in the doorway with billzo laughing

“just take it bossman and be thankful they didn’t replace everything in your suitcase with rocks”

admittedly it caught you off guard tubbo unknowingly said you plan to hide rocks but nonetheless you laughed knowing perfectly well that you had to tell ranboo tomorrow morning about the rocks you had put in the suitcase. the others left not long after you had all cleaned up the mess you had made earlier. the rest of the night was spent talking to tubbo talking about a future trip whilst ranboo packed for the airport. it was clear neither of you was ready to leave him, tears began to fall as it finally hit you, tomorrow you were saying goodbye to one of your closest friends, tubbo pulled you in for a hug you both sat in that position for a while, it didn’t take long for ranboo to show up as he heard you crying in the other room. because of the way you and tubbo were sat you didn’t notice him, they hated seeing you upset your crying caused a chain reaction as moments later when you looked up at ranboo clearly trying to hold back tears the pair of them also started to cry. the remainder of the night was then spent talking over the past few months and looking at all the photos you had taken.

“send me that one y/n”

“out of all photos you want that one- okay then… you do you boo”

eventually, you all fell asleep only to be woken by the alarm a few hours later.

“Turn that shit off”

“I thought I turned off his alarms”



ranboo laughed before tackling you onto the couch, tubbo was half asleep trying to process what was going on all he knew was that he was going to miss mornings like this.

“look do we really need to take him to the airport let’s go somewhere else”

“I agree”

everyone else disagreed with this which is why you and tubbo were sat in the back of the car next to ranboo. you were able to keep a happy face for the entire trip as you wanted ranboos last moments in the uk for a while to be positive even if it hurt. the entire trip was quiet no one wanted to say anything as they didn’t want to break down into tears, eventually, you broke the silence. mainly because you had to warn him about the rocks in his suitcase.

“So uh if you get stopped by a worker it’s entirely my fault”



annoyingly it didn’t take long to get to your destination, you all made your way into the airport. you hated this place right now and you were going to hate it even more in half an hour. time passed quickly which annoyed and tubbo

“isn’t time only meant to go quickly if you’re having fun…I’m not having fun and times going way too fast”

you pulled ranboo into a hug as you heard his flight be called out telling them to make their way, tubbo did the same once you let go

“Have a safe flight text us when you land”

“boo this isn’t goodbye this is simply see you later”

“I’ll see you both later then, stay safe”

tubbo pulled you into a side hug the pair of you waved goodbye and watched him leave. the car ride back to tubbos home was awful no one said anything however the moment the pair of you stood in the room you and ranboo shared you noticed something that caught you completely off guard, ranboo left a note and a hoodie for you, you instantly put the hoodie on, sat next to tubbo and started a new scrapbook waiting for ranboos text, the group was broken for now but you were excited for the future.



’ 〖〗

wilbur, quackity, niki, karl, sapnap, x reader !

summary what they do when you can’t fall asleep

genre fluff !

warnings insomnia? not being able to sleep? are these warnings ? i don’t know ? + use of streamers’ real names!

a/n ↴

hello ! i had the sudden motivation to write headcanons, and i’ve seen other writers do this, so i decided to do my take on it !

enjoy some fluff ! <33


wilbur soot !

- starting off with wilburr, because you can never write enough wilburr

- his sleep schedule is terrible and I feel like he would understand having trouble sleeping

- not the type to get out of bed, rather he tries to get you both asleep

- has you face him with your head on his chest, curled into him

- i feel like he’s probably very warm, like your own personal heater

- but anyways your head is on his chest,

- that way you can listen to his heartbeat

- rubs circles on your back, or runs his finger through your hair, very soothing

- offers to sing you to sleep

- his voice is tired and barely above a whisper

- he’s either singing a cheesy love song, or a song he wrote for/about you

- if after all that you haven’t fallen asleep, you decide to just talk

- lying on your backs, either holding hands or just being close to each other

- and he’s just rambling about everything and anything, things he’s passionate about, the most random absurd things that he for someone reason knows

- sometimes you talk too, rambling or just light conversation between you too

- other times, when you’re too exhausted to reply, you just listen

- occasionally humming in acknowledgment to let him know you’re still listening

- ‘i hate anteaters’ 'mm i know will, i know’

- 'this one time when i was 7 i …’

- 'how are you darling, i hope you had a good day’ 'i’m tired, but this is really nice, will’

