


some B-roll Javi studies





I can’t decide if Javi is a soft kisser.

If he trails the back of his fingers along your cheekbone, marvelling at the softness of your skin, before cradling your face so gently. His own face so open and earnest as he studies your expression, warm gaze washing over your skin like the ocean shallows over sand. Would his pupils blow wide when your chin tilts, offering the parted bud of your lips so sweetly. Would his adoration, his single-minded devotion, burn the air around you. The entire world narrowed to the space between his mouth and yours.

Or would the unspoken feelings between you simply spill over, traded back and forth in rasps against feverish skin.


summaryA series of vignettes centered on your relationship with one Javi Gutierrez, who tears you apart in the most wonderful way after stumbling into your life ten minutes before you finish your shift at Blockbuster Video. 
chapter summar
y: In which Javi takes you on vacation.

rating: E [spoiler-ish for TUWOMT, SMUT, vaginal fingering, oral sex fem receiving, mentions of BDSM, slight intimidation by an asshole]
pairing: Javi G x f!reader
word count: ~2.4k
note: All right. It’s happening! Thank y'all for sticking with this. At this point, the movie is important for context, particularly with Javi’s family involved. This one’s a little longer for certain reasonssss. It might also help to be slightly familiar with the movie Secretary, but it’s not, like, required. ETA I love @starlightmornings​ for the beta always.

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FADE TO: SPAIN [part 6]

[May 2008]

Mallorca is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been. There’s no other way to describe it—it’s incredible. Javi’s cliffside compound overlooks the clear sapphire waters of the Mediterranean sea, and every morning you’re served café con leche with a side of fruit on the balcony of your apartment. Twice a week, Javi takes you to the beach. He insists you need the vitamin D, despite how often you sit poolside.

You think, though, it’s an excuse to be with you. It’s something he can put on his schedule and have Gabriela explain away to his father as a meeting. You have yet to meet his father, and as Gabriela explained it, it’s better this way.

“He is a foul-tempered man,” she said. “I would advise you not to wander.”

You’ve started to suspect that “olives” doesn’t exactly cover everything Javi works with, but you’re a little afraid to ask now.

It’s been two months to the day since he’d swept you off on a private jet to this paradise. The warm sand glitters in the sun as you dig your toes in, fidgeting and worrying about the conversation you want to have with him. You can’t just keep living off of him, no matter how disposable his income is. 

“What is it, ángel?” He asks, picking up on your nerves. The sunlight bounces off his sun-bronzed shoulders and you wonder—has anyone ever told him how absolutely god-like he is? He squints at you and smiles, shaking his curls back with his hand as he rolls to his side, propping himself up on his elbow to face you.


She’s been distant the last few days. Lost in her thoughts, drawing in on herself. Quiet. Unusually quiet. Overall, he’d describe her as fairly reserved, but not with him. 

It’s troubling. 

So he asks.

“It’s just…” She starts, staring out at the calm water. “It’s been a couple months now. And not that I’m not having an amazing time here with you…it just feels like I’m using you.” 

He raises his eyebrow. “When was the last time you had a vacation before this?”

“I was eleven.”

“And the last time you took time off?”

“I’ve never taken time off.”

“Perhaps it is fine to use me, then, if I am offering,” he says. She sighs in that exasperated way of hers, and he grins. 


“You are my guest. You cannot use me if I am offering this to you, yes?”

That is not quite true, he knows, but he wants to give her this.

“Maybe you are bored,” he teases. “All this fun is dulling your senses. Is there anything you have found yourself wanting to do?” She lays back on the beach towel and throws her arm over her face, like she’s too embarrassed to admit it. “Tell me, ángel, or I will tickle you until you do,” he threatens, creeping toward her with wiggling fingers. She folds over into a defensive position, but it’s too late. His fingers have found the curve of her hip, and she squeaks in surprise. 

“Fine! Fine, I’ll tell you!” She gasps, fighting him off. He pulls her into him as she laughs, sand flying everywhere, and he wraps his arms around her shoulders, drinking in the sigh she lets out. “I always wanted to write a screenplay.”

