


The Witcher TTRPG

The current English version of the Witcher TTRPG is created by R. Talsorian games. They have a bunch of great, in depth worldbuilding stuff for you to use. It’s wonderful, and I’ve used quite a bit of it for my fics- including characters and lore that are exclusive to these ttrpgs!

All you really need to play is the first one, of course. I do a lot of writing using the second, though. The Witcher’s Journal is absolutely fantastic, with a lot of backstory of the Founders of the Witcher Schools. Erland of Larvik is whollly owned/created by R. Talsorian.

to buy >> https://talsorianstore. com/collections/the-witcher-trpg

However, sometimes complicated RPGs are hard to get into! Or you aren’t sure how to remove/ignore/homebrew what it is you want, because you’re just so used to D&D 5e.

Please remember- Dungeons and Dragons is a brand name. Just like Kleenex. We may use it interchangeably with any role playing game, but it issomething owned and defended by Wizards of the Coast as their Intellectual property. They can and have sued people in defense of it!

Now! If you need something a little easier!

Free! >> https://www.drivethrurpg. com/product/281212/Witcher-Easy-Mode

But R. Talsorian has also recently released the Manticore School Expansion- filling in a portion of the world we didn’t have before. I really love it, and have been working on a Witcher OC that’s a Manticore. Their entire philosophy/creation is so different and intriguing!

This is another expansion that’s totally free! In order to get your hands on that, check out https://rtalsoriangames. com/downloads/ and you’ll find quite a few free downloads and expansions, including printables!

NOW onward to my *favorite* thing that delights me greatly, as I have a WIP I’ve been working on that isn’t using this expansion, but I was pleased to see how we have/had similar ideas on a certain topic:

This isn’t technically R. Talsorian, but it is created by some of their folks, and is yet again, free. So it’s … fanwork of fanwork, I suppose! But if you wanted to see more representation in the Witcher!Verse, please enjoy:

IThis is a TTRPG Suppliment you can use regarding disability in the universe, and is great to read as a writer, gamer, DM or player. It’s totally free, and has some fantastic new Witchers to play with!

Free>> https://rpggeek. com/rpgitem/347542/medicine-path-disability-supplement-witcher-pen-pa

And if you’d like to learn more about the Pondsmiths (As this is a family-run company) you can check more out here: https://rtalsoriangames. com/the-r-talsorian-crew

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little loveletter to the work that the Pondsmiths have put into making more representation, accessibility, and enjoyment into the CDPR Witcherverse. <3 I’m not putting any of this under a cut because fuck you look at the art xo
