#tw mention of nsfw


Night and Day pt 2 (yandere!Chrollo x autistic!Reader)

Warnings; autistic reader, female pronouned reader (let me know if y'all want other pronoun versions), yandere behavior, it’s based around my autism so it may not be exact to the experience of others, soulmate au, protective yandere, slight infantilism from outside sources, petty people will be petty, dehumanization from others (anything negative said has been said to or about me), mention of NSFW,


You had built quite the nest out of the hotel bed, sleeping soundly in the center now that you had a chance to relax.

Chrollo was simply fascinated by you in every respect. He knows you are his soul mate, having seen glimpses of you so many times in the few dreams he has and the way your Nen resonated with his was just confirmation of what he already knew. He did not fully believe he would find you, it had been five years of searching after all, and he had almost given up completely when he caught a glimpse of you.

All it took was a glance and he was following you, abandoning his conversation mid-sentence in favor of learning more about you. He hadn’t even explained himself to the troupe, simply walking away to pursue you. There was no way he would lose you, not after he had finally found you when he spent years searching.

Naturally, the troupe was confused as they had never seen their leader act in such a way before. Chrollo is calm, collected, calculating, overbearing, but he is NOT the type to just up and leave a conversation. This told them that whatever grabbed his attention was extremely important to him, and so it became important to them.

You were so ‘normal’ at first, it made Chrollo wonder just what lay beneath the surface as he watched you mirror others. True, you were good at hiding and concealing your true nature, but Chrollo is the master of hiding in plain sight, he could see right through you. He ordered for the troupe to collect you and not harm you, which is when that delicately crafted mask crumbled.

When you had been calm, your Nen was barely a whisper of energy, but when you became distressed, that whisper turned into a siren and became overwhelming. The sheer strength of your Nen alone was impressive, and the fact that it had become so unruly the moment your act dropped intrigued him. It shifted and changed to mimic others when calm, but quickly became smothering and raw when you became upset.

Now, you were semi-calm and in a deep sleep, leaving Chrollo to think about what he would do now. He finally had you in his grasp, but he had no idea what to do with you now that he had you. Perhaps he went into this far too quickly…

Pakunoda allowed Chrollo to borrow her Nen so he could take observations on your thoughts and mental processes allowing himself into your thinking, revealing a mind that had near constant overlapping chatter. A chaotic display that took him a good few hours to make order out of. When he found some record of order, he was stunned to see how quickly your brain moved from thought to thought, the continuous processing of stimuli he wouldn’t even pay mind to.

It was as if his mind was a flashlight beam; focusing solely on one area or idea at a time, despite how quickly he managed to do it. Your mind was a lantern; illuminating and processing all the things in a certain radius around you. You noticed so much all at once and had another thought process that was solving any immediate stimuli paired with one that faintly buzzed in the background, becoming louder with your stress until it blocks out the others with a cacophonous hum.

It was… Exhilarating. Your brain was absolutely exhilarating to Chrollo. How does a person have that much activity in their brain and still function in such a ramshackle society?

He understood your mirroring now. Not meant to manipulate like he used it for, but to survive by blending in among those who don’t have that constant thrum. He understood why being touched and grabbed had bothered you so much especially when you were already stressed.

Chrollo sat by the bed, one hand resting ever so gently against your back, trying to make heads or tails of your unique mind. But beyond his curiosity, he was marveling at being so close to you after so many years of rarely seeing you in fleeting dreams. He had severe insomnia and had few actual moments of sleep or rest, trying to catch a glimpse of you as often as he could.

You have been the epicenter of his thoughts for quite some time now, the heart of his thinking and affections. It infuriated him whenever his vague dreams were interrupted and he had to relent to awareness instead of pursuing you. Finally, you were here beside him now and everything truly seemed right with the world.

How unusual it was for someone to be so unassuming yet so amazingly impactful on his life. Chrollo felt as if he were seeing color for the first time after living in a world of nothing but black and white. Your presence so close to him fixed problems he didn’t even know he had.

No doubt your true self would be hidden behind that normal mask until he can truly free you from feeling like you need to hide. He wanted to remove that mask and let you be who you are and not who you trained yourself to be. Do you even know who you are under that mask, or have you convinced yourself the mask is you?

