#moon knight theory



Walked all the way to this billboard just so I could see Oscar’s face


Dont hate me on this, but I really was on the verge of leaving the mcu fandom. Back then, i was really excited because of the neverending connections between the movies and the plot building to one character/movie for the next phase, but then i became really overwhelmed with all of the new marvel series. (hawkeye, falcon and the winter soldier, etc. im not hating on the series tho)

Then i heard about The Moon Knight, it was very refreshing to see it as a standalone series, It’s like a relief. it didn’t show any cameos/connections from any other past characters of mcu (except that one thing about it being related to the black panther).

If they will continue season 2 and build a connection there to the other characters of mcu or continue it as a standalone series; either of the two, i will still watch it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mon Knight Headcanons

Still thinking (obsessing) about Moon Knight!

  • So we all agree Ammit was Khonshu’s ex right? Maybe it was just physical for Khonshu but she was planning their wedding until whoopsie! Khonshu reveals he’s in love with Hathor! (But he never makes a move because love would interfere with his mission) so now Ammit’s ticked off and decides that she should punish everyone who will ever do evil even if they haven’t done anything yet. Because her bird brained boyfriend never cheated on her but he was thinking about it!
  • Jake is not the “evil alter”. In fact when he fronts the body after Egypt and sees Khonshu he’s like, “oh those idiots didn’t include me on the deal…Khonshu you son of a…”. “Oh you know you enjoy it. Come on. Suit up. We’ve got work to do.” And Jake goes along with it because Khonshu is all he has. He doesn’t feel good enough for Layla and he wants to protect Steven and Marc and let’s them live a normal life.
  • So if we get a season 2 and after Marc and Steven find out about Jake I want a scene where they meet back in “Dr. Harrow”s office. (With special guest star Ethan Hawke!) they’re confused but then the camera pans over and there’s Jake, arms folded and annoyed. And Dr. Harrow says they’re there for group therapy. They start arguing and accusing Jake of being a psycho when Jake asks…
  • “Who paid the electric bill?”
  • What?” Steven asked.
  • Jake looks at them, “when is the water bill due?”
  • “What are you talking about?” Marc asked.
  • Jake sits up, “I’m talking about paying the bills. Doing the laundry. Buying groceries. Do you know how hard it it to buy vegan AND kosher!? And yeah. Sometimes I want a nice steak. But that’s a treat I save for myself so that you two can eat your kosher vegan meals and never bother to ask where the food comes from. And do you really think our money comes from our merc days? You spent most of it on booze and whatever charity you could donate to ease your guilty conscience. We sure don’t get the money from Steven’s paycheck at the museum. No I took some of the merc money and bought my own cab. Now we own a third of the cabs in London and we provide limo services. We have a townhouse in freaking Chelsea!
  • “We do?” Steven asks.
  • “Yeah! We do. And a penthouse in New York. And our own helicopter! And we send Dad a check every month.”
  • “We do?” Marc asked.
  • “Im always cleaning up your messes. I take care of things. That’s my job. If I have to make a deal with the Devil to protect you both I will. And I have.” Jake finished.
  • Everyone is silent a minute.
  • Dr harrow says, “thank you Jake. Well what I’m hearing is Jake is feeling under appreciated.”
  • “Damn right…” Jake mutters.
  • “Also it sounds like Jake feels isolated. I mean you two have each other. And Layla. And all he has…is Khonshu.” Dr. Harrow pointed out.
  • Marc and Steven nod. Thinking.
  • “Was it you that set up that date with me and Dylan?” Steven asks.
  • “Did you bozos keep me locked up in that third sarcophagus in the Duat?”
  • “We were trying to avoid relationships to keep them away from Khonshu. Why would you ask Dylan out?” Marc asked.
  • “Because I was horny and Steven is a freaking virgin alright?” Jake answered.
  • Marc slaps a hand over his eyes, “oy…”
  • Steven blushes.

