#tw impaled


Continued from here

CW: Stitches, blood, drugged (vampire venom), stabbed/impaled aftermath, bites (vampires)

At home, August set Morgan gently on the floor. Their breathing was shallow— almost imperceptible. August’s hands were shaking as he carefully stitched Morgan closed.

He took a deep breath and then bit his wrist open. August let his blood flow into Morgan’s mouth. Morgan choked for a moment and August pulled them up to sit. After a while, the bite mark on Morgan’s neck began to bleed again. August closed the bite and, not long after, Morgan started to wake up, sinking their fangs into August’s wrist, only half-conscious of their actions.

August had to fight to remain alert against Morgan’s venom. He knew Morgan wouldn’t be able to stop themself before they took too much.

“Morgan.” August said after a few minutes. “Morgan, you need to stop for a moment.” Gently, he made Morgan release their bite.

“Please…” Morgan slurred, eyes closed.

“It’s okay, Morgan. You’re going to be fine.” August closed the bite on his wrist and retrieved animal blood from the kitchen. He helped Morgan to drink and Morgan grabbed his arm, desperately thirsty for more.

Eventually, Morgan’s hold loosened. August moved away, drank some himself, and then carried Morgan to their bedroom and laid them down.

As August turned to leave, Morgan reached out and took a weak hold on his shirt. “D-don’t…”

August turned to face Morgan, whose hand fell. “What is it?” He knelt down next to the bed.

“Don’t go… S… stay…” Morgan’s eyes were half-open, unfocused, and bloodshot.

August hesitated. “… I’m here.” No one had wanted him around for thousands of years. He felt torn. He didn’t want to be wanted. He didn’t want to get attached to anyone. And yet somewhere inside, he knew he didn’t want to be alone anymore. Not really.

Morgan grimaced. “H-hurts…”

“I know. I know it hurts, but it’ll get better— I promise.”

“What—” Morgan stopped for a moment to breathe. “What ha-happened..?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

Morgan closed their eyes. “I-I remember… Azari attacked me… He… s-said he was going to find… you… then… then I don’t know.” Morgan’s eyes suddenly went wide. “Are you okay?”

“I’m… fine. But you almost died.”

Morgan looked confused.

August sighed. “You remember I told you vampires can only be killed by a wooden stake through the heart?”

Morgan gave a faint nod.

“Azari staked you. He missed your heart by a fraction.”

Morgan tried to sit up, but quickly paled and fell back.

“Don’t try to move. It’s going to hurt for a while. You’ll need to rest heavily for at least the next week and a half— even with advanced healing. A human would have died from your injuries. Do you want me to dull the pain?”

“Please…” Morgan whimpered.