Chrollo was very good at quickly figuring people out, but you were quite the complex puzzle to solve. Eventually, he tired of trying to make sense of your mind as it was difficult to direct it while you slept, choosing to lay next to you instead. He may not sleep often, but he had to know the sensation that was getting to hold you securely in his arms.

How often had he imagined this exact scenario?

Comfortable with you laying in his arms in a content and peaceful slumber. Chrollo slept very little and his insomnia kept him awake most of the time even when he wanted to sleep, but your presence soothed him immensely and calmed him more than he would ever admit. But that wasn’t the only change in Chrollo your presence caused.

Chrollo is not usually interested in carnal pleasure unless it is to get information from others, but now… Now he could feel his own desire lurking and pressing against his mind, wanting to physically connect with you. He knew you would be against the idea, especially so soon after meeting him and the not so very polite way you were introduced to him.

But the warmth of your body called to him. A siren’s song to his senses as it called to him oh so sweetly. The softness of your flesh beneath his fingers made a soft moan slip through his lips, one hand coming up to smother a breast as the other made itself useful between your plush thighs. He knew you could wake at any time and you would not react positively to knowing what he was doing to you while he slept, but for Chrollo, that only added to the experience.

Chrollo steals what he wants and removes anyone who stands in his way, he knows when something is 'right’ or 'wrong’ and he doesn’t care. All Chrollo truly wants right now is to indulge in the presence of someone he had waited his whole life to meet. He didn’t even think he had a soulmate for a while.

Normal people don’t often meet their soulmates because normal people can’t perceive Nen. Nen users are the only ones who can see their Nen and the nen of others, meaning they can see the way their Nen responds to others.

When a person has not met their soulmate, their Nen is faint and almost lethargic in movement. Usually normal people will dream of their soul mates and try to go off of their idea of who their soulmate will be, this is also true for Nen users. The difference is when a Nen user meets their soulmate and their Nen reacts together.

Chrollo knew you when he saw you because his Nen reached out to you in a desperate manner, as if it were trying to reach out and grab you. The moment he finally got close enough to you, your Nen began to respond as well. Your Nen had not been 'awakened’ yet but it quite easily and readily did in response to Chrollo’s Nen. Usually random exposure to Nen causes mortal wounds or cripples the person, but the Nen of a soulmate can easily and gently awaken the Nen of their other-half. Your Nen awoke and rushed to meet his nen, both of them clashing and mixing until they became harmonious, burning with an intensity that could have rivaled the sun.

Having a soulmate can be tricky though. If one of the pair dies, it can cause a near cataclysmic reaction from their partner and their Nen. It also means that when one half is upset or afraid, their partner knows and has equally unruly Nen.

Chrollo figured he wasn’t the type of guy to have a significant other, sleeping so rarely he didn’t register you were the one his soul called out to. He had searched for you, yes, but he didn’t even know what or who he was searching for and eventually he only kept searching because he wasn’t the kind to give up once started. Upon catching a glimpse of you as he and the rest of the troupe got off of the train, he saw the way his Nen willed him to follow you and so he obeyed. Leaving the troupe mid sentence as he had been explaining their target, following you with resolute determination to catch up and finally meet you.

The troupe- as they are Nen users as well- could see Chrollo’s nen so aggressively reaching out to you and they knew then you were their beloved Boss’ soulmate. It was a no-brainer to them to agree to put their heist on hold so they could get you to Chrollo instead. Your distress as you were pulled inside by Uvogin, panic gripping your heart as you struggled, resulted in Chrollo’s Nen forcing him to feel your fear as acutely as you did.

Your Nen was thrilled to be back with his own nen, but you were terrified. People you didn’t know just kidnapped you, shoved you into a car, brought you to some run down abandoned hotel on the other side of the city, and tried to force you to enter the building willingly before pulling you in roughly. He wanted little more than to pick you up and hold you despite how you would cry and struggle, but he knew he needed to calm you before he lost control. Now you were laying in his arms- where you belonged- and he couldn’t be happier about it.

You were so soft under his fingers even as you sleep, finally content and fed even though you were quite the picky eater. Your calm Nen was soothing and Chrollo found himself beginning to doze off with his hands still in that compromising position. Choosing to move his hands to merely wrap around and hold you was ideal for such a situation. He was unusually comfortable and as he drifted to sleep, he wondered if your presence had anything to do with it.