“Really?” He asks. 

“Is that stupid?”

“Not at all.”

“Would you read it if I did?” She asks shyly. Of course he’d read it. He’d read it and he’d produce it and he’d pay all the damn actors with his father’s money if it made her light up like this. He’d be her date to the premiere, he’d threaten all the movie critics if they didn’t give her perfect reviews, he’d—

“Javi?” She asks. He’d been quiet for too long.

“Of course,” he says. She leans back with a contented sigh. 

“What movie should we watch tonight?” She asks, changing the subject. He knows better than to push it.

Face/Off?” He asks hopefully.

“What’s with you and Nic Cage lately?”

“I do not know what you mean.”

She stands and rolls her eyes, holding her hand out to him. “C’mon, goof.”


You’d been impressed with his home theater in Florida.

Here, though, he had an entire theater built for him as a birthday gift. If he wanted, he could have hired full-time staff, but he said it felt too extravagant. 

Right. The fully functioning theater itself didn’t fall into that category. 

But you love the theater, so you don’t tease him about it. The armrests on the seats come up and you can cuddle with him. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, he’ll kiss the top of your head. 

He’s been cautious since you got here, and while you’ve appreciated it, you’d like for him to be a little more aggressive. There’s obviously something between the two of you. When he wraps his arm around you so tentatively, the loud thump of his sweet heart makes a lump swell in your throat. 

You’d like him to kiss you again like he did before. 

It’s dark as you make your way to the theater building. The only sound is the faint crashing of the waves on the rocks below you. You’re almost there when the unexpected movement from the corner of your eye startles you.

“Hola, Miss America.”


You’ve interacted with Lucas a couple of times, but Javi’s kept you separate from his family. At first, you’d thought it was something you’d done—like maybe you were too poor for him to want to be seen with you. But now that you’d spoken with him a few times, you’re pretty sure it’s because Lucas fucking sucks. 

“Lucas,” you gasp, your hand flying over your heart. “God, you scared the hell out of me.” 

He’s sitting on a bench, half-hidden in shadow, the smoke of his cigarette curling around the frosted tips of his hair. “Apologies.”

“It’s okay.” You shrug and turn back to the little stone path that leads to the theater doors. 

“Miss America,” he says again, the taunting lilt in his voice growing ever more obvious. You turn around and give him a plaintive glare as he stands and makes his way to you. He’s standing much too close, staring down at you with those bright green eyes. He looks at you like you’re naked, like he can see right through you. 


Javi’s voice rings through the courtyard, and you exhale. Lucas glares at his cousin. 

“Shouldn’t let her wander around here like that, primo. Never know who could be out here.”

Javi’s behind you now, his big hand clasped over your shoulder. For a moment, they stare at each other, chests puffed out like fighting dogs. 

“Come on,” Javi says, gently taking your hand and pulling you with him. 

Only in the theater’s haven do you say, “That was fucking weird, Javi.”

“Ignore him. He is a dick.”

“Why to me?”

“He is jealous of things he cannot have.”

The statement rubs you the wrong way. “I’m not a possession.” You fold your arms. Javi turns around at the tone in your voice, rushing to your side with big, pleading brown eyes.

“Of course not, ángel. I did not mean to suggest otherwise. Come, let me make you some popcorn. I know you like mine the best.”

He’s right. 


She’s upset. She should be. 

Fucking Lucas. He’d always been so jealous of Javi—always. When they were children, after Lucas’s parents died and Javi’s family took him in, he’d wanted everything Javi had. And the younger boy was glad to share. 

Perhaps it was the grief of losing his parents, or maybe he was just always rotten, but Lucas did not want to share. He wanted to take and own, even if it meant hurting his cousin. And now, despite his best intentions, she’d become one of those things that Lucas wanted.

It wouldn’t do at all. 

But he wouldn’t worry her with that now. 

The movie was blaring and loud and everything they needed to take her mind off of the incident in the courtyard. He raised the seat arm up and she settled against his side, still damp from her post-beach shower. She smelled like the jasmine soap he’d bought for her. 

