#tv omens

fuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last cfuckyeahgoodomens:The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last c


The wonderful Good Omens posters ❤. The high quality parts of the second to last can be found here and even larger version of the last one here:).

All of these are epic. Does anyone know if you can buy prints somewhere?

Also, I took until just now to notice Crowley’s hair is shapes like horns in the one with Aziraphale’s halo. His hair sticks up in rather gravity defying ways a lot, so I think I didn’t pay enough attention…

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while i’m on the topic i really don’t understand the throne like? maybe i’m missing something in terms of character traits expressed through set design or maybe it’s just cuz crowley is a dork and that’s a funny thing for him to have but what’s the deal. doesn’t make sense to me based on the book’s description of his flat and doesn’t make sense with the rest of the set. don’t get me wrong that throne has inspired some great fan works but it’s presence baffles me

@charlottemadison42 i like that, i mean this is someone who put fake bullet hole decals on a vintage bentley lmao. i always pictured crowley’s flat as being like a show room where you could probably find its exact likeness in a catalogue somewhere. also show!crowley seems to display mementos and the throne is just out of place enough that maybe it could be a memento?

It 100% fits with the Bentley Bullet Hole decals.

Crowley: I am aloof and chic

Also Crowley: except when I see something utterly ridiculous that I have to have because it makes me feel like a super spy

It actually never occurred to me to stop and wonder why Crowley has an atrocious decoration that clashes hilariously with the rest of his flat. I just assumed he had some baffling reason that made sense in his snakey head and was not for mortal minds to know. Because both of them are fucking weird.

Given their long lives, human ideas of style and what’s chic and fashionable or even fits together might just be very confusing to them? Take just the last couple of decades. Have you seen the wallpapers people liked in the 70s? They’re liable to make people today say “if I have to look at this for five more minutes first my eyes and then my brain will get cancer”. 80s haircuts? Popular fashions from a couple decades ago? Human trends are fucking random and make no sense at all even to humans, once they’re just a little removed from being immersed in it because everyone is doing it right now.

Everything style related constantly changes. Architecture, furniture, fashion, hairstyles and makeup… Go look at art showing people from the 1700s. Or 1800. Or the middle ages. High heels were originally for guys, and they were worn with stockings or tight leggings. Until about 1920-ish, pink was considered a boy colour in baby clothing. There were times when if you didn’t have a hat on at all times, you were practically naked. For hundreds of years, the more ridiculously ornate your furniture or interior design, the better. Current living trends favour rooms being bright and airy with lots of white, but just a couple decades ago dark wood panelling everywhere was The Thing.

We talk a lot about how Aziraphale doesn’t manage to keep with with trends, but really, does Crowley? (Do you? Do your parents? Most humans at some point pick stuff up they like and then just roll with it.)

Crowley keeps little personal things. Several pieces in his flat seem to be souvenirs of a sort. The Eagle. There are a couple of old vases in his foyer/hallway. The Mona Lisa cartoon. The wrestling angels also don’t look like contemporary art; they could very well be a couple hundred years old. Crowley looks like he runs with every new trend from his fashion choices, but does he? His car is 90 years old, for example.

The throne isn’t alone; there’s a matching chair in the office. It sits in a corner, you can sometimes see it. The throne also somewhat matches the desk, at least in its level of ornate over-the-top-ness.

Crowley’s design choices, to me, seem more like a minimalist version of what Aziraphale does: just picking up pieces he likes at random points on his journey through time. Do they fit? Did they ever fit? Who knows; it’s not like humans can actually make up their minds what’s in style and what isn’t.

Can it be that, apart from the sofa and the tv set, there aren’t any real pieces of furniture in the flat, but only sentimental keepsakes. The Maltese Falcon. The Leonardo Sketch. The winged lectern. The throne could be something like that, something King Louis 15. gave to him or some entity from outer space or a time traveler. The James Bond decals are so cute and dorky that they don’t fit into the picture at all except to show that he isn’t evil. The throne must mean something to him. Maybe Aziraphale sat on it at some point.

Well, supposedly there’s a bed. There’s behind the scenes pics with a bed I think, and we know Crowley likes to sleep. But, yes, I’m with you on Crowley having primarily sentimental keepsakes rather than furniture. Which suggests the throne does indeed mean something.

If we take it only at face value, maybe it’s one of these things “not-even-a-local-councillor” Crowley does in an effort to exert control over his existence? Think of who sits on thrones: kings. Nobles. God. Satan. Beelzebub, literally, that we see in the show. Namely, his bosses, and people who control his fate. People who can single-handedly throw him away or order him erased, and have done all of these things. Thrones symbolize power.

Perhaps the throne is Crowley’s way of exerting symbolic control over his domain. It may not contain much besides his plants and memories. But it is his. And he will bask in his control over it, control he has over nothing else.

Hm… he is sitting on the throne when Hell communicates with him so maybe it is intentionally the side of himself he is showing to Hell?

The angel may adore his devil friend’s ginger hair.

I loved them too much, they are soooooo cute!

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