#tumblr rules


I’m putting in a tumblr search for cats, but I keep seeing the worst kind of suicide posts along with all the cats in the search - WTF?!!!  

I’ve got no time or sympathy for anyone who spends day after day posting - or should I say what appears to be promoting suicide on their blog.  I mean… it’s really horrible pictures of teenagers lying dead (but not really, just pretending to be dead).  You people who do that, you really make me sick!!!

It’s one thing to talk freely about how you feel but it’s another thing entirely to daily dedicate yourself to the glamorization of suicide.

I know people who have actually killed themselves - they didn’t go about shouting or blogging on the subject beforehand.  They often tell no one, they suffer quietly, then suddenly - they are gone.

They are not whingers, looking for attention, they are quietly suffering.

When you see one of those blogs, please don’t just ignore it, go and tell them them how sick it is to post and promote such shit.  Maybe if everyone did that, those pathetic non suicidal snakes wouldn’t post their garbage. 

What I really can’t understand is - why are there still so many suicide blogs in existence, even when it’s against tumblr rules to post such images and writings.  It almost looks like tumblr want the trash there - because it’s popular, because it draws people into the tumblr blog platform. 

What do other people think?  Does it look like tumblr could be just pretending not to agree with those blogs, and then does nothing to remove them? 

Perhaps I’m just paranoid, but it makes me want to leave tumblr, just thinking that might be the case, and nobody has noticed.

MmmMMmm Tumblr is changing things for the nsfw posts! So here the other places where you can find me! But more “official”, less sweet lady kisses and sex stuff :(

Main Blog




Here is the new place.


There’s only a test pic, but I’ll share there from now, and probably upload my archive.
Basically the same functions than here. Not all the fancy themes, but all the space and action, the likes, the following, the reblogs…

See you there, happy buttdefeatded women worshippers !