“I just don’t know how I feel about Nicolas Cage,” she says when it’s done. 

“Well, what would you like to watch next, then?” 

“Do you have anything with Maggie Gyllenhall? I just watched Stranger than Fiction and I really like her.”

Javi checks the library and comes up with something his cousin’s friends had ordered.

Secretary?” He says.

“Never heard of it.” 

Javi smiles. Watching something new with her is always special. 


You should have looked the goddamn movie up beforehand. 

Javi’s sitting upright next to you, completely stiff and staring at the screen like an alarmed baby deer as James Spader smacks Maggie’s ass while she’s reading a letter out loud. It’s upsettingly erotic, and you cannot stop squirming in your seat. But you’re much more concerned about the man next to you.

Not that you think he’s some innocent little virgin—you know for a fact he’s not after a drunken game of truth or dare. You also know, though, that he grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school, and got all the Catholic guilt that came with it. 

“Javi?” You whisper. 

“Hnngh?” Is the noise that comes out of his mouth. It’s so inelegant you almost laugh. 

“Everything…okay? Do you wanna watch something else?”

He whips his head in your direction so fast you’re afraid he’s hurt himself. “Why? Why would I do that? There is no problem. I am perfectly fine with this.” He gestures wildly toward the screen, a laugh that you think was meant to be casual erupting from his throat. 

“You seem a little uptight.”

“I am not uptight,” he protests, putting his arm back around you. He’s even stiffer than he was before, if that was possible. His fingers hover awkwardly near your bare skin. “I am fine.”

He relaxes, eventually, but the movie does not let up. The whole BDSM thing isn’t something you’re usually into, but overall vibe and the idea of an older man bossing you around in bed is not entirely unappealing. Especially if he uses his I-mean-business voice.

You’re all pressed against his warm chest, squeezing your thighs together for some relief. His breathing is a little shallow, and during a particularly bright scene, your eyes are drawn to the outline of his cock in his jeans. 

Then you fucking whimper, because how can you not?

He hears you—of course he does—and looks into your eyes.

“Ángel?” He whispers. You blink, and his lips are finally—finally—on yours. The kiss is less cautious this time. This time his tongue demands, it does not ask, and maybe it’s the energy of the movie, but you open yourself to him, submitting to whatever he wants. 

He groans at every little whine that comes from you, pulling you onto his lap again. “Is this okay?” He asks, remembering himself, and all you can do is nod vigorously. Javi holds your face in his hands, brows knit in a question. “Ángel, would you let me touch you?” He kisses your cheek. “Would you let me make you come?”

Your brain’s melting down, fuzzy from the question and how good his hands feel on you. “Please,” you murmur. “Yes.”

You climb off and he’s pulling at your panties, moving them aside and pushing your legs apart until he gets to your dripping wet core, sliding his finger up and down your lips. He spreads your slickness around, finding your clit and rubbing lazy, firm circles. The movie isn’t loud enough to drown out the squelch of you as he inserts a finger and moans.

“Thank you,” he whispers against your lips.

“You can always have me, Javi,” you breathe as he brushes a spot that leaves you gasping. He’s everywhere—kissing you, licking the hollow of your throat, shockingly skilled fingers pressing and curling into you relentlessly. 

“Ángel, let me—can I taste you?” He asks, big brown eyes begging and how on Earth could you ever say no to that?

“Yes.” He drops to his knees on the floor in front of you, rucking your panties down and splaying you open. For a moment, he only looks, the movie screen lighting your glistening cunt. 

“Beautiful,” he sighs. “You’re so beautiful.”

His soft praise hits deep in your heart, and you think, maybe—maybe you’re in love with him. And then his mouth is on you, hot and wet and you can’t think of anything but his tongue and the sounds he’s making into your pussy. He slides two thick fingers into you, groaning at the way you clench.

