#tumblr rp



The Norwegian wolves look so funny.
I feel that’s on a eurovision bingo card somewhere.
I’m home alone and have nowhere to be tomorrow so the drinks are winking at me.
I think it’s rude that I don’t have a single bag of crisps in this house.
No cheers for Germany.
Are they covered in glitter or just so sweaty?
I’m just not here for party vibe-killing ballads.
I am here for a gay Europe party and that is all.
Please don’t put cats in a blender.
Is that Agatha Harkness?
Can’t see them when you cover your eyes with a funky pink hat.
I do however, hate her hair.
I can’t deal with all the ballads!
This looks like that one meme that’s like “you have three types of gays” based on how they’re dressed.
That man looks like Hawkeye.
Ay oh, let’s go!
No disrespect to the other acts, but I’m different.
I’m excited to see this purely for how much you hate it.
This is so creepy?!
White Jesus vibes, anyone?
Time for the chaos to begin!
Some weird floating head.
Is this man ok? Does he need help?
Turn it back on right now!
Sir get off the piano.
What’s happening?
That guy’s still alive?
Where the fuck did the massive heart just come from?
Are we in an alternate reality right now?
Space Viking is first?
I feel like we are watching history unfold.
Norway is getting robbed.
Can they afford to host it?
How the fuck did the French give twelve points to the UK?
I just inhaled my tea.
I’m posting from beyond the grave.
I call robbery!
It’s 1AM, bitch!
Graham is sending me.

Sentence Starters based on Netflix’s La Révolution(2020).

No one could’ve predicted what was about to happen.
Stay away from donkeys, or you too, will bray as well.
This country not only needs bread, but also authority.
Those who bear this mark are the famished.
Anger is brewing in the streets.
Perhaps you shouldn’t steal from someone who can run faster than you.
When you’re a woman you soon learn that predators are everywhere.
Bribing a guard is easy, but why?
When there’s no place left in hell, the death shall return to earth.
Centuries are shaped by those who are not afraid to die for a cause or fight for justice.
What are you hoping to discover here?
This world is coming to and end if the dead have returned to the world of the living.
It’s blood, but acting like a parasite.
All I have left is an empty grave.
We are what we are. Why would you fight it?
Whatever happens, the mighty remain the mighty.
Every man has the right to avenge the death of his child.
The mighty only stand tall because we are on our knees.
Kill him now, and I’ll spare dozens of lives.
You’ve not been able to frighten me for a long time.
The blue blood will kill you all.
Prepare to crunch into life, my dear friend.
I have no idea what I have or haven’t done.
What is brewing behind the gates of Versailles will change history forever.
Betraying the King is punishable by death.
You don’t kill the unwell, you make them better.
If you find the rebels, show no mercy.
Your new nature must remain a secret, and you definitely can’t feed here.
A public with nothing left to lose will revolt, you stupid fool.
When you save someone’s life, they become your responsibility.
For a moment, I thought you’d returned for us.
Your heart… It’s not beating.
This disease that poisons my veins has turned me into a monster.
Her death is the only way to stop this evil.
What we saw was the Devil, and no one can do anything against him.
Bitches bark, but they always end up obeying.
I’ve been a coward for a long time.
You will no longer fear death anymore.
Treason is punished with bullets.
The people are dying because of men like you.
From the day you were born I knew you’d be a perpetual failure.
There’s no remedy or cure for mediocrity.
My line will die and end with you in dishonour.
To top it all, you have betrayed the crown.
Why should I deprive myself of seeing what I’ve escaped?
Once the dominant one is feeble, the others fight to take its place.
You know, death is only the beginning.
The time has come to create an army.
This is not a prediction. It’s a certainty.
Yesterday’s slaves will become tomorrow’s rebels.
I’m most fortunate to have you as a friend of mine.
None of this would’ve happened if only you were worthy of me.


Book One : Water

Watch and learn, (…). This is how you catch a fish!
It’s not magic, it’s waterbending.
I’m embarrassed to be related to you!
You just sneezed and flew ten feet in the air!
I’m going home where stuff makes sense.
You know, last time I checked, humans can’t fly!
If you want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear.
I’ve spent years preparing for this encounter – training, meditating.
If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?
You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don’t you?
Why didn’t you tell us you were the Avatar?
You know, you can’t protect him forever.
We can’t concern ourseives with what was, we must focus on what is.
What’s the point of tests if you don’t learn anything?
I don’t want to fight you, I am a friend!
Hey, don’t feel bad. You’re only a hundred years late. 
That’s just a bunch of Fire Lord propaganda.
When you need to talk to me again, you’ll find a way.
My life was hard enough when you were just an Airbender.
Oh, what? I’m not good enough to kidnap?
I’m not the boss, I’m the leader.
Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?
Nothing’s braver than a guy in a tree house.
Harsh words will never solve problems, actions will!
You have the power to shape your own destiny.
Nothing’s cozier than dead animal skins.
Knowing the Fire Nation, it’s probably an execution.
Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?!
To master the bending discipline, you must master discipline first.
I want to learn how to shoot fire out of my fingertips!
This is the worst firebending instruction ever.
You want me to be like you, or honest?
We’re just in the process of improving upon what’s already here.
Why would you want to use fireflies for light?
How can I be proud of you when your inventions are being used for murder?
Never underestimate the power of stink.
This defeat is the gateway to many victories.
I finally get to learn from a real waterbending master!
In our tribe, it is forbidden for women to learn waterbending.
I didn’t travel across the entire world just for you to tell me no!
I don’t want to heal, I want to fight!
You have disrespected me, my teachings and my entire culture!
I’ll be outside if you’re man enough to fight me!
Someone needs to slap some sense into this guy.
Is it always this cold in the sky?
History is not always kind to its subjects.
The legends say the moon was the first waterbender.
I’ve always had to struggle and fight and it’s made me strong. That’s who I am.
The spirits are not to be trifled with!
I am a legend now!
Why am I not surprised by your treachery?

Send me for a Backhanded compliment from my muse

Happy Pride Month!

Remember if you’re in the RPC to be respectful of both mun and muse’s gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, and romantic orientation!



                            broadly defined, it is the quest for perfection,
                            the aim to reach that which is perfect;
                            a technical system that reaches that of the level of gods.

                                                  indie elfnein. written by kit.

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