#tw n word



and the unfathomable evil that is reddit

last year my followers and i began an investigation into the origin of oppa homeless style and we quickly discovered that there appears to only exists one single screenshot of the mythical tumblr post:


the screenshot was posted to imgur on the 1st of march, 2014, and appeared on /r/thatHappened/ in a thread titled ‘Fedora’d villain shames woman for giving to the homeless’

to further our investigation, @swordcats contacted the reddit user who had posted the thread. the user responded, saying they believe they “found it on 4chan”, adding that it was “probably fake”


we still had hope that it could be a real tumblr post, but this confirmed our suspicion that it was possible the story was never posted to tumblr to begin with. 

we then tried everything we could think of to find any mention of oppa homeless style that predates the imgur upload, but nothing showed up

we even tried carbon dating the post by the shade of blue in the screenshot

this didn’t help us find oppa homeless style, but by comparing it to older posts we were at least able to determined that the screenshot could have been taken around the time of the imgur upload

an anon later messaged me and suggested we should take a look at the post history of reddit user MechaMew2

as the anon noted, they were a frequent contributor to /r/thatHappened/

here are some of the tumblr stories they’ve posted:


after posting 10 different MechaMew2 screenshots to my blog, i was contacted by fellow detective @bluesidefanclub who had done their own investigation

and the findings were devastating…

ALL of these screenshots are fake. all of the posts that arent a screenshotted reblog are his own posts, evidenced by the little x’s on the bottom of some of the screenshots, which used to be tumblrs old delete button. i looked through his ENTIRE post history and every single one of them that isnt a screenshot of a reblog has the delete button on them. none of the posts that are screenshots of reblogs have the x on the bottom, though, so i tried searching for them. ive been on tumblr since 2011 and never saw any of them, even the ones that seemed viral. i searched key phrases from every single one and wasnt able to find any of the originals, and the only images of them that come up are the ones that were posted to imgur and reddit. this especially makes no sense for the “AAAA IT BURNS IT BURNS” post because (according to the screenshot) it had at least 83k notes at the time of screenshotting. so he probably just edited those with inspect element.

MechaMew2 has also been a frequent submitter to r/fatlogic were they post similarly ridiculous stories intended to make fat people look bad:

Tumblrina gets triggered by nephew; Hides his homework under the couch so it can’t hurt her anymore (3rd of october, 2014)


Fat-shaming Barbie gets told off at the gym (31st of october, 2014)


nowadays MechaMew2 is mostly fabricating fake facebook stories about pitbulls (they’re a frequent poster to r/banpitbulls)

Diapered pit bull named Naruto escapes through a window. Catch him and win dinner at Chili’s. (3rd of november, 2020)


Family cancels their Christmas; Sends the money to Trump (30th of november, 2020)


of all the tumblr screenshots, @bluesidefanclub​ was only able to find one real post (which still showed the url of the person who reblogged it)

in a last ditch effort @bluesidefanclub:  

searched for oppa homeless style on google, every major image hosting site (photobucket, flickr, imgur, etc) and also did reverse image lookup on about ten different sites, and each came back with the imgur result from march 2014 being the earliest upload. i searched every visible tag on the post up to the end and found nothing, and searched twitter for “oppa homeless style” pre-dating the imgur upload and couldn’t find anything explicitly pointing to the tumblr post.

so yes…  i think we must finally accept that oppa homeless style was never a real tumblr post

oppa homeless style was made by a redditor whose passion in life is to make fake screenshots of fake tumblr stories for fake internet points

as connoisseur of fake tumblr story i expected to be devastated by this news, but really it has only made oppa homeless style even funnier

[Image ID:

[Image 1 ID: A screenshot of an old tumblr post (the Oppa Homeless Style posts) in the dialogue format with urls redacted. The post reads as follows:

“I had a good day of tips waitressing for once, so I gave a homeless man $20 on the walk home.

Homeless Man: There must be a mistake!

Me: No mistake. I can afford to cut back a little. Have a wonderful day.

Homeless Man: (tearing up)

Suddenly, a shrieky little voice rang out. A pasty dude wearing a trenchcoat and fedora barreled toward me.

Dipshit: The fuck are you doing??!!!

He yanked the $20 bill from the homeless man’s grip, slicing his fingers on the paper. He stuffed the bloody bill in my face.

Dipshit: No. NO. You worked for this money while he sat on his ass and jerked off. YOU KEEP IT.

He threw the money in my face.

Me: What the fuck is your problem, asshole??

