#tv thoughts


ahhhhhh ok, so i watched gltas and yj a day late this morning and, as expected, i have a lot of feelings.

so, spoiles under the cut

  • i thought gltas seemed sort of choppy tbh. like everything happened too fast, and it would’ve been better spread out into 2 episodes, of course.
  • i’m fucking not over never over aya, and shit son razer just knows in his heart she’s still out there.
  • AHHH AND THE BLUE POWER RING GOING OFF IN RAZER’S DIRECTION AT THE VERY, VERY END!!!!!! that was such a good way to end it i thought.
  • i would’ve prefered for yj to be a 2-parter, also.
  • i did not see wally’s death coming. like, i feel like i should have, but of any of the characters i thought would die, wally wasn’t one of them.
  • artemis was heartbreaking, especially when she went to tell wally’s parents.
  • also, OF COURSE bart and jaime were a team, OF FUCKING COURSE!
  • but ahh, we would’ve got the new gods in season 3, so fucking pressed forevermore. and wow, was g. gordon godfrey glorious godfrey??!! that was not something i saw coming, but probably should have.
  • but yeah, i’m pissed at how great season 3 would’ve been, because we could have got damian and dick being amazing, and steph, and real roy!!! could’ve been in the outsiders!!!! we could’ve had it allllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but then cn cancelled the showwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mon Knight Mini Theories Part Deux

So I think Marc and Steven (and Jake) is on a metaphysical plane somewhere. Specifically that boat Steven talked about in episode 1 that takes them to the Field of Reeds. And my girl Taweret (Goddess of Rebirth) here is to help them come back to life. But in order to do that, Marc will have to deal with his past and his present.

Where’s my proof? Remember when Marc is running down the hall of the mental ward and the lights and carts are swaying and shifting around? It’s like they’re on a boat. And the trailer has shown a boat like this showing up.

Plus some critics accidentally got to see episode 5 when they were given advanced previews by Disney and they said not only will we be surprised but that this episode will deal with Marc’s backstory and his Jewish heritage.

I think the boat is supposed to manifest a persons fears as a way to test them. So this episode is where we’re going to meet Jake. This is where we’ll learn Marc’s backstory. And this is where we’re all going to cry because Marc is so scared of his condition that his test comes in the shape of a mental hospital. But he’ll triumph by embracing all sides of himself.

Also I think Layla will sadly sign those divorce papers by the end of this. Mainly because I see Marvel setting her up to be the MCU version of the Scarlet Scarab. An antihero/villain that goes to extremes to steal back Egyptian artifacts. Technically Layla is already doing this thanks to her Madripoor connections. Her name is similar to that of the character in the comics. The red flares Layla used through the episode invokes the red fireballs the Scarlet Scarab uses in the comics. Plus they gave us a little Easter egg of a red scarab drawn on a bandage Fake Layla wore on her pinky in the mental ward.

I’ll even bet she’ll get recruited to the Dark Avengers. And she won’t be able to do that if she’s married to the avatar of an Egyptian moon god of justice and his adorable alters. Plus after the tragic passing of the actor that was supposed to play Moon Knight’s arch enemy, I can see them setting up this dynamic of a hero literally in love with his villain. And it would be so interesting to watch.
