#tw pedo


I’ve gotten some unhinged asks on here but this is so cryptic like???

i redacted the link cause I don’t wanna indulge whatever weird shit this is but “Warning, they’re both DEMOCRATS” is SO funny like bud who the FUCK are you talking about.

I have never interacted with the person they linked to and they only have a couple posts, including one talking about trying to adopt. Why did you say this to me. Why are you making such extreme accusations about people I don’t know?? who are you. what are you trying to achieve. y'all will really log on here and say the most deranged shit to people with no context





Pedophilia is bad should not be a radical statement.

No really, please reblog this if you can, because this site in general, but fandom spaces especially bad for this, to the point where people are genuinely afraid of harassment they may face for saying ‘Pedophilia is a bad thing and you probably should not encourage it’ or for calling it what it is. Fandom spaces are also especially bad for screaming about how it’s ‘just fiction’ when we know damn wellthatfiction impacts reality.

In case anyone feels like continuing to argue this post, I have multiple real actual pedophiles telling me to ‘deal with’ their attraction to children and being allowed to produce content with it for said children to read so like, this is a serious problem.

I mean you can find them in the notes. Real pedo’s are comfortable in fandom spaces because they know y’all will defend them now with ‘but that’s just fictional, they would never do it in real life!!’

@ anyone who excuses pedophilia in any way: Get the fuck off my blog, you’re disgusting and you’re not welcome here.
