#tumblr roleplay



I’m in need of lodgings for tonight.
I sleep like shit too.
What the fuck are you doing here, you old whoreson?
You always were a horse’s arse anyway.
I’ve lived through a dark age and three supposed ends of days. It’s horse shit.
The White Flame will cleanse us all.
Have you tried to cure yourself?
I watched my entire home burn at the hands of another, my family trapped inside.
You don’t seem like a monster to me.
Monsters are born of deeds done — unforgivable ones.
Eager to please, easy to wound.
I’ve seen you piss yourself in a wyvern’s den.
Love and blood. They both possess a mighty power.
I think there’s something wrong with me.
Everywhere I go, people die.
Sometimes I feel like I could burn the whole world.
Fear is an illness.
Facing your fear is not easy, but I’m here for you.
Forget faith, we’ve got power.
Better lost to history than to humans.
You look like day-old shit.
Night terrors are common after battle.
Thieving a thief only makes you the latest thief.
Newcomers always struggle sleeping on their first night.
Scary stories don’t really work on me.
Kids never do what you say.
Should’ve known better than bringing my favourite whores to a witcher den.
You can’t run from the world. You can’t hide from it.
Your stomach is growling loud enough to wake the dead.
What do you call a witcher with no brains?
I want to do what a witcher does.
What is it with men lurking about this place?
I have known many in my time who wanted to be great fighters like you.
Less than perfect means dead.
It is in blindness that we find our true strength.
Hesitation will draw danger to you like fire.
I see your wounds have improved, but your manners have not.
You witchers, you pretend to not have emotions, but you do.
We all have our time in the sun.
What fresh hell did you crawl out of?
I am not having this conversation unless I’m drinking.
Sometimes, legends can be intoxicating.
Goodbye, good luck, good riddance.
And they say witchers are humorless bastards.
The witchers save humanity from extinction.
With a vial of your blood we could protect generations to come.
You don’t get to play damsel in distress, that’s my job.
We can’t kill our feelings.
I’m gonna take pleasure in your execution.
Dreams are powerful omens.
Perhaps we were meant to find each other.
Nice scar, shithead.
Where the bloody hell are we?
Fire fucker?
Sometimes we assume the worst because we fear to hope.
I’m beginning to smell like a Nilfgaardian’s ballsack.
You could hang portraits from my nipples right now.
You’re an expert, how do you get blood out?
Lording is for peacocks and pissants.
When you have power like this, never apologize.
That a perfect impression of you, by the way.
Witchers don’t kill out of fear, they kill to save lives.
I don’t want revenge, I want justice.
What is destined cannot be avoided.


…because for some muses, sinday just ain’t it.
Specify the muse for multimuse blogs!

I don’t believe fortune tellers, they don’t rely on scientific facts.
Magic is a science we do not yet comprehend.
Do you think a robot takeover is techincally possible?
What do you know about alternate dimensions?
UFOs are really just strangely shaped clouds.
I don’t believe in aliens.
What’s your favourite conspiracy theory?
That’s not science, that’s supersticion.
I think I could get the hang of this thing a lot quicker if the instructions weren’t written in some alien language.
I’ve never seen anything like this before.
Don’t touch that. We don’t know what it does.
It looks like some kind of weapon.
They’ve got a force field!
Ow! That thing just zapped me!
You think you can fly this thing?
I think I might’ve opened a protal to a wormhole…
I thought I was the only one left.
It’s not science, it’s common sense.
I’m not smart enough to study science.
Can you help me with my science homework?
Everything is theoretically impossible until it’s done.
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.
Science is the poetry of reality.
Science is the key to our future.
Nothing in life is to be feared, it’s only to be understood.
I am among those who think that science has great beauty.
The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.
Science is a way of thinking, much more than it is a body of knowledge.


Book One : Water

Watch and learn, (…). This is how you catch a fish!
It’s not magic, it’s waterbending.
I’m embarrassed to be related to you!
You just sneezed and flew ten feet in the air!
I’m going home where stuff makes sense.
You know, last time I checked, humans can’t fly!
If you want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear.
I’ve spent years preparing for this encounter – training, meditating.
If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?
You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don’t you?
Why didn’t you tell us you were the Avatar?
You know, you can’t protect him forever.
We can’t concern ourseives with what was, we must focus on what is.
What’s the point of tests if you don’t learn anything?
I don’t want to fight you, I am a friend!
Hey, don’t feel bad. You’re only a hundred years late. 
That’s just a bunch of Fire Lord propaganda.
When you need to talk to me again, you’ll find a way.
My life was hard enough when you were just an Airbender.
Oh, what? I’m not good enough to kidnap?
I’m not the boss, I’m the leader.
Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?
Nothing’s braver than a guy in a tree house.
Harsh words will never solve problems, actions will!
You have the power to shape your own destiny.
Nothing’s cozier than dead animal skins.
Knowing the Fire Nation, it’s probably an execution.
Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?!
To master the bending discipline, you must master discipline first.
I want to learn how to shoot fire out of my fingertips!
This is the worst firebending instruction ever.
You want me to be like you, or honest?
We’re just in the process of improving upon what’s already here.
Why would you want to use fireflies for light?
How can I be proud of you when your inventions are being used for murder?
Never underestimate the power of stink.
This defeat is the gateway to many victories.
I finally get to learn from a real waterbending master!
In our tribe, it is forbidden for women to learn waterbending.
I didn’t travel across the entire world just for you to tell me no!
I don’t want to heal, I want to fight!
You have disrespected me, my teachings and my entire culture!
I’ll be outside if you’re man enough to fight me!
Someone needs to slap some sense into this guy.
Is it always this cold in the sky?
History is not always kind to its subjects.
The legends say the moon was the first waterbender.
I’ve always had to struggle and fight and it’s made me strong. That’s who I am.
The spirits are not to be trifled with!
I am a legend now!
Why am I not surprised by your treachery?



                            broadly defined, it is the quest for perfection,
                            the aim to reach that which is perfect;
                            a technical system that reaches that of the level of gods.

                                                  indie elfnein. written by kit.