- again i feel like he’s just very soothing and will lull you to sleep

- going to add blurbs to the ends of each person’s headcanons!

wilbur pauses, noticing you hadn’t said anything in a while and looks down at you. your chest slowly rising and falling, you look so peaceful, calm. finally asleep. he smiles down at you, bending down to press a light kiss to your forehead. moving closer to you, he presses one final kiss to your temple. 'goodnight, my love’

quackity ! ⭐️

- while i feel wilbur wouldn’t want to get out of bed, quackity would

- but he wouldn’t go very far-

- just to his desk, dragging your blanket along with him

- you pull up a chair next to him, or just sit on his lap, up to you

- your snuggled up together under the blanket, as he starts up his computer

- if you have the energy, you might stream with him

- 'LATE NIGHT ROBLOX ( with my partner ! <3) ’

- a roblox stream, where you mess around

- your sleep-deprived brains laughing at everything

- attempting an obby and just repeatedly dying

- chat is concerned, kinda? but also finds it hilarious

- i feel like he’s also more clingy/cuddly when he’s tired

- so he’s more touchy and almost like a toddler

- chat is clipping it all to put in compilations

- 'y/n and quackity being adorable for 8 minutes straight’ , 'sleep deprived y/n and quackity’, 'tired quackity being a toddler’

- 'y/nnnnn hold my hand pleaseeee’ 'alexxx nooo I’m trying to play robloxxxx’

- leans his head on your shoulder and almost falls asleep while you are playing

- if you’re not in the mood to stream, or just far too tired to

- he decides to play minecraft, just something for you to watch

- this time you’re laying your head on his shoulder while he plays

- he might monologue what he’s doing

- and his voice goes all soft and whispery

- 'and now mi amor, i’m going to kill some sheep’ 'die sheep >:(’

- 'oooh iron!! look babe i found iron !!’

- you just reply with a soft 'mhm’ and a nod against his shoulder

- his monologuing and the movements on the screen, lull you to sleep

alex looks away from his monitor and down at your sleeping figure. 'awh, sleepy baby’ he mumbles to himself. lifting the blanket off himself and you, he moves to face you, and picks you up bridal style, trying his very best not to wake you; knowing how hard it was for you to fall asleep in the first place. he carries you back to bed, lays you down. grabbing the blanket from the desk and placing it over your sleeping figure. 'mission success’ he whispers quietly, smiling. he lays down and places himself under the blanket, moving to hold you in his arms. 'duerme bien mi amor’ he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, before giving into sleep.

- that ended up being a lot longer, i swear this happens every time i write quackity T .T

i apologize for my terrible attempts at spanish, if anything doesn’t make sense, blame google translate, and my friend who i went to for help !

niki ! ☀️

- niki !!

- niki seems very comforting and <33

- she would probably feel bad that you couldn’t sleep and would help you in anyway she can

- 'awh no baby i’m sorry’ 'anything i can do to help?’

- i think first you two would just lay in bed together, cuddling

- similar to what i wrote for wilbur

- i think she would hold you in her arms, as close as possible

- under many layers and fluffy blankets

- makes sure you are warm and comfortable

- rubs her hands up and down your arms

- whispers sweet nothing (that’s so fanfiction i know)

- and her presence alone just makes you sleepy

- if you really can’t fall asleep, then niki comes up with the brilliant idea to bake!

- i know, i know, i said the same thing in my helping with gender dysphoria headcanons, but it’s still true here !

- she just seems like suck a bake-y person, if that makes any sense

- so you find some recipe on Pinterest, probably something along the lines of cookies or brownies, something easy to make

- while it’s baking, you two cuddle on the couch, with some soft music in the background

- make sure to set a timer in case you fall asleep !!

- and when the cookies are done, you drag your blanket with you and sit on the kitchen counter, eating whatever you baked

- by then it’s pretty late (depending on when you got out of bed)

- and you are probably tired, so you decide to try sleeping again

- this time, the combination of warm blankets, her soothing touch, and being worn out from your late-night baking session

- is enough to put you to sleep

- niki’s arms are very comfortable, and a great source of warmth

'lovely?’ niki asks, noticing your eyes, close to shutting, exhaustion evident in them. 'mhmm?’ you manage to reply, 'you look so tired my love, want to try sleeping again? you simply nod your head. niki gets of the counter and grabs your hand, walking you to the bedroom. you once again find yourself enveloped in blankets and warmth, back in niki’s arms. this time sleep comes easier. niki softly kisses your forehead, before whispering, 'i hope you sleep well my love’. and that’s the last you hear, before finally drifting off to sleep.

karl !