Mini Mon Knight Theory and a thought

I think I’ve moved into the bargaining stage of grief (STEVEN!!! MY BABY!!! ) so here’s the shred of hope I’ve latched onto. I found this pic online and it’s not something we’ve seen yet, so it has to be from Episode 6. Now call me crazy, but I think this is Steven. I know he’s in the Moon Knight suit, but I think he’s taken control briefly. It’s just giving me Steven vibes. I think he’s going to seriously consider taking Harrow’s life but Marc will talk him down. (Or vice versa maybe! Maybe this is how it’ll be revealed to Marc that Steven is still with him). I think this moment will be a callback to the moment in episode 5 where Steven asks Marc why he remembers everyone he killed. Marc replied by telling him, “you try taking a life”. I think Steven will be back because this is his story as much as it is Marc’s. And this would be a crucial step in their combined hero’s journey. Choosing not to kill Harrow and redefining their deal with Khonshu.

As for the thought I’ve had, Marc (and Jake by extension) make the world think they’re this big tough cool guy . But the fact that Steven is the one that Marc wanted to have a happy normal life is interesting. He let Steven be a smart, excitable nerd that was based on a cheesy adventure movie they watched as kids right down to his name. Meaning Marc is a secret nerd because what makes him happy is reading, and nostalgia and action figures and pet goldfish. Secret nerds are hot.

Mon Knight Mini Theories Part Deux

So I think Marc and Steven (and Jake) is on a metaphysical plane somewhere. Specifically that boat Steven talked about in episode 1 that takes them to the Field of Reeds. And my girl Taweret (Goddess of Rebirth) here is to help them come back to life. But in order to do that, Marc will have to deal with his past and his present.

Where’s my proof? Remember when Marc is running down the hall of the mental ward and the lights and carts are swaying and shifting around? It’s like they’re on a boat. And the trailer has shown a boat like this showing up.

Plus some critics accidentally got to see episode 5 when they were given advanced previews by Disney and they said not only will we be surprised but that this episode will deal with Marc’s backstory and his Jewish heritage.

I think the boat is supposed to manifest a persons fears as a way to test them. So this episode is where we’re going to meet Jake. This is where we’ll learn Marc’s backstory. And this is where we’re all going to cry because Marc is so scared of his condition that his test comes in the shape of a mental hospital. But he’ll triumph by embracing all sides of himself.

Also I think Layla will sadly sign those divorce papers by the end of this. Mainly because I see Marvel setting her up to be the MCU version of the Scarlet Scarab. An antihero/villain that goes to extremes to steal back Egyptian artifacts. Technically Layla is already doing this thanks to her Madripoor connections. Her name is similar to that of the character in the comics. The red flares Layla used through the episode invokes the red fireballs the Scarlet Scarab uses in the comics. Plus they gave us a little Easter egg of a red scarab drawn on a bandage Fake Layla wore on her pinky in the mental ward.

I’ll even bet she’ll get recruited to the Dark Avengers. And she won’t be able to do that if she’s married to the avatar of an Egyptian moon god of justice and his adorable alters. Plus after the tragic passing of the actor that was supposed to play Moon Knight’s arch enemy, I can see them setting up this dynamic of a hero literally in love with his villain. And it would be so interesting to watch.

Moon Knight Mini Theories

  • So this show is so unpredictable so anything I say here I’m not sure of. Just my thoughts.
  • A third alter Jake Lockley from the comics will appear. Being a married man trying to stay away from Layla to protect her, I doubt Marc set up the date for Steven.
  • Marc and Steven will keep being Moon Knight to protect Layla…
  • …or…if they wanted to mix up the Marvel formula a bit, maybe reveal Layla is secretly working for Harrow? Like she didn’t give him the scarab because Harrow wanted to confirm Steven and Marc are Avatars? And later use Steven’s knowledge of Egypt and Khonshu to find Ammit’s tomb? Maybe even making Steven and Marc think they never signed the divorce papers to play them? Probably not and I like Layla fine as a good guy, but this would be such an interesting twist. Especially if she joins Harrow after he promised to get rid of Khonshu to save Marc.

Moon Knight Theory

So someone suggested that maybe this series is set in another timeline where there are no Avengers since Harrow didn’t mention Thanos, but maybe the Blip and everything since is the Trauma that created Marc’s DID? Like maybe Marc’s love interest Layla got Blipped shortly after he became Moon Knight and in his grief he created Steven. And when Layla came back, first thing she did was call his cell over and over trying to find him.