Dipshit: Listen to me, you fucking useless female. I’m from New York City, where the homeless have the decency to try and work for money, whether it’s shining your shoes, cleaning your windshield, or just doing a little dance on the street corner. I once saw a man with one leg hop in a circle for hours to make $6 in change! That’s the difference between a classy homeless person…and a BUM.

Me: Well this is my money. I earned it. I’ll use it any way I like. How do you get your money, if you’re so important?

Dipshit: I don’t need a job because my mom gives me money!

A crowd had formed. Everyone was glaring at this scumbag and a few were even cheering me on.

Homeless Man: You want a dance, you little prick?

Everyone turned to see the homeless man rising to his feet. To our amazement, he began to perform a pitch-perfect Korean style dance.

Homeless Man: Oppa homeless style!

The crowd erupted. We all began to join in the dance, save for Dipshit, who turned bright purple.

Everyone: Op! Op! Op! Oppa homeless style!

I threw my $20 at the homeless man’s feet. Everyone else followed suit, tossing money at him. A woman in a suit gave him her gold watch. Dipshit took off running while the rest of us danced into the night.”

The post has 145 notes and is tagged poverty, heros, gangnam style, dudebros, fedorable, tw, ignorance, and one more thing which starts with une but is cut off in the screenshot. End Image 1]

[Image 2 ID: A screenshot of a message from MechaMew2 (who has a Hatsune Miku icon). They said “Oh wow, blast from the past. I think I found this on 4chan…so probably fake then. End Image 2]

[Image 3 ID: A screenshot of an old tumblr post with the url redacted. The post reads as follows:

“So, I got invited to a white friend’s house (I’m black.)

Friend: Hey, dad! This is…

Her Dad: Oh my GOD! A burglar? In my home??

Me: Excuse me?

Her Dad: Take anything you want! Just don’t harm us!!

Me: Wut?

Her Dad: Take anything!!

And that’s how I got a brand new toaster. “

The post has 55 notes and is tagged black people, white people, black ppl, white ppl, realtalk, and f. End Image 3]

[Image 4 ID: An old tumblr post with urls redacted. The original post reads as follows:

“I went to Disneyland last year, and my crush (now gf!) told me to get a picture with Mickey. I saw him hanging out in the snack bar with Goofy, Donald, and Quasimodo. I couldn’t pass this up!! 

‘Excuse me, guys?? Can I get a picture with you to impress a girl?’

‘Hooooo!’ Quasimodo laughed. ‘So you got yourself a little princess back home?’

‘No, but I want to! She’s so smart, and pretty, and…and…’

Donald gave me a suggestive look, and I chuckled.

‘…and I wanna bang her.’

Suddenly, Mickey began to shake uncontrollably. He rocked back and forth, whipping his head violently. Oh no, I offended him! Wait…he’s laughing? 

‘Shit, [n-word]!’ Mickey cried. ‘Das all u hadda say!’”. 

The person who reblogged the post did so with the comment This. Made. My. Life.” in all caps. The post has 20,391 notes and is tagged queue and omg. End Image 4]

[Image 5 ID: A screenshot of an old tumblr post with urls redacted. The original post reads “OH MY GOD my friend had jury duty today and when they told her to put her hand on the bible she started to scream AAAAA IT BUUURNS US IT BUUURNS US and exeryone was staring and she just laughs and one religious lady in the jury even fainted. “ Someone else reblogged the post with the caption “If you think women can’t troll, you’re wrong.” The post has 83,054 notes and is tagged queue and omg. End Image 5]

[Image 6 ID: A screenshot of an old tumblr post with urls redacted. The post reads as follows: 

“(TW: Food-moralizing, food shaming, EXTREME fat-shaming by family children)

My nephew’s school assigned him to write a song about good nutrition. I showed him Cookie Monster’s healthy food rap to give him fun, good-natured inspiration. A few nights later, he came home exclaiming that he got an ‘A’ on his song. I was overjoyed! Until I actually read it, that is. It began with a little stanza on eating fruits and vegetables. Cute! What happened next was a bit more questionable, and I quote: 

(italicized) High blood pressure, aching knees, 

sweating, panting, heart disease. 

These are things that you invite, 

if you don’t start eating right.

Have some veggies. They should fill you.

Too much pizza, it’ll kill you (end italics). 

I could do without the food-moralizing, but it wasn’t too horrible. It does, however, seem to perpetuate harmful medical myths. Then came this fateful little verse: 

(italicized) On every plane or train or bus, 

we see a man glaring at us.

Taking up a row of seats, 

sweating bullets while he eats.

Dire warning to you and me. 