- karl <33

- another one who feels bad for you

- even though he also has a terrible sleep schedule

- i think he also has trouble sleeping, so he will understand you :)

- he would not want to get out of bed

- just wants to cuddle you to sleep

- but since you’ve probably already tried that, considering you two definitely sleep all cuddled up (but that’s a different set of headcanons-)

- you two will go under the covers, still cuddled up and close to one another

- and you’ll watch either movies, shows, youtube, anything along those lines; on either your or karl’s phone

- i’m leaning towards movies, especially longer ones

- i feel like those would more likely make you sleepy

- or if you’re watching youtube, i think you would be watching like satisfying slime videos ? you know?

- i don’t know i feel you two send each other satisfying tiktoks and it just became a thing you enjoy

- like, does anyone know those videos with sand? the ones where they cut it and put it into tall glasses and flatten it?

- if you don’t know what i mean this probably sounds really odd-

- anyways if you are not watching movies, i feel like you would watch that

- there is probably not much talking, since you are both very tired

- the brightness and volume of the phone are low, and its leaning against a pillow or one of your legs, since you gave up trying to hold it up

- and you just watch stuff till you fall asleep, or till you are tired enough that you can turn it off

- except for that one time you two accidentally stayed up till 5 am, and then passed out and woke up at 1 pm

- sometimes if you don’t feel like using devices, karl just holds you in his arms

- neither of you is asleep, but you’re both tired, and it’s really comfortable silence

- eventually, you fall asleep in his arms, even if it takes a while

finally, your breathing slows, as you drift off to sleep in karl’s embrace. he’s just as tired as you, eyes droopy, almost closed. but he notices that you’ve finally fallen asleep. he smiles down at you, admiring your sleeping face. pressing a few light kisses, on your eyelids and nose and a final on your forehead. he whispers out, just barely audible, voice filled with sleepiness, 'goodnight, sleep well baby’

sapnap !

- sap nap sapnap.

- he’s probably fast asleep, leaving you alone to stare at the ceiling

- after a while of pointless attempts of falling asleep, you decide to get up

- he finds you on the couch staring at the turned-off tv, a glass of water on the table in front of you

- 'baby? what are you doing up?’ 'why didn’t tell me you couldn’t sleep :(’

- sits next to you on the couch and wraps his arms around

- his head is on top of yours and it’s pretty peaceful until he decides that this isn’t going to work

- he gives up on the idea of you two getting any sleep tonight

- 'if you can’t sleep then i’m not going to either’

- tells you to put your shoes and a jacket on, as he searches for the car keys

- grabs your hand and drags you to the car

- 'mm sap where are we going?’ 'to mcdonalds ’ 'at this hour? 'yep :)’

- the drive is quiet, there aren’t many cars, the city quiet and calm

- the radio is on, turned-down, and sap’s hand is either on your thigh or intertwined with yours, the entire drive

- you make it to the drive-through and order your food. you park somewhere in front of the restaurant

- you two sit in silence, the only sounds coming from the radio

- you enjoy food, and sap still hasn’t moved his hand from off your leg

- he’s tired and just wants affection :(

- i can imagine his hand in yours doing that thumb thing

- anyways you drive home, and as soon as you walk into the house you both flop onto the bed

- something about late-night drives in a quiet city makes you very sleepy

- at this point, i think you are probably tired enough to fall asleep

- you two get under the covers and he mumbles 'come here’ , his voice filled with sleepiness

- you move into his open arms and he just cacoons you with his warmth and affection

- you can’t resist and give into sleep, finally

'mm baby come here’ he mumbles quietly, his sleepy voice you find absolutely adorable. you simply nod and move into his embrace. he wraps his arms around you, warmth radiating off him. you gladly accept the affection, nuzzling into his chest. your eyes flutter shut, barely still awake. 'night baby’ he whispers, places the softest kiss to the top of your head. 'goodnight sap’ you barely get out, before giving into sleep, finally asleep.


a/n ↴

that’s all ! hope you enjoyed reading! thank you for all love and support that i have received while on here, even though i’m so inconsistent with writing. ily all <3

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