You slowly woke with a soft hum, the warmth wrapping around you was so wonderfully comfortable and familiar. The light pressure of a loose embrace giving you an unusual sense of protection, so much so that you turned and cuddled into the loving grasp with a sigh of relaxation. Each slow breath you took in seemed to try and pull you back into sleep, the immense comfort you felt only adding to the desire of continued rest.

Sleep began to win the battle as you pressed close to the warm figure that held you so sweetly. A nagging thought was all that remained standing between you and your dreams, trying to be heard despite your desire to not listen.

Just who was it that was holding you? You didn’t have a significant other who would be in your bed, right? Weren’t you somewhere other than home too?

Those questions fought against your want to sleep, coming to the surface of your mind with an almost painful clarity. That’s right, you had been kidnapped and taken to some run-down abandoned hotel where your supposed soulmate introduced himself. Despite your protests and desire to be returned to the comfort of your residence, your soulmate insisted on you staying with him. You didn’t exactly want to agree to stay, but you also didn’t really have a choice.

Your eyes slowly opened and flicked up to look at your bedfellow, vaguely comforted by the fact that he seemed to be in a deep sleep. It indeed was the strange man who ordered you to be kidnapped and brought to him, but even the realization of who you shared your bed with did little to rile you. There was such a feeling of serenity inside of you that you found it hard to actually feel upset about much.

It felt as if you were safe at home and not in the arms of a man that you just met who was clearly obsessed with you. Perhaps there was some validity to his belief that the two of you were soulmates. After all, it wasn’t like you were the kind to just readily trust others without extensive temper testing of their personality.

When it came to picking people apart emotionally, you relied on natural human tells that gave you a better indication of what emotional state a person was in. The man who claimed you as his own was nothing like others you had encountered in the past and his responses to things were so muted you wondered if he schooled his emotions at all times. He was next to impossible to mirror beyond the confident quick-witted responses.

He claimed to want to force you to be yourself truly without society influencing you, to some degree the idea of it made you distressed. You had gotten this far in life by pretending to be a 'normal’ person, so you weren’t about to just drop every learned habit or taught behavior. If anything, you would fight him every step of the way before allowing any of your selected and cultivated 'normal habits’ to be manipulated or removed.

“Enjoying watching me sleep?”

The amused tone of Chrollo made your face burn with shame as you tried to pull away, finding the arms around you much harder to escape than you expected. The resistance he gave in allowing you to get up made panic bubble in your chest, beginning to fight more aggressively. In one motion, he pulled you into his chest and pinned your arms so you couldn’t move, his voice barely a whisper in your ears.

“Shh… Take a moment and breathe. I’m not going to hurt you.”


“Have I hurt you yet?”

“You’ve taken my comfort away from me. Yes, you have hurt me.”

“And I will have plenty of time to make it up to you. You were so comfortable and relaxed when you thought I was sleeping, you can have that comfort with me when I am awake.”

He did have somewhat of a point, but that didn’t mean you agreed with him by any stretch of the imagination.

“Let me show you how easy life with me can be.”


“Explain it to me again?”

“It’s the texturethat I have a problem with and the taste reminds me of the texture. I can’t stand it.”

“So the crunch bothers you if it isn’t supposed to be crunchy and you can’t eat something it has touched because the taste lingers and reminds you of the crunch?”


“Is it the same with fabric texture?”

“I don’t taste fabric.”

“No, I know. I mean in terms of positive textures and negative textures, the same for fabric and sound?”


Chrollo chuckled slightly at your small outburst, not bothering to hush you when you became a bit too loud while talking, enjoying the odd glances people in the small diner gave. He had been picking apart every behavior he could by simple observation, but he had finally caved and asked you when he couldn’t come to a answer that made sense to him. The question of food textures being one of the many different questions he had stored away.

Every time Chrollo felt like he was finding a pattern in your trailing and fragmented thoughts, you would throw him a curve-ball and leave him back at square one. He was just a cat chasing a laser-pointer and he was getting nowhere fast by trying to find any pattern in your rapid thoughts. It was frustrating to him to not have you figured out yet, but that made it more fun for him overall. Truly, it wasn’t every day Chrollo was able to find someone who could race circles around him mentally.

Yet here you were, in all of your odd and fragmented glory.

“But, yeah, that’s also why I have to pace randomly.”

Ah. So you were back to the night disturbances topic.