“Good girl, that’s it. Take what you need,” he says, encouraging the way you fuck down onto his fingers, the flat of his tongue lapping against your clit. He thrusts his hips against the chair, looking for any alleviation, and the movement sends a new rush of arousal through you, gushing onto his fingers and mouth. 

“What do you need, ángel?” 

“Just—keep—like that,” you cry, feeling the clench of your pussy around his thick fingers. You want him to fuck you, want to be full of his cock, but your first time can’t be here in this theater. 

It means too much. 

“Take what you need, whatever you need,” he whispers. “I love this.”

It’s the tenderness, the sincerity in his voice that sends you over the edge. You almost scream that you love him, because you do, and God, you need him to know. He sighs in front of you, murmuring praise, pulling away from you to prevent any overstimulation. You come back down from your high and he pulls his fingers from you, licking them clean. 

“Perfect,” he whispers, kissing your thighs. 

You reach down and softly catch his jaw with your hand, eyes heavy lidded as you smile at him. First times are always filled with apprehension—did he like it? Was it okay? Were you okay?

“Did you…was it okay?” You ask timidly.

He surges up and kisses you hard, teeth gnashing against your mouth like he needs to prove it. Your taste on his lips pulls at something inside you.

“More than,” he says, nuzzling into you. “Perfect.”

“Should we…should we continue this somewhere?” You ask, biting your lip. His enthusiastic nod fills your heart, and suddenly, everything is different.

OMG not Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls coming on at work and me automatically thinking of listening to the City of Angels soundtrack with Javi and slow dancing with him, possibly feeling overwhelmed and him crying when the music swells cause he’s thinking of the film, fuck I need this in fic form.



Word Count: 17.1k

Warnings:Confessions & angst, car crashes, mentions of death, amnesia, drugs & drinking, gun violence, kidnappings, canon style violence, gun violence, oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, slightly cum play

Comments:You were a childhood friend of Javi Gutierrez, falling in love with him. When you tell him how you feel, you are crushed to learn that he doesn’t feel the same way. Rushing away from him and having an accident that makes you completely forget him, until you tag along to a billionaire’s birthday party where there are supposed to be famous actors in attendance. 

Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers

A/N:This loosely follows the movie The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent but we realized we are horrible at remembering, having only seen it once.  

** The Nic Cage portrayed in this story is the character from TUWOMT and not the real life actor Nicolas Cage. The character is one that the actor in question played himself. Therefore, this is NOT RPF


ClickKeep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says ’creator chooses not to use warnings’. You also agree that you’re the right age to be consuming anything here.


You are the best friend that he could have ever asked for. Possibly at times his only friend. Allowed on the compound whenever you wanted, you would come to play with him, watch movies with him and for a while, Javi would feel normal. It didn’t matter that he was older than you. You didn’t have any expectations of him, there weren’t any of the stern lectures about how he was supposed to act a certain way or be less emotional. It was okay that he liked movies that made him cry when he was with you. Splashing around in the pool while the two of you recreated the scene from Jaws or running through the olive trees screeching and screaming lines from Star Wars, pretending you were on Endor and racing speeder bikes through the forest. Laying in the movie room and making yourselves sick on popcorn and soda while you watch your favorite movies on repeat and argue over which one was the greatest of all. Laughing innocently while Javi got to pretend that his world wasn’t scary. You are probably the person that he cared for on this planet most of all. His person. 

At twenty two years of age, it’s clear to you now that you love Javier. Perhaps you’ve always loved Javi. Since meeting him as a child after your family moved to Mallorca, he has always been there for you. He’s older than you but you’ve never thought of him as an older brother. You have always thought of him as your best friend and as soon as you turned eighteen, you realized you’re in love with him. The night of your birthday, he had invited you over to the compound and given you a beautiful necklace. Engraved with your birthdate and a beautiful diamond in the middle, it took your breath away. At that moment, you wanted to kiss him but you refrained, not wanting to ruin your friendship. Now though, it’s eating you alive. You need to tell him how you feel. So on this beautiful spring day, you drive through the compound until you arrive outside the villa. “Hola.” You greet the guard standing near the stairs making your way up to the front door.

