#tumblr stuff




Someone left something kinda hostile in the tags on one of my posts, not even necessarily directed at me, but when I told them it was a little harsh they freaked out at me for “combing through every single reblog to find every single note.”

So apparently some people still aren’t aware that all tags are now public on all posts. It’s been that way almost a year, guys. Everybody who can see a post can see all of the tags everyone has left on it, and which usernames left them, by clicking the same icon that shows all other notes and responses.

(I sure hope there aren’t also tumblr couples who still think the tagging system is a quasi-private channel for sharing their kinkiness.)

Okay where have my posts gone? I was searching for specific gif sets and they don’t turn up in any searches nor can they be found in my archive. Nor are they flagged. No trace on either the app or mobile browser. I remember there being the issue of posts not showing up in the tag but these are completely gone. Once again I find myself asking WTF, Tumblr @staff ? I’ll check my own files later to cross reference the dates and repost to see if they’ll stick with a retry.

But I shouldn’t have to. Sometimes, Tumblr, you know, I just reeeally reeeally hate you.


ppl with really long queues amuse me, like, they will like your post and then you find out within 3-10 business days whether they also thought it worthy of reblogging


I love whoevers in charge of their twitter






tumblr SHIELD. for 3 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post would appear on your dash, a pre-loaded post of yours instead appears on the dashboard of the person who tried to blaze you

tumblr BLAST. for 5 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post of yours would be blocked by tumblr shield, it instead appears in all caps at the top of the shielded person’s dashboard for an hour and flashes violently whenever they try to block it

tumblr POSSESS. for 200$ a day you can post using another person’s blog, though you cannot change their blog in any other way nor delete their previous posts. at the end of the day they receive half of the 200 dollars

tumblr TRUE SIGHT. for 6$ monthly you can see when a blog is possessed. tumblr SCRY. for 30$ a day you can read other blogs’ private messages



I like the evil genius of this evil wizard hehe :-P

It would be so much fun if this would be used mainly for shitposting, but I’m sure it would be abused very quickly. Like imagine how people try to spread misinformation, fake news and hate speech using these functions. Nah people would take the fun out of it and make a hateful mess cause sadly that’s how the internet works :-(



tumblr banning the word “mine” tagging all my own shit as “ours comrade” now

OUR post


tumblr trying to shorten posts is so funny it’s like the well-meaning gentleman in a period drama trying to offer a lady his hand to step over an obstacle and she just plows through it. like good sir I’ve never once filtered the “long post” tag in my life, I’ve handled every “don’t you love the color of the sky” ripoff you can imagine. I’m battle hardened. step aside.









I love how the search function on this site is absolute garbage. I can look up a post word for word and I will NEVER find it

Pro tip:

Wanna find a post?

Write out what you remember into a Google search.

After you write that out, end with site:tumblr.com

Google will search for your text on just tumblr

In my experience, it’s way more effective than searching through Tumblr

(you can use site:SITENAME.com to search any site btws)

This usually works but for some reason a lot of posts get indexed on google from a person’s URL based on the posts that were recently reblogged on page 1, meaning that this is only a tiny bit more reliable.

I HAVE a solution to this, you have to write down site:tumblr.com/post “ “

and then write a direct quote (could be a fraction of a sentence) into the quotations, I’ve been doing this for years, and it’s so useful, it works like 99% of the time 

(the more popular a post is the more likely you’ll find it)

you’re a genius holy shit

Just used this to find a post I’ve been desperately searching for, thank you so much

I love that this website is such a dumpster fire that we, the users, have to come up with hacks to find our own content.



making this as a reference for myself, but feel free to use as well. 

as far as i’m aware these are all open tags unless marked otherwise, aka you do not have to be a network member to use them.  also most of these are focused on visual content as opposed to written content.

please feel free to let me know if there’s one i missed!

Keep reading



@staff Come on, now. This is annoying. Especially considering I have this feature turned OFF.

This was annoying me too and just found out you can turn this off. Below is how you do it. 


Go to your settings, then dashboard, then turn off shorten long post 

On the app

go to settings, then account settings, then dashboard preferences, then turn off shorten long post.

I do have mine turned off but I’m still getting the “view post”. I contacted support and it’s an issue they’re aware of so it’s just a waiting game now.

@staff Come on, now. This is annoying. Especially considering I have this feature turned OFF.



Tumblr’s at it again with terminating blogs. It’s happened to quite a few people I know. I’m quite certain it’s a bug, and contacting tumblr will get them reinstated. But it is averystressful moment for a lot of people regardless.

In light of this, I wanted to give some advice: please pleasepleasesave all your headcanons and important muse info (even your theme) in a google doc or a document you can access with ease that is not affiliated with tumblr. You have worked hard on those. You deserve to know your work isn’t going to waste and in the event your blog does not get reinstated, it’ll be much easier to make a new blog and just re-add the information with little hassle, and you won’t feel like you lost something valuable because you’ll still have access to it.

This has been a small psa.

Unfortunately it’s not a bug. Tumblr has been contacted by many roleplayers + our admin team at findrps and they are terminating blogs that post ads through the queue that are copy/pasted or use a third party to fill the queue. It’s considered spam, and tumblr is saying they will not reinstate blogs that do this. Please save your work. And please consider joining the findrps server to promote your roleplays/indies to a 500+ (and growing) member audience.


re: that debacle i refuse to rb anything about: that person was actually genius for losing the url partyjockers and immediately remaking as sorryforpartyjocking. the universe lined up just right for that joke to be possible




Cool that staff can ban someone almost instantly for saying that a staff member likes Harry Potter but not ban a single nazi or terf until I’ve sent in like 4 different reports over the course of months.

Oh my fucking god they deleted my reblog of the post off my blog. Really cool that they can do that but not delete the like 50k+ note terf propaganda posts listing 1 billion reasons why trans women are evil

And they also don’t delete nazi propaganda and disinformation like that either. There are dudes on here writing essays on race science bullshit and they get a lot of notes and theyre still up! They might ban OP after a while but they don’t nuke the posts off of everyone’s blogs like this

twitblr: And the way these energy bills are going, indoor ain’t much cheaper. (x)


And the way these energy bills are going, indoor ain’t much cheaper. (x)

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