Chrollo had learned how easily you picked up and dropped conversations, sometimes ending one thought with the middle of another thought from several topics prior. You actually seemed happier now that he managed to get you talking, many of your mannerisms and ticks beginning to show past that mask of normalcy. It surprised him that you were so agile in topic switching and that you could chatter so easily if he let you, having been less talkative than him early on in the odd relationship.

“Does she have a mute button?”

The snide comment from several tables away seemed to snap through your rolling mind and made everything come to a halt. Clearly, you heard the comment as your voice died in your throat and you seemed to shrink in on yourself. Much like an ammonite or an armadillo, Chrollo could practically see you re-enter your social shell all from the needless comment of some stranger.

“Honestly, he should be embarrassed to be in public with her. Muzzle her or put the damn thing out of her misery. I get the whole 'they’re people too’ but do they really have to go in public with everyone else?”

Your change was extreme and Chrollo saw your immediate regression back into your comfortable mask society forced you to hide behind. The once animated and lively movements became muted and restrained. Your amused smile turning into a dejected frown. Eyes remained downcast towards the table as your Nen also died down to only a whisper of energy.

This is what society did to you. Your quirks and excited behavior being shunned and treated like a burden by those around you. The unique flame that is you was being stifled and strangled to only a fraction of yourself. They gained nothing from hurting you in such a way, and yet they seemed to revel in it all the same. To put another down for having emotion beyond what is 'socially acceptable’ in a mere ploy to distract from their own perceived shortcomings.

Truly, Chrollo found their behavior pathetic.

“Shalnark,” Chrollo spoke lightly but knew the fellow spider could hear him, seven other troupe members seated around the diner if only to ensure your safety, “deal with that squawking woman.”

Not even a moment after Chrollo finished speaking, the same woman who had been criticizing you suddenly jerked. The movement didn’t even draw your eyes up from the table in front of you.

What did draw your attention was when the woman let out a sharp squealing noise and face-planted into her steaming hot food, not reacting even as those around her panicked. Chrollo didn’t react and simply sat with a calm smile on his lips, letting you drum your fingers idly on his hand as you watched the scene unfold.

“… But, why?”

“Why not?”

“She didn’t do anything… People talk about me all the time like that…”

“They shouldn’t. But, if they do, I will deal with them permanently.”


Why couldn’t he read you?

It was driving Chrollo mad to know that your brain had been able to avoid any clear pattern despite your adherence to a somewhat fragmented schedule. Every time he thinks he understands, it all falls to pieces, leaving him grasping at empty air and meaningless ideas.

If he didn’t understand you in every way, how would he be able to manipulate you to his whims?

Everyone Chrollo had met up until that point had been fairly easy for Chrollo to understand and control as needed. All others following an unsaid list of rules that simply made up society, doing their parts as pieces of the whole. Everyone except for you.

You seem to have mostly prefected your mask of 'proper behavior’ but the thoughts beneath churned and leaped in ways Chrollo was unfamiliar with. The things you did and the way you interacted with the world was so foreign to him. Due to your ever moving mind, he had believed you wouldn’t like animals due to their behavior, yet animals seemed to flock to you in abundance.

It was the middle of the night but you were up and pacing with a tired expression, as if you had no choice but to pace. You had explained it as being similar to how one would rock a child back to sleep paired with a hamster running on a wheel, needing to be in motion to properly return to sleep. No matter how tired you seemed at that moment, you were still pacing with your fingertips ghosting over the surfaces around you.

Chrollo was still adjusting to having his other half and he found himself actually able to sleep more soundly than he had ever been able to before. On nights you had nocturnal disturbances, he would sit up and wait for you to return to bed no matter how long it was likely to take. He had insomnia- which your presence seemed to actually help alleviate- but he needed you in his arms for that to happen.

So now you both were awake and you had yet to stop pacing despite looking as if you would fall asleep standing.

“Do I need to help you burn off energy?”

“I don’t think there’s a way to do that. Not one that my brain will agree with, at least.”

“There’s always intense sex.”

You came to a complete halt mid-step, Chrollo watching the gears in your head turning as you processed what he had said. He hadn’t been so forward with the topic before despite his previous innuendos or light teasing, the suddenness catching you off guard. Chrollo could see the way your Nen responded versus your lack of movement or response as your Nen flared and flicked with indecision.

“Don’t be silly, Chrollo. No one wants that with me. No one wants to put up with me and I haven’t before, so I really doubt it will turn out well.”