So why didn’t Harrow mention Thanos then? I think since we’re following Steven’s perception of events , he’s blocking out any mention of Thanos or the Blip and we’re not seeing it because we’re seeing it through his eyes. In a way protecting Marc from his Trauma of losing Layla.



  • Yeah well, I was a little scared about what the poster could mean. Like, was it all actually Marc’s imagination and he was indeed in a psychiatric? Then I realized the reason of the poster and everything was fine.
  • “Whatever else who might be there.” Oh Harrow, you have no idea…
  • I’m not really surprised that Layla is going to look for them. Alone. With a knife only. *sighs*
  • Taweret. I had this Lucifer flashback. Remember when he sent a demon to talk to Chloe? No? Well, i do.
  • She asked Layla to be her avatar.
  • To which she said no.
  • And, of course, the Gods are freed by breaking the statue. As simple as that. I did not think my theory was right but… it was.
  • Ngl, I WAS expecting Layla to become Khonshu’s avatar. I did wanted to see her as Moon Knight (yk, like Tabitha from Earth trns 590 [I believe I wrote it correctly]).
  • But I’m somehow happy she didn’t accept.
  • “You’re the only superpower I ever had.” Man, Marc went back for Steven, he turned to sand and placed (quite literally) his heart between them, bringing him back. It was emotional.
  • And we have Taweret helping them, old softies, stopping the sand.
  • The bullets falling when Marc stands up. The suit forming. Lemme just… .
  • So, just like that? Did Khonshu accept to free Marc (and Steven) for good, just like that? There’s just something there that’s not convincing me.
  • That frame. That fRAME of him covering the moon with the suit. *chef’s kiss*
  • Taweret is a baby and I love her. And you love her too. We all love her.
  • You know what I also love? The costume she chose for Layla to wear as her Avatar. 10/10. Quality.
  • Now, the transition between Marc and Steven (aka Moon Knight and Mr. Knight) is sick.
  • The fact that Steven fixed the suit while still fighting, leading him to be thrown away was so funny. I like this kind of humor.
  • The girl asking Layla if she’s a superhero and she going “I am.” ajzñdkzñsñ. Yes, you are!
  • We can all agree that it was him. Steven didn’t do it and Marc blacked out (again)..AAAAAGH!!!
  • Now, what the hell was that, at the asylum with Harrow?
  • For a moment, I thought about that theory saying that everything was, in fact, in Marc’s head and nothing was real.
  • Which would have the poster making sense, but it didn’t. Not when Harrow’s footsteps were printed in blood on the floor.
  • Aaaand, they wake up in Steven’s apartment, and Marc falls because he has this clamp thing (sorry, idk what’s it called xd) around his heel.
  • Harrow (Ammit), in a psychiatric, being strolled out of the hospital by someone, put in a car and then BHAM! we have Khonshu telling him that Marc didn’t know how messed up he was.
  • Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss the “MOON KNIGHT WILL RETURN” at the end of the credits? Was it not there? Why am I always asking questions I know the answer to?
  • Anyway, this series was phenomenal! The best, I dare to say, Marvel has done so far (and I’m talking about Marvel Disney, because Daredevil is still the best), I don’t think the projected ahead can top it but we’ll see.
  • Now, we have to wait for Ms. Marvel and hope for the best.