Keep reading



Okay but listen… sometimes…. he is just WAY TOO PRETTY okay?!


Mi Media Naranja - Part 1

You are a screenwriter with a terrible case of writer’s block. You need out of LA and book a secluded cottage in the middle of an orange grove in Seville, Spain. You meet a well-meaning man with kind eyes and things don’t go the way you plan.

Mi Media Naranja - Part 1 - The Grove

Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x writer!reader (female); Series will eventually be explicit

WC: 2.8k

Warning: Language, a meet-cute, Javi being his enthusiastic self, Reader going through a rough time professionally and personally. Takes place before the events of the movie, but some general themes will be explored so it’s a little spoilery.

Part 2|Series Masterlist |Masterlist | Join taglist


The scent of oranges wafts through the open windows of the little house. The mornings were a little chillier than you were used to back home in Southern California, but you had been clamoring to get out of LA and get a change of scenery. You were desperate for inspiration, and the new screenplay wasn’t going to write itself. Thankfully, the freelance nature of your job afforded you the freedom to travel from time to time, depending on where the winds blew you. You have nothing keeping you in one place for too long; your family was back home in Michigan, and your boyfriend had left you months ago. Some up-and-coming actress with a gorgeous face and a forgettable name. 

For now, the winds have blown you to Seville. A gorgeous location in the south of Spain and a city filled with stunning architecture. 

Keep reading

Beautiful scenery. Beautiful dialogue. Beautiful characterization of reader and Javi. She has her walls and her pain and her self doubt and this sunshine man is going to make her accept herself as she is!

I fuckin adore the fact that he would try to repair the oven first himself because he is not “Javi owner of the estate” yet and wants to stay there for even a moment with you.


Mi Media Naranja

You are a screenwriter with a terrible case of writer’s block. You need out of LA and book a secluded cottage in the middle of an orange grove in Seville, Spain. You meet a well-meaning man with kind eyes and things don’t go the way you plan.

Part 1-Coming April 29th

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Join taglist here!

Pedro talks about his role in TUWOMT and Nicolas Cage. Interview in Spanish.

I’ve been trying to find this full interview, but I’ve only seen this clip on Twitter. ‍♀️

I got a little carried away because I was super excited that @studyofawearymind wrote the beginnings of a movie theatre Javi fic titled meet me in theatre 3, so here he is imagined in a little vest and saying hello!




What a total honour

A huge thank you to everyone who messaged me to let me know!

Your work is so beautiful and I’m thrilled he saw and loved it too!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you lovely @deadhumourist❤️❤️

You’re too kind!

Be Grateful

No paint Pedro Pascal too much

I have about 15 different subjects waiting in my art queue, but then I saw this image from the Talk Easy podcast and couldn’t help myself. What a breathtaking smile!

Painted on procreate in mixed media.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.

Javi & Nic

Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage. Painted on Procreate, in mixed media on gesso canvas.

Click on the images for better quality.




Lionsgate had asked on Twitter for people to post The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent fan art and I just couldn’t resist!

Everything I’ve seen suggests that Javi is a fiery ray of sunshine, so my colour palette was inspired by that.

Painted on Procreate in mixed media, mostly oil paints and willow charcoal. 


This is incredible and I cannot tell you how much I love this!!! Definitely one of my favorites of yours!

@songsformonkeys thank you so much my lovely! Your support means the world to me



Lionsgate had asked on Twitter for people to post The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent fan art and I just couldn’t resist!

Everything I’ve seen suggests that Javi is a fiery ray of sunshine, so my colour palette was inspired by that.

Painted on Procreate in mixed media, mostly oil paints and willow charcoal. 


@mourningbirds1 Thank you sweetheart!!


Lionsgate had asked on Twitter for people to post The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent fan art and I just couldn’t resist!

Everything I’ve seen suggests that Javi is a fiery ray of sunshine, so my colour palette was inspired by that.

Painted on Procreate in mixed media, mostly oil paints and willow charcoal. 