“Why do you always assume I will react like others? I want you. Not your mask, just you. I know it makes you nervous and stressed, because you worry it will be like every other time you’ve tried something. You try and then get mocked for your honest attempt. I have no intention of mocking you. Making you delirious with pleasure, maybe, but never to mock you.”

“… Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying. You are a fascinating person, (y/n), why would I ever want to hurt you or mock you?”

“Because that is all everyone wants.”

“I’m not everyone. Hopefully one day you will let me show that to you.”

Conscience- Yandere!Chrollo x Reader

Warnings; corruption kink, yandere, mention of nsfw, pillow talk, fluff, morality is questioned, lighthearted conversation about deep topics, deep Stockholm syndrome, mention of kidnapping, mention of addiction,


“Why do I have to have a conscience?”

Chrollo’s lazily stroking hand paused abruptly at your question, clearly caught off guard. He was quick to compose himself and return to those soothing motions as he lightly kissed your shoulder.

“What do you mean, Love?”

“I always feel so badly for people who get caught in the crossfire, why? Why do I feel badly for them? You don’t… So why can’t I just stop caring?”

You must have loved catching him by surprise, posing such pointed questions with a tone as detached as his own. Where you once put up emotional walls, you now spoke about your differences like a simple question of the weather outside. It was clear that you had become accustomed to Chrollo deconstructing every sentence and planning accordingly to best pry into your mind. He was insatiable when it came to understanding how you think and operate on a deeply personal level. Now you just presented him this information freely and sought to understand how hethinks.

Truly, you always reminded Chrollo what a wonderful find you are. So innocent to the pain and bloodshed needed to survive in a dangerous world like the one he lived in.

“Because, you grew up in a world where mercy and kindness was met with gratitude, and in my world it meant getting your throat slit at night by the same person you ‘helped’.”

“Why do I love you more than I feel pity for them?”

This made a soft chuckle hum through his chest, pressed up against your back with your bodies still so close together beneath  the blankets. He kissed a lazy trail up your neck and moved his arms to wrap around you fully, hands that had killed more people than you had met in your life caressing you with reverence.

“Because you’re in my world now, and you’re learning how to adapt to it. You are doing an excellent job at adapting though.”

“Well, you make it easy to do.”

“Glad to be of assistance to you.”

“You’re more than that to me.”

“Such high praise, don’t you think?”

“I think you’re deserving of it.”

“I’m not, Darling. You know what I have done and I regret none of it. It has shaped me into who I am and it has led to me meeting you, the only one I can ever truly be with. The only one I can see myself with for however long or short my life may be… I am certainly not deserving of your praise.”

“But you’re going to accept it anyway.”

“Well,” Chrollo chuckled softly, “you’re not wrong.”

His lips slowly trailed over your shoulder and you mewled, feeling a warmth in your stomach. How could this man have enraptured you so? Regardless of the things he did, you wanted little more than to spend as much time with him as possible. He seemed to be in agreement with the notion, seeing as anywhere he went, you went too. Even as the two of you curled up in bed, any way he could touch you was pursued, leaving you entangled together with him touching as much of your body as he possibly could.

Your touch was addictive to him and no matter how recently he may have bedded you, he always found himself craving more. Your soft skin against his was his drug of choice and your lips were just one way he could get that drug he so painfully needed. He even had gone as far as to kidnap you when he realized he didn’t want to live his life without you in it. The way you had fought him for so long and so hard only made this affectionate moment taste sweeter to his twisted mind.

Your bodies conforming perfectly together in a full-hearted embrace after he had indulged in the sound of your moans and the taste of your lips. He knew that even if he had grown up on nothing and indulged in everything in adulthood, you were worth it all. Chrollo would trade every trinket, book, and forbidden knowledge he had gained just to keep you by his side in life and in death.

“Something wrong?”

Chrollo asked, noticing your slight shiver and pulling up the blankets to cover you both and retain warmth.

“Just a little cold.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm.”

“I know you will,” you smiled and pressed against him happily, “can we stay like this for a bit..? You always know how to wear me out.”

“Of course we can. Whatever you want, love.”

You smiled at this, closing your eyes and letting Chrollo return to slowly stroking your sides as you began to drift to sleep. This was bliss to him, laying by your side with you so affectionately adoring him in every way. The ends justified the means to Chrollo and there was nothing else he could possibly want more than these moments with you.