  • Let’s start saying that, Layla, you’re a badass and I love you.
  • Steven, I love you too, but Marc’s got a job to do… please let him do it!!
  • Sorry, guys, but that kiss you two share felt incredibly wrong to me. I knew it would happen eventually but it still feels like it.
  • And that punch in the face, Marc? Jakajssk. Hilarious.
  • “It’s a-maze-ing.” Dude, I can’t get enough of Steven fangirling so hard about everything. He’s a baby and we must protect him at all cost.
  • Now, nOW!! My hands were sweating. I thought that thing would find Layla and we’d have a (well expected but still surprising) jump scare.
  • But we didn’t so, we’re good.
  • Despite that, that thing does catch Layla, scaring the shit outta me. I was really, stupidity not expecting it to actually happen.
  • But luckily, as I said, Layla is badass and handled it herself.
  • I don’t know why I was surprised when Harrow told the story about Layla’s father.
  • Like, I should have seen it coming. Marc being there when he died, that (probably and most likely) being the reason he met Layla, the fact that he couldn’t save him…
  • I don’t know, it’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds.
  • Aaaaaand apparently Marcos dead… again.
  • I am eager to see what happens in the next episode. Like, how is he (are they) coming back?
  • Anyway, I haven’t said this since WandaVision but, what the actual hell? What’s happening? What’s going on? Why is he in that place? And most importantly, WHY is he there?
  • So Marc and Steven are together…, in this place…, separately… In different bodies. I have a lot of questions.
  • Like, for example, is Jake finally showing up? Do they have to find him to get out of there? Am I going too far with this?
  • Ugh. Is it next week already? I need answers.


Let’s do this…

  • So you know, with the scarb in his possession, there’s no way Arthur is on the wrong side of the river.
  • Not a good time for The Mummy references? Got it.
  • I just… Steven, let the man do his job, pleaaaaase!
  • You guys, Steven sis not kill those guys, Marc did not kill those guys. Is Jake here already? Are we getting a brand new personality for the MCU? Am I making a lot of questions?
  • Remember back in my TFATWS spoilers when I said the “One world, one people” was the new “Hail Hydra”? Well, “Praise Ammit” has joined the chat.
  • Now, Steven is so cute when geeking out about the pyramid. He is. I don’t make the rules.
  • Aaaaaand, the gods are useless af. Why am I surprised?
  • You know? Marvel knows how to make those posters. As strange would say “A simple stell but quite unbreakable.” They make no sense until they do.
  • THAT fighting scene. With Steven asking Marc to take the body back. I’m sorry, it was sooo funny not to mention.
  • I gotta point out that the change between Marc and Steven are so well done. Oscar Isaac, *chef kiss*, buddy.
  • It was, and I’m quoting Steven here, mental how Khonshu changed the stars.
  • And only to have him imprisoned… *sighs*.
  • So, these idiots are informing Arthur now? About fucking everything or what?
  • Istg I thought Arthur would take the statue with him or he’d try and break it. I don’t know. That’s what I thought.



  • So, we start with Steven asking Marc through the mirror if he’s there.
  • And i loved when he said “I don’t care how handsome you are.” Like yep, he is.
  • And of course, he explains to Steven what happened to him and why he is serving Khonshu.
  • I did not expect Marc and Layla to be married but well, I told you she was gonna be the MCU version of Marlene.
  • And as such, they looked for the scarb together.
  • Okay but now, wasn’t it obvious that those officers were a part of it? They seemed a little suspish from the beginning.
  • Now, NOW! At last we have a mexicano that’s not from Ciudad Juárez. And im happy about it.
  • I would have loved listening to him speaking, yk, with that yucateco accent. Idk I love how they speak.
  • Back to the episode, Khonshu is “Real justice” and Arthur used to be the “Fist of vengeance”. Those dudes watched The Batman and it shows.
  • Bad joke? Yeah, I know. Couldn’t help it.
  • So, the scarb is a compass to Ammit’s tomb. Steven was right about his first assumption.
  • Except, of course, he didn’t know what it pointed to.
  • Let me, really quick… *clears throat* mR KNIGHT’S SUIT, PEOPLE!! Looking good, Scotty.
  • And well… Hello, Marc I’ve been meaning to see how you work. And I’m not disappointed at all.
  • I’m sad, though. I know Marc is the actual owner of the body but… poor Steven with a V.
  • He’s gonna be trapped inside for some time.
  • Ugh, and of course, Arthur has the scarb. What did I imagine would happen with it?
  • Khonshu wants Layla as his next avatar and is like blackmailing Marc with that? That’s low, dude.
  • I really can’t wait for the next episode. I’ve seen people who watched it already saying that it is one of the best episodes of the series and I’m so exciteeeeed!