#prince oberyn




Be Grateful

No paint Pedro Pascal too much

I have about 15 different subjects waiting in my art queue, but then I saw this image from the Talk Easy podcast and couldn’t help myself. What a breathtaking smile!

Painted on procreate in mixed media.

Immediate smile on my face looking at this, you captured that cheery and beaming vibe so well. The pastels! The color accents of that messy hair! The hair peeking out under the ears! So lovely.

Thank you lovely @shirks-all-responsibilities

I appreciate your kind words so much - I’m so happy you like it! He really has the best smile

Be Grateful

No paint Pedro Pascal too much

I have about 15 different subjects waiting in my art queue, but then I saw this image from the Talk Easy podcast and couldn’t help myself. What a breathtaking smile!

Painted on procreate in mixed media.

Oberyn Martell aesthetic.

“Lannisters aren’t the only ones who pay their debts.”

Songs that would fit Pedro Pascalcharacters:

Oberyn Martell: Let’s get it on- Marvin Gaye

I’m rewatching got as one does and Oberyn has been on my mind a lot

Prince Oberyn Martell || The Red Viper

Working on Oberyn, no I don’t have an obsession with Pedro Pascal


Be Grateful

No paint Pedro Pascal too much

I have about 15 different subjects waiting in my art queue, but then I saw this image from the Talk Easy podcast and couldn’t help myself. What a breathtaking smile!

Painted on procreate in mixed media.

How do you mange to get his sad eyes everytime? I’m truly in awe of your work

Sexy wet slicked-back hair? Check.

Bulging and able-bodied trapezoid muscle? Check.

Soft, gleaming, snugglable chest, CHECK!

I know he’s not a grocery-list, and that he’s more than his body, but I would very much like to go grocery shopping with that man.

Pedro: “Wanna feel my muscle?”

Me: *immediately turned on* “WHICH ONE?!”

Pedro: “This one, you horny bitch.”

I crave the same level of loyalty that Pedro Pascal shows to his Fleetwood Mac t-shirt.

He’s so fricking cute. Just stop being so squishable, Pedro.

A friend of mine and I, we write a lot of fanfiction together in RP style, and lately we have been on a Pedro Pascal kick. So, we wrote some… admittedly pretty smutty, Oberyn fiction, in an AU of GoT where he doesn’t die. Is anyone on here enough of an Oberyn fan that they might be interested in reading it? Thought I would ask before I bother posting.
