#tunnel tree

While we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. ThWhile we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. Th

While we were hiking in the Giant Sequoias there was a torrential downpour and a lightning storm. Then it hailed and snowed. We took shelter in a tent cabin and cooked up vegan cheeseburgers, Earth Balance Mac & Cheese and in the morning a deluxe breakfast with the usual nutritional yeast tofu, toast, and Field Roast Maple Breakfast Sausages.

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