What’s his deal? Obesity! (end italics)

I could barely finish the page, as tears were blurring my vision. Before I knew it, I was a sobbing mess. I held this precious boy in my arms when he was born, and now society has conditioned him to hate me, and people like me. After everyone went to sleep, I hid the paper under the couch. Auntie Jane loves you, Mikey. Please don’t do this.

Thin privilege is not being treated as sub-human by your own family, or having that hatred passed down through the generations and reinforced with ‘A’s’ in school.” 

The post has 178 notes and is tagged “and the worst part is that nobody even told me he waas going to do this to me he ju” (The rest of the tag is cut off). End Image 6]

[Image 7 ID: A screenshot of an old tumblr post with the url redacted. The post reads “Funny story! I was at Planet Fitness the other night, doing my reps as usual. It was pizza night. A young, thin, blonde woman carrying a plate loaded with pizza walked over and struck a pose in front of me. It was clear that she had targeted me for some cruel words due to my weight. 

‘Oooh, the pizza’s so-oooo good today!’ she exclaimed, trying to get a rise out of me. She threw back her head, downing whole slices and making orgasmic noises with each bite. 

After fifteen minutes or so, I’d had enough. ‘Excuse me. I’m glad you are enjoying your Italian cheese-and-tomato bread, but your little porno noises are greatly distracting to all.’

‘Ooooh, I understand. The sight of me-eee must be horribly depressing for you.’ she snickered. ‘I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and don’t lift a finger all day, and I’m a real-life Barbie doll. You work your ass off, eat almost nothing, and look like wet garbage. Must suck, eh, lady?’

She was so evil, I couldn’t help but giggle. Her eyes went wide in shock. I had denied her the anger she so craved.

‘What, my dear, makes you think I’m working out because I want to look like you?’ I asked. ‘I work out because I like it. I eat little because I’m not hungry. I weigh more than you because of my genes. And that is okay. I’m okay, you’re okay. I’ll be me, and you’ll be you. That is life.’

‘Now that’s what I’m talking about!’ a male voice rang out. I looked across the room, where a mustachioed man standing behind the vending machine was applauding my effort. Skinny girl looked to be five seconds from a heart attack. 

‘You fat fucks always stick together!’ she screamed.

‘Fat fucks?’ he chuckled as he stepped out from behind the vending machine, revealing his slim, cut physique. We both trembled at the sight of him. I played it cool, but Skinny broke into a lusty sweat. 

‘Sir, I apologize!’ she backpedalled. ‘ I’d be happy to make it up to you! Perhaps in the handicapped changing room?’

He laughed. ‘Miss, no offense, but I’d kindly suggest you tie those pigtails of yours to a car bumper and ride your implants half way to Canada.’

He walked straight passed her and bowed to me. ‘Ma’am, will you accompany me to the pizza party?’ he asked. 

‘As soon as I finish my reps, I would be charmed.’ I said.”

The post has 37 notes and is tagged me, fat oppression, fat shaming, fat acceptance, fatspo, fat girl, and fatty. End Image 7]

[Image 8 ID: A facebook post with the username redacted, which reads “LOST DOG! MOMMA LEFT A WINDOW OPEN! Name: Naruto. Bred: Pit Bull.

DO NOT approach loudly. Whisper softly and lure him with food or water…a slim Jim works most of the time. He is fearful of strangers and will panic. AVOID his mouth but the paws are okay. Last sen whering this diaper. If you see him, try to lure him into your home and call [REDACTED]

We can offer $20 Chilis gift card reward.” Below the text is a photo of a pit bull wearing a diaper and a pink collar.  End Image 8]

[Image 9 ID: A facebook post with the username redacted, which reads “I asked my little girl Marleigh what she wanted for Christmas this year. She gave me a very stern look and said ‘Mommy, I want you to take all the money you would have spend on me and spend it on President Trump. He gave everything he had to save America, and the people crucified him for it. ‘ My hubbs smiled and said, ‘Hey, me too!’ Even the dog raised his paw in agreement. I have never been more proud of my little family!! There will be nothing to open on Christmas mourn, but we will have the best gift of all: 4 more years! Maybe even 8 tehee. (Red heart emoji)”. The post is tagged Trump 2020, Trump 2024, MAGA 2020, and MAGA 2024. Below the text is a photo of a white pit bull, that looks almost like he’s smiling. Below the pitbull is a banner designed to look like a campaign banner, which reads “I (star symbol) support Trump” in all caps. End Image 9]

End ID]. 

(Note: While I usually avoid censoring closed captions and image descriptions in any way, I made one exception on this post for Image 4, since the original image contained the actual n-word, which I am not comfortable typing out. While I try to include profanity as-written in image descriptions/closed captions, I will continue to make exceptions in the future for cases where the profanity in question is a slur